_apiversion = 3; $this->_individualId = $this->individualCreate(); CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = []; } /** * Clean up after each test. * * @throws \Exception */ public function tearDown(): void { $this->quickCleanUpFinancialEntities(); $this->quickCleanup(['civicrm_uf_match']); unset(CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions); parent::tearDown(); } /** * Test Get Payment api. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testGetPayment(): void { $p = [ 'contact_id' => $this->_individualId, 'receive_date' => '2010-01-20', 'total_amount' => 100.00, 'financial_type_id' => $this->_financialTypeId, 'trxn_id' => 23456, 'contribution_status_id' => 1, ]; $contribution = $this->callAPISuccess('contribution', 'create', $p); $params = [ 'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'], 'check_permissions' => TRUE, ]; CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = ['access CiviCRM', 'administer CiviCRM']; $this->callAPIFailure('payment', 'get', $params, 'API permission check failed for Payment/get call; insufficient permission: require access CiviCRM and access CiviContribute'); CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions[] = 'access CiviContribute'; $this->callAPISuccess('payment', 'get', $params); $payment = $this->callAPIAndDocument('payment', 'get', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); $this->assertEquals(1, $payment['count']); $expectedResult = [ $contribution['id'] => [ 'total_amount' => 100, 'trxn_id' => 23456, 'trxn_date' => '2010-01-20 00:00:00', 'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'], 'is_payment' => 1, ], ]; $this->checkPaymentResult($payment, $expectedResult); $this->callAPISuccess('Contribution', 'Delete', [ 'id' => $contribution['id'], ]); $this->validateAllPayments(); } /** * Test multiple payments for contribution and assert if option * and is_payment returns the correct list of payments. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testMultiplePaymentsForContribution(): void { $params = [ 'contact_id' => $this->_individualId, 'total_amount' => 100, 'contribution_status_id' => 'Pending', ]; $contributionID = $this->contributionCreate($params); $paymentParams = [ 'contribution_id' => $contributionID, 'total_amount' => 20, 'trxn_date' => date('Y-m-d'), ]; $this->callAPISuccess('payment', 'create', $paymentParams); $paymentParams['total_amount'] = 30; $this->callAPISuccess('payment', 'create', $paymentParams); $paymentParams['total_amount'] = 50; $this->callAPISuccess('payment', 'create', $paymentParams); //check if contribution status is set to "Completed". $contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', [ 'id' => $contributionID, ]); $this->assertEquals('Completed', $contribution['contribution_status']); //Get Payment using options $getParams = [ 'sequential' => 1, 'contribution_id' => $contributionID, 'is_payment' => 1, 'options' => ['limit' => 0, 'sort' => 'total_amount DESC'], ]; $payments = $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'get', $getParams); $this->assertEquals(3, $payments['count']); foreach ([50, 30, 20] as $key => $total_amount) { $this->assertEquals($total_amount, $payments['values'][$key]['total_amount']); } } /** * Retrieve Payment using trxn_id. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public function testGetPaymentWithTrxnID(): void { $individual2 = $this->individualCreate(); $params1 = [ 'contact_id' => $this->_individualId, 'trxn_id' => 111111, 'total_amount' => 10, ]; $contributionID1 = $this->contributionCreate($params1); $params2 = [ 'contact_id' => $individual2, 'trxn_id' => 222222, 'total_amount' => 20, ]; $contributionID2 = $this->contributionCreate($params2); $paymentParams = ['trxn_id' => 111111]; $payment = $this->callAPISuccess('payment', 'get', $paymentParams); $expectedResult = [ $payment['id'] => [ 'total_amount' => 10, 'trxn_id' => 111111, 'status_id' => 1, 'is_payment' => 1, 'contribution_id' => $contributionID1, ], ]; $this->checkPaymentResult($payment, $expectedResult); $paymentParams = ['trxn_id' => 222222]; $payment = $this->callAPISuccess('payment', 'get', $paymentParams); $expectedResult = [ $payment['id'] => [ 'total_amount' => 20, 'trxn_id' => 222222, 'status_id' => 1, 'is_payment' => 1, 'contribution_id' => $contributionID2, ], ]; $this->checkPaymentResult($payment, $expectedResult); $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'create', ['total_amount' => '-20', 'contribution_id' => $contributionID2]); $this->validateAllPayments(); } /** * Test contribution receipts triggered by Payment.create with is_send_contribution_notification = TRUE. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testPaymentSendContributionReceipt(): void { $mut = new CiviMailUtils($this); $contribution = $this->createPartiallyPaidParticipantOrder(); $event = $this->callAPISuccess('Event', 'get', []); $this->addLocationToEvent($event['id']); $params = [ 'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'], 'total_amount' => 150, 'check_number' => '345', 'trxn_date' => '2018-08-13 17:57:56', 'is_send_contribution_notification' => TRUE, ]; $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'create', $params); $contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', ['id' => $contribution['id']]); $this->assertNotEmpty($contribution['receipt_date']); $mut->checkMailLog([ 'Price Field - Price Field 1 1 $ 100.00 $ 100.00', 'event place', 'streety street', ]); } /** * Test full refund when no payment has actually been record. