open($this->sboxPath); // Logging in. Remember to wait for page to load. In most cases, // you can rely on 30000 as the value that allows your test to pass, however, // sometimes your test might fail because of this. In such cases, it's better to pick one element // somewhere at the end of page and use waitForElementPresent on it - this assures you, that whole // page contents loaded and you can continue your test execution. $this->webtestLogin(); // create contact $firstName = 'reportuser_' . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7); $displayName = "Anderson, $firstName"; $emailId = "$"; $this->webtestAddContact($firstName, "Anderson", $emailId); // Go directly to the URL of the screen that you will be testing (New Tag). $this->open($this->sboxPath . "civicrm/report/contact/summary?reset=1"); // As mentioned before, waitForPageToLoad is not always reliable. Below, we're waiting for the submit // button at the end of this page to show up, to make sure it's fully loaded. $this->waitForElementPresent("_qf_Summary_submit"); // enable email field $this->click("fields[email]"); // enable phone field $this->click("fields[phone]"); // apply Contact Name filter $this->select("sort_name_op", "value=has"); $this->type("sort_name_value", $firstName); // preview result $this->click("_qf_Summary_submit"); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); // Is filter statistics present? $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent("Contains $firstName"), "Statistics did not found!"); // Is Contact Name present in result? $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent($displayName), "Contact Name did not found!"); // Is email Id present on result? $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent($emailId), "Email did not found!"); // check criteria $this->click("css=div.crm-report_criteria-accordion div.crm-accordion-header"); $this->waitForElementPresent("sort_name_value"); // Is Contact Name filter? $this->assertContains($firstName, $this->getValue("sort_name_value"), "Filter Contact Name expected $firstName"); // Is Email Field? $this->assertEquals("on", $this->getValue("fields[email]")); // Is Phone Field? $this->assertEquals("on", $this->getValue("fields[phone]")); // Create report $this->click("css=div.crm-report_setting-accordion div.crm-accordion-header"); $this->waitForElementPresent("title"); $reportName = 'ContactSummary_' . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7); $reportDescription = "New Contact Summary Report"; $emaiSubject = "Contact Summary Report"; $emailCC = ""; // Fill Report Title $this->type("title", $reportName); // Fill Report Description $this->type("description", $reportDescription); // Fill Email Subject $this->type("email_subject", $emaiSubject); // Fill Email To $this->type("email_to", $emailId); // Fill Email CC $this->type("email_cc", $emailCC); // We want navigation menu $this->click("is_navigation"); $this->waitForElementPresent("parent_id"); // Navigation menu under Reports section $this->select("parent_id", "label=Reports"); // Set permission as access CiviCRM $this->select("permission", "value=access CiviCRM"); // click to create report $this->click("_qf_Summary_submit_save"); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); // Open report list $this->open($this->sboxPath . "civicrm/report/list?reset=1"); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); // Is report is resent in list? $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent($reportName)); // Visit report $this->click("link=$reportName"); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); // Is filter statistics present? $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent("Contains $firstName"), "Statistics did not found!"); // Is Contact Name present in result? $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent($displayName), "Contact Name did not found!"); // Is email Id present on result? $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent($emailId), "Email did not found!"); // check report criteria $this->click("css=div.crm-report_criteria-accordion div.crm-accordion-header"); $this->waitForElementPresent("sort_name_value"); // Is Contact Name filter? $this->assertContains($firstName, $this->getValue("sort_name_value"), "Filter Contact Name expected $firstName"); // Is Email Field? $this->assertEquals("on", $this->getValue("fields[email]")); // Is Phone Field? $this->assertEquals("on", $this->getValue("fields[phone]")); // Check Report settings $this->click("css=div.crm-report_setting-accordion div.crm-accordion-header"); $this->waitForElementPresent("title"); // Is correct Report Title? $this->assertContains($reportName, $this->getValue("title"), "Report Title expected $reportName"); // Is correct Report Description? $this->assertContains($reportDescription, $this->getValue("description"), "Report Description expected $reportDescription"); // Is correct email Subject? $this->assertContains($emaiSubject, $this->getValue("email_subject"), "Email Subject expected $emaiSubject"); // Is correct email to? $this->assertContains($emailId, $this->getValue("email_to"), "Email To expected $emailId"); // Is correct email cc? $this->assertContains($emailCC, $this->getValue("email_cc"), "Email CC expected $emailCC"); // Is Navigation? $this->assertEquals("on", $this->getValue("is_navigation")); // Is correct Navigation Parent? $this->assertSelectedLabel("parent_id", "Reports"); // Is correct access permission? $this->assertSelectedLabel("permission", "access CiviCRM"); } }