openCiviPage($this->_getImportComponentUrl($component), 'reset=1', "uploadFile"); // Create csv file of sample data. $csvFile = $this->webtestCreateCSV($headers, $rows); // Attach csv file. $this->webtestAttachFile('uploadFile', $csvFile); // First row is header. $this->click('skipColumnHeader'); // select mode, default is 'Skip'. if ($mode == 'Update') { $this->click("CIVICRM_QFID_4_4"); } elseif ($mode == 'No Duplicate Checking') { $this->click("CIVICRM_QFID_16_6"); } // select contact type, default is 'Individual'. if ($component != 'Activity') { $contactTypeOption = $this->_getImportComponentContactType($component, $contactType); $this->click($contactTypeOption); } // Date format, default: yyyy-mm-dd OR yyyymmdd if (isset($other['dateFormat'])) { // default $dateFormatMapper = array( 'yyyy-mm-dd OR yyyymmdd' => "CIVICRM_QFID_1_14", 'mm/dd/yy OR mm-dd-yy' => "CIVICRM_QFID_2_16", 'mm/dd/yyyy OR mm-dd-yyyy' => "CIVICRM_QFID_4_18", 'Month dd, yyyy' => "CIVICRM_QFID_8_20", 'dd-mon-yy OR dd/mm/yy' => "CIVICRM_QFID_16_22", 'dd/mm/yyyy' => "CIVICRM_QFID_32_24", ); $this->click($dateFormatMapper[$other['dateFormat']]); } // Use already created mapping $existingMapping = NULL; if (isset($other['useMappingName'])) { $this->select('savedMapping', "label=" . $other['useMappingName']); $existingMapping = $other['useMappingName']; } // Submit form. $this->click('_qf_DataSource_upload'); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); // Select matching field for cvs data. if (!empty($fieldMapper)) { foreach ($fieldMapper as $field => $value) { $this->select($field, "value={$value}"); } } // Check mapping data. $this->_checkImportMapperData($headers, $rows, $existingMapping, isset($other['checkMapperHeaders']) ? $other['checkMapperHeaders'] : array() ); // Save mapping if (isset($other['saveMapping'])) { $mappingName = isset($other['saveMappingName']) ? $other['saveMappingName'] : "{$component}Import_" . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7); $this->click('saveMapping'); $this->type('saveMappingName', $mappingName); $this->type('saveMappingDesc', "Mapping for {$contactType}"); } // Submit form. $this->click('_qf_MapField_next'); $this->waitForElementPresent('_qf_Preview_next-bottom'); // Check mapping data. $this->_checkImportMapperData($headers, $rows, $existingMapping, isset($other['checkMapperHeaders']) ? $other['checkMapperHeaders'] : array()); // Submit form. $this->clickLink('_qf_Preview_next-bottom', "_qf_Summary_next"); // Check success message. $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent("Import has completed successfully. The information below summarizes the results.")); // Check summary Details. $importedRecords = count($rows); $checkSummary = array( 'Total Rows' => $importedRecords, 'Records Imported' => $importedRecords, ); foreach ($checkSummary as $label => $value) { $this->verifyText("xpath=//table[@id='summary-counts']/tbody/tr/td[text()='{$label}']/following-sibling::td", preg_quote($value)); } } /** * Test contact import. * * @param array $headers * Csv data headers. * @param array $rows * Csv data rows. * @param string $contactType * Contact type. * @param string $mode * Import mode. * @param array $fieldMapper * Select mapper fields while import. * @param array $other * Other parameters. * contactSubtype : import for selected Contact Subtype * useMappingName : to reuse mapping * dateFormat : date format of data * checkMapperHeaders : to override default check mapper headers * saveMapping : save current mapping? * saveMappingName : to override mapping name * createGroup : create new group? * createGroupName : to override new Group name * createTag : create new tag? * createTagName : to override new Tag name * selectGroup : select existing group for contacts * selectTag : select existing tag for contacts * callbackImportSummary : function to override default import summary assertions * * @param string $type * Import type (csv/sql). * @todo:currently only supports csv, need to work on sql import */ public function importContacts($headers, $rows, $contactType = 'Individual', $mode = 'Skip', $fieldMapper = array(), $other = array(), $type = 'csv') { // Go to contact import page. $this->openCiviPage("import/contact", "reset=1", "uploadFile"); $originalHeaders = $headers; $originalRows = $rows; // format headers and row to import contacts with relationship data. $this->_formatContactCSVdata($headers, $rows); // Create csv file of sample data. $csvFile = $this->webtestCreateCSV($headers, $rows); // Attach csv file. $this->webtestAttachFile('uploadFile', $csvFile); // First row is header. $this->click('skipColumnHeader'); // select mode, default is 'Skip'. if ($mode == 'Update') { $this->click("CIVICRM_QFID_4_4"); } elseif ($mode == 'Fill') { $this->click("CIVICRM_QFID_8_6"); } elseif ($mode == 'No Duplicate Checking') { $this->click("CIVICRM_QFID_16_8"); } // select contact type, default is 'Individual'. if ($contactType == 'Organization') { $this->click("CIVICRM_QFID_4_14"); } elseif ($contactType == 'Household') { $this->click("CIVICRM_QFID_2_12"); } // Select contact subtype if (isset($other['contactSubtype'])) { $this->waitForElementPresent("xpath=//div[@id='common-form-controls']/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/span"); $this->select('subType', $other['contactSubtype']); } if (isset($other['dedupe'])) { $this->waitForElementPresent("dedupe"); $this->select('dedupe', 'value=' . $other['dedupe']); } // Use already created mapping $existingMapping = NULL; if (isset($other['useMappingName'])) { $this->select('savedMapping', "label=" . $other['useMappingName']); $existingMapping = $other['useMappingName']; } // Date format, default: yyyy-mm-dd OR yyyymmdd if (isset($other['dateFormat'])) { // default $dateFormatMapper = array( 'yyyy-mm-dd OR yyyymmdd' => "CIVICRM_QFID_1_16", 'mm/dd/yy OR mm-dd-yy' => "CIVICRM_QFID_2_18", 'mm/dd/yyyy OR mm-dd-yyyy' => "CIVICRM_QFID_4_20", 'Month dd, yyyy' => "CIVICRM_QFID_8_22", 'dd-mon-yy OR dd/mm/yy' => "CIVICRM_QFID_16_24", 'dd/mm/yyyy' => "CIVICRM_QFID_32_26", ); $this->click($dateFormatMapper[$other['dateFormat']]); } // Submit form. $this->clickLink('_qf_DataSource_upload'); if (isset($other['checkMapperHeaders'])) { $checkMapperHeaders = $other['checkMapperHeaders']; } else { $checkMapperHeaders = array( 1 => 'Column Names', 2 => 'Import Data (row 1)', 3 => 'Import Data (row 2)', 4 => 'Matching CiviCRM Field', ); } // Check mapping data. $this->_checkImportMapperData($headers, $rows, $existingMapping, $checkMapperHeaders, 'td'); // Select matching field for cvs data. if (!empty($fieldMapper)) { foreach ($fieldMapper as $field => $value) { $this->select($field, "value={$value}"); } } // Save mapping if (isset($other['saveMapping'])) { $mappingName = isset($other['saveMappingName']) ? $other['saveMappingName'] : 'ContactImport_' . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7); $this->click('saveMapping'); $this->type('saveMappingName', $mappingName); $this->type('saveMappingDesc', "Mapping for {$contactType}"); } // Submit form. $this->click('_qf_MapField_next'); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); // Check mapping data. $this->_checkImportMapperData($headers, $rows, $existingMapping, $checkMapperHeaders, 'td'); // Add imported contacts in new group. $groupName = NULL; $existingGroups = array(); if (isset($other['createGroup'])) { $groupName = isset($other['createGroupName']) ? $other['createGroupName'] : 'ContactImport_' . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7); $this->click("css=#new-group div.crm-accordion-header"); $this->type('newGroupName', $groupName); $this->type('newGroupDesc', "Group For {$contactType}"); } if (isset($other['selectGroup'])) { // reuse existing groups. if (is_array($other['selectGroup'])) { foreach ($other['selectGroup'] as $existingGroup) { $this->select('groups[]', 'label=' . $existingGroup); $existingGroups[] = $existingGroup; } } else { $this->select('groups[]', 'label=' . $other['selectGroup']); $existingGroups[] = $other['selectGroup']; } } // Assign new tag to the imported contacts. $tagName = NULL; $existingTags = array(); if (isset($other['createTag'])) { $tagName = isset($other['createTagName']) ? $other['createTagName'] : "{$contactType}_" . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7); $this->click("css=#new-tag div.crm-accordion-header"); $this->type('newTagName', $tagName); $this->type('newTagDesc', "Tag for {$contactType}"); } if (isset($other['selectTag'])) { $this->click("css=#existing-tags div.crm-accordion-header"); // reuse existing tags. if (is_array($other['selectTag'])) { foreach ($other['selectTag'] as $existingTag) { $this->click("xpath=//div[@id='existing-tags']//div[@class='crm-accordion-body']//label[text()='{$existingTag}']"); $existingTags[] = $existingTag; } } else { $this->click("xpath=//div[@id='existing-tags']//div[@class='crm-accordion-body']//label[text()='" . $other['selectTag'] . "']"); $existingTags[] = $other['selectTag']; } } // Submit form. $this->click('_qf_Preview_next'); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); // Check confirmation alert. $this->assertTrue((bool) preg_match("/^Are you sure you want to Import now[\s\S]$/", $this->getConfirmation())); $this->chooseOkOnNextConfirmation(); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); // Visit summary page. $this->waitForElementPresent("_qf_Summary_next"); // Check success message. $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent("Import has completed successfully. The information below summarizes the results.")); // Check summary Details. $importedContacts = $totalRows = count($originalRows); // Include relationships contacts ( if exists ) if (isset($originalHeaders['contact_relationships']) && is_array($originalHeaders['contact_relationships'])) { foreach ($originalRows as $row) { $importedContacts += count($row['contact_relationships']); } } $importedContactsCount = ($importedContacts == 1) ? 'One contact' : "$importedContacts contacts"; $taggedContactsCount = ($importedContacts == 1) ? 'One contact is' : "$importedContacts contacts are"; $checkSummary = array( 'Total Rows' => $totalRows, 'Total Contacts' => $importedContacts, ); if ($groupName) { $checkSummary['Import to Groups'] = "{$groupName}: {$importedContactsCount} added to this new group."; } if ($tagName) { $checkSummary['Tagged Imported Contacts'] = "{$tagName}: {$taggedContactsCount} tagged with this tag."; } if ($existingGroups) { if (!isset($checkSummary['Import to Groups'])) { $checkSummary['Import to Groups'] = ''; } foreach ($existingGroups as $existingGroup) { $checkSummary['Import to Groups'] .= "{$existingGroup}: {$importedContactsCount} added to this existing group."; } } if ($existingTags) { if (!isset($checkSummary['Tagged Imported Contacts'])) { $checkSummary['Tagged Imported Contacts'] = ''; } foreach ($existingTags as $existingTag) { $checkSummary['Tagged Imported Contacts'] .= "{$existingTag}: {$taggedContactsCount} tagged with this tag."; } } if (!empty($other['callbackImportSummary']) && is_callable(array( $this, $other['callbackImportSummary']))) { $callbackImportSummary = $other['callbackImportSummary']; $this->$callbackImportSummary($originalHeaders, $originalRows, $checkSummary); } else { foreach ($checkSummary as $label => $value) { $this->verifyText("xpath=//table[@id='summary-counts']/tbody/tr/td[text()='{$label}']/following-sibling::td", preg_quote($value)); } } } /** * Helper function to get the import url of the component. * @param string $component * Component name. * * @return string * import url */ private function _getImportComponentUrl($component) { $importComponentUrl = array( 'Event' => 'event/import', 'Contribution' => 'contribute/import', 