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testFullRefundWithPaymentAlreadyRefunded(): void { $params1 = [ 'contact_id' => $this->_individualId, 'trxn_id' => 111111, 'total_amount' => 10, ]; $contributionID1 = $this->contributionCreate($params1); $paymentParams = ['contribution_id' => $contributionID1]; $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'create', ['total_amount' => '-10', 'contribution_id' => $contributionID1]); $this->callAPISuccess('payment', 'get', $paymentParams); $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'create', ['total_amount' => '-10', 'contribution_id' => $contributionID1]); $this->callAPISuccess('payment', 'get', $paymentParams); $this->validateAllPayments(); } /** * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testNegativePaymentWithNegativeContribution(): void { $params1 = [ 'contact_id' => $this->_individualId, 'trxn_id' => 111111, 'total_amount' => -10, ]; $contributionID1 = $this->contributionCreate($params1); $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'create', ['total_amount' => '-20', 'contribution_id' => $contributionID1]); $paymentParams = ['contribution_id' => $contributionID1]; $this->callAPISuccess('payment', 'get', $paymentParams); $this->validateAllPayments(); } /** * Test email receipt for partial payment. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testPaymentEmailReceipt(): void { $mut = new CiviMailUtils($this); $contribution = $this->createPartiallyPaidParticipantOrder(); $event = $this->callAPISuccess('Event', 'get', []); $this->addLocationToEvent($event['id']); $params = [ 'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'], 'total_amount' => 50, 'check_number' => '345', 'trxn_date' => '2018-08-13 17:57:56', ]; $payment = $this->callAPISuccess('payment', 'create', $params); $this->checkPaymentResult($payment, [ $payment['id'] => [ 'from_financial_account_id' => 7, 'to_financial_account_id' => 6, 'total_amount' => 50, 'status_id' => 1, 'is_payment' => 1, ], ]); $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'sendconfirmation', ['id' => $payment['id']]); $mut->assertSubjects(['Payment Receipt - Annual CiviCRM meet - Mr. Anthony Anderson II']); $mut->checkMailLog([ 'From: "FIXME" ', 'Dear Anthony,', 'Total Fee: $ 300.00', 'This Payment Amount: $ 50.00', //150 was paid in the 1st payment. 'Balance Owed: $ 100.00', 'Event Information and Location', 'Paid By: Check', 'Check Number: 345', 'Transaction Date: August 13th, 2018 5:57 PM', 'event place', 'streety street', ]); $this->validateAllPayments(); } /** * Test email receipt for partial payment. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testPaymentEmailReceiptFullyPaid(): void { $mut = new CiviMailUtils($this); CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = ['access CiviContribute', 'edit contributions', 'access CiviCRM']; $contribution = $this->createPartiallyPaidParticipantOrder(); $params = [ 'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'], 'total_amount' => 150, ]; $payment = $this->callAPISuccess('payment', 'create', $params); // Here we set the email to an invalid email & use check_permissions, domain email should be used. $email = $this->callAPISuccess('Email', 'create', ['contact_id' => 1, 'email' => 'bob@example.com']); $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'sendconfirmation', ['id' => $payment['id'], 'from' => $email['id'], 'check_permissions' => 1]); $mut->assertSubjects(['Payment Receipt - Annual CiviCRM meet - Mr. Anthony Anderson II', 'Registration Confirmation - Annual CiviCRM meet - Mr. Anthony Anderson II']); $mut->checkMailLog([ 'From: "FIXME" ', 'Dear Anthony,', 'Below you will find a receipt for this payment.', 'Total Fee: $ 300.00', 'This Payment Amount: $ 150.00', 'Balance Owed: $ 0.00', 'Thank you for completing this payment.', ]); } /** * Test email receipt for partial payment. * * @dataProvider getThousandSeparators * * @param string $thousandSeparator * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testRefundEmailReceipt(string $thousandSeparator): void { $this->setCurrencySeparators($thousandSeparator); $decimalSeparator = ($thousandSeparator === ',' ? '.' : ','); $mut = new CiviMailUtils($this); $contribution = $this->createPartiallyPaidParticipantOrder(); $this->callAPISuccess('payment', 'create', [ 'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'], 'total_amount' => 50, 'check_number' => '345', 'trxn_date' => '2018-08-13 17:57:56', ]); $payment = $this->callAPISuccess('payment', 'create', [ 'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'], 'total_amount' => -30, 'trxn_date' => '2018-11-13 12:01:56', 'sequential' => TRUE, ])['values'][0]; $expected = [ 'from_financial_account_id' => 7, 'to_financial_account_id' => 6, 'total_amount' => -30, 'status_id' => CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_BAO_FinancialTrxn', 'status_id', 'Refunded'), 'is_payment' => 1, ]; foreach ($expected as $key => $value) { $this->assertEquals($value, $payment[$key], 'mismatch on key ' . $key); } $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'sendconfirmation', ['id' => $payment['id']]); $mut->assertSubjects(['Refund Notification - Annual CiviCRM meet - Mr. Anthony Anderson II']); $mut->checkMailLog([ 'Dear Anthony,', 'A refund has been issued based on changes in your registration selections.', 'Total Fee: $ 300' . $decimalSeparator . '00', 'Refund Amount: $ -30' . $decimalSeparator . '00', 'Event Information and Location', 'Paid By: Check', 'Transaction Date: November 13th, 2018 12:01 PM', 'Total Paid: $ 170' . $decimalSeparator . '00', ]); } /** * Test adding a payment to a pending multi-line order. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testCreatePaymentPendingOrderNoLineItems(): void { $order = $this->createPendingParticipantOrder(); $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'create', [ 'order_id' => $order['id'], 'total_amount' => 50, ]); } /** * Test that Payment.create does not fail if the line items are missing. * * In the original spec it was anticipated that financial items would not be created * for pending contributions in some circumstances. We've backed away from this and * I mostly could not find a way to do it through the UI. But I did seem to once & * I want to be sure that if they ARE missing no fatal occurs so this tests * that in an artificial way. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public function testAddPaymentMissingFinancialItems(): void { $contribution = $this->callAPISuccess('Contribution', 'create', [ 'total_amount' => 50, 'financial_type_id' => 'Donation', 'contact_id' => $this->individualCreate(), 'contribution_status_id' => 'Pending', ]); CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery('DELETE FROM civicrm_financial_item'); $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'create', ['contribution_id' => $contribution['id'], 'payment_instrument_id' => 'Check', 'total_amount' => 5]); } /** * Add participant with contribution * * @return array * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ protected function createPendingParticipantOrder(): array { return $this->callAPISuccess('Order', 'create', $this->getParticipantOrderParams()); } /** * Test create payment api with no line item in params * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testCreatePaymentNoLineItems(): void { $contribution = $this->createPartiallyPaidParticipantOrder(); //Create partial payment $params = [ 'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'], 'total_amount' => 50, ]; $payment = $this->callAPIAndDocument('payment', 'create', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); $this->checkPaymentIsValid($payment['id'], $contribution['id']); $params = [ 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_financial_item', 'financial_trxn_id' => $payment['id'], ]; $eft = $this->callAPISuccess('EntityFinancialTrxn', 'get', $params); $amounts = [33.33, 16.67]; foreach ($eft['values'] as $value) { $this->assertEquals($value['amount'], array_pop($amounts)); } // Now create payment to complete total amount of contribution $params = [ 'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'], 'total_amount' => 100, ]; $payment = $this->callAPISuccess('payment', 'create', $params); $expectedResult = [ $payment['id'] => [ 'from_financial_account_id' => 7, 'to_financial_account_id' => 6, 'total_amount' => 100, 'status_id' => 1, 'is_payment' => 1, ], ]; $this->checkPaymentResult($payment, $expectedResult); $params = [ 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_financial_item', 'financial_trxn_id' => $payment['id'], ]; $eft = $this->callAPISuccess('EntityFinancialTrxn', 'get', $params); $amounts = [66.67, 33.33]; foreach ($eft['values'] as $value) { $this->assertEquals($value['amount'], array_pop($amounts)); } // Check contribution for completed status $contribution = $this->callAPISuccess('contribution', 'get', ['id' => $contribution['id']]); $this->assertEquals('Completed', $contribution['values'][$contribution['id']]['contribution_status']); $this->assertEquals(300.00, $contribution['values'][$contribution['id']]['total_amount']); $paymentParticipant = [ 'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'], ]; $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('ParticipantPayment', $paymentParticipant, 2); $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Participant', ['status_id' => 'Registered'], 2); } /** * Function to assert db values * * @param array $payment * @param array $expectedResult * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function checkPaymentResult(array $payment, array $expectedResult): void { $refreshedPayment = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Payment', ['financial_trxn_id' => $payment['id']]); foreach ($expectedResult[$payment['id']] as $key => $value) { $this->assertEquals($refreshedPayment[$key], $value, 'mismatch on ' . $key); $this->assertEquals($refreshedPayment[$key], $value, 'mismatch on ' . $key); } } /** * Test create payment api with line item in params * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testCreatePaymentLineItems(): void { $contribution = $this->createPartiallyPaidParticipantOrder(); $lineItems = $this->callAPISuccess('LineItem', 'get', ['contribution_id' => $contribution['id']])['values']; // Create partial payment by passing line item array is params. $params = [ 'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'], 'total_amount' => 50, ]; $amounts = [40, 10]; foreach ($lineItems as $id => $ignore) { $params['line_item'][] = [$id => array_pop($amounts)]; } $payment = $this->callAPIAndDocument('Payment', 'create', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, 'Payment with line item', 'CreatePaymentWithLineItems'); $this->checkPaymentIsValid($payment['id'], $contribution['id']); $params = [ 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_financial_item', 'financial_trxn_id' => $payment['id'], 'return' => ['entity_id.entity_id', 'amount'], ]; $eft = $this->callAPISuccess('EntityFinancialTrxn', 'get', $params)['values']; $this->assertCount(2, $eft); $amounts = [40, 10]; foreach ($eft as $value) { $this->assertEquals($value['amount'], array_pop($amounts)); } // Now create payment to complete total amount of contribution $params = [ 'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'], 'total_amount' => 100, ]; $amounts = [80, 20]; foreach ($lineItems as $id => $ignore) { $params['line_item'][] = [$id => array_pop($amounts)]; } $payment = $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'create', $params); $expectedResult = [ $payment['id'] => [ 'from_financial_account_id' => 7, 'to_financial_account_id' => 6, 'total_amount' => 100, 'status_id' => 1, 'is_payment' => 