deletes['CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact'][] = $contactID; */ protected $deletableTestObjects; /** This test case doesn't require DB reset */ public $DBResetRequired = FALSE; /* they are two types of missing APIs: - Those that are to be implemented (in some future version when someone steps in -hint hint-). List the entities in toBeImplemented[ {$action} ] Those that don't exist and that will never exist (eg an obsoleted Entity they need to be returned by the function toBeSkipped_{$action} (because it has to be a static method and therefore couldn't access a this->toBeSkipped) */ function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->enableCiviCampaign(); $this->toBeImplemented['get'] = array('Profile', 'CustomValue', 'Constant', 'CustomSearch', 'Extension', 'ReportTemplate', 'System', 'Setting'); $this->toBeImplemented['create'] = array('SurveyRespondant', 'OptionGroup', 'MailingRecipients', 'UFMatch', 'LocationType', 'CustomSearch', 'Extension', 'ReportTemplate', 'System'); $this->toBeImplemented['delete'] = array('MembershipPayment', 'OptionGroup', 'SurveyRespondant', 'UFJoin', 'UFMatch', 'Extension', 'LocationType', 'System'); $this->onlyIDNonZeroCount['get'] = array('ActivityType', 'Entity', 'Domain','Setting'); $this->deprecatedAPI = array('Location', 'ActivityType', 'SurveyRespondant'); $this->deletableTestObjects = array(); } function tearDown() { foreach ($this->deletableTestObjects as $entityName => $entities) { foreach ($entities as $entityID) { CRM_Core_DAO::deleteTestObjects($entityName, array('id' => $entityID)); } } } public static function entities($skip = NULL) { // To only test specific entities, call phpunit with SYNTAX_CONFORMANCE_ENTITIES="TheEntityName" // or uncomment this line: //return array(array ('Tag'), array ('Activity') ); if (getenv('SYNTAX_CONFORMANCE_ENTITIES')) { $result = array(); foreach (explode(' ', getenv('SYNTAX_CONFORMANCE_ENTITIES')) as $entity) { $result[] = array($entity); } return $result; } $tmp = civicrm_api('Entity', 'Get', array('version' => 3)); if (!is_array($skip)) { $skip = array(); } $tmp = array_diff($tmp['values'], $skip); $entities = array(); foreach ($tmp as $e) { $entities[] = array($e); } return $entities; } public static function entities_get() { // all the entities, beside the ones flagged return static::entities(static::toBeSkipped_get(TRUE)); } public static function entities_create() { return static::entities(static::toBeSkipped_create(TRUE)); } public static function entities_updatesingle() { return static::entities(static::toBeSkipped_updatesingle(TRUE)); } public static function entities_getlimit() { return static::entities(static::toBeSkipped_getlimit()); } public static function entities_delete() { return static::entities(static::toBeSkipped_delete(TRUE)); } public static function custom_data_entities_get() { return static::custom_data_entities(); } public static function custom_data_entities() { $entities = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomQuery::$extendsMap; $customDataEntities = array(); $invalidEntities = array('Individual', 'Organization', 'Household'); $entitiesToFix = array('Case', 'Relationship'); foreach ($entities as $entityName => $entity ) { if(!in_array($entityName, $invalidEntities) && !in_array($entityName, $entitiesToFix)) { $customDataEntities[] = array($entityName ); } } return $customDataEntities; } public static function toBeSkipped_get($sequential = FALSE) { $entitiesWithoutGet = array('MailingEventSubscribe', 'MailingEventConfirm', 'MailingEventResubscribe', 'MailingEventUnsubscribe', 'MailingGroup', 'Location'); if ($sequential === TRUE) { return $entitiesWithoutGet; } $entities = array(); foreach ($entitiesWithoutGet as $e) { $entities[] = array($e); } return $entities; } /** * Mailing Contact Just doesn't support id. We have always insisted on finding a way to * support id in API but in this case the underlying tables are crying out for a restructue * & it just doesn't make sense * * @param bool|\unknown_type $sequential * * @return multitype:string |multitype:multitype:string */ public static function toBeSkipped_getByID($sequential = FALSE) { return array('MailingContact'); } public static function toBeSkipped_create($sequential = FALSE) { $entitiesWithoutCreate = array('MailingGroup', 'Constant', 'Entity', 'Location', 'Profile', 'MailingRecipients'); if ($sequential === TRUE) { return $entitiesWithoutCreate; } $entities = array(); foreach ($entitiesWithoutCreate as $e) { $entities[] = array($e); } return $entities; } public static function toBeSkipped_delete($sequential = FALSE) { $entitiesWithout = array('MailingContact', 'MailingEventConfirm', 'MailingEventResubscribe', 