webtestLogin(); // Get sample import data. list($headers, $rows) = $this->_individualCSVData(); // Create New Mapping Name $mappingName = 'contactimport_' . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7); $other = array( 'saveMapping' => TRUE, 'saveMappingName' => $mappingName, ); // Map Fields $fieldMapper = array( 'mapper[0][0]' => 'individual_prefix', 'mapper[4][0]' => 'individual_suffix', 'mapper[6][0]' => 'phone', 'mapper[6][1]' => '5', 'mapper[7][0]' => 'supplemental_address_1', 'mapper[7][1]' => '5', 'mapper[8][0]' => 'supplemental_address_2', 'mapper[8][1]' => '5', 'mapper[9][0]' => 'city', 'mapper[9][1]' => '5', 'mapper[10][0]' => 'state_province', 'mapper[10][1]' => '5', 'mapper[11][0]' => 'country', 'mapper[11][1]' => '5', ); // Import and check Individual contacts in Skip mode. $this->importContacts($headers, $rows, 'Individual', 'Skip', $fieldMapper, $other); list($headers, $rows) = $this->_individualCSVData(); // Sending Mapped Name for Re-use $other = array('useMappingName' => $mappingName); $this->importContacts($headers, $rows, 'Individual', 'Skip', array(), $other); } /* * Helper function to provide csv data for Individuals contact import. */ function _individualCSVData() { $headers = array( 'individual_prefix' => 'Individual Prefix', 'first_name' => 'First Name', 'middle_name' => 'Middle Name', 'last_name' => 'Last Name', 'individual_suffix' => 'Individual Suffix', 'email' => 'Email', 'phone' => 'Phone', 'address_1' => 'Additional Address 1', 'address_2' => 'Additional Address 2', 'city' => 'City', 'state' => 'State', 'country' => 'Country', ); $rows = array( array( 'individual_prefix' => 'Mr.', 'first_name' => substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7), 'middle_name' => substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7), 'last_name' => 'Anderson', 'individual_suffix' => 'Jr.', 'email' => substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7) . '@example.com', 'phone' => '6949912154', 'address_1' => 'Add 1', 'address_2' => 'Add 2', 'city' => 'Watson', 'state' => 'NY', 'country' => 'United States', ), array( 'individual_prefix' => 'Mr.', 'first_name' => substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7), 'middle_name' => substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7), 'last_name' => 'Summerson', 'individual_suffix' => 'Jr.', 'email' => substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7) . '@example.com', 'phone' => '6944412154', 'address_1' => 'Add 1', 'address_2' => 'Add 2', 'city' => 'Watson', 'state' => 'NY', 'country' => 'United States', ), ); return array($headers, $rows); } }