1, ], ]; $this->checkPaymentResult($payment, $expectedResult); $params = [ 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_financial_item', 'financial_trxn_id' => $payment['id'], ]; $eft = $this->callAPISuccess('EntityFinancialTrxn', 'get', $params)['values']; $this->assertCount(2, $eft); $amounts = [80, 20]; foreach ($eft as $value) { $this->assertEquals($value['amount'], array_pop($amounts)); } // Check contribution for completed status $contribution = $this->callAPISuccess('Contribution', 'get', ['id' => $contribution['id']]); $this->assertEquals('Completed', $contribution['values'][$contribution['id']]['contribution_status']); $this->assertEquals(300.00, $contribution['values'][$contribution['id']]['total_amount']); $paymentParticipant = [ 'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'], ]; $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('ParticipantPayment', $paymentParticipant, 2); $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('participant', ['status_id' => 'Registered'], 2); } /** * Test negative payment using create API. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testRefundPayment(): void { $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contribution', 'create', [ 'financial_type_id' => 'Donation', 'total_amount' => 100, 'contact_id' => $this->_individualId, ]); $contributionID = $result['id']; //Refund a part of the main amount. $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'create', [ 'contribution_id' => $contributionID, 'total_amount' => -10, ]); $contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', [ 'return' => ['contribution_status_id'], 'id' => $contributionID, ]); //Still we've a status of Completed after refunding a partial amount. $this->assertEquals('Completed', $contribution['contribution_status']); //Refund the complete amount. $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'create', [ 'contribution_id' => $contributionID, 'total_amount' => -90, ]); $contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', [ 'return' => ['contribution_status_id'], 'id' => $contributionID, ]); //Assert if main contribution status is updated to "Refunded". $this->assertEquals('Refunded Label**', $contribution['contribution_status']); } /** * Test negative payment using create API when the "cancelled_payment_id" param is set. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testRefundPaymentWithCancelledPaymentId(): void { $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contribution', 'create', [ 'financial_type_id' => 'Donation', 'total_amount' => 100, 'contact_id' => $this->_individualId, ]); $contributionID = $result['id']; //Refund the complete amount. $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'create', [ 'contribution_id' => $contributionID, 'total_amount' => -100, 'cancelled_payment_id' => (int) $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'get', [])['id'], ]); $contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', [ 'return' => ['contribution_status_id'], 'id' => $contributionID, ]); //Assert if main contribution status is updated to "Refunded". $this->assertEquals('Refunded Label**', $contribution['contribution_status']); } /** * Test cancel payment api * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testCancelPayment(): void { CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = ['administer CiviCRM', 'access CiviContribute']; $contribution = $this->createPartiallyPaidParticipantOrder(); $params = [ 'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'], ]; $payment = $this->callAPISuccess('payment', 'get', $params); $this->assertEquals(1, $payment['count']); $cancelParams = [ 'id' => $payment['id'], 'check_permissions' => TRUE, ]; $this->callAPIFailure('payment', 'cancel', $cancelParams, 'API permission check failed for Payment/cancel call; insufficient permission: require access CiviCRM and access CiviContribute and edit contributions'); array_push(CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions, 'access CiviCRM', 'edit contributions'); $this->callAPIAndDocument('payment', 'cancel', $cancelParams, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); $payment = $this->callAPISuccess('payment', 'get', $params); $this->assertEquals(2, $payment['count']); $amounts = [-150.00, 150.00]; foreach ($payment['values'] as $value) { $this->assertEquals($value['total_amount'], array_pop($amounts), 'Mismatch total amount'); } } /** * Test delete payment api * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testDeletePayment(): void { CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = ['administer CiviCRM', 'access CiviContribute']; $contribution = $this->createPartiallyPaidParticipantOrder(); $params = [ 'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'], ]; $payment = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('payment', $params); $deleteParams = [ 'id' => $payment['id'], 'check_permissions' => TRUE, ]; $this->callAPIFailure('payment', 'delete', $deleteParams, 'API permission check failed for Payment/delete call; insufficient permission: require access CiviCRM and access CiviContribute and delete in CiviContribute'); array_push(CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions, 'access CiviCRM', 'delete in CiviContribute'); $this->callAPIAndDocument('payment', 'delete', $deleteParams, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('payment', $params, 0); $this->callAPISuccess('Contribution', 'Delete', ['id' => $contribution['id']]); } /** * Test update payment api. * * 1) create a contribution for $300 with a partial payment of $150 * - this results in 2 financial transactions. The accounts receivable transaction is linked * via entity_financial_trxns to the 2 line items. The $150 payment is not linked to the line items * so the line items are fully allocated even though they are only half paid. * * 2) add a payment of $50 - * This payment transaction IS linked to the line items so $350 of the $300 in line items is allocated * but $200 is paid * * 3) update that payment to be $100 * This results in a negative and a positive payment ($50 & $100) - the negative payment results in * financial_items but the positive payment does not. * * The final result is we have * - 1 partly paid contribution of $300 * - payment financial_trxns totalling $250 * - 1 Accounts receivable financial_trxn totalling $300 * - 2 financial items totalling $300 linked to the Accounts receivable financial_trxn * - 6 entries in the civicrm_entity_financial_trxn linked to line items - totalling $450. * - 5 entries in the civicrm_entity_financial_trxn linked to contributions - totalling $550. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testUpdatePayment(): void { CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = ['administer CiviCRM', 'access CiviContribute', 'edit contributions']; $contribution = $this->createPartiallyPaidParticipantOrder(); //Create partial payment by passing line item array is params $params = [ 'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'], 'total_amount' => 50, ]; $payment = $this->callAPISuccess('payment', 'create', $params); $expectedResult = [ $payment['id'] => [ 'from_financial_account_id' => 7, 'to_financial_account_id' => 6, 'total_amount' => 50, 'status_id' => 1, 'is_payment' => 1, ], ]; $this->checkPaymentResult($payment, $expectedResult); $params = [ 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_financial_item', 'financial_trxn_id' => $payment['id'], ]; $eft = $this->callAPISuccess('EntityFinancialTrxn', 'get', $params); $amounts = [33.33, 16.67]; foreach ($eft['values'] as $value) { $this->assertEquals($value['amount'], array_pop($amounts)); } // update the amount for payment $params = [ 'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'], 'total_amount' => 100, 'id' => $payment['id'], 'check_permissions' => TRUE, ]; // @todo - move this permissions test to it's own test - it just confuses here. CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = ['administer CiviCRM', 'access CiviContribute']; $this->callAPIFailure('payment', 'create', $params, 'API permission check failed for Payment/create call; insufficient permission: require access CiviCRM and access CiviContribute and edit contributions'); CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = ['administer CiviCRM', 'access CiviContribute', 'access CiviCRM', 'edit contributions']; $payment = $this->callAPIAndDocument('payment', 'create', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, 'Update Payment', 'UpdatePayment'); $this->validateAllPayments(); // Check for proportional cancelled payment against line items. $minParams = [ 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_financial_item', 'financial_trxn_id' => $payment['id'] - 1, ]; $eft = $this->callAPISuccess('EntityFinancialTrxn', 'get', $minParams)['values']; $this->assertCount(2, $eft); $amounts = [-33.33, -16.67]; foreach ($eft as $value) { $this->assertEquals($value['amount'], array_pop($amounts)); } // Check for proportional updated payment against line items. $params = [ 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_financial_item', 'financial_trxn_id' => $payment['id'], ]; $eft = $this->callAPISuccess('EntityFinancialTrxn', 'get', $params)['values']; $amounts = [66.67, 33.33]; foreach ($eft as $value) { $this->assertEquals($value['amount'], array_pop($amounts)); } $items = $this->callAPISuccess('FinancialItem', 'get', [])['values']; $this->assertCount(2, $items); $itemSum = 0; foreach ($items as $item) { $this->assertEquals('civicrm_line_item', $item['entity_table']); $itemSum += $item['amount']; } $this->assertEquals(300, $itemSum); $params = [ 'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'], ]; $payment = $this->callAPISuccess('payment', 'get', $params); $amounts = [100.00, -50.00, 50.00, 150.00]; foreach ($payment['values'] as $value) { $amount = array_pop($amounts); $this->assertEquals($value['total_amount'], $amount, 'Mismatch total amount'); // Check entity financial trxn created properly $params = [ 'entity_id' => $contribution['id'], 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_contribution', 'financial_trxn_id' => $value['id'], ]; $eft = $this->callAPISuccess('EntityFinancialTrxn', 'get', $params); $this->assertEquals($eft['values'][$eft['id']]['amount'], $amount); } } /** * Test that a contribution can be overpaid with the payment api. * * @throws \API_Exception * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception * @throws \Civi\API\Exception\UnauthorizedException */ public function testCreatePaymentOverPay(): void { $contributionID = $this->contributionCreate(['contact_id' => $this->individualCreate()]); $payment = $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'create', ['total_amount' => 5, 'order_id' => $contributionID]); $contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', ['id' => $contributionID]); $this->assertEquals('Completed', $contribution['contribution_status']); $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('EntityFinancialTrxn', ['financial_trxn_id' => $payment['id'], 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_financial_item'], 0); $this->validateAllPayments(); $this->validateAllContributions(); } /** * Test create payment api for pay later contribution * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public function testCreatePaymentPayLater(): void { $this->createLoggedInUser(); $processorID = $this->paymentProcessorCreate(); $contributionParams = [ 'total_amount' => 100, 'currency' => 'USD', 'contact_id' => $this->_individualId, 'financial_type_id' => 1, 'contribution_status_id' => 2, 'is_pay_later' => 1, ]; $contribution = $this->callAPISuccess('Contribution', 'create', $contributionParams); //add payment for pay later transaction $params = [ 'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'], 'total_amount' => 100, 'card_type_id' => 'Visa', 'pan_truncation' => '1234', 'trxn_result_code' => 'Startling success', 'payment_instrument_id' => $processorID, 'trxn_id' => 1234, ]; $payment = $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'create', $params); $expectedResult = [ $payment['id'] => [ 'from_financial_account_id' => 7, 'to_financial_account_id' => 6, 'total_amount' => 100, 'status_id' => 1, 'is_payment' => 1, 'card_type_id' => 1, 'pan_truncation' => '1234', 'trxn_result_code' => 'Startling success', 'trxn_id' => 1234, 'payment_instrument_id' => 1, ], ]; $this->checkPaymentResult($payment, $expectedResult); // Check entity financial trxn created properly $params = [ 'entity_id' => $contribution['id'], 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_contribution', 'financial_trxn_id' => $payment['id'], ]; $eft = $this->callAPISuccess('EntityFinancialTrxn', 'get', $params); $this->assertEquals(100, $eft['values'][$eft['id']]['amount']); $params = [ 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_financial_item', 'financial_trxn_id' => $payment['id'], ]; $eft = $this->callAPISuccess('EntityFinancialTrxn', 'get', $params); $this->assertEquals(100, $eft['values'][$eft['id']]['amount']); // Check contribution for completed status $contribution = $this->callAPISuccess('contribution', 'get', ['id' => $contribution['id']]); $this->assertEquals('Completed', $contribution['values'][$contribution['id']]['contribution_status']); $this->assertEquals(100.00, $contribution['values'][$contribution['id']]['total_amount']); $this->callAPISuccess('Contribution', 'Delete', [ 'id' => $contribution['id'], ]); $this->validateAllPayments(); } /** * Test net amount is set when fee amount is passed in. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testNetAmount(): void { $order = $this->createPendingParticipantOrder(); $payment = $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'create', ['order_id' => $order['id'], 'total_amount' => 10, 'fee_amount' => .25]); $this->assertEquals('9.75', $this->callAPISuccessGetValue('Payment', ['id' => $payment['id'], 'return' => 'net_amount'])); } /** * Test create payment api for pay later contribution with partial payment. * * https://lab.civicrm.org/dev/financial/issues/69 * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testCreatePaymentIncompletePaymentPartialPayment(): void { $contributionParams = [ 'total_amount' => 100, 'currency' => 'USD', 'contact_id' => $this->_individualId, 'financial_type_id' => 1, 'contribution_status_id' => 2, ]; $contribution = $this->callAPISuccess('Contribution', 'create', $contributionParams); $checkNumber1 = 'C111'; $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'create', [ 'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'], 'total_amount' => 50, 'payment_instrument_id' => 'Check', 'check_number' => $checkNumber1, ]); $payments = $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'get', ['contribution_id' => $contribution['id']])['values']; $this->assertCount(1, $payments); $this->validateAllPayments(); $checkNumber2 = 'C222'; $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'create', [ 'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'], 'total_amount' => 20, 'payment_instrument_id' => 'Check', 'check_number' => $checkNumber2, ]); $expectedConcatenatedCheckNumbers = implode(',', [$checkNumber1, $checkNumber2]); //Assert check number is concatenated on the main contribution. $contributionValues = $this->callAPISuccess('Contribution', 'getsingle', ['id' => $contribution['id']]); $this->assertEquals($expectedConcatenatedCheckNumbers, $contributionValues['check_number']); } /** * Test create payment api for failed contribution. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public function testCreatePaymentOnFailedContribution(): void { $this->createLoggedInUser(); //Create a direct Failed Contribution (no ft record inserted). $contributionParams = [ 'total_amount' => 50, 'currency' => 'USD', 'contact_id' => $this->_individualId, 'financial_type_id' => 1, 'contribution_status_id' => 'Failed', ]; $contribution = $this->callAPISuccess('Contribution', 'create', $contributionParams); //Complete the payment in a single call. $params = [ 'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'], 'total_amount' => 50, ]; $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'create', $params); //Verify 2 rows are added to the financial trxn as payment is moved from //Failed -> Pending -> Completed, i.e, 0 -> 7(Account receivable) -> 6 (Deposit Bank). $params = [ 'entity_id' => $contribution['id'], 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_contribution', ]; $eft = $this->callAPISuccess('EntityFinancialTrxn', 'get', $params); $this->assertEquals(2, $eft['count']); //Test 2 //Create a Pending Contribution so an FT record is inserted. $contributionParams = [ 'total_amount' => 100, 'currency' => 'USD', 'contact_id' => $this->_individualId, 'financial_type_id' => 1, 'contribution_status_id' => 'Pending', 'is_pay_later' => 1, ]; $contribution = $this->callAPISuccess('Order', 'create', $contributionParams); //Mark it as failed. No FT record inserted on this update //so the payment is still in the account receivable account id 7. $this->callAPISuccess('Contribution', 'create', [ 'id' => $contribution['id'], 'contribution_status_id' => 'Failed', ]); $this->createPartialPaymentOnContribution($contribution['id'], 