webtestLogin(); // Add a contact $firstName = 'WebTest' . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7); $lastName = 'InlineFieldsEdit' . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7); $this->webtestAddContact($firstName, $lastName); $this->waitForElementPresent('css=.crm-inline-edit-container.crm-edit-ready'); // Set Communication Prefs $this->inlineEdit('crm-communication-pref-content', array( 'css=#email_greeting_display a' => TRUE, 'privacy_do_not_email' => 1, 'preferred_communication_method_1' => 1, 'preferred_communication_method_2' => 1, ), 'keep_open'); $this->waitForElementPresent('css=.icon.privacy-flag.do-not-email'); $this->inlineEdit('crm-communication-pref-content', array( 'privacy_do_not_phone' => 1, 'privacy_do_not_email' => 0, 'preferred_communication_method_1' => 0, 'preferred_communication_method_2' => 0, ), 'keep_open'); $this->waitForElementPresent('css=.icon.privacy-flag.do-not-phone'); $this->inlineEdit('crm-communication-pref-content', array( 'email_greeting_custom' => 'Hey You!', ), 'no_open'); $this->assertElementNotPresent('css=.icon.privacy-flag.do-not-email'); // Custom data $this->click('css=div.crm-custom-set-block-1 .collapsible-title'); // Because it tends to cause problems, all uses of sleep() must be justified in comments // NOTE: Sleep should never be used for wait for anything to load from the server // Justification for this instance: opening an accordion is predictable sleep(1); $this->openInlineForm('custom-set-content-1'); $dateFieldId = $this->getAttribute("xpath=//div[@id='constituent_information']/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[@class='html-adjust']/input@id"); $this->inlineEdit('custom-set-content-1', array( 'CIVICRM_QFID_Edu_2' => 1, "//div[@id='constituent_information']/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[@class='html-adjust']/select" => array('Single'), $dateFieldId => 'date: now - 10 years', )); // Edit contact info $params = array( 'job_title' => 'jobtest123', 'nick_name' => 'nicktest123', 'contact_source' => 'sourcetest123', ); $this->inlineEdit('crm-contactinfo-content', $params, 'keep_open'); // Clear fields and verify they are deleted $this->inlineEdit('crm-contactinfo-content', array( 'job_title' => '', 'nick_name' => '', 'contact_source' => '', ), 'no_open'); foreach ($params as $str) { $this->assertElementNotContainsText('crm-contactinfo-content', $str); } // Add a phone $this->inlineEdit('crm-phone-content', array( 'phone_1_phone' => '123-456-7890', 'phone_1_phone_ext' => '101', 'phone_1_location_type_id' => array('Work'), 'phone_1_phone_type_id' => array('Mobile'), )); // Add im $this->inlineEdit('crm-im-content', array( 'im_1_name' => 'testmeout', 'im_1_location_type_id' => array('Work'), 'im_1_provider_id' => array('Jabber'), )); // Add an address - should default to home $this->inlineEdit('address-block-1', array( 'address_1_street_address' => '123 St', 'address_1_city' => 'San Somewhere', ), 'keep_open'); // Try to uncheck is_primary, we should get an error and it should stay checked $this->click('address[1][is_primary]'); $this->waitForElementPresent('css=#crm-notification-container .error.ui-notify-message'); $this->assertChecked('address[1][is_primary]'); // Try to open another form while this one is still open - nothing should happen $this->waitForElementPresent('address-block-2'); $this->openInlineForm('address-block-2', FALSE); $this->assertElementNotPresent('css#address-block-2.form'); // Update address $this->inlineEdit('address-block-1', array( 'address_1_street_address' => '321 Other St', 'address_1_city' => 'Sans Nowhere', 'address_1_postal_code' => '99999', 'address_1_postal_code_suffix' => '99', ), 'no_open'); // Another address with same location type as first - should give an error $this->inlineEdit('address-block-2', array( 'address_2_street_address' => '123 Foo', 'address_2_city' => 'San Anywhere', 'address_2_location_type_id' => array('Home'), ), 'error'); $this->waitForTextPresent('required'); // Share address with a new org $this->click('address[2][use_shared_address]'); $this->select('profiles_2', 'label=New Organization'); $orgName = 'Test Org Inline' . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7); $this->waitForElementPresent('css=#contact-dialog-2 form'); $this->type('organization_name', $orgName); $this->type('street_address-1', 'Test Org Street'); $this->type('city-1', 'Test Org City'); $this->click('_qf_Edit_next'); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); $this->waitForElementPresent('selected_shared_address-2'); $this->waitForTextPresent('Test Org Street'); $this->inlineEdit('address-block-2', array( 'address_2_location_type_id' => array('Work'), ), 'no_open'); $this->waitForElementPresent('css=.crm-content.crm-contact-current_employer'); $this->assertElementContainsText('crm-contactinfo-content', $orgName); $this->assertElementContainsText('address-block-2', $orgName); $this->assertElementContainsText('address-block-2', 'Work Address'); // Edit demographics $this->inlineEdit('crm-demographic-content', array( 'civicrm_gender_Female_1' => 1, 'is_deceased' => 1, 'birth_date' => 'date: Jan 1 1970', ), 'no_open'); $this->assertElementContainsText('crm-demographic-content', 'Female'); $this->assertElementContainsText('crm-demographic-content', 'Contact is Deceased'); $this->inlineEdit('crm-demographic-content', array( 'is_deceased' => 0, ), 'no_open'); $age = date('Y') - 1970; $this->assertElementContainsText('crm-demographic-content', "$age years"); // Add emails $this->inlineEdit('crm-email-content', array( 'css=#crm-email-content a.add-more-inline' => TRUE, 'email_1_email' => 'test1@monkey.com', 'email_2_email' => 'test2@monkey.com', ), 'keep_open'); // Try an invalid email $this->inlineEdit('crm-email-content', array( 'email_2_email' => 'invalid@monkey,com', ), 'error'); // Delete email $this->inlineEdit('crm-email-content', array( 'css=#Email_Block_2 a.crm-delete-inline' => TRUE, )); $this->assertElementNotContainsText('crm-email-content', 'test2@monkey.com'); // Add website with invalid url $this->inlineEdit('crm-website-content', array( 'css=#crm-website-content a.add-more-inline' => TRUE, 'website_1_url' => 'http://example.com', 'website_2_url' => 'something.wrong', ), 'error'); // Correct invalid url and add a third website $this->inlineEdit('crm-website-content', array( 'css=#crm-website-content a.add-more-inline' => TRUE, 'website_2_url' => 'http://example.net', 'website_2_website_type_id' => array('Work'), 'website_3_url' => 'http://example.biz', 'website_3_website_type_id' => array('Main'), ), 'keep_open'); // Delete website $this->inlineEdit('crm-website-content', array( 'css=#Website_Block_2 a.crm-delete-inline' => TRUE, )); $this->assertElementNotContainsText('crm-website-content', 'http://example.net'); // Change contact name $this->inlineEdit('crm-contactname-content', array( 'first_name' => 'NewName', 'prefix_id' => array('Mr.'), )); // Page title should be updated with new name $this->assertElementContainsText('css=title', "Mr. NewName $lastName"); } /** * Click on an inline-edit block and wait for it to open * * @param $block string selector */ private function openInlineForm($block, $wait = TRUE) { $this->mouseDown($block); $this->mouseUp($block); if ($wait) { $this->waitForElementPresent("css=#$block .crm-container-snippet form"); } } /** * Enter values in an inline edit block and save * * @param $block string selector * @param $params array * @param $valid str: submit behavior * 'error' if we are expecting a form validation error, * 're_open' (default) after saving, opens the form and validate inputs * 'keep_open' same as 're_open' but doesn't automatically cancel at the end * 'no_open' do not re-open to validate */ private function inlineEdit($block, $params, $valid = 're_open') { $this->openInlineForm($block); foreach ($params as $item => $val) { switch(gettype($val)) { case 'boolean': $this->click($item); break; case 'string': if (substr($val, 0, 5) == 'date:') { $this->webtestFillDate($item, trim(substr($val, 5))); } else { $this->type($item, $val); } break; case 'integer': $method = $val ? 'check' : 'uncheck'; $this->$method($item); break; case 'array': foreach ($val as $option) { $selector = is_int($option) ? 'value' : 'label'; $this->select($item, "$selector=$option"); } break; } } $this->click("css=#$block input.form-submit"); if ($valid !== 'error') { // Verify the form saved $this->waitForElementPresent("css=#$block > .crm-inline-block-content"); $validate = FALSE; foreach ($params as $val) { if (is_string($val) && $val && substr($val, 0, 5) != 'date:') { $this->assertElementContainsText($block, $val); $validate = TRUE; } elseif (!is_bool($val)) { $validate = TRUE; } if (is_array($val)) { foreach ($val as $option) { if (!is_int($option)) { $this->assertElementContainsText($block, $option); } } } } // Open the form back up and check everything if ($validate && $valid !== 'no_open') { $this->openInlineForm($block); foreach ($params as $item => $val) { switch(gettype($val)) { case 'string': if ($val && substr($val, 0, 5) == 'date:') { $val = date('m/d/Y', strtotime(trim(substr($val, 5)))); $item .= '_display'; } if ($val) { $this->assertElementValueEquals($item, $val); } break; case 'integer': $method = $val ? 'assertChecked' : 'assertNotChecked'; $this->$method($item); break; case 'array': foreach ($val as $option) { $method = is_int($option) ? 'assertIsSelected' : 'assertSelected'; $this->$method($item, $option); } break; } } if ($valid !== 'keep_open') { $this->click("css=#$block input.cancel"); } } } // Verify there was a form error else { $this->waitForElementPresent('css=#crm-notification-container .error.ui-notify-message'); $this->click('css=#crm-notification-container .error .ui-notify-cross'); } } }