'MailingEventSubscribe', 'MailingEventUnsubscribe', 'MailingGroup', 'MailingRecipients', 'Constant', 'Entity', 'Location', 'Domain', 'Profile', 'CustomValue', 'Setting'); if ($sequential === TRUE) { return $entitiesWithout; } $entities = array(); foreach ($entitiesWithout as $e) { $entities[] = array($e); } return $entities; } /** * Generate list of entities to test for get by id functions * @param boolean $sequential * @return multitype:string |multitype:multitype:string */ public static function toBeSkipped_automock($sequential = FALSE) { $entitiesWithoutGet = array('MailingContact', 'EntityTag', 'Participant', 'ParticipantPayment', 'Setting', 'SurveyRespondant', 'MailingRecipients', 'CustomSearch', 'Extension', 'ReportTemplate', 'System'); if ($sequential === TRUE) { return $entitiesWithoutGet; } $entities = array(); foreach ($entitiesWithoutGet as $e) { $entities[] = array($e); } return $entities; } /** * At this stage exclude the ones that don't pass & add them as we can troubleshoot them */ public static function toBeSkipped_updatesingle($sequential = FALSE) { $entitiesWithout = array( 'Mailing', 'MailingGroup', 'MailingJob', 'Address', 'MailingEventUnsubscribe', 'MailingEventSubscribe', 'Constant', 'Entity', 'Location', 'Domain', 'Profile', 'CustomValue', 'SurveyRespondant', 'Tag', 'UFMatch', 'UFJoin', 'UFField', 'OptionValue', 'Relationship', 'RelationshipType', 'ParticipantStatusType', 'Note', 'OptionGroup', 'Membership', 'MembershipType', 'MembershipStatus', 'Group', 'GroupOrganization', 'GroupNesting', 'Job', 'File', 'EntityTag', 'CustomField', 'CustomGroup', 'Contribution', 'ContributionRecur', 'ActivityType', 'MailingEventConfirm', 'Case', 'Contact', 'ContactType', 'MailingEventResubscribe', 'UFGroup', 'Activity', 'Email', 'Event', 'GroupContact', 'MembershipPayment', 'Participant', 'ParticipantPayment', 'LineItem', 'PriceSet', 'PriceField', 'PriceFieldValue', 'PledgePayment', 'ContributionPage', 'Phone', 'PaymentProcessor', 'MailSettings', 'Setting', 'MailingContact', ); if ($sequential === TRUE) { return $entitiesWithout; } $entities = array(); foreach ($entitiesWithout as $e) { $entities[] = array( $e, ); } return array('pledge'); return $entities; } /** * At this stage exclude the ones that don't pass & add them as we can troubleshoot them */ public static function toBeSkipped_getlimit() { $entitiesWithout = array( 'Case',//case api has non-std mandatory fields one of (case_id, contact_id, activity_id, contact_id) 'EntityTag', // non-standard api - has inappropriate mandatory fields & doesn't implement limit 'Event', // failed 'check that a 5 limit returns 5' - probably is_template field is wrong or something, or could be limit doesn't work right 'Extension', // can't handle creating 25 'MailingGroup', // no get call on MailingGroup 'Note', // fails on 5 limit - probably a set up problem 'Setting', //a bit of a pseudoapi - keys by domain ); return $entitiesWithout; } /** * @param $entity * @param $key * * @return array */ public function getKnownUnworkablesUpdateSingle($entity, $key){ // can't update values are values for which updates don't result in the value being changed $knownFailures = array( 'ActionSchedule' => array( 'cant_update' => array( 'group_id', ), ), 'ActivityContact' => array( 'cant_update' => array( 'activity_id', //we have an FK on activity_id + contact_id + record id so if we don't leave this one distinct we get an FK constraint error ), ), 'Address' => array( 'cant_update' => array( 'state_province_id', //issues with country id - need to ensure same country 'master_id',//creates relationship ), 'cant_return' => array( ) ), 'Batch' => array( 'cant_update' => array( 'entity_table', // believe this field is defined in error ), 'cant_return' => array( 'entity_table', ) ), 'Pledge' => array( 'cant_update' => array( 'pledge_original_installment_amount', 'installments', 'original_installment_amount', 'next_pay_date', 'amount' // can't be changed through API ), 'break_return' => array(// if these are passed in they are retrieved from the wrong table 'honor_contact_id', 'cancel_date', 'contribution_page_id', 'financial_account_id', 'financial_type_id', 'currency' ), 'cant_return' => array(// can't be retrieved from api 'honor_type_id', //due to uniquename missing 'end_date', 'modified_date', 'acknowledge_date', 'start_date', 'frequency_day', 'currency', 'max_reminders', 'initial_reminder_day', 'additional_reminder_day', 'frequency_unit', 'pledge_contribution_page_id', 'pledge_status_id', 'pledge_campaign_id', ) ), 'PaymentProcessorType' => array( 'cant_update' => array( 'billing_mode', ), 'break_return' => array( ), 'cant_return' => array( ), ), ); if(empty($knownFailures[$entity]) || empty($knownFailures[$entity][$key])){ return array(); } return $knownFailures[$entity][$key]; } /** testing the _get **/ /** * @dataProvider toBeSkipped_get entities that don't need a get action */ public function testNotImplemented_get($Entity) { $result = civicrm_api($Entity, 'Get', array('version' => 3)); $this->assertEquals(1, $result['is_error'], 'In line ' . __LINE__); // $this->assertContains("API ($Entity, Get) does not exist", $result['error_message']); $this->assertRegExp('/API (.