_apiversion = 3; parent::setUp(); $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $config->countryLimit[1] = 1013; $config->stateLimit[1] = 1013; $this->createLoggedInUser(); $this->_membershipTypeID = $this->membershipTypeCreate(); } function tearDown() { $this->quickCleanup(array( 'civicrm_contact', 'civicrm_phone', 'civicrm_address', 'civicrm_membership', 'civicrm_contribution', ), TRUE); $this->callAPISuccess('membership_type', 'delete', array('id' => $this->_membershipTypeID)); // ok can't be bothered wring an api to do this & truncating is crazy CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery(" DELETE FROM civicrm_uf_group WHERE id IN ($this->_profileID, 26)"); } ////////////// test $this->callAPISuccess3_profile_get ////////////////// /** * Check Without ProfileId */ function testProfileGetWithoutProfileId() { $params = array( 'contact_id' => 1, ); $result = $this->callAPIFailure('profile', 'get', $params, 'Mandatory key(s) missing from params array: profile_id' ); } /** * Check with no invalid profile Id */ function testProfileGetInvalidProfileId() { $params = array( 'contact_id' => 1, 'profile_id' => 1000, ); $result = $this->callAPIFailure('profile', 'get', $params); } /** * Check with success */ function testProfileGet() { $pofileFieldValues = $this->_createIndividualContact(); $expected = current($pofileFieldValues); $contactId = key($pofileFieldValues); $params = array( 'profile_id' => $this->_profileID, 'contact_id' => $contactId, ); $result = $this->callAPISuccess('profile', 'get', $params); foreach ($expected as $profileField => $value) { $this->assertEquals($value, CRM_Utils_Array::value($profileField, $result['values'])); } } function testProfileGetMultiple() { $pofileFieldValues = $this->_createIndividualContact(); $expected = current($pofileFieldValues); $contactId = key($pofileFieldValues); $params = array( 'profile_id' => array($this->_profileID, 1, 'Billing'), 'contact_id' => $contactId, ); $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('profile', 'get', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); foreach ($expected as $profileField => $value) { $this->assertEquals($value, CRM_Utils_Array::value($profileField, $result['values'][$this->_profileID]), " error message: " . "missing/mismatching value for {$profileField}"); } $this->assertEquals('abc1', $result['values'][1]['first_name'], " error message: " . "missing/mismatching value for {$profileField}"); $this->assertFalse(array_key_exists('email-Primary', $result['values'][1]), 'profile 1 doesn not include email'); $this->assertEquals($result['values']['Billing'], array( 'billing_first_name' => 'abc1', 'billing_middle_name' => 'J.', 'billing_last_name' => 'xyz1', 'billing_street_address-5' => '5 Saint Helier St', 'billing_city-5' => 'Gotham City', 'billing_state_province_id-5' => '1021', 'billing_country_id-5' => '1228', 'billing_postal_code-5' => '90210', 'billing-email-5' => 'abc1.xyz1@yahoo.com', 'email-5' => 'abc1.xyz1@yahoo.com', )); } function testProfileGetBillingUseIsBillingLocation() { $individual = $this->_createIndividualContact(); $contactId = key($individual); $this->callAPISuccess('address', 'create', array( 'is_billing' => 1, 'street_address' => 'is billing st', 'location_type_id' => 2, 'contact_id' => $contactId, )); $expected = current($individual); $params = array( 'profile_id' => array($this->_profileID, 1, 'Billing'), 'contact_id' => $contactId, ); $result = $this->callAPISuccess('profile', 'get', $params); $this->assertEquals('abc1', $result['values'][1]['first_name']); $this->assertEquals(array( 'billing_first_name' => 'abc1', 'billing_middle_name' => 'J.', 'billing_last_name' => 'xyz1', 'billing_street_address-5' => 'is billing st', 'billing_city-5' => '', 'billing_state_province_id-5' => '', 'billing_country_id-5' => '', 'billing-email-5' => 'abc1.xyz1@yahoo.com', 'email-5' => 'abc1.xyz1@yahoo.com', 'billing_postal_code-5' => '', ), $result['values']['Billing']); } function testProfileGetMultipleHasBillingLocation() { $individual = $this->_createIndividualContact(); $contactId = key($individual); $this->callAPISuccess('address', 'create', array('contact_id' => $contactId , 'street_address' => '25 Big Street', 'city' => 'big city', 'location_type_id' => 5)); $this->callAPISuccess('email', 'create', array('contact_id' => $contactId , 'email' => 'big@once.com', 'location_type_id' => 2, 'is_billing' => 1)); $expected = current($individual); $params = array( 'profile_id' => array($this->_profileID, 1, 'Billing'), 'contact_id' => $contactId, ); $result = $this->callAPISuccess('profile', 'get', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); $this->assertEquals('abc1', $result['values'][1]['first_name']); $this->assertEquals($result['values']['Billing'], array( 'billing_first_name' => 'abc1', 'billing_middle_name' => 'J.', 'billing_last_name' => 'xyz1', 'billing_street_address-5' => '25 Big Street', 'billing_city-5' => 'big city', 'billing_state_province_id-5' => '', 'billing_country_id-5' => '', 'billing-email-5' => 'big@once.com', 'email-5' => 'big@once.com', 'billing_postal_code-5' => '', )); } /** * Get Billing empty contact - this will return generic defaults */ function testProfileGetBillingEmptyContact() { $params = array( 'profile_id' => array('Billing'), ); $result = $this->callAPISuccess('profile', 'get', $params); $this->assertEquals(array( 'billing_first_name' => '', 'billing_middle_name' => '', 'billing_last_name' => '', 'billing_street_address-5' => '', 'billing_city-5' => '', 'billing_state_province_id-5' => '', 'billing_country_id-5' => '1228', 'billing_email-5' => '', 'email-5' => '', 'billing_postal_code-5' => '', ), $result['values']['Billing']); } /** * Check contact activity profile without activity id */ function testContactActivityGetWithoutActivityId() { list($params, $expected) = $this->_createContactWithActivity(); unset($params['activity_id']); $result = $this->callAPIFailure('profile', 'get', $params, 'Mandatory key(s) missing from params array: activity_id'); } /** * Check contact activity profile wrong activity id */ function testContactActivityGetWrongActivityId() { list($params, $expected) = $this->_createContactWithActivity(); $params['activity_id'] = 100001; $result = $this->callAPIFailure('profile', 'get', $params, 'Invalid Activity Id (aid).'); } /** * Check contact activity profile with wrong activity type */ function testContactActivityGetWrongActivityType() { //flush cache by calling with reset $activityTypes = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::activityType(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 'name', TRUE); $sourceContactId = $this->householdCreate(); $activityparams = array( 'source_contact_id' => $sourceContactId, 'activity_type_id' => '2', 'subject' => 'Test activity', 'activity_date_time' => '20110316', 'duration' => '120', 'location' => 'Pensulvania', 'details' => 'a test activity', 'status_id' => '1', 'priority_id' => '1', ); $activity = $this->callAPISuccess('activity', 'create', $activityparams); $activityValues = array_pop($activity['values']); list($params, $expected) = $this->_createContactWithActivity(); $params['activity_id'] = $activityValues['id']; $result = $this->callAPIFailure('profile', 'get', $params, 'This activity cannot be edited or viewed via this profile.' ); } /** * Check contact activity profile with success */ function testContactActivityGetSuccess() { list($params, $expected) = $this->_createContactWithActivity(); $result = $this->callAPISuccess('profile', 'get', $params); foreach ($expected as $profileField => $value) { $this->assertEquals($value, CRM_Utils_Array::value($profileField, $result['values']), "In line " . __LINE__ . " error message: " . "missing/mismatching value for {$profileField}" ); } } /** * Check getfields works & gives us our fields */ function testGetFields() { $this->_createIndividualProfile(); $this->_addCustomFieldToProfile($this->_profileID); $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('profile', 'getfields', array('action' => 'submit', 'profile_id' => $this->_profileID), __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, 'demonstrates retrieving profile fields passing in an id'); $this->assertArrayKeyExists('first_name', $result['values']); $this->assertEquals('2', $result['values']['first_name']['type']); $this->assertEquals('Email', $result['values']['email-primary']['title']); $this->assertEquals('civicrm_state_province', $result['values']['state_province-1']['pseudoconstant']['table']); $this->assertEquals('defaultValue', $result['values']['custom_1']['default_value']); $this->assertFalse(array_key_exists('participant_status', $result['values'])); } /** * Check getfields works & gives us our fields - partipant profile */ function testGetFieldsParticipantProfile() { $result = $this->callAPISuccess('profile', 