markTestSkipped('Skipping for now as it works fine locally.'); $this->_initialize(); $this->_tryPaymentProcessor($this->names['AuthNet']); // todo: write code to check other payment processors /*$this->_tryPaymentProcessor($this->names['Google_Checkout']); $this->_tryPaymentProcessor($this->names['PayPal']); $this->_tryPaymentProcessor($this->names['PayPal_Standard']);*/ } public function _initialize() { if (!$this->initialized) { // log in $this->webtestLogin(); // build names $hash = substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7); $contributionPageTitle = "Verify SSL ($hash)"; $this->names['PayPal'] = "PayPal Pro ($hash)"; $this->names['AuthNet'] = "AuthNet ($hash)"; //$this->names['Google_Checkout'] = "Google Checkout ($hash)"; //$this->names['PayPal_Standard'] = "PayPal Standard ($hash)"; $processors = array(); foreach ($this->names as $key => $val) { $processors[$val] = $key; } // create new contribution page $this->pageId = $this->webtestAddContributionPage( $hash, $rand = NULL, $pageTitle = $contributionPageTitle, $processor = $processors, $amountSection = TRUE, $payLater = FALSE, $onBehalf = FALSE, $pledges = FALSE, $recurring = FALSE, $membershipTypes = FALSE, $memPriceSetId = NULL, $friend = FALSE, $profilePreId = NULL, $profilePostId = NULL, $premiums = FALSE, $widget = FALSE, $pcp = FALSE, $isAddPaymentProcessor = TRUE, $isPcpApprovalNeeded = FALSE, $isSeparatePayment = FALSE, $honoreeSection = FALSE, $allowOtherAmount = TRUE ); // enable verify ssl $this->openCiviPage("admin/setting/url", "reset=1"); $this->click("id=CIVICRM_QFID_1_verifySSL"); $this->click("id=_qf_Url_next-bottom"); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); $this->initialized = TRUE; } } /** * @param string $name */ public function _tryPaymentProcessor($name) { // load contribution page $this->openCiviPage("contribute/transact", "reset=1&action=preview&id={$this->pageId}", "_qf_Main_upload-bottom"); // fill out info $this->type("xpath=//div[@class='crm-section other_amount-section']//div[2]/input", "30"); $this->type('email-5', ""); // choose the payment processor $this->click("xpath=//label[text() = '{$name}']/preceding-sibling::input[1]"); // do we need to add credit card details? if (strpos($name, "AuthNet") !== FALSE || strpos($name, "PayPal Pro") !== FALSE) { $this->webtestAddCreditCardDetails(); list($firstName, $middleName, $lastName) = $this->webtestAddBillingDetails(); } // submit contribution $this->clickLink("_qf_Main_upload-bottom", "_qf_Confirm_next-bottom"); // confirm contribution $this->click("_qf_Confirm_next-bottom"); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); $this->assertStringsPresent("Payment Processor Error message"); } }