*) does not exist/', $result['error_message']); } /** * @dataProvider entities * @expectedException PHPUnit_Framework_Error */ public function testWithoutParam_get($Entity) { // should get php complaining that a param is missing $result = civicrm_api($Entity, 'Get'); } /** * @dataProvider entities */ public function testGetFields($Entity) { if (in_array($Entity, $this->deprecatedAPI) || $Entity == 'Entity' || $Entity == 'CustomValue' || $Entity == 'MailingGroup') { return; } $result = civicrm_api($Entity, 'getfields', array('version' => 3)); $this->assertTrue(is_array($result['values']), "$Entity ::get fields doesn't return values array in line " . __LINE__); foreach ($result['values'] as $key => $value) { $this->assertTrue(is_array($value), $Entity . "::" . $key . " is not an array in line " . __LINE__); } } /** * @dataProvider entities_get */ public function testEmptyParam_get($Entity) { if (in_array($Entity, $this->toBeImplemented['get'])) { // $this->markTestIncomplete("civicrm_api3_{$Entity}_get to be implemented"); return; } $result = civicrm_api($Entity, 'Get', array()); $this->assertEquals(1, $result['is_error'], 'In line ' . __LINE__); $this->assertContains("Mandatory key(s) missing from params array", $result['error_message']); } /** * @dataProvider entities_get */ public function testEmptyParam_getString($Entity) { if (in_array($Entity, $this->toBeImplemented['get'])) { // $this->markTestIncomplete("civicrm_api3_{$Entity}_get to be implemented"); return; } $result = $this->callAPIFailure($Entity, 'Get', 'string'); $this->assertEquals(2000, $result['error_code']); $this->assertEquals('Input variable `params` is not an array', $result['error_message']); } /** * @dataProvider entities_get * @Xdepends testEmptyParam_get // no need to test the simple if the empty doesn't work/is skipped. doesn't seem to work */ public function testSimple_get($Entity) { // $this->markTestSkipped("test gives core error on test server (but not on our locals). Skip until we can get server to pass"); if (in_array($Entity, $this->toBeImplemented['get'])) { return; } $result = civicrm_api($Entity, 'Get', array('version' => 3)); // @TODO: list the get that have mandatory params if ($result['is_error']) { $this->assertContains("Mandatory key(s) missing from params array", $result['error_message']); // either id or contact_id or entity_id is one of the field missing $this->assertContains("id", $result['error_message']); } else { $this->assertEquals(3, $result['version']); $this->assertArrayHasKey('count', $result); $this->assertArrayHasKey('values', $result); } } /** * @dataProvider custom_data_entities_get */ public function testCustomDataGet($entityName) { $this->createLoggedInUser();// so subsidiary activities are created $ids = $this->entityCustomGroupWithSingleFieldCreate(__FUNCTION__, $entityName . 'Test.php'); $customFieldName = 'custom_' . $ids['custom_field_id']; $objects = $this->getMockableBAOObjects($entityName, 1); $params = array('id' => $objects[0]->id, 'custom_' . $ids['custom_field_id'] => "custom string"); $result = $this->callAPISuccess($entityName, 'create', $params); $getParams = array('id' => $result['id'], 'return' => array($customFieldName)); $check = $this->callAPISuccess($entityName, 'get', $getParams); $this->assertEquals("custom string", $check['values'][$check['id']][$customFieldName]); $this->customFieldDelete($ids['custom_field_id']); $this->customGroupDelete($ids['custom_group_id']); $this->callAPISuccess($entityName, 'delete', array('id' => $result['id'])); } /** * @dataProvider entities_get */ public function testAcceptsOnlyID_get($Entity) { // big random number. fun fact: if you multiply it by pi^e, the result is another random number, but bigger ;) $nonExistantID = 30867307034; if (in_array($Entity, $this->toBeImplemented['get']) || in_array($Entity, $this->toBeSkipped_getByID()) ) { return; } // FIXME // the below function returns different values and hence an early return // we'll fix this once beta1 is released // return; $result = civicrm_api($Entity, 'Get', array('version' => 3, 'id' => $nonExistantID)); if ($result['is_error']) { // just to get a clearer message in the log $this->assertEquals("only id should be enough", $result['error_message']); } if (!in_array($Entity, $this->onlyIDNonZeroCount['get'])) { $this->assertEquals(0, $result['count']); } } /** * Create two entities and make sure we can fetch them individually by ID * * @dataProvider entities_get * * limitations include the problem with avoiding loops when creating test objects - * hence FKs only set by createTestObject when required. e.g parent_id on campaign is not being followed through * Currency - only seems to support US */ public function testByID_get($entityName) { if (in_array($entityName, self::toBeSkipped_automock(TRUE))) { // $this->markTestIncomplete("civicrm_api3_{$Entity}_create to be implemented"); return; } $baos = $this->getMockableBAOObjects($entityName); list($baoObj1, $baoObj2) = $baos; // fetch first by ID $result = $this->callAPISuccess($entityName, 'get', array( 'id' => $baoObj1->id, )); $this->assertTrue(!empty($result['values'][$baoObj1->id]), 'Should find first object by id'); $this->assertEquals($baoObj1->id, $result['values'][$baoObj1->id]['id'], 'Should find id on first object'); $this->assertEquals(1, count($result['values'])); // fetch second by ID $result = $this->callAPISuccess($entityName, 'get', array( 'id' => $baoObj2->id, )); $this->assertTrue(!empty($result['values'][$baoObj2->id]), 'Should find second object by id'); $this->assertEquals($baoObj2->id, $result['values'][$baoObj2->id]['id'], 'Should find id on second object'); $this->assertEquals(1, count($result['values'])); } /** * Ensure that the "get" operation accepts limiting the #result records. * * TODO Consider making a separate entity list ("entities_getlimit") * For the moment, the "entities_updatesingle" list should give a good * sense for which entities support createTestObject * * @dataProvider entities_getlimit * @param string $entity */ function testLimit($entityName) { $cases = array(); // each case is array(0 => $inputtedApiOptions, 1 => $expectedResultCount) $cases[] = array( array('options' => array('limit' => NULL)), 30, 'check that a NULL limit returns unlimited', ); $cases[] = array( array('options' => array('limit' => FALSE)), 30, 'check that a FALSE limit returns unlimited', ); $cases[] = array( array('options' => array('limit' => 0)), 30, 'check that a 0 limit returns unlimited', ); $cases[] = array( array('options' => array('limit' => 5)), 5, 'check that a 5 limit returns 5', ); $cases[] = array( array(), 25, 'check that no limit returns 25', ); $baoString = _civicrm_api3_get_DAO($entityName); if (empty($baoString)) { $this->markTestIncomplete("Entity [$entityName] cannot be mocked - no known DAO"); return; } // make 30 test items -- 30 > 25 (the default limit) $ids = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 30; $i++) { $baoObj = CRM_Core_DAO::createTestObject($baoString, array('currency' => 'USD')); $ids[] = $baoObj->id; } // each case is array(0 => $inputtedApiOptions, 1 => $expectedResultCount) foreach ($cases as $case) { $this->checkLimitAgainstExpected($entityName, $case[0], $case[1], $case[2]); //non preferred / legacy syntax if(isset($case[0]['options']['limit'])) { $this->checkLimitAgainstExpected($entityName, array('rowCount' => $case[0]['options']['limit']), $case[1], $case[2]); $this->checkLimitAgainstExpected($entityName, array('option_limit' => $case[0]['options']['limit']), $case[1], $case[2]); $this->checkLimitAgainstExpected($entityName, array('option.limit' => $case[0]['options']['limit']), $case[1], $case[2]); } } foreach ($ids as $id) { CRM_Core_DAO::deleteTestObjects($baoString, array('id' => $id)); } $baoObj->free(); } /** * Check that get fetches an appropriate number of results * * @param string $entityName Name of entity to test * @param unknown $params * @param unknown $limit * @param unknown $message */ function checkLimitAgainstExpected($entityName, $params, $limit, $message) { $result = $this->callAPISuccess($entityName, 'get', $params); if($limit == 30) { $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($limit, $result['count'], $message); $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($limit, $result['count'], $message); } else { $this->assertEquals($limit, $result['count'], $message); $this->assertEquals($limit, count($result['values']), $message); } } /** * Create two entities and make sure we can fetch them individually by ID (e.g. using "contact_id=>2" * or "group_id=>4") * * @dataProvider entities_get * * limitations include the problem with avoiding loops when creating test objects - * hence FKs only set by createTestObject when required. e.g parent_id on campaign is not being followed through * Currency - only seems to support US */ public function testByIDAlias_get($entityName) { if (in_array($entityName, self::toBeSkipped_automock(TRUE))) { // $this->markTestIncomplete("civicrm_api3_{$Entity}_create to be implemented"); return; } $baoString = _civicrm_api3_get_DAO($entityName); if (empty($baoString)) { $this->markTestIncomplete("Entity [$entityName] cannot be mocked - no known DAO"); return; } $idFieldName = _civicrm_api_get_entity_name_from_camel($entityName) . '_id'; // create entities $baoObj1 = CRM_Core_DAO::createTestObject($baoString, array('currency' => 'USD')); $this->assertTrue(is_integer($baoObj1->id), 'check first id'); $this->deletableTestObjects[$baoString][] = $baoObj1->id; $baoObj2 = CRM_Core_DAO::createTestObject($baoString, array('currency' => 'USD')); $this->assertTrue(is_integer($baoObj2->id), 'check second id'); $this->deletableTestObjects[$baoString][] = $baoObj2->id; // fetch first by ID $result = civicrm_api($entityName, 'get', array( 'version' => 3, $idFieldName => $baoObj1->id, )); $this->assertAPISuccess($result); $this->assertTrue(!empty($result['values'][$baoObj1->id]), 'Should find first object by id'); $this->assertEquals($baoObj1->id, $result['values'][$baoObj1->id]['id'], 'Should find id on first object'); $this->assertEquals(1, count($result['values'])); // fetch second by ID $result = civicrm_api($entityName, 'get', array( 'version' => 3, $idFieldName => $baoObj2->id, )); $this->assertAPISuccess($result); $this->assertTrue(!empty($result['values'][$baoObj2->id]), 'Should find second object by id'); $this->assertEquals($baoObj2->id, $result['values'][$baoObj2->id]['id'], 'Should find id on second object'); $this->assertEquals(1, count($result['values'])); } /** * @dataProvider entities_get */ public function testNonExistantID_get($Entity) { // cf testAcceptsOnlyID_get $nonExistantID = 30867307034; if (in_array($Entity, $this->toBeImplemented['get'])) { return; } $result = civicrm_api($Entity, 'Get', array('version' => 3, 'id' => $nonExistantID)); // redundant with testAcceptsOnlyID_get if ($result['is_error']) { return; } $this->assertArrayHasKey('version', $result); $this->assertEquals(3, $result['version']); if (!in_array($Entity, $this->onlyIDNonZeroCount['get'])) { $this->assertEquals(0, $result['count']); } } /** testing the _create **/ /** * @dataProvider toBeSkipped_create entities that don't need a create action */ public function testNotImplemented_create($Entity) { $result = civicrm_api($Entity, 'Create', array('version' => 3)); $this->assertEquals(1, $result['is_error'], 'In line ' . __LINE__); $this->assertContains(strtolower("API ($Entity, Create) does not exist"), strtolower($result['error_message'])); } /** * @dataProvider entities * @expectedException PHPUnit_Framework_Error */ public function testWithoutParam_create($Entity) { // should create php complaining that a param is missing $result = civicrm_api($Entity, 'Create'); } /** * @dataProvider entities_create */ public function testEmptyParam_create($Entity) { $this->markTestIncomplete("fixing this test to test the api functions fails on numberous tests which will either create a completely blank entity (batch, participant status) or have a damn good crack at it (e.g mailing job). Marking this as incomplete beats false success"); // return; if (in_array($Entity, $this->toBeImplemented['create'])) { // $this->markTestIncomplete("civicrm_api3_{$Entity}_create to be implemented"); return; } $result = $this->callAPIFailure($Entity, 'Create', array()); $this->assertContains("Mandatory key(s) missing from params array", $result['error_message']); } /** * @dataProvider entities_create * * Check that create doesn't work with an invalid */ public function testInvalidID_create($Entity) { // turn test off for noew $this->markTestIncomplete("Entity [ $Entity ] cannot be mocked - no known DAO"); return; if (in_array($Entity, $this->toBeImplemented['create'])) { // $this->markTestIncomplete("civicrm_api3_{$Entity}_create to be implemented"); return; } $result = $this->callAPIFailure($Entity, 'Create', array('id' => 999)); } /** * @dataProvider entities */ public function testCreateWrongTypeParamTag_create() { $result = civicrm_api("Tag", 'Create', 'this is not a string'); $this->assertEquals(1, $result['is_error'], 'In line ' . __LINE__); $this->assertEquals("Input variable `params` is not an array", $result['error_message']); } /** * @dataProvider entities_updatesingle * * limitations include the problem with avoiding loops when creating test objects - * hence FKs only set by createTestObject when required. e.g parent_id on campaign is not being followed through * Currency - only seems to support US */ public function testCreateSingleValueAlter($entityName) { if (in_array($entityName, $this->toBeImplemented['create'])) { // $this->markTestIncomplete("civicrm_api3_{$Entity}_create