'getfields', array( 'action' => 'submit', 'profile_id' => 'participant_status', 'get_options' => 'all') ); $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('participant_status_id', $result['values'])); $this->assertEquals('Attended', $result['values']['participant_status_id']['options'][2]); $this->assertEquals(array('participant_status'), $result['values']['participant_status_id']['api.aliases']); } /** * Check getfields works & gives us our fields - membership_batch_entry * (getting to the end with no e-notices is pretty good evidence it's working) */ function testGetFieldsMembershipBatchProfile() { $result = $this->callAPISuccess('profile', 'getfields', array( 'action' => 'submit', 'profile_id' => 'membership_batch_entry', 'get_options' => 'all') ); $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('total_amount', $result['values'])); $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('financial_type_id', $result['values'])); $this->assertEquals(array('contribution_type_id', 'contribution_type', 'financial_type'), $result['values']['financial_type_id']['api.aliases']); $this->assertTrue(!array_key_exists('financial_type', $result['values'])); $this->assertEquals(12, $result['values']['receive_date']['type']); } /** * Check getfields works & gives us our fields - do them all * (getting to the end with no e-notices is pretty good evidence it's working) */ function testGetFieldsAllProfiles() { $result = $this->callAPISuccess('uf_group', 'get', array('return' => 'id')); $profileIDs = array_keys($result['values']); foreach ($profileIDs as $profileID) { $result = $this->callAPISuccess('profile', 'getfields', array( 'action' => 'submit', 'profile_id' => $profileID, 'get_options' => 'all') ); } } /////////////// test $this->callAPISuccess3_profile_set ////////////////// /** * Check Without ProfileId */ function testProfileSubmitWithoutProfileId() { $params = array( 'contact_id' => 1, ); $result = $this->callAPIFailure('profile', 'submit', $params, 'Mandatory key(s) missing from params array: profile_id' ); } /** * Check with no invalid profile Id */ function testProfileSubmitInvalidProfileId() { $params = array( 'contact_id' => 1, 'profile_id' => 1000, ); $result = $this->callAPIFailure('profile', 'submit', $params); } /** * Check with missing required field in profile */ function testProfileSubmitCheckProfileRequired() { $pofileFieldValues = $this->_createIndividualContact(); current($pofileFieldValues); $contactId = key($pofileFieldValues); $updateParams = array( 'first_name' => 'abc2', 'last_name' => 'xyz2', 'phone-1-1' => '022 321 826', 'country-1' => '1013', 'state_province-1' => '1000', ); $params = array_merge(array('profile_id' => $this->_profileID, 'contact_id' => $contactId), $updateParams ); $result = $this->callAPIFailure('profile', 'submit', $params, "Missing required parameters for profile id $this->_profileID: email-Primary" ); } /** * Check with success */ function testProfileSubmit() { $pofileFieldValues = $this->_createIndividualContact(); current($pofileFieldValues); $contactId = key($pofileFieldValues); $updateParams = array( 'first_name' => 'abc2', 'last_name' => 'xyz2', 'email-primary' => 'abc2.xyz2@gmail.com', 'phone-1-1' => '022 321 826', 'country-1' => '1013', 'state_province-1' => '1000', ); $params = array_merge(array( 'profile_id' => $this->_profileID, 'contact_id' => $contactId, ), $updateParams); $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('profile', 'submit', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); $getParams = array( 'profile_id' => $this->_profileID, 'contact_id' => $contactId, ); $profileDetails = $this->callAPISuccess('profile', 'get', $getParams); foreach ($updateParams as $profileField => $value) { $this->assertEquals($value, CRM_Utils_Array::value($profileField, $profileDetails['values']), "missing/mismatching value for {$profileField}" ); } unset($params['email-primary']); $params['email-Primary'] = 'my@mail.com'; $this->callAPISuccess('profile', 'submit', $params); $profileDetails = $this->callAPISuccess('profile', 'get', $getParams); $this->assertEquals('my@mail.com', $profileDetails['values']['email-Primary']); } /** * Ensure caches are being cleared so we don't get into a debugging trap because of cached metadata * First we delete & create to increment the version & then check for caching probs */ function testProfileSubmitCheckCaching() { $this->callAPISuccess('membership_type', 