60, 100.00); //Call payment create on the failed contribution. $params = [ 'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'], 'total_amount' => 40, ]; $payment = $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'create', $params); $expectedResult = [ $payment['id'] => [ 'from_financial_account_id' => 7, 'to_financial_account_id' => 6, 'total_amount' => 40, 'status_id' => 1, 'is_payment' => 1, ], ]; $this->checkPaymentResult($payment, $expectedResult); //Check total ft rows are 4: 2 from initial pending + partial payment //+ 2 for failed -> completed transition. $params = [ 'entity_id' => $contribution['id'], 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_contribution', ]; $eft = $this->callAPISuccess('EntityFinancialTrxn', 'get', $params); $this->assertEquals(4, $eft['count']); $this->validateAllPayments(); } /** * Create partial payment for contribution * * @param $contributionID * @param $partialAmount * @param $totalAmount * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function createPartialPaymentOnContribution($contributionID, $partialAmount, $totalAmount): void { //Create partial payment $params = [ 'contribution_id' => $contributionID, 'total_amount' => $partialAmount, ]; $payment = $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'create', $params); $expectedResult = [ $payment['id'] => [ 'total_amount' => $partialAmount, 'status_id' => 1, 'is_payment' => 1, ], ]; $this->checkPaymentResult($payment, $expectedResult); // Check entity financial trxn created properly $params = [ 'entity_id' => $contributionID, 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_contribution', 'financial_trxn_id' => $payment['id'], ]; $eft = $this->callAPISuccess('EntityFinancialTrxn', 'get', $params); $this->assertEquals($eft['values'][$eft['id']]['amount'], $partialAmount); $params = [ 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_financial_item', 'financial_trxn_id' => $payment['id'], ]; $eft = $this->callAPISuccess('EntityFinancialTrxn', 'get', $params); $this->assertEquals($eft['values'][$eft['id']]['amount'], $partialAmount); $contribution = $this->callAPISuccess('contribution', 'get', ['id' => $contributionID]); $this->assertEquals('Partially paid', $contribution['values'][$contribution['id']]['contribution_status']); $this->assertEquals($contribution['values'][$contribution['id']]['total_amount'], $totalAmount); } /** * Test create payment api for pay later contribution with partial payment. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public function testCreatePaymentPayLaterPartialPayment(): void { $this->createLoggedInUser(); $contributionParams = [ 'total_amount' => 100, 'currency' => 'USD', 'contact_id' => $this->_individualId, 'financial_type_id' => 1, 'contribution_status_id' => 2, 'is_pay_later' => 1, ]; $contribution = $this->callAPISuccess('Order', 'create', $contributionParams); $this->createPartialPaymentOnContribution($contribution['id'], 60, 100.00); //Create full payment $params = [ 'contribution_id' => $contribution['id'], 'total_amount' => 40, ]; // Rename the 'completed' status label first to check that we are not using the labels! $this->callAPISuccess('OptionValue', 'get', ['name' => 'Completed', 'option_group_id' => 'contribution_status', 'api.OptionValue.create' => ['label' => 'Unicorn']]); $payment = $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'create', $params); $expectedResult = [ $payment['id'] => [ 'from_financial_account_id' => 7, 'to_financial_account_id' => 6, 'total_amount' => 40, 'status_id' => 1, 'is_payment' => 1, ], ]; $this->checkPaymentResult($payment, $expectedResult); // Check entity financial trxn created properly $params = [ 'entity_id' => $contribution['id'], 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_contribution', 'financial_trxn_id' => $payment['id'], ]; $eft = $this->callAPISuccess('EntityFinancialTrxn', 'get', $params); $this->assertEquals(40, $eft['values'][$eft['id']]['amount']); $params = [ 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_financial_item', 'financial_trxn_id' => $payment['id'], ]; $eft = $this->callAPISuccess('EntityFinancialTrxn', 'get', $params); $this->assertEquals(40, $eft['values'][$eft['id']]['amount']); // Check contribution for completed status $contribution = $this->callAPISuccess('contribution', 'get', ['id' => $contribution['id']]); $this->assertEquals('Unicorn', $contribution['values'][$contribution['id']]['contribution_status']); $this->assertEquals(100.00, $contribution['values'][$contribution['id']]['total_amount']); $this->callAPISuccess('Contribution', 'Delete', [ 'id' => $contribution['id'], ]); $this->callAPISuccess('OptionValue', 'get', ['name' => 'Completed', 'option_group_id' => 'contribution_status', 'api.OptionValue.create' => ['label' => 'Completed']]); $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Activity', ['target_contact_id' => $this->_individualId, 'activity_type_id' => 'Payment'], 2); } /** * Test that Payment.create uses the to_account of the payment processor. * * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function testPaymentWithProcessorWithOddFinancialAccount(): void { $processor = $this->dummyProcessorCreate(['financial_account_id' => 'Deposit Bank Account', 'payment_instrument_id' => 'Cash']); $processor2 = $this->dummyProcessorCreate(['financial_account_id' => 'Payment Processor Account', 'name' => 'p2', 'payment_instrument_id' => 'EFT']); $contributionParams = [ 'total_amount' => 100, 'currency' => 'USD', 'contact_id' => $this->_individualId, 'financial_type_id' => 1, 'contribution_status_id' => 'Pending', ]; $order = $this->callAPISuccess('Order', 'create', $contributionParams); $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'create', ['payment_processor_id' => $processor->getID(), 