to be implemented"); return; } $baoString = _civicrm_api3_get_DAO($entityName); $this->assertNotEmpty($baoString, $entityName); $this->assertNotEmpty($entityName, $entityName); $fieldsGet = $fields = $this->callAPISuccess($entityName, 'getfields', array('action' => 'get')); if($entityName != 'Pledge'){ $fields = $this->callAPISuccess($entityName, 'getfields', array('action' => 'create')); } $fields = $fields['values']; $return = array_keys($fieldsGet['values']); $valuesNotToReturn = $this->getKnownUnworkablesUpdateSingle($entityName, 'break_return'); // these can't be requested as return values $entityValuesThatDoNotWork = array_merge( $this->getKnownUnworkablesUpdateSingle($entityName, 'cant_update'), $this->getKnownUnworkablesUpdateSingle($entityName, 'cant_return'), $valuesNotToReturn ); $return = array_diff($return,$valuesNotToReturn); $baoObj = new CRM_Core_DAO(); $baoObj->createTestObject($baoString, array('currency' => 'USD'), 2, 0); $getEntities = $this->callAPISuccess($entityName, 'get', array( 'sequential' => 1, 'return' => $return, 'options' => array( 'sort' => 'id DESC', 'limit' => 2, ), )); // lets use first rather than assume only one exists $entity = $getEntities['values'][0]; $entity2 = $getEntities['values'][1]; $this->deletableTestObjects[$baoString][] = $entity['id']; $this->deletableTestObjects[$baoString][] = $entity2['id']; foreach ($fields as $field => $specs) { $fieldName = $field; if (!empty($specs['uniquename'])) { $fieldName = $specs['uniquename']; } if ($field == 'currency' || $field == 'id' || $field == strtolower($entityName) . '_id' || in_array($field,$entityValuesThatDoNotWork)) { //@todo id & entity_id are correct but we should fix currency & frequency_day continue; } $this->assertArrayHasKey('type', $specs, "the _spec function for $entityName field $field does not specify the type"); switch ($specs['type']) { case CRM_Utils_Type::T_DATE: case CRM_Utils_Type::T_TIMESTAMP: $entity[$fieldName] = '2012-05-20'; break; //case CRM_Utils_Type::T_DATETIME: case 12: $entity[$fieldName] = '2012-05-20 03:05:20'; break; case CRM_Utils_Type::T_STRING: case CRM_Utils_Type::T_BLOB: case CRM_Utils_Type::T_MEDIUMBLOB: case CRM_Utils_Type::T_TEXT: case CRM_Utils_Type::T_LONGTEXT: case CRM_Utils_Type::T_EMAIL: $entity[$fieldName] = substr('New String',0, CRM_Utils_Array::Value('maxlength',$specs,100)); break; case CRM_Utils_Type::T_INT: // probably created with a 1 $entity[$fieldName] = '6'; if (!empty($specs['FKClassName'])) { if($specs['FKClassName'] == $baoString){ $entity[$fieldName] = (string) $entity2['id']; } else{ $uniqueName = CRM_Utils_Array::value('uniqueName', $specs); $entity[$fieldName] = (string) empty($entity2[$field]) ? CRM_Utils_Array::value($uniqueName, $entity2) : $entity2[$field]; //todo - there isn't always something set here - & our checking on unset values is limited if (empty($entity[$field])) { unset($entity[$field]); } } } break; case CRM_Utils_Type::T_BOOLEAN: // probably created with a 1 $entity[$fieldName] = '0'; break; case CRM_Utils_Type::T_FLOAT: case CRM_Utils_Type::T_MONEY: $entity[$field] = '22.75'; break; case CRM_Utils_Type::T_URL: $entity[$field] = ''; } if (!empty($specs['pseudoconstant'])) { $options = $this->callAPISuccess($entityName, 'getoptions', array('context' => 'create', 'field' => $field)); if (empty($options['values'])) { //eg. pdf_format id doesn't ship with any if(isset($specs['pseudoconstant']['optionGroupName'])) { $optionGroupID = $this->callAPISuccess('option_group', 'getvalue', array('name' => 'pdf_format', 'return' => 'id')); $optionValue = $this->callAPISuccess('option_value', 'create', array('option_group_id' => $optionGroupID, 'label' => 'new option value')); $options['values'][] = $optionValue['id']; } } $entity[$field] = array_rand($options['values']); } $updateParams = array( 'id' => $entity['id'], $field => isset($entity[$field]) ? $entity[$field] : NULL, ); $update = $this->callAPISuccess($entityName, 'create', $updateParams); $checkParams = array( 'id' => $entity['id'], 'sequential' => 1, 'return' => $return, 'options' => array( 'sort' => 'id DESC', 'limit' => 2, ), ); $checkEntity = $this->callAPISuccess($entityName, 'getsingle', $checkParams); $this->assertAPIArrayComparison($entity, $checkEntity, array(), "checking if $fieldName was correctly updaetd\n" . print_r(array('update-params' => $updateParams, 'update-result' => $update, 'getsingle-params' => $checkParams, 'getsingle-result' => $checkEntity, 'expected entity' => $entity), TRUE)); } $baoObj->free(); } /** testing the _getFields **/ /** testing the _delete **/ /** * @dataProvider toBeSkipped_delete entities that don't need a delete action */ public function