webtestLogin(); $this->open($this->sboxPath . "civicrm"); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); $this->assertTrue($this->isElementPresent("link=Configure Your Dashboard")); // Test Activities widget enable and full screen. $this->_testActivityDashlet(); // More dashlet tests can be added here using the functions modeled below } /** * @param int $widgetConfigureID * @param $widgetEnabledSelector * @param $widgetTitle */ function _testAddDashboardElement($widgetConfigureID, $widgetEnabledSelector, $widgetTitle) { // Check if desired widget is already loaded on dashboard and remove it if it is so we can test adding it. // Because it tends to cause problems, all uses of sleep() must be justified in comments // Sleep should never be used for wait for anything to load from the server // Justification for this instance: FIXME sleep(10); if ($this->isElementPresent($widgetEnabledSelector)) { $this->_testRemoveDashboardElement($widgetConfigureID, $widgetEnabledSelector, $widgetTitle); }; $this->click("link=Configure Your Dashboard"); $this->waitForElementPresent("dashlets-header-col-0"); $this->mouseDownAt($widgetConfigureID, ""); // Because it tends to cause problems, all uses of sleep() must be justified in comments // Sleep should never be used for wait for anything to load from the server // Justification for this instance: FIXME sleep(3); $this->mouseMoveAt("existing-dashlets-col-1", ""); // Because it tends to cause problems, all uses of sleep() must be justified in comments // Sleep should never be used for wait for anything to load from the server // Justification for this instance: FIXME sleep(3); $this->mouseUpAt("existing-dashlets-col-1", ""); // Because it tends to cause problems, all uses of sleep() must be justified in comments // Sleep should never be used for wait for anything to load from the server // Justification for this instance: FIXME sleep(3); $this->click("link=Done"); $this->waitForElementPresent("link=Configure Your Dashboard"); $this->waitForTextPresent("$widgetTitle"); // click Full Screen icon and test full screen container $this->waitForElementPresent("css=li#widget-2 a.fullscreen-icon"); $this->click("css=li#widget-2 a.fullscreen-icon"); $this->waitForElementPresent("ui-id-1"); $this->waitForTextPresent("$widgetTitle"); // Because it tends to cause problems, all uses of sleep() must be justified in comments // Sleep should never be used for wait for anything to load from the server // Justification for this instance: FIXME sleep(5); $this->click("xpath=//button[@title='Close']"); } /** * @param int $widgetConfigureID * @param $widgetEnabledSelector */ function _testRemoveDashboardElement($widgetConfigureID, $widgetEnabledSelector) { $this->click("link=Configure Your Dashboard"); $this->waitForElementPresent("dashlets-header-col-0"); $this->mouseDownAt("{$widgetConfigureID}", ""); // Because it tends to cause problems, all uses of sleep() must be justified in comments // Sleep should never be used for wait for anything to load from the server // Justification for this instance: FIXME sleep(1); $this->mouseMoveAt("available-dashlets", ""); // Because it tends to cause problems, all uses of sleep() must be justified in comments // Sleep should never be used for wait for anything to load from the server // Justification for this instance: FIXME sleep(1); $this->mouseUpAt("available-dashlets", ""); // Because it tends to cause problems, all uses of sleep() must be justified in comments // Sleep should never be used for wait for anything to load from the server // Justification for this instance: FIXME sleep(1); $this->click("link=Done"); $this->waitForElementPresent("link=Configure Your Dashboard"); // giving time for activity widget to load (and make sure it did NOT) // Because it tends to cause problems, all uses of sleep() must be justified in comments // Sleep should never be used for wait for anything to load from the server // Justification for this instance: FIXME sleep(10); $this->assertFalse($this->isElementPresent($widgetEnabledSelector)); } function _testActivityDashlet() { // Add an activity that will show up in the widget $this->WebtestAddActivity(); $widgetTitle = "Activities"; $widgetEnabledSelector = "contact-activity-selector-dashlet_wrapper"; $widgetConfigureID = "2-0"; // now add the widget $this->open($this->sboxPath . "civicrm"); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); $this->waitForTextPresent("Configure Your Dashboard"); $this->_testAddDashboardElement($widgetConfigureID, $widgetEnabledSelector, $widgetTitle); // If CiviCase enabled, click 'more' link for context menu pop-up in the widget selector if ($this->isElementPresent("//table[@id='contact-activity-selector-dashlet']/tbody/tr[1]/td[8]/span[text()='more ']")) { // click 'Delete Activity' link $this->click("//table[@class='contact-activity-selector-dashlet dataTable no-footer']/tbody/tr[1]/td[8]/span[text()='more ']/ul/li[2]/a[text()='Delete']"); } else { // click 'Delete Activity' link $this->click("//table[@class='contact-activity-selector-dashlet dataTable no-footer']/tbody/tr[1]/td[8]/span//a[text()='Delete']"); } $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); $this->waitForElementPresent("_qf_Activity_next-bottom"); $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent("Are you sure you want to delete")); $this->click("_qf_Activity_next-bottom"); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent("Selected Activity has been deleted successfully.")); // FIXMED: Currently there's a bug, dashboard context is ignored after delete so we should already be back on home dash. // Issue filed: CRM- // $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent("Configure Your Dashboard"); $this->open($this->sboxPath . "civicrm"); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); $this->waitForTextPresent("Configure Your Dashboard"); // cleanup by removing the widget $this->_testRemoveDashboardElement($widgetConfigureID, $widgetEnabledSelector); } }