'total_amount' => 6, 'contribution_id' => $order['id']]); $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'create', ['payment_processor_id' => $processor2->getID(), 'total_amount' => 15, 'contribution_id' => $order['id']]); $payments = $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'get', ['sequential' => 1, 'contribution_id' => $order['id']])['values']; $this->assertEquals('Deposit Bank Account', CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getName('CRM_Core_BAO_FinancialTrxn', 'to_financial_account_id', $payments[0]['to_financial_account_id'])); $this->assertEquals('Payment Processor Account', CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getName('CRM_Core_BAO_FinancialTrxn', 'to_financial_account_id', $payments[1]['to_financial_account_id'])); $this->assertEquals('Accounts Receivable', CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getName('CRM_Core_BAO_FinancialTrxn', 'from_financial_account_id', $payments[0]['from_financial_account_id'])); $this->assertEquals('Accounts Receivable', CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getName('CRM_Core_BAO_FinancialTrxn', 'from_financial_account_id', $payments[1]['from_financial_account_id'])); $this->assertEquals('Cash', CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getName('CRM_Core_BAO_FinancialTrxn', 'payment_instrument_id', $payments[0]['payment_instrument_id'])); $this->assertEquals('EFT', CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getName('CRM_Core_BAO_FinancialTrxn', 'payment_instrument_id', $payments[1]['payment_instrument_id'])); // $order = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Order', ['id' => $processor->getID()]); // $this->assertEquals('Cash', CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getName('CRM_Core_BAO_FinancialTrxn', 'payment_instrument_id', $order['payment_instrument_id'])); } /** * Add a location to our event. * * @param int $eventID * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ protected function addLocationToEvent(int $eventID): void { $addressParams = [ 'name' => 'event place', 'street_address' => 'streety street', 'location_type_id' => 1, 'is_primary' => 1, ]; // api requires contact_id - perhaps incorrectly but use add to get past that. $address = CRM_Core_BAO_Address::add($addressParams); $location = $this->callAPISuccess('LocBlock', 'create', ['address_id' => $address->id]); $this->callAPISuccess('Event', 'create', [ 'id' => $eventID, 'loc_block_id' => $location['id'], 'is_show_location' => TRUE, ]); } /** * Check the created payment is valid. * * This is probably over-testing really since we are repetitively checking a basic function... * * @param int $paymentID * @param int $contributionID * @param int $amount * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ protected function checkPaymentIsValid(int $paymentID, int $contributionID, int $amount = 50): void { $payment = $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'getsingle', ['financial_trxn_id' => $paymentID]); $this->assertEquals(7, $payment['from_financial_account_id']); $this->assertEquals(6, $payment['to_financial_account_id']); $this->assertEquals(1, $payment['status_id']); $this->assertEquals(1, $payment['is_payment']); $this->assertEquals($amount, $payment['total_amount']); $eft = $this->callAPISuccess('EntityFinancialTrxn', 'get', [ 'entity_id' => $contributionID, 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_contribution', 'financial_trxn_id' => $payment['id'], ]); $this->assertEquals($eft['values'][$eft['id']]['amount'], $amount); } /** * This test was introduced in * https://github.com/civicrm/civicrm-core/pull/17688 to ensure that a * contribution's date is not set to today's date when a payment is received, * and that the contribution's trxn_id is set to that of the payment. * * This tests the current behaviour, but there are questions about whether * that's right. * * The current behaviour is that when a payment is received that completes a * contribution: the contribution's receive_date is set to that of the * payment (passed to Payment.create as trxn_date). * * But why *should* we update the receive_date at all? * * If we decide that receive_date should not be touched, just change * $trxnDate for $trxnID as detailed in the code comment below, which will * still make sure we're not setting today's date, as well as confirming * that the original date is not changed. * * @see https://github.com/civicrm/civicrm-core/pull/17688 * @see https://lab.civicrm.org/dev/financial/-/issues/139 * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public function testPaymentCreateTrxnIdAndDates(): void { $trxnDate = '2010-01-01 09:00:00'; $trxnID = 'abcd'; $originalReceiveDate = '2010-02-02 22:22:22'; $contributionID = $this->contributionCreate([ 'contact_id' => $this->individualCreate(), 'total_amount' => 100, 'contribution_status_id' => 'Pending', 'receive_date' => $originalReceiveDate, 'fee_amount' => 0, ]); $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'create', [ 'total_amount' => 100, 'order_id' => $contributionID, 'trxn_date' => $trxnDate, 'trxn_id' => $trxnID, 'fee_amount' => .2, ]); $contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', ['id' => $contributionID]); $this->assertEquals('Completed', $contribution['contribution_status']); $this->assertEquals(.2, $contribution['fee_amount']); $this->assertEquals(99.8, $contribution['net_amount']); $this->assertEquals($trxnID, $contribution['trxn_id'], 'Contribution trxn_id should have been set to that of the payment.'); $this->assertEquals($originalReceiveDate, $contribution['receive_date'], 'Contribution receive date was changed, but should not have been.'); } }