testNotImplemented_delete($Entity) { $nonExistantID = 151416349; $result = civicrm_api($Entity, 'Delete', array('version' => 3, 'id' => $nonExistantID)); $this->assertEquals(1, $result['is_error'], 'In line ' . __LINE__); $this->assertContains(strtolower("API ($Entity, Delete) does not exist"), strtolower($result['error_message'])); } /** * @dataProvider entities * @expectedException PHPUnit_Framework_Error */ public function testWithoutParam_delete($Entity) { // should delete php complaining that a param is missing $result = civicrm_api($Entity, 'Delete'); } /** * @dataProvider entities_delete */ public function testEmptyParam_delete($Entity) { if (in_array($Entity, $this->toBeImplemented['delete'])) { // $this->markTestIncomplete("civicrm_api3_{$Entity}_delete to be implemented"); return; } $result = civicrm_api($Entity, 'Delete', array()); $this->assertEquals(1, $result['is_error'], 'In line ' . __LINE__); $this->assertContains("Mandatory key(s) missing from params array", $result['error_message']); } /** * @dataProvider entities_delete */ public function testInvalidID_delete($Entity) { // turn test off for now $this->markTestIncomplete("Entity [ $Entity ] cannot be mocked - no known DAO"); return; if (in_array($Entity, $this->toBeImplemented['delete'])) { // $this->markTestIncomplete("civicrm_api3_{$Entity}_delete to be implemented"); return; } $result = $this->callAPIFailure($Entity, 'Delete', array('id' => 999)); } /** * @dataProvider entities */ public function testDeleteWrongTypeParamTag_delete() { $result = civicrm_api("Tag", 'Delete', 'this is not a string'); $this->assertEquals(1, $result['is_error'], 'In line ' . __LINE__); $this->assertEquals("Input variable `params` is not an array", $result['error_message']); } /** * Create two entities and make sure delete action only deletes one! * * @dataProvider entities_delete * * limitations include the problem with avoiding loops when creating test objects - * hence FKs only set by createTestObject when required. e.g parent_id on campaign is not being followed through * Currency - only seems to support US */ public function testByID_delete($entityName) { // turn test off for noew $this->markTestIncomplete("Entity [$entityName] cannot be mocked - no known DAO"); return; if (in_array($entityName, self::toBeSkipped_automock(TRUE))) { // $this->markTestIncomplete("civicrm_api3_{$Entity}_create to be implemented"); return; } $startCount = $this->callAPISuccess($entityName, 'getcount', array()); $createcount = 2; $baos = $this->getMockableBAOObjects($entityName, $createcount); list($baoObj1, $baoObj2) = $baos; // make sure exactly 2 exist $result = $this->callAPISuccess($entityName, 'getcount', array(), $createcount + $startCount ); $this->callAPISuccess($entityName, 'delete', array('id' => $baoObj2->id)); //make sure 1 less exists now $result = $this->callAPISuccess($entityName, 'getcount', array(), ($createcount + $startCount) -1 ); //make sure id #1 exists $result = $this->callAPISuccess($entityName, 'getcount', array('id' => $baoObj1->id), 1 ); //make sure id #2 desn't exist $result = $this->callAPISuccess($entityName, 'getcount', array('id' => $baoObj2->id), 0 ); } /** * @param entityName */private function getMockableBAOObjects($entityName, $count = 2) { $baoString = _civicrm_api3_get_DAO($entityName); if (empty($baoString)) { $this->markTestIncomplete("Entity [$entityName] cannot be mocked - no known DAO"); return; } $baos = array(); $i = 0; while($i < $count) { // create entities $baoObj = CRM_Core_DAO::createTestObject($baoString, array('currency' => 'USD')); $this->assertTrue(is_integer($baoObj->id), 'check first id'); $this->deletableTestObjects[$baoString][] = $baoObj->id; $baos[] = $baoObj; $i ++; } return $baos; } /** * Verify that HTML metacharacters provided as inputs appear consistently * as outputs. * * At time of writing, the encoding scheme requires (for example) that an * event title be partially-HTML-escaped before writing to DB. To provide * consistency, the API must perform extra encoding and decoding on some * fields. * * In this example, the event 'title' is subject to encoding, but the * event 'description' is not. */ public function testEncodeDecodeConsistency() { // Create example $createResult = civicrm_api('Event', 'Create', array( 'version' => 3, 'title' => 'CiviCRM <> TheRest', 'description' => 'TheRest <> CiviCRM', 'event_type_id' => 1, 'is_public' => 1, 'start_date' => 20081021, )); $this->assertAPISuccess($createResult); $eventId = $createResult['id']; $this->assertEquals('CiviCRM <> TheRest', $createResult['values'][$eventId]['title']); $this->assertEquals('TheRest <> CiviCRM', $createResult['values'][$eventId]['description']); // Verify "get" handles