quickCleanUpFinancialEntities(); $this->quickCleanup(['civicrm_group', 'civicrm_saved_search', 'civicrm_group_contact', 'civicrm_group_contact_cache', 'civicrm_group'], TRUE); (new CRM_Logging_Schema())->dropAllLogTables(); parent::tearDown(); } /** * Test CRUD actions on a report template. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testReportTemplate() { /** @noinspection SpellCheckingInspection */ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('ReportTemplate', 'create', [ 'label' => 'Example Form', 'description' => 'Longish description of the example form', 'class_name' => 'CRM_Report_Form_Examplez', 'report_url' => 'example/path', 'component' => 'CiviCase', ]); $this->assertAPISuccess($result); $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']); $entityId = $result['id']; $this->assertIsNumeric($entityId); $this->assertEquals(7, $result['values'][$entityId]['component_id']); $this->assertDBQuery(1, 'SELECT count(*) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE name = "CRM_Report_Form_Examplez" AND option_group_id IN (SELECT id from civicrm_option_group WHERE name = "report_template") '); $this->assertDBQuery(1, 'SELECT is_active FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE name = "CRM_Report_Form_Examplez"'); // change component to null $result = $this->callAPISuccess('ReportTemplate', 'create', [ 'id' => $entityId, 'component' => '', ]); $this->assertAPISuccess($result); $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']); $this->assertDBQuery(1, 'SELECT count(*) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE name = "CRM_Report_Form_Examplez" AND option_group_id IN (SELECT id from civicrm_option_group WHERE name = "report_template") '); $this->assertDBQuery(1, 'SELECT count(*) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE name = "CRM_Report_Form_Examplez" AND component_id IS NULL'); // deactivate $result = $this->callAPISuccess('ReportTemplate', 'create', [ 'id' => $entityId, 'is_active' => 0, ]); $this->assertAPISuccess($result); $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']); $this->assertDBQuery(1, 'SELECT count(*) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE name = "CRM_Report_Form_Examplez" AND option_group_id IN (SELECT id from civicrm_option_group WHERE name = "report_template") '); $this->assertDBQuery(0, 'SELECT is_active FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE name = "CRM_Report_Form_Examplez"'); // activate $result = $this->callAPISuccess('ReportTemplate', 'create', [ 'id' => $entityId, 'is_active' => 1, ]); $this->assertAPISuccess($result); $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']); $this->assertDBQuery(1, 'SELECT count(*) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE name = "CRM_Report_Form_Examplez" AND option_group_id IN (SELECT id from civicrm_option_group WHERE name = "report_template") '); $this->assertDBQuery(1, 'SELECT is_active FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE name = "CRM_Report_Form_Examplez"'); $result = $this->callAPISuccess('ReportTemplate', 'delete', [ 'id' => $entityId, ]); $this->assertAPISuccess($result); $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']); $this->assertDBQuery(0, 'SELECT count(*) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE name = "CRM_Report_Form_Examplez" '); } /** * Test api to get rows from reports. * * @dataProvider getReportTemplatesSupportingSelectWhere * * @param $reportID * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testReportTemplateSelectWhere($reportID): void { $this->hookClass->setHook('civicrm_selectWhereClause', [$this, 'hookSelectWhere']); $result = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => $reportID, 'options' => ['metadata' => ['sql']], ]); $found = FALSE; foreach ($result['metadata']['sql'] as $sql) { if (strpos($sql, " = 'Organization' ") !== FALSE) { $found = TRUE; } } $this->assertTrue($found, $reportID); } /** * Get templates suitable for SelectWhere test. * * @return array * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public function getReportTemplatesSupportingSelectWhere() { $allTemplates = self::getReportTemplates(); // Exclude all that do not work as of test being written. I have not dug into why not. $currentlyExcluded = [ 'contribute/history', 'contribute/repeat', 'member/summary', 'event/summary', 'case/summary', 'case/timespent', 'case/demographics', 'contact/log', 'contribute/bookkeeping', 'grant/detail', 'event/incomesummary', 'case/detail', 'Mailing/bounce', 'Mailing/summary', 'grant/statistics', 'logging/contact/detail', 'logging/contact/summary', ]; foreach ($allTemplates as $index => $template) { $reportID = $template[0]; if (in_array($reportID, $currentlyExcluded, TRUE) || stripos($reportID, 'has existing issues') !== FALSE) { unset($allTemplates[$index]); } } return $allTemplates; } /** * @param \CRM_Core_DAO $entity * @param array $clauses */ public function hookSelectWhere($entity, &$clauses) { // Restrict access to cases by type if ($entity === 'Contact') { $clauses['contact_type'][] = " = 'Organization' "; } } /** * Test getrows on contact summary report. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testReportTemplateGetRowsContactSummary() { $result = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => 'contact/summary', 'options' => ['metadata' => ['labels', 'title']], ]); $this->assertEquals('Contact Name', $result['metadata']['labels']['civicrm_contact_sort_name']); //the second part of this test has been commented out because it relied on the db being reset to // it's base state //wasn't able to get that to work consistently // however, when the db is in the base state the tests do pass // and because the test covers 'all' contacts we can't create our own & assume the others don't exist /* $this->assertEquals(2, $result['count']); $this->assertEquals('Default Organization', $result[0]['civicrm_contact_sort_name']); $this->assertEquals('Second Domain', $result[1]['civicrm_contact_sort_name']); $this->assertEquals('15 Main St', $result[1]['civicrm_address_street_address']); */ } /** * Test getrows on Mailing Opened report. */ public function testReportTemplateGetRowsMailingUniqueOpened() { $description = 'Retrieve rows from a mailing opened report template.'; $this->loadXMLDataSet(__DIR__ . '/../../CRM/Mailing/BAO/queryDataset.xml'); // Check total rows without distinct global $_REQUEST; $_REQUEST['distinct'] = 0; $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => 'Mailing/opened', 'options' => ['metadata' => ['labels', 'title']], ], __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description, 'Getrows'); $this->assertEquals(14, $result['count']); // Check total rows with distinct $_REQUEST['distinct'] = 1; $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => 'Mailing/opened', 'options' => ['metadata' => ['labels', 'title']], ], __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description, 'Getrows'); $this->assertEquals(5, $result['count']); // Check total rows with distinct by passing NULL value to distinct parameter $_REQUEST['distinct'] = NULL; $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => 'Mailing/opened', 'options' => ['metadata' => ['labels', 'title']], ], __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description, 'Getrows'); $this->assertEquals(5, $result['count']); } /** * Test api to get rows from reports. * * @dataProvider getReportTemplates * * @param $reportID * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testReportTemplateGetRowsAllReports($reportID) { //$reportID = 'logging/contact/summary'; if (stripos($reportID, 'has existing issues') !