'delete', array('id' => $this->_membershipTypeID)); $this->_membershipTypeID = $this->membershipTypeCreate(); $membershipTypes = $this->callAPISuccess('membership_type', 'get', array()); $profileFields = $this->callAPISuccess('profile', 'getfields', array('get_options' => 'all', 'action' => 'submit', 'profile_id' => 'membership_batch_entry')); $getoptions = $this->callAPISuccess('membership', 'getoptions', array('field' => 'membership_type', 'context' => 'validate')); $this->assertEquals(array_keys($membershipTypes['values']), array_keys($getoptions['values'])); $this->assertEquals(array_keys($membershipTypes['values']), array_keys($profileFields['values']['membership_type_id']['options'])); } /** * Test that the fields are returned in the right order despite the faffing around that goes on */ function testMembershipGetFieldsOrder() { $result = $this->callAPISuccess('profile', 'getfields', array('action' => 'submit', 'profile_id' => 'membership_batch_entry')); $weight = 1; foreach($result['values'] as $fieldName => $field) { if($fieldName == 'profile_id') { continue; } $this->assertEquals($field['weight'], $weight); $weight++; } } /** * Check we can submit membership batch profiles (create mode) */ function testProfileSubmitMembershipBatch() { $this->_contactID = $this->individualCreate(); $this->callAPISuccess('profile', 'submit', array( 'profile_id' => 'membership_batch_entry', 'financial_type_id' => 1, 'membership_type' => $this->_membershipTypeID, 'join_date' => 'now', 'total_amount' => 10, 'contribution_status_id' => 1, 'receive_date' => 'now', 'contact_id' => $this->_contactID, )); } /** * Set is deprecated but we need to ensure it still works */ function testLegacySet() { $pofileFieldValues = $this->_createIndividualContact(); current($pofileFieldValues); $contactId = key($pofileFieldValues); $updateParams = array( 'first_name' => 'abc2', 'last_name' => 'xyz2', 'email-Primary' => 'abc2.xyz2@gmail.com', 'phone-1-1' => '022 321 826', 'country-1' => '1013', 'state_province-1' => '1000', ); $params = array_merge(array( 'profile_id' => $this->_profileID, 'contact_id' => $contactId, ), $updateParams); $result = $this->callAPISuccess('profile', 'set', $params); $this->assertArrayKeyExists('values', $result); $getParams = array( 'profile_id' => $this->_profileID, 'contact_id' => $contactId, ); $profileDetails = $this->callAPISuccess('profile', 'get', $getParams); foreach ($updateParams as $profileField => $value) { $this->assertEquals($value, CRM_Utils_Array::value($profileField, $profileDetails['values']), "In line " . __LINE__ . " error message: " . "missing/mismatching value for {$profileField}" ); } } /** * Check contact activity profile without activity id */ function testContactActivitySubmitWithoutActivityId() { list($params, $expected) = $this->_createContactWithActivity(); $params = array_merge($params, $expected); unset($params['activity_id']); $result = $this->callAPIFailure('profile', 'submit', $params); $this->assertEquals($result['error_message'], 'Mandatory key(s) missing from params array: activity_id'); } /** * Check contact activity profile wrong activity id */ function testContactActivitySubmitWrongActivityId() { list($params, $expected) = $this->_createContactWithActivity(); $params = array_merge($params, $expected); $params['activity_id'] = 100001; $result = $this->callAPIFailure('profile', 'submit', $params); $this->assertEquals($result['error_message'], 'Invalid Activity Id (aid).'); } /** * Check contact activity profile with wrong activity type */ function testContactActivitySubmitWrongActivityType() { //flush cache by calling with reset $activityTypes = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::activityType(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 'name', TRUE); $sourceContactId = $this->householdCreate(); $activityparams = array( 'source_contact_id' => $sourceContactId, 'activity_type_id' => '2', 'subject' => 'Test activity', 'activity_date_time' => '20110316', 'duration' => '120', 'location' => 'Pensulvania', 'details' => 'a test activity', 'status_id' => '1', 'priority_id' => '1', ); $activity = $this->callAPISuccess('activity', 'create', $activityparams); $activityValues = array_pop($activity['values']); list($params, $expected) = $this->_createContactWithActivity(); $params = array_merge($params, $expected); $params['activity_id'] = $activityValues['id']; $result = $this->callAPIFailure('profile', 'submit', $params, 'This activity cannot be edited or viewed via this profile.'); } /** * Check contact activity profile with success */ function testContactActivitySubmitSuccess() { list($params, $expected) = $this->_createContactWithActivity(); $updateParams = array( 'first_name' => 'abc2', 'last_name' => 'xyz2', 'email-Primary' => 'abc2.xyz2@yahoo.com', 'activity_subject' => 'Test Meeting', 'activity_details' => 'a test activity details', 'activity_duration' => '100', 'activity_date_time' => '03/08/2010', 'activity_status_id' => '2', ); $profileParams = array_merge($params, $updateParams); $this->callAPISuccess('profile', 'submit', $profileParams); $result = $this->callAPISuccess('profile', 'get', $params); foreach ($updateParams as $profileField => $value) { $this->assertEquals($value, CRM_Utils_Array::value($profileField, $result['values']), "In line " . __LINE__ . " error message: " . "missing/mismatching value for {$profileField}" ); } } /** * Check profile apply Without ProfileId */ function testProfileApplyWithoutProfileId() { $params = array( 'contact_id' => 1, ); $result = $this->callAPIFailure('profile', 'apply', $params, 'Mandatory key(s) missing from params array: profile_id'); } /** * Check profile apply with no invalid profile Id */ function testProfileApplyInvalidProfileId() { $params = array( 'contact_id' => 1, 'profile_id' => 1000, ); $result = $this->callAPIFailure('profile', 'apply', $params); } /** * Check with success */ function testProfileApply() { $pofileFieldValues = $this->_createIndividualContact(); current($pofileFieldValues); $contactId = key($pofileFieldValues); $params = array( 'profile_id' => $this->_profileID, 'contact_id' => $contactId, 'first_name' => 'abc2', 'last_name' => 'xyz2', 'email-Primary' => 'abc2.xyz2@gmail.com', 'phone-1-1' => '022 321 826', 'country-1' => '1013', 'state_province-1' => '1000', ); $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('profile', 'apply', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); // Expected field values $expected['contact'] = array( 'contact_id' => $contactId, 'contact_type' => 'Individual', 'first_name' => 'abc2', 'last_name' => 'xyz2', ); $expected['email'] = array( 'location_type_id' => 1, 'is_primary' => 1, 'email' => 'abc2.xyz2@gmail.com', ); $expected['phone'] = array( 'location_type_id' => 1, 'is_primary' => 1, 'phone_type_id' => 1, 'phone' => '022 321 826', ); $expected['address'] = array( 'location_type_id' => 1, 'is_primary' => 1, 'country_id' => 1013, 'state_province_id' => 1000, ); foreach ($expected['contact'] as $field => $value) { $this->assertEquals($value, CRM_Utils_Array::value($field, $result['values']), "In line " . __LINE__ . " error message: " . "missing/mismatching value for {$field}" ); } foreach (array( 'email', 'phone', 'address') as $fieldType) { $typeValues = array_pop($result['values'][$fieldType]); foreach ($expected[$fieldType] as $field => $value) { $this->assertEquals($value, CRM_Utils_Array::value($field, $typeValues), "In line " . __LINE__ . " error message: " . "missing/mismatching value for {$field} ({$fieldType})" ); } } } /** * Helper function to create an Individual with address/email/phone info. Import UF Group and UF Fields * @param array $params * * @return mixed */ function _createIndividualContact($params = array()) { $contactParams = array_merge(array( 'first_name' => 'abc1', 'last_name' => 'xyz1', 'email' => 'abc1.xyz1@yahoo.com', 'api.address.create' => array( 'location_type_id' => 1, 'is_primary' => 1, 'street_address' => '5 Saint Helier St', 'county' => 'Marin', 'country' => 'United States', 'state_province' => 'Michigan', 'supplemental_address_1' => 'Hallmark Ct', 'supplemental_address_2' => 'Jersey Village', 'postal_code' => '90210', 'city' => 'Gotham City', 'is_billing' => 0, ), 'api.phone.create' => array( 'location_type_id' => '1', 'phone' => '021 512 755', 'phone_type_id' => '1', 'is_primary' => '1', ), ), $params ); $this->_contactID = $this->individualCreate($contactParams); $this->_createIndividualProfile(); // expected result of above created profile with contact Id $contactId $profileData[$this->_contactID] = array( 'first_name' => 'abc1', 'last_name' => 'xyz1', 'email-primary' => 'abc1.xyz1@yahoo.com', 'phone-1-1' => '021 512 755', 'country-1' => '1228', 'state_province-1' => '1021', ); return $profileData; } /** * @return array */ function _createContactWithActivity() { // @TODO: Create profile with custom fields $op = new PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_Operation_Insert(); $op->execute($this->_dbconn, $this->createFlatXMLDataSet( dirname(__FILE__) . '/dataset/uf_group_contact_activity_26.xml' ) ); // hack: xml data set do not accept  (CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR) CRM_Core_DAO::setFieldValue('CRM_Core_DAO_UFGroup', '26', 'group_type', 'Individual,Contact,Activity' . CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR . 'ActivityType:1'); $sourceContactId = $this->individualCreate(); $contactParams = array( 'first_name' => 'abc1', 'last_name' => 'xyz1', 'contact_type' => 'Individual', 'email' => 'abc1.xyz1@yahoo.com', 'api.address.create' => array( 'location_type_id' => 1, 'is_primary' => 1, 'name' => 'Saint Helier St', 'county' => 'Marin', 'country' => 'United States', 'state_province' => 'Michigan', 'supplemental_address_1' => 'Hallmark Ct', 'supplemental_address_2' => 'Jersey Village', ), ); $contact = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', $contactParams); $keys = array_keys($contact['values']); $contactId = array_pop($keys); $this->assertEquals(0, $contact['values'][$contactId]['api.address.create']['is_error'], "In line " . __LINE__ . " error message: " . CRM_Utils_Array::value('error_message', $contact['values'][$contactId]['api.address.create']) ); $activityParams = array( 'source_contact_id' => $sourceContactId, 'assignee_contact_id' => $contactId, 'activity_type_id' => '1', 'subject' => 'Make-it-Happen Meeting', 'activity_date_time' => '20110316', 'duration' => '120', 'location' => 'Pensulvania', 'details' => 'a test activity', 'status_id' => '1', 'priority_id' => '1', ); $activity = $this->callAPISuccess('activity', 'create', $activityParams); $activityValues = array_pop($activity['values']); // valid parameters for above profile $profileParams = array( 'profile_id' => 26, 'contact_id' => $contactId, 'activity_id' => $activityValues['id'], ); // expected result of above created profile $expected = array( 'first_name' => 'abc1', 'last_name' => 'xyz1', 'email-Primary' => 'abc1.xyz1@yahoo.com', 'activity_subject' => 'Make-it-Happen Meeting', 'activity_details' => 'a test activity', 'activity_duration' => '120', 'activity_date_time_time' => '12:00AM', 'activity_date_time' => '03/16/2011', 'activity_status_id' => '1', ); return array($profileParams, $expected); } /** * Create a profile */ function _createIndividualProfile() { // creating these via the api as we want to utilise & test the flushing of caches when fields created // via the api $ufGroupParams = array( 'group_type' => 'Individual,Contact',// really we should remove this & test the ufField create sets it 'name' => 'test_individual_contact_profile', 'title' => 'Flat Coffee', 'api.uf_field.create' => array( array( 'field_name' => 'first_name', 'is_required' => 1, 'visibility' => 'Public Pages and Listings', 'field_type' => 'Individual', 'label' => 'First Name', ), array( 'field_name' => 'last_name', 'is_required' => 1, 'visibility' => 'Public Pages and Listings', 'field_type' => 'Individual', 'label' => 'Last Name', ), array( 'field_name' => 'email', 'is_required' => 1, 'visibility' => 'Public Pages and Listings', 'field_type' => 'Contact', 'label' => 'Email', ), array( 'field_name' => 'phone', 'is_required' => 1, 'visibility' => 'Public Pages and Listings', 'field_type' => 'Contact', 'location_type_id' => 1, 'phone_type_id' => 1, 'label' => 'Phone' ), array( 'field_name' => 'country', 'is_required' => 1, 'visibility' => 'Public Pages and Listings', 'field_type' => 'Contact', 'location_type_id' => 1, 'label' => 'Country' ), array( 'field_name' => 'state_province', 'is_required' => 1, 'visibility' => 'Public Pages and Listings', 'field_type' => 'Contact', 'location_type_id' => 1, 'label' => 'State Province' ), array( 'field_name' => 'postal_code', 'is_required' => 0, 'field_type' => 'Contact', 'location_type_id' => 1, 'label' => 'State Province' ), ), ); $profile = $this->callAPISuccess('uf_group', 'create', $ufGroupParams); $this->_profileID = $profile['id']; } /** * @param int $profileID */ function _addCustomFieldToProfile($profileID) { $ids = $this->entityCustomGroupWithSingleFieldCreate(__FUNCTION__, ''); $this->uFFieldCreate(array('uf_group_id' => $profileID, 'field_name' => 'custom_' . $ids['custom_field_id'], 'contact_type' => 'Contact')); } }