decoding in result value $getByIdResult = civicrm_api('Event', 'Get', array( 'version' => 3, 'id' => $eventId, )); $this->assertAPISuccess($getByIdResult); $this->assertEquals('CiviCRM <> TheRest', $getByIdResult['values'][$eventId]['title']); $this->assertEquals('TheRest <> CiviCRM', $getByIdResult['values'][$eventId]['description']); // Verify "get" handles encoding in search value $getByTitleResult = civicrm_api('Event', 'Get', array( 'version' => 3, 'title' => 'CiviCRM <> TheRest', )); $this->assertAPISuccess($getByTitleResult); $this->assertEquals('CiviCRM <> TheRest', $getByTitleResult['values'][$eventId]['title']); $this->assertEquals('TheRest <> CiviCRM', $getByTitleResult['values'][$eventId]['description']); // Verify that "getSingle" handles decoding $getSingleResult = $this->callAPISuccess('Event', 'GetSingle', array( 'id' => $eventId, )); $this->assertEquals('CiviCRM <> TheRest', $getSingleResult['title']); $this->assertEquals('TheRest <> CiviCRM', $getSingleResult['description']); // Verify that chaining handles decoding $chainResult = $this->callAPISuccess('Event', 'Get', array( 'id' => $eventId, 'api.event.get' => array( ), )); $this->assertEquals('CiviCRM <> TheRest', $chainResult['values'][$eventId]['title']); $this->assertEquals('TheRest <> CiviCRM', $chainResult['values'][$eventId]['description']); $this->assertEquals('CiviCRM <> TheRest', $chainResult['values'][$eventId]['api.event.get']['values'][0]['title']); $this->assertEquals('TheRest <> CiviCRM', $chainResult['values'][$eventId]['api.event.get']['values'][0]['description']); // Verify that "setvalue" handles encoding for updates $setValueTitleResult = civicrm_api('Event', 'setvalue', array( 'version' => 3, 'id' => $eventId, 'field' => 'title', 'value' => 'setValueTitle: CiviCRM <> TheRest', )); $this->assertAPISuccess($setValueTitleResult); $this->assertEquals('setValueTitle: CiviCRM <> TheRest', $setValueTitleResult['values']['title']); $setValueDescriptionResult = civicrm_api('Event', 'setvalue', array( 'version' => 3, 'id' => $eventId, 'field' => 'description', 'value' => 'setValueDescription: TheRest <> CiviCRM', )); //$this->assertTrue((bool)$setValueDescriptionResult['is_error']); // not supported by setValue $this->assertEquals('setValueDescription: TheRest <> CiviCRM', $setValueDescriptionResult['values']['description']); } /** * Verify that write operations (create/update) use partial HTML-encoding * * In this example, the event 'title' is subject to encoding, but the * event 'description' is not. */ public function testEncodeWrite() { // Create example $createResult = civicrm_api('Event', 'Create', array( 'version' => 3, 'title' => 'createNew: CiviCRM <> TheRest', 'description' => 'createNew: TheRest <> CiviCRM', 'event_type_id' => 1, 'is_public' => 1, 'start_date' => 20081021, )); $this->assertAPISuccess($createResult); $eventId = $createResult['id']; $this->assertDBQuery('createNew: CiviCRM <> TheRest', 'SELECT title FROM civicrm_event WHERE id = %1', array( 1 => array($eventId, 'Integer') )); $this->assertDBQuery('createNew: TheRest <> CiviCRM', 'SELECT description FROM civicrm_event WHERE id = %1', array( 1 => array($eventId, 'Integer') )); // Verify that "create" handles encoding for updates $createWithIdResult = civicrm_api('Event', 'Create', array( 'version' => 3, 'id' => $eventId, 'title' => 'createWithId: CiviCRM <> TheRest', 'description' => 'createWithId: TheRest <> CiviCRM', )); $this->assertAPISuccess($createWithIdResult); $this->assertDBQuery('createWithId: CiviCRM <> TheRest', 'SELECT title FROM civicrm_event WHERE id = %1', array( 1 => array($eventId, 'Integer') )); $this->assertDBQuery('createWithId: TheRest <> CiviCRM', 'SELECT description FROM civicrm_event WHERE id = %1', array( 1 => array($eventId, 'Integer') )); // Verify that "setvalue" handles encoding for updates $setValueTitleResult = civicrm_api('Event', 'setvalue', array( 'version' => 3, 'id' => $eventId, 'field' => 'title', 'value' => 'setValueTitle: CiviCRM <> TheRest', )); $this->assertAPISuccess($setValueTitleResult); $this->assertDBQuery('setValueTitle: CiviCRM <> TheRest', 'SELECT title FROM civicrm_event WHERE id = %1', array( 1 => array($eventId, 'Integer') )); $setValueDescriptionResult = civicrm_api('Event', 'setvalue', array( 'version' => 3, 'id' => $eventId, 'field' => 'description', 'value' => 'setValueDescription: TheRest <> CiviCRM', )); //$this->assertTrue((bool)$setValueDescriptionResult['is_error']); // not supported by setValue $this->assertAPISuccess($setValueDescriptionResult); $this->assertDBQuery('setValueDescription: TheRest <> CiviCRM', 'SELECT description FROM civicrm_event WHERE id = %1', array( 1 => array($eventId, 'Integer') )); } }