== FALSE) { $this->markTestIncomplete($reportID); } if (strpos($reportID, 'logging') === 0) { Civi::settings()->set('logging', 1); } $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => $reportID, ]); if (strpos($reportID, 'logging') === 0) { Civi::settings()->set('logging', 0); } } /** * Test logging report when a custom data table has a table removed by hook. * * Here we are checking that no fatal is triggered. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testLoggingReportWithHookRemovalOfCustomDataTable() { Civi::settings()->set('logging', 1); $group1 = $this->customGroupCreate(); $group2 = $this->customGroupCreate(['name' => 'second_one', 'title' => 'second one', 'table_name' => 'civicrm_value_second_one']); $this->customFieldCreate(['custom_group_id' => $group1['id'], 'label' => 'field one']); $this->customFieldCreate(['custom_group_id' => $group2['id'], 'label' => 'field two']); $this->hookClass->setHook('civicrm_alterLogTables', [$this, 'alterLogTablesRemoveCustom']); $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => 'logging/contact/summary', ]); Civi::settings()->set('logging', 0); $this->customGroupDelete($group1['id']); $this->customGroupDelete($group2['id']); } /** * Remove one log table from the logging spec. * * @param array $logTableSpec */ public function alterLogTablesRemoveCustom(&$logTableSpec) { unset($logTableSpec['civicrm_value_second_one']); } /** * Test api to get rows from reports with ACLs enabled. * * Checking for lack of fatal error at the moment. * * @dataProvider getReportTemplates * * @param $reportID * * @throws \PHPUnit\Framework\IncompleteTestError * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testReportTemplateGetRowsAllReportsACL($reportID) { if (stripos($reportID, 'has existing issues') !== FALSE) { $this->markTestIncomplete($reportID); } if (strpos($reportID, 'logging') === 0) { Civi::settings()->set('logging', 1); } $this->hookClass->setHook('civicrm_aclWhereClause', [$this, 'aclWhereHookNoResults']); $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => $reportID, ]); if (strpos($reportID, 'logging') === 0) { Civi::settings()->set('logging', 0); } } /** * Test get statistics. * * @dataProvider getReportTemplates * * @param $reportID * * @throws \PHPUnit\Framework\IncompleteTestError */ public function testReportTemplateGetStatisticsAllReports($reportID) { if (stripos($reportID, 'has existing issues') !== FALSE) { $this->markTestIncomplete($reportID); } if (in_array($reportID, ['contribute/softcredit', 'contribute/bookkeeping'])) { $this->markTestIncomplete($reportID . ' has non enotices when calling statistics fn'); } if (strpos($reportID, 'logging') === 0) { Civi::settings()->set('logging', 1); } $description = "Get Statistics from a report (note there isn't much data to get in the test DB)."; if ($reportID === 'contribute/summary') { $this->hookClass->setHook('civicrm_alterReportVar', [$this, 'alterReportVarHook']); } $this->callAPIAndDocument('report_template', 'getstatistics', [ 'report_id' => $reportID, ], __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description, 'Getstatistics'); if (strpos($reportID, 'logging') === 0) { Civi::settings()->set('logging', 0); } } /** * Implements hook_civicrm_alterReportVar(). */ public function alterReportVarHook($varType, &$var, &$object) { if ($varType === 'sql' && $object instanceof CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_Summary) { /* @var CRM_Report_Form $var */ $from = $var->getVar('_from'); $from .= ' LEFT JOIN civicrm_financial_type as temp ON temp.id = contribution_civireport.financial_type_id'; $var->setVar('_from', $from); $where = $var->getVar('_where'); $where .= ' AND ( temp.id IS NOT NULL )'; $var->setVar('_where', $where); } } /** * Data provider function for getting all templates. * * Note that the function needs to * be static so cannot use $this->callAPISuccess * * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public static function getReportTemplates() { $reportTemplates = []; $reportsToSkip = [ 'event/income' => "This report overrides buildQuery() so doesn't seem compatible with this test and you get a syntax error `WHERE civicrm_event.id IN( ) GROUP BY civicrm_event.id`", ]; $reports = civicrm_api3('report_template', 'get', ['return' => 'value', 'options' => ['limit' => 500]]); foreach ($reports['values'] as $report) { if (empty($reportsToSkip[$report['value']])) { $reportTemplates[] = [$report['value']]; } else { $reportTemplates[] = [$report['value'] . ' has existing issues : ' . $reportsToSkip[$report['value']]]; } } return $reportTemplates; } /** * Get contribution templates that work with basic filter tests. * * These templates require minimal data config. */ public static function getContributionReportTemplates() { return [['contribute/summary'], ['contribute/detail'], ['contribute/repeat'], ['topDonor' => 'contribute/topDonor']]; } /** * Get contribution templates that work with basic filter tests. * * These templates require minimal data config. */ public static function getMembershipReportTemplates() { return [['member/detail']]; } /** * Get the membership and contribution reports to test. * * @return array */ public static function getMembershipAndContributionReportTemplatesForGroupTests() { $templates = array_merge(self::getContributionReportTemplates(), self::getMembershipReportTemplates()); foreach ($templates as $key => $value) { if (array_key_exists('topDonor', $value)) { // Report is not standard enough to test here. unset($templates[$key]); } } return $templates; } /** * Test Lybunt report to check basic inclusion of a contact who gave in the year before the chosen year. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testLybuntReportWithData() { $inInd = $this->individualCreate(); $outInd = $this->individualCreate(); $this->contributionCreate(['contact_id' => $inInd, 'receive_date' => '2014-03-01']); $this->contributionCreate(['contact_id' => $outInd, 'receive_date' => '2015-03-01', 'trxn_id' => NULL, 'invoice_id' => NULL]); $rows = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => 'contribute/lybunt', 'yid_value' => 2015, 'yid_op' => 'calendar', 'options' => ['metadata' => ['sql']], ]); $this->assertEquals(1, $rows['count'], 'Report failed - the sql used to generate the results was ' . print_r($rows['metadata']['sql'], TRUE)); } /** * Test Lybunt report applies ACLs. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testLybuntReportWithDataAndACLFilter() { CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = ['administer CiviCRM']; $inInd = $this->individualCreate(); $outInd = $this->individualCreate(); $this->contributionCreate(['contact_id' => $inInd, 'receive_date' => '2014-03-01']); $this->contributionCreate(['contact_id' => $outInd, 'receive_date' => '2015-03-01', 'trxn_id' => NULL, 'invoice_id' => NULL]); $this->hookClass->setHook('civicrm_aclWhereClause', [$this, 'aclWhereHookNoResults']); $params = [ 'report_id' => 'contribute/lybunt', 'yid_value' => 2015, 'yid_op' => 'calendar', 'options' => ['metadata' => ['sql']], 'check_permissions' => 1, ]; $rows = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', $params); $this->assertEquals(0, $rows['count'], 'Report failed - the sql used to generate the results was ' . print_r($rows['metadata']['sql'], TRUE)); CRM_Utils_Hook::singleton()->reset(); } /** * Test Lybunt report to check basic inclusion of a contact who gave in the year before the chosen year. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testLybuntReportWithFYData() { $inInd = $this->individualCreate(); $outInd = $this->individualCreate(); $this->contributionCreate(['contact_id' => $inInd, 'receive_date' => '2014-10-01']); $this->contributionCreate(['contact_id' => $outInd, 'receive_date' => '2015-03-01', 'trxn_id' => NULL, 'invoice_id' => NULL]); $this->callAPISuccess('Setting', 'create', ['fiscalYearStart' => ['M' => 7, 'd' => 1]]); $rows = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => 'contribute/lybunt', 'yid_value' => 2015, 'yid_op' => 'fiscal', 'options' => ['metadata' => ['sql']], 'order_bys' => [ [ 'column' => 'first_name', 'order' => 'ASC', ], ], ]); $this->assertEquals(2, $rows['count'], 'Report failed - the sql used to generate the results was ' . print_r($rows['metadata']['sql'], TRUE)); $inUseCollation = CRM_Core_BAO_SchemaHandler::getInUseCollation(); $expected = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', 'COLLATE ' . $inUseCollation . ' AS SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS contact_civireport.id as cid FROM civicrm_contact contact_civireport INNER JOIN civicrm_contribution contribution_civireport USE index (received_date) ON contribution_civireport.contact_id = contact_civireport.id AND contribution_civireport.is_test = 0 AND contribution_civireport.is_template = 0 AND contribution_civireport.receive_date BETWEEN \'20140701000000\' AND \'20150630235959\' WHERE contact_civireport.id NOT IN ( SELECT cont_exclude.contact_id FROM civicrm_contribution cont_exclude WHERE cont_exclude.receive_date BETWEEN \'2015-7-1\' AND \'20160630235959\') AND ( contribution_civireport.contribution_status_id IN (1) ) GROUP BY contact_civireport.id'); // Exclude whitespace in comparison as we don't care if it changes & this allows us to make the above readable. $whitespacelessSql = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $rows['metadata']['sql'][0]); $this->assertStringContainsString($expected, $whitespacelessSql); } /** * Test Lybunt report to check basic inclusion of a contact who gave in the year before the chosen year. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testLybuntReportWithFYDataOrderByLastYearAmount() { $inInd = $this->individualCreate(); $outInd = $this->individualCreate(); $this->contributionCreate(['contact_id' => $inInd, 'receive_date' => '2014-10-01']); $this->contributionCreate(['contact_id' => $outInd, 'receive_date' => '2015-03-01', 'trxn_id' => NULL, 'invoice_id' => NULL]); $this->callAPISuccess('Setting', 'create', ['fiscalYearStart' => ['M' => 7, 'd' => 1]]); $rows = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => 'contribute/lybunt', 'yid_value' => 2015, 'yid_op' => 'fiscal', 'options' => ['metadata' => ['sql']], 'fields' => ['first_name' => 1], 'order_bys' => [ [ 'column' => 'last_year_total_amount', 'order' => 'ASC', ], ], ]); $this->assertEquals(2, $rows['count'], 'Report failed - the sql used to generate the results was ' . print_r($rows['metadata']['sql'], TRUE)); } /** * Test the group filter works on the contribution summary (with a smart * group). * * @dataProvider getMembershipAndContributionReportTemplatesForGroupTests * * @param string $template * Name of the template to test. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public function testContributionSummaryWithSmartGroupFilter(string $template): void { $groupID = $this->setUpPopulatedSmartGroup(); $rows = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => $template, 'gid_value' => $groupID, 'gid_op' => 'in', 'options' => ['metadata' => ['sql']], ]); $this->assertNumberOfContactsInResult(3, $rows, $template); if ($template === 'contribute/summary') { $this->assertEquals(3, $rows['values'][0]['civicrm_contribution_total_amount_count']); } } /** * Test the group filter works on the contribution summary. * * @dataProvider getMembershipAndContributionReportTemplatesForGroupTests * * @param string $template * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public function testContributionSummaryWithNotINSmartGroupFilter($template): void { $groupID = $this->setUpPopulatedSmartGroup(); $rows = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => 'contribute/summary', 'gid_value' => $groupID, 'gid_op' => 'notin', 'options' => ['metadata' => ['sql']], ]); $this->assertEquals(2, $rows['values'][0]['civicrm_contribution_total_amount_count']); } /** * Test no fatal on order by per https://lab.civicrm.org/dev/core/issues/739 * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testCaseDetailsCaseTypeHeader() { $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => 'case/detail', 'fields' => ['subject' => 1, 'client_sort_name' => 1], 'order_bys' => [ 1 => [ 'column' => 'case_type_title', 'order' => 'ASC', 'section' => '1', ], ], ]); } /** * Test the group filter works on the contribution summary. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testContributionDetailSoftCredits() { $contactID = $this->individualCreate(); $contactID2 = $this->individualCreate(); $this->contributionCreate(['contact_id' => $contactID, 'api.ContributionSoft.create' => ['amount' => 5, 'contact_id' => $contactID2]]); $template = 'contribute/detail'; $rows = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => $template, 'contribution_or_soft_value' => 'contributions_only', 'fields' => ['soft_credits' => 1, 'contribution_or_soft' => 1, 'sort_name' => 1], 'options' => ['metadata' => ['sql']], ]); $this->assertEquals( "Anderson, Anthony $ 5.00", $rows['values'][0]['civicrm_contribution_soft_credits'] ); } /** * Test the amount column is populated on soft credit details. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testContributionDetailSoftCreditsOnly() { $contactID = $this->individualCreate(); $contactID2 = $this->individualCreate(); $this->contributionCreate(['contact_id' => $contactID, 'api.ContributionSoft.create' => ['amount' => 5, 'contact_id' => $contactID2]]); $template = 'contribute/detail'; $rows = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => $template, 'contribution_or_soft_value' => 'soft_credits_only', 'fields' => [ 'sort_name' => '1', 'email' => '1', 'financial_type_id' => '1', 'receive_date' => '1', 'total_amount' => '1', ], 'options' => ['metadata' => ['sql', 'labels']], ]); foreach (array_keys($rows['metadata']['labels']) as $header) { $this->assertNotEmpty($rows['values'][0][$header]); } } /** * Test the group filter works on the various reports. * * @dataProvider getMembershipAndContributionReportTemplatesForGroupTests * * @param string $template * Report template unique identifier. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testReportsWithNonSmartGroupFilter($template) { $groupID = $this->setUpPopulatedGroup(); $rows = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => $template, 'gid_value' => [$groupID], 'gid_op' => 'in', 'options' => ['metadata' => ['sql']], ]); $this->assertNumberOfContactsInResult(1, $rows, $template); } /** * Assert the included results match the expected. * * There may or may not be a group by in play so the assertion varies a little. * * @param int $numberExpected * @param array $rows * Rows returned from the report. * @param string $template */ protected function assertNumberOfContactsInResult($numberExpected, $rows, $template) { if (isset($rows['values'][0]['civicrm_contribution_total_amount_count'])) { $this->assertEquals($numberExpected, $rows['values'][0]['civicrm_contribution_total_amount_count'], 'wrong row count in ' . $template); } else { $this->assertCount($numberExpected, $rows['values'], 'wrong row count in ' . $template); } } /** * Test the group filter works on the contribution summary when 2 groups are involved. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testContributionSummaryWithTwoGroups() { $groupID = $this->setUpPopulatedGroup(); $groupID2 = $this->setUpPopulatedSmartGroup(); $rows = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => 'contribute/summary', 'gid_value' => [$groupID, $groupID2], 'gid_op' => 'in', 'options' => ['metadata' => ['sql']], ]); $this->assertEquals(4, $rows['values'][0]['civicrm_contribution_total_amount_count']); } /** * Test we don't get a fatal grouping by only contribution status id. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testContributionSummaryGroupByContributionStatus() { $params = [ 'report_id' => 'contribute/summary', 'fields' => ['total_amount' => 1, 'country_id' => 1], 'group_bys' => ['contribution_status_id' => 1], 'options' => ['metadata' => ['sql']], ]; $rowsSql = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', $params)['metadata']['sql']; $this->assertStringContainsString('GROUP BY contribution_civireport.contribution_status_id WITH ROLLUP', $rowsSql[0]); $statsSql = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getstatistics', $params)['metadata']['sql']; $this->assertStringContainsString('GROUP BY contribution_civireport.contribution_status_id, currency', $statsSql[2]); } /** * Test we don't get a fatal grouping by only contribution status id. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testContributionSummaryGroupByYearFrequency() { $params = [ 'report_id' => 'contribute/summary', 'fields' => ['total_amount' => 1, 'country_id' => 1], 'group_bys' => ['receive_date' => 1], 'group_bys_freq' => ['receive_date' => 'YEAR'], 'options' => ['metadata' => ['sql']], ]; $rowsSql = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', $params)['metadata']['sql']; $this->assertStringContainsString('GROUP BY YEAR(contribution_civireport.receive_date) WITH ROLLUP', $rowsSql[0]); $statsSql = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getstatistics', $params)['metadata']['sql']; $this->assertStringContainsString('GROUP BY YEAR(contribution_civireport.receive_date), currency', $statsSql[2]); } /** * Test we don't get a fatal grouping with QUARTER frequency. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testContributionSummaryGroupByYearQuarterFrequency() { $params = [ 'report_id' => 'contribute/summary', 'fields' => ['total_amount' => 1, 'country_id' => 1], 'group_bys' => ['receive_date' => 1], 'group_bys_freq' => ['receive_date' => 'QUARTER'], 'options' => ['metadata' => ['sql']], ]; $rowsSql = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', $params)['metadata']['sql']; $this->assertStringContainsString('GROUP BY YEAR(contribution_civireport.receive_date), QUARTER(contribution_civireport.receive_date) WITH ROLLUP', $rowsSql[0]); $statsSql = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getstatistics', $params)['metadata']['sql']; $this->assertStringContainsString('GROUP BY YEAR(contribution_civireport.receive_date), QUARTER(contribution_civireport.receive_date), currency', $statsSql[2]); } /** * Test we don't get a fatal grouping with QUARTER frequency. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testContributionSummaryGroupByDateFrequency() { $params = [ 'report_id' => 'contribute/summary', 'fields' => ['total_amount' => 1, 'country_id' => 1], 'group_bys' => ['receive_date' => 1], 'group_bys_freq' => ['receive_date' => 'DATE'], 'options' => ['metadata' => ['sql']], ]; $rowsSql = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', $params)['metadata']['sql']; $this->assertStringContainsString('GROUP BY DATE(contribution_civireport.receive_date) WITH ROLLUP', $rowsSql[0]); $statsSql = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getstatistics', $params)['metadata']['sql']; $this->assertStringContainsString('GROUP BY DATE(contribution_civireport.receive_date), currency', $statsSql[2]); } /** * Test we don't get a fatal grouping with QUARTER frequency. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testContributionSummaryGroupByWeekFrequency() { $params = [ 'report_id' => 'contribute/summary', 'fields' => ['total_amount' => 1, 'country_id' => 1], 'group_bys' => ['receive_date' => 1], 'group_bys_freq' => ['receive_date' => 'YEARWEEK'], 'options' => ['metadata' => ['sql']], ]; $rowsSql = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', $params)['metadata']['sql']; $this->assertStringContainsString('GROUP BY YEARWEEK(contribution_civireport.receive_date) WITH ROLLUP', $rowsSql[0]); $statsSql = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getstatistics', $params)['metadata']['sql']; $this->assertStringContainsString('GROUP BY YEARWEEK(contribution_civireport.receive_date), currency', $statsSql[2]); } /** * CRM-20640: Test the group filter works on the contribution summary when a single contact in 2 groups. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testContributionSummaryWithSingleContactsInTwoGroups(): void { [$groupID1, $individualID] = $this->setUpPopulatedGroup(TRUE); // create second group and add the individual to it. $groupID2 = $this->groupCreate(['name' => 'test_group', 'title' => 'test_title']); $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [ 'group_id' => $groupID2, 'contact_id' => $individualID, 'status' => 'Added', ]); $rows = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => 'contribute/summary', 'gid_value' => [$groupID1, $groupID2], 'gid_op' => 'in', 'options' => ['metadata' => ['sql']], ]); $this->assertEquals(1, $rows['count']); } /** * Test the group filter works on the contribution summary when 2 groups are involved. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testContributionSummaryWithTwoGroupsWithIntersection(): void { $groups = $this->setUpIntersectingGroups(); $rows = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => 'contribute/summary', 'gid_value' => $groups, 'gid_op' => 'in', 'options' => ['metadata' => ['sql']], ]); $this->assertEquals(7, $rows['values'][0]['civicrm_contribution_total_amount_count']); } /** * Test date field is correctly handled. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testContributionSummaryDateFields(): void { $sql = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => 'contribute/summary', 'thankyou_date_relative' => '0', 'thankyou_date_from' => '2020-03-01 00:00:00', 'thankyou_date_to' => '2020-03-31 23:59:59', 'options' => ['metadata' => ['sql']], ])['metadata']['sql']; $expectedSql = 'SELECT contact_civireport.id as civicrm_contact_id, DATE_SUB(contribution_civireport.receive_date, INTERVAL (DAYOFMONTH(contribution_civireport.receive_date)-1) DAY) as civicrm_contribution_receive_date_start, MONTH(contribution_civireport.receive_date) AS civicrm_contribution_receive_date_subtotal, MONTHNAME(contribution_civireport.receive_date) AS civicrm_contribution_receive_date_interval, contribution_civireport.currency as civicrm_contribution_currency, COUNT(contribution_civireport.total_amount) as civicrm_contribution_total_amount_count, SUM(contribution_civireport.total_amount) as civicrm_contribution_total_amount_sum, ROUND(AVG(contribution_civireport.total_amount),2) as civicrm_contribution_total_amount_avg, address_civireport.country_id as civicrm_address_country_id FROM civicrm_contact contact_civireport INNER JOIN civicrm_contribution contribution_civireport ON contact_civireport.id = contribution_civireport.contact_id AND contribution_civireport.is_test = 0 AND contribution_civireport.is_template = 0 LEFT JOIN civicrm_contribution_soft contribution_soft_civireport ON contribution_soft_civireport.contribution_id = contribution_civireport.id AND contribution_soft_civireport.id = (SELECT MIN(id) FROM civicrm_contribution_soft cs WHERE cs.contribution_id = contribution_civireport.id) LEFT JOIN civicrm_financial_type financial_type_civireport ON contribution_civireport.financial_type_id =financial_type_civireport.id LEFT JOIN civicrm_address address_civireport ON (contact_civireport.id = address_civireport.contact_id) AND address_civireport.is_primary = 1 WHERE ( contribution_civireport.thankyou_date >= 20200301000000) AND ( contribution_civireport.thankyou_date <= 20200331235959) AND ( contribution_civireport.contribution_status_id IN (1) ) GROUP BY EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM contribution_civireport.receive_date), contribution_civireport.contribution_status_id LIMIT 25'; $this->assertLike($expectedSql, $sql[0]); } /** * Set up a smart group for testing. * * The smart group includes all Households by filter. In addition an * individual is created and hard-added and an individual is created that is * not added. * * One household is hard-added as well as being in the filter. * * This gives us a range of scenarios for testing contacts are included only * once whenever they are hard-added or in the criteria. * * @return int * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public function setUpPopulatedSmartGroup(): int { $household1ID = $this->householdCreate(); $individual1ID = $this->individualCreate(); $householdID = $this->householdCreate(); $individualID = $this->individualCreate(); $individualIDRemoved = $this->individualCreate(); $groupID = $this->smartGroupCreate([], ['name' => 'smart_group', 'title' => 'smart group']); $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [ 'group_id' => $groupID, 'contact_id' => $individualIDRemoved, 'status' => 'Removed', ]); $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [ 'group_id' => $groupID, 'contact_id' => $individualID, 'status' => 'Added', ]); $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [ 'group_id' => $groupID, 'contact_id' => $householdID, 'status' => 'Added', ]); foreach ([$household1ID, $individual1ID, $householdID, $individualID, $individualIDRemoved] as $contactID) { $this->contributionCreate(['contact_id' => $contactID, 'invoice_id' => '', 'trxn_id' => '']); $this->contactMembershipCreate(['contact_id' => $contactID]); } // Refresh the cache for test purposes. It would be better to alter to alter the GroupContact add function to add contacts to the cache. CRM_Contact_BAO_GroupContactCache::invalidateGroupContactCache($groupID); return $groupID; } /** * Set up a static group for testing. * * An individual is created and hard-added and an individual is created that is not added. * * This gives us a range of scenarios for testing contacts are included only once * whenever they are hard-added or in the criteria. * * @param bool $returnAddedContact * * @return int * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function setUpPopulatedGroup($returnAddedContact = FALSE) { $individual1ID = $this->individualCreate(); $individualID = $this->individualCreate(); $individualIDRemoved = $this->individualCreate(); $groupID = $this->groupCreate(['name' => uniqid(), 'title' => uniqid()]); $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [ 'group_id' => $groupID, 'contact_id' => $individualIDRemoved, 'status' => 'Removed', ]); $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [ 'group_id' => $groupID, 'contact_id' => $individualID, 'status' => 'Added', ]); foreach ([$individual1ID, $individualID, $individualIDRemoved] as $contactID) { $this->contributionCreate(['contact_id' => $contactID, 'invoice_id' => '', 'trxn_id' => '']); $this->contactMembershipCreate(['contact_id' => $contactID]); } // Refresh the cache for test purposes. It would be better to alter to alter the GroupContact add function to add contacts to the cache. CRM_Contact_BAO_GroupContactCache::invalidateGroupContactCache($groupID); if ($returnAddedContact) { return [$groupID, $individualID]; } return $groupID; } /** * @return array * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function setUpIntersectingGroups() { $groupID = $this->setUpPopulatedGroup(); $groupID2 = $this->setUpPopulatedSmartGroup(); $addedToBothIndividualID = $this->individualCreate(); $removedFromBothIndividualID = $this->individualCreate(); $addedToSmartGroupRemovedFromOtherIndividualID = $this->individualCreate(); $removedFromSmartGroupAddedToOtherIndividualID = $this->individualCreate(); $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [ 'group_id' => $groupID, 'contact_id' => $addedToBothIndividualID, 'status' => 'Added', ]); $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [ 'group_id' => $groupID2, 'contact_id' => $addedToBothIndividualID, 'status' => 'Added', ]); $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [ 'group_id' => $groupID, 'contact_id' => $removedFromBothIndividualID, 'status' => 'Removed', ]); $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [ 'group_id' => $groupID2, 'contact_id' => $removedFromBothIndividualID, 'status' => 'Removed', ]); $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [ 'group_id' => $groupID2, 'contact_id' => $addedToSmartGroupRemovedFromOtherIndividualID, 'status' => 'Added', ]); $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [ 'group_id' => $groupID, 'contact_id' => $addedToSmartGroupRemovedFromOtherIndividualID, 'status' => 'Removed', ]); $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [ 'group_id' => $groupID, 'contact_id' => $removedFromSmartGroupAddedToOtherIndividualID, 'status' => 'Added', ]); $this->callAPISuccess('GroupContact', 'create', [ 'group_id' => $groupID2, 'contact_id' => $removedFromSmartGroupAddedToOtherIndividualID, 'status' => 'Removed', ]); foreach ([ $addedToBothIndividualID, $removedFromBothIndividualID, $addedToSmartGroupRemovedFromOtherIndividualID, $removedFromSmartGroupAddedToOtherIndividualID, ] as $contactID) { $this->contributionCreate([ 'contact_id' => $contactID, 'invoice_id' => '', 'trxn_id' => '', ]); } return [$groupID, $groupID2]; } /** * Test Deferred Revenue Report. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public function testDeferredRevenueReport(): void { $indv1 = $this->individualCreate(); $indv2 = $this->individualCreate(); Civi::settings()->set('deferred_revenue_enabled', TRUE); $this->contributionCreate( [ 'contact_id' => $indv1, 'receive_date' => '2016-10-01', 'revenue_recognition_date' => date('Y-m-t', strtotime(date('ymd') . '+3 month')), 'financial_type_id' => 2, ] ); $this->contributionCreate( [ 'contact_id' => $indv1, 'revenue_recognition_date' => date('Y-m-t', strtotime(date('ymd') . '+22 month')), 'financial_type_id' => 4, 'trxn_id' => NULL, 'invoice_id' => NULL, ] ); $this->contributionCreate( [ 'contact_id' => $indv2, 'revenue_recognition_date' => date('Y-m-t', strtotime(date('ymd') . '+1 month')), 'financial_type_id' => 4, 'trxn_id' => NULL, 'invoice_id' => NULL, ] ); $this->contributionCreate( [ 'contact_id' => $indv2, 'receive_date' => '2016-03-01', 'revenue_recognition_date' => date('Y-m-t', strtotime(date('ymd') . '+4 month')), 'financial_type_id' => 2, 'trxn_id' => NULL, 'invoice_id' => NULL, ] ); $rows = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => 'contribute/deferredrevenue', ]); $this->assertEquals(2, $rows['count'], 'Report failed to get row count'); $count = [2, 1]; foreach ($rows['values'] as $row) { $this->assertCount(array_pop($count), $row['rows'], 'Report failed to get row count'); } } /** * Test the custom data order by works when not in select. * * @dataProvider getMembershipAndContributionReportTemplatesForGroupTests * * @param string $template * Report template unique identifier. * * @throws \API_Exception * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \Civi\API\Exception\UnauthorizedException */ public function testReportsCustomDataOrderBy($template) { $this->entity = 'Contact'; $this->createCustomGroupWithFieldOfType(); $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => $template, 'contribution_or_soft_value' => 'contributions_only', 'order_bys' => [['column' => 'custom_' . $this->ids['CustomField']['text'], 'order' => 'ASC']], ]); } /** * Test the group filter works on the various reports. * * @dataProvider getMembershipAndContributionReportTemplatesForGroupTests * * @param string $template * Report template unique identifier. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testReportsWithNoTInSmartGroupFilter($template) { $groupID = $this->setUpPopulatedGroup(); $rows = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => $template, 'gid_value' => [$groupID], 'gid_op' => 'notin', 'options' => ['metadata' => ['sql']], ]); $this->assertNumberOfContactsInResult(2, $rows, $template); } /** * Test we don't get a fatal grouping with various frequencies. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testActivitySummaryGroupByFrequency() { $this->createContactsWithActivities(); foreach (['MONTH', 'YEARWEEK', 'QUARTER', 'YEAR'] as $frequency) { $params = [ 'report_id' => 'activitySummary', 'fields' => [ 'activity_type_id' => 1, 'duration' => 1, // id is "total activities", which is required by default(?) 'id' => 1, ], 'group_bys' => ['activity_date_time' => 1], 'group_bys_freq' => ['activity_date_time' => $frequency], 'options' => ['metadata' => ['sql']], ]; $rowsSql = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', $params)['metadata']['sql']; $statsSql = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getstatistics', $params)['metadata']['sql']; switch ($frequency) { case 'YEAR': // Year only contains one grouping. // Also note the extra space. $this->assertStringContainsString('GROUP BY YEAR(activity_civireport.activity_date_time)', $rowsSql[1], "Failed for frequency $frequency"); $this->assertStringContainsString('GROUP BY YEAR(activity_civireport.activity_date_time)', $statsSql[1], "Failed for frequency $frequency"); break; default: $this->assertStringContainsString("GROUP BY YEAR(activity_civireport.activity_date_time), {$frequency}(activity_civireport.activity_date_time)", $rowsSql[1], "Failed for frequency $frequency"); $this->assertStringContainsString("GROUP BY YEAR(activity_civireport.activity_date_time), {$frequency}(activity_civireport.activity_date_time)", $statsSql[1], "Failed for frequency $frequency"); break; } } } /** * Test activity details report - requiring all current fields to be output. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testActivityDetails() { $this->createContactsWithActivities(); $fields = [ 'contact_source' => '1', 'contact_assignee' => '1', 'contact_target' => '1', 'contact_source_email' => '1', 'contact_assignee_email' => '1', 'contact_target_email' => '1', 'contact_source_phone' => '1', 'contact_assignee_phone' => '1', 'contact_target_phone' => '1', 'activity_type_id' => '1', 'activity_subject' => '1', 'activity_date_time' => '1', 'status_id' => '1', 'duration' => '1', 'location' => '1', 'details' => '1', 'priority_id' => '1', 'result' => '1', 'engagement_level' => '1', 'address_name' => '1', 'street_address' => '1', 'supplemental_address_1' => '1', 'supplemental_address_2' => '1', 'supplemental_address_3' => '1', 'street_number' => '1', 'street_name' => '1', 'street_unit' => '1', 'city' => '1', 'postal_code' => '1', 'postal_code_suffix' => '1', 'country_id' => '1', 'state_province_id' => '1', 'county_id' => '1', ]; $params = [ 'fields' => $fields, 'current_user_op' => 'eq', 'current_user_value' => '0', 'include_case_activities_op' => 'eq', 'include_case_activities_value' => 0, 'order_bys' => [ 1 => ['column' => 'activity_date_time', 'order' => 'ASC'], 2 => ['column' => 'activity_type_id', 'order' => 'ASC'], ], ]; $params['report_id'] = 'Activity'; $rows = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', $params)['values']; $expected = [ 'civicrm_contact_contact_source' => 'Łąchowski-Roberts, Anthony', 'civicrm_contact_contact_assignee' => 'Łąchowski-Roberts, Anthony', 'civicrm_contact_contact_target' => 'Brzęczysław, Anthony; Łąchowski-Roberts, Anthony', 'civicrm_contact_contact_source_id' => $this->contactIDs[2], 'civicrm_contact_contact_assignee_id' => $this->contactIDs[1], 'civicrm_contact_contact_target_id' => $this->contactIDs[0] . ';' . $this->contactIDs[1], 'civicrm_email_contact_source_email' => 'anthony_anderson@civicrm.org', 'civicrm_email_contact_assignee_email' => 'anthony_anderson@civicrm.org', 'civicrm_email_contact_target_email' => 'techo@spying.com;anthony_anderson@civicrm.org', 'civicrm_phone_contact_source_phone' => NULL, 'civicrm_phone_contact_assignee_phone' => NULL, 'civicrm_phone_contact_target_phone' => NULL, 'civicrm_activity_id' => '1', 'civicrm_activity_source_record_id' => NULL, 'civicrm_activity_activity_type_id' => 'Meeting', 'civicrm_activity_activity_subject' => 'Very secret meeting', 'civicrm_activity_activity_date_time' => date('Y-m-d 23:59:58'), 'civicrm_activity_status_id' => 'Scheduled', 'civicrm_activity_duration' => '120', 'civicrm_activity_location' => 'Pennsylvania', 'civicrm_activity_details' => 'a test activity', 'civicrm_activity_priority_id' => 'Normal', 'civicrm_address_address_name' => NULL, 'civicrm_address_street_address' => NULL, 'civicrm_address_supplemental_address_1' => NULL, 'civicrm_address_supplemental_address_2' => NULL, 'civicrm_address_supplemental_address_3' => NULL, 'civicrm_address_street_number' => NULL, 'civicrm_address_street_name' => NULL, 'civicrm_address_street_unit' => NULL, 'civicrm_address_city' => NULL, 'civicrm_address_postal_code' => NULL, 'civicrm_address_postal_code_suffix' => NULL, 'civicrm_address_country_id' => NULL, 'civicrm_address_state_province_id' => NULL, 'civicrm_address_county_id' => NULL, 'civicrm_contact_contact_source_link' => '/index.php?q=civicrm/contact/view&reset=1&cid=' . $this->contactIDs[2], 'civicrm_contact_contact_source_hover' => 'View Contact Summary for this Contact', 'civicrm_activity_activity_type_id_hover' => 'View Activity Record', ]; $row = $rows[0]; // This link is not relative - skip for now unset($row['civicrm_activity_activity_type_id_link']); if ($row['civicrm_email_contact_target_email'] === 'anthony_anderson@civicrm.org;techo@spying.com') { // order is unpredictable $expected['civicrm_email_contact_target_email'] = 'anthony_anderson@civicrm.org;techo@spying.com'; } $this->assertEquals($expected, $row); } /** * Activity Details report has some whack-a-mole to fix when filtering on null/not null. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testActivityDetailsNullFilters() { $this->createContactsWithActivities(); $params = [ 'report_id' => 'activity', 'location_op' => 'nll', 'location_value' => '', ]; $rowsWithoutLocation = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', $params)['values']; $this->assertEmpty($rowsWithoutLocation); $params['location_op'] = 'nnll'; $rowsWithLocation = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', $params)['values']; $this->assertCount(1, $rowsWithLocation); // Test for CRM-18356 - activity shouldn't appear if target contact filter is null. $params = [ 'report_id' => 'activity', 'contact_target_op' => 'nll', 'contact_target_value' => '', ]; $rowsWithNullTarget = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', $params)['values']; $this->assertEmpty($rowsWithNullTarget); } /** * Test the source contact filter works. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testActivityDetailsContactFilter() { $this->createContactsWithActivities(); $params = [ 'report_id' => 'activity', 'contact_source_op' => 'has', 'contact_source_value' => 'z', 'options' => ['metadata' => ['sql']], ]; $rows = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', $params); $this->assertStringContainsString("civicrm_contact_source.sort_name LIKE '%z%'", $rows['metadata']['sql'][3]); } /** * Set up some activity data..... use some chars that challenge our utf handling. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function createContactsWithActivities() { $this->contactIDs[] = $this->individualCreate(['last_name' => 'Brzęczysław', 'email' => 'techo@spying.com']); $this->contactIDs[] = $this->individualCreate(['last_name' => 'Łąchowski-Roberts']); $this->contactIDs[] = $this->individualCreate(['last_name' => 'Łąchowski-Roberts']); $this->activityID = $this->callAPISuccess('Activity', 'create', [ 'subject' => 'Very secret meeting', 'activity_date_time' => date('Y-m-d 23:59:58'), 'duration' => 120, 'location' => 'Pennsylvania', 'details' => 'a test activity', 'status_id' => 1, 'activity_type_id' => 'Meeting', 'source_contact_id' => $this->contactIDs[2], 'target_contact_id' => [$this->contactIDs[0], $this->contactIDs[1]], 'assignee_contact_id' => $this->contactIDs[1], ])['id']; } /** * Test the group filter works on the contribution summary. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testContributionDetailTotalHeader() { $contactID = $this->individualCreate(); $contactID2 = $this->individualCreate(); $this->contributionCreate(['contact_id' => $contactID, 'api.ContributionSoft.create' => ['amount' => 5, 'contact_id' => $contactID2]]); $template = 'contribute/detail'; $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => $template, 'contribution_or_soft_value' => 'contributions_only', 'fields' => [ 'sort_name' => '1', 'age' => '1', 'email' => '1', 'phone' => '1', 'financial_type_id' => '1', 'receive_date' => '1', 'total_amount' => '1', ], 'order_bys' => [['column' => 'sort_name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'section' => '1']], 'options' => ['metadata' => ['sql']], ]); } /** * Test contact subtype filter on grant report. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testGrantReportSeparatedFilter() { $contactID = $this->individualCreate(['contact_sub_type' => ['Student', 'Parent']]); $contactID2 = $this->individualCreate(); $this->callAPISuccess('Grant', 'create', ['contact_id' => $contactID, 'status_id' => 1, 'grant_type_id' => 1, 'amount_total' => 1]); $this->callAPISuccess('Grant', 'create', ['contact_id' => $contactID2, 'status_id' => 1, 'grant_type_id' => 1, 'amount_total' => 1]); $rows = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => 'grant/detail', 'contact_sub_type_op' => 'in', 'contact_sub_type_value' => ['Student'], ]); $this->assertEquals(1, $rows['count']); } /** * Test contact subtype filter on summary report. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testContactSubtypeNotNull() { $this->individualCreate(['contact_sub_type' => ['Student', 'Parent']]); $this->individualCreate(); $rows = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => 'contact/summary', 'contact_sub_type_op' => 'nnll', 'contact_sub_type_value' => [], 'contact_type_op' => 'eq', 'contact_type_value' => 'Individual', ]); $this->assertEquals(1, $rows['count']); } /** * Test contact subtype filter on summary report. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testContactSubtypeNull() { $this->individualCreate(['contact_sub_type' => ['Student', 'Parent']]); $this->individualCreate(); $rows = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => 'contact/summary', 'contact_sub_type_op' => 'nll', 'contact_sub_type_value' => [], 'contact_type_op' => 'eq', 'contact_type_value' => 'Individual', ]); $this->assertEquals(1, $rows['count']); } /** * Test contact subtype filter on summary report. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testContactSubtypeIn() { $this->individualCreate(['contact_sub_type' => ['Student', 'Parent']]); $this->individualCreate(); $rows = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => 'contact/summary', 'contact_sub_type_op' => 'in', 'contact_sub_type_value' => ['Student'], 'contact_type_op' => 'in', 'contact_type_value' => 'Individual', ]); $this->assertEquals(1, $rows['count']); } /** * Test contact subtype filter on summary report. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testContactSubtypeNotIn() { $this->individualCreate(['contact_sub_type' => ['Student', 'Parent']]); $this->individualCreate(); $rows = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => 'contact/summary', 'contact_sub_type_op' => 'notin', 'contact_sub_type_value' => ['Student'], 'contact_type_op' => 'in', 'contact_type_value' => 'Individual', ]); $this->assertEquals(1, $rows['count']); } /** * Test PCP report to ensure total donors and total committed is accurate. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testPcpReportTotals() { $donor1ContactId = $this->individualCreate(); $donor2ContactId = $this->individualCreate(); $donor3ContactId = $this->individualCreate(); // We are going to create two PCP pages. We will create two contributions // on the first PCP page and one contribution on the second PCP page. // // Then, we will ensure that the first PCP page reports a total of both // contributions (but not the contribution made on the second PCP page). // A PCP page requires three components: // 1. A contribution page // 2. A PCP Block // 3. A PCP page // pcpBLockParams creates a contribution page and returns the parameters // necessary to create a PBP Block. $blockParams = $this->pcpBlockParams(); $pcpBlock = CRM_PCP_BAO_PCPBlock::create($blockParams); // Keep track of the contribution page id created. We will use this // contribution page id for all the PCP pages. $contribution_page_id = $pcpBlock->entity_id; // pcpParams returns the parameters needed to create a PCP page. $pcpParams = $this->pcpParams(); // Keep track of the owner of the page so we can properly apply the // soft credit. $pcpOwnerContact1Id = $pcpParams['contact_id']; $pcpParams['pcp_block_id'] = $pcpBlock->id; $pcpParams['page_id'] = $contribution_page_id; $pcpParams['page_type'] = 'contribute'; $pcp1 = CRM_PCP_BAO_PCP::create($pcpParams); // Nice work. Now, let's create a second PCP page. $pcpParams = $this->pcpParams(); // Keep track of the owner of the page. $pcpOwnerContact2Id = $pcpParams['contact_id']; // We're using the same pcpBlock id and contribution page that we created above. $pcpParams['pcp_block_id'] = $pcpBlock->id; $pcpParams['page_id'] = $contribution_page_id; $pcpParams['page_type'] = 'contribute'; $pcp2 = CRM_PCP_BAO_PCP::create($pcpParams); // Get soft credit types, with the name column as the key. $soft_credit_types = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Contribute_BAO_ContributionSoft', 'soft_credit_type_id', ['flip' => TRUE, 'labelColumn' => 'name']); $pcp_soft_credit_type_id = $soft_credit_types['pcp']; // Create two contributions assigned to this contribution page and // assign soft credits appropriately. // FIRST... $contribution1params = [ 'contact_id' => $donor1ContactId, 'contribution_page_id' => $contribution_page_id, 'total_amount' => '75.00', ]; $c1 = $this->contributionCreate($contribution1params); // Now the soft contribution. $p = [ 'contribution_id' => $c1, 'pcp_id' => $pcp1->id, 'contact_id' => $pcpOwnerContact1Id, 'amount' => 75.00, 'currency' => 'USD', 'soft_credit_type_id' => $pcp_soft_credit_type_id, ]; $this->callAPISuccess('contribution_soft', 'create', $p); // SECOND... $contribution2params = [ 'contact_id' => $donor2ContactId, 'contribution_page_id' => $contribution_page_id, 'total_amount' => '25.00', ]; $c2 = $this->contributionCreate($contribution2params); // Now the soft contribution. $p = [ 'contribution_id' => $c2, 'pcp_id' => $pcp1->id, 'contact_id' => $pcpOwnerContact1Id, 'amount' => 25.00, 'currency' => 'USD', 'soft_credit_type_id' => $pcp_soft_credit_type_id, ]; $this->callAPISuccess('contribution_soft', 'create', $p); // Create one contributions assigned to the second PCP page $contribution3params = [ 'contact_id' => $donor3ContactId, 'contribution_page_id' => $contribution_page_id, 'total_amount' => '200.00', ]; $c3 = $this->contributionCreate($contribution3params); // Now the soft contribution. $p = [ 'contribution_id' => $c3, 'pcp_id' => $pcp2->id, 'contact_id' => $pcpOwnerContact2Id, 'amount' => 200.00, 'currency' => 'USD', 'soft_credit_type_id' => $pcp_soft_credit_type_id, ]; $this->callAPISuccess('contribution_soft', 'create', $p); $template = 'contribute/pcp'; $rows = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => $template, 'title' => 'My PCP', 'fields' => [ 'amount_1' => '1', 'soft_id' => '1', ], ]); $values = $rows['values'][0]; $this->assertEquals(100.00, $values['civicrm_contribution_soft_amount_1_sum'], 'Total committed should be $100'); $this->assertEquals(2, $values['civicrm_contribution_soft_soft_id_count'], 'Total donors should be 2'); } /** * Test a report that uses getAddressColumns(); * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testGetAddressColumns() { $template = 'event/participantlisting'; $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => $template, 'fields' => [ 'sort_name' => '1', 'street_address' => '1', ], ]); } /** * Convoluted test of the convoluted logging detail report. * * In principle it's just make an update and get the report and see if it * matches the update. * In practice, besides some setup and trigger-wrangling, the report isn't * useful for activities, so we're checking activity_contact records, and * because of how an activity update works that's actually a delete+insert. */ public function testLoggingDetail() { \Civi::settings()->set('logging', 1); $this->createContactsWithActivities(); $this->doQuestionableStuffInASeparateFunctionSoNobodyNotices(); // Do something that creates an update record. $this->callAPISuccess('Activity', 'create', [ 'id' => $this->activityID, 'assignee_contact_id' => $this->contactIDs[0], 'details' => 'Edited details', ]); // In normal UI flow you would go to the summary report and drill down, // but here we need to go directly to the connection id, so find out what // it was. $queryParams = [1 => [$this->activityID, 'Integer']]; $log_conn_id = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT log_conn_id FROM log_civicrm_activity WHERE id = %1 AND log_action='UPDATE' LIMIT 1", $queryParams); // There should be only one instance of this after enabling so we can // just specify the template id as the lookup criteria. $instance_id = $this->callAPISuccess('report_instance', 'getsingle', [ 'return' => ['id'], 'report_id' => 'logging/contact/detail', ])['id']; $_GET = $_REQUEST = [ 'reset' => '1', 'log_conn_id' => $log_conn_id, 'q' => "civicrm/report/instance/$instance_id", ]; $values = $this->callAPISuccess('report_template', 'getrows', [ 'report_id' => 'logging/contact/detail', ])['values']; // Note this is a delete+insert which is logically equivalent to update $expectedValues = [ // here's the delete 0 => [ 'field' => [ 0 => 'Activity ID (id: 2)', 1 => 'Contact ID (id: 2)', 2 => 'Activity Contact Type (id: 2)', ], 'from' => [ 0 => 'Very secret meeting (id: 1)', 1 => 'Mr. Anthony Łąchowski-Roberts II (id: 4)', 2 => 'Activity Assignees', ], 'to' => [ 0 => '', 1 => '', 2 => '', ], ], // this is the insert 1 => [ 'field' => [ 0 => 'Activity ID (id: 5)', 1 => 'Contact ID (id: 5)', 2 => 'Activity Contact Type (id: 5)', ], 'from' => [ 0 => '', 1 => '', 2 => '', ], 'to' => [ 0 => 'Very secret meeting (id: 1)', 1 => 'Mr. Anthony Brzęczysław II (id: 3)', 2 => 'Activity Assignees', ], ], ]; $this->assertEquals($expectedValues, $values); \Civi::settings()->set('logging', 0); } /** * The issue is that in a unit test the log_conn_id is going to * be the same throughout the entire test, which is not how it works normally * when you have separate page requests. So use the fact that the conn_id * format is controlled by a hidden variable, so we can force different * conn_id's during initialization and after. * If we don't do this, then the report thinks EVERY log record is part * of the one change detail. * * On the plus side, this doesn't affect other tests since if they enable * logging then that'll just recreate the variable and triggers. */ private function doQuestionableStuffInASeparateFunctionSoNobodyNotices(): void { CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("DELETE FROM civicrm_setting WHERE name='logging_uniqueid_date'"); // Now we have to rebuild triggers because the format formula is stored in // every trigger. CRM_Core_Config::singleton(TRUE, TRUE); \Civi::service('sql_triggers')->rebuild(NULL, TRUE); } }