'Membership' => 'member/import', 'Activity' => 'import/activity', ); return $importComponentUrl[$component]; } /** * @param $component * @param $contactType * * @return string */ public function _getImportComponentContactType($component, $contactType) { $importComponentMode = array( 'Event' => array( 'Individual' => 'CIVICRM_QFID_1_8', 'Household' => 'CIVICRM_QFID_2_10', 'Organization' => 'CIVICRM_QFID_4_12', ), 'Contribution' => array( 'Individual' => 'CIVICRM_QFID_1_6', 'Household' => 'CIVICRM_QFID_2_8', 'Organization' => 'CIVICRM_QFID_4_10', ), 'Membership' => array( 'Individual' => 'CIVICRM_QFID_1_6', 'Household' => 'CIVICRM_QFID_2_8', 'Organization' => 'CIVICRM_QFID_4_10', ), ); return $importComponentMode[$component][$contactType]; } /** * Helper function to check import mapping fields. * @param array $headers * @param array $rows * @param null $existingMapping * @param array $checkMapperHeaders * @param string $headerSelector */ public function _checkImportMapperData($headers, $rows, $existingMapping = NULL, $checkMapperHeaders = array(), $headerSelector = 'th') { if (empty($checkMapperHeaders)) { $checkMapperHeaders = array( 1 => 'Column Headers', 2 => 'Import Data (row 2)', 3 => 'Import Data (row 3)', 4 => 'Matching CiviCRM Field', ); } $rowNumber = 1; if ($existingMapping) { $this->verifyText("xpath=//div[@id='map-field']//table[1]/tbody/tr[{$rowNumber}]/th[1]", preg_quote("Saved Field Mapping: {$existingMapping}")); $rowNumber++; } foreach ($checkMapperHeaders as $rownum => $value) { $this->verifyText("xpath=//div[@id='map-field']//table[1]/tbody/tr[{$rowNumber}]/{$headerSelector}[{$rownum}]", preg_quote($value)); } $rowNumber++; foreach ($headers as $field => $header) { $this->verifyText("xpath=//div[@id='map-field']//table[1]/tbody/tr[{$rowNumber}]/td[1]", preg_quote($header)); $colnum = 2; foreach ($rows as $row) { $this->verifyText("xpath=//div[@id='map-field']//table[1]/tbody/tr[{$rowNumber}]/td[{$colnum}]", preg_quote($row[$field])); $colnum++; } $rowNumber++; } } /** * Helper function to get imported contact ids. * * @param array $rows * @param string $contactType * * @return array * imported contact ids */ public function _getImportedContactIds($rows, $contactType = 'Individual') { $contactIds = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $searchName = ''; // Build search name. if ($contactType == 'Individual') { $searchName = "{$row['last_name']}, {$row['first_name']}"; } elseif ($contactType == 'Organization') { $searchName = $row['organization_name']; } elseif ($contactType == 'Household') { $searchName = $row['household_name']; } $this->openCiviPage("dashboard", "reset=1"); // Type search name in autocomplete. $this->click("css=input#sort_name_navigation"); $this->type("css=input#sort_name_navigation", $searchName); $this->typeKeys("css=input#sort_name_navigation", $searchName); // Wait for result list. $this->waitForElementPresent("css=ul.ui-autocomplete li"); // Visit contact summary page. $this->click("css=ul.ui-autocomplete li"); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); // Get contact id from url. $contactIds[] = $this->urlArg('cid'); } return $contactIds; } /** * Helper function to format headers and rows for contact relationship data. * * @param array $headers * @param array $rows */ public function _formatContactCSVdata(&$headers, &$rows) { if (!isset($headers['contact_relationships'])) { return; } $relationshipHeaders = $headers['contact_relationships']; unset($headers['contact_relationships']); if (empty($relationshipHeaders) || !is_array($relationshipHeaders)) { return; } foreach ($relationshipHeaders as $relationshipHeader) { $headers = array_merge($headers, $relationshipHeader); } foreach ($rows as & $row) { $relationshipRows = $row['contact_relationships']; unset($row['contact_relationships']); foreach ($relationshipRows as $relationshipRow) { $row = array_merge($row, $relationshipRow); } } } }