webtestLogin('admin'); // Enable CiviCase module if necessary $this->enableComponents("CiviCase"); // let's give full CiviCase permissions to demo user (registered user). $permission = array('edit-2-access-all-cases-and-activities', 'edit-2-access-my-cases-and-activities', 'edit-2-administer-civicase', 'edit-2-delete-in-civicase'); $this->changePermissions($permission); // Log in as normal user $this->webtestLogin(); $this->openCiviPage('case', 'reset=1'); // Should default to My Cases $this->assertTrue($this->isChecked("name=allupcoming value=0"), 'Case dashboard should default to My Cases.'); // The header text of the table changes too $this->assertElementContainsText('crm-container', "Summary of Involvement"); $this->clickLink("name=allupcoming value=1", "css=a.button"); $this->assertTrue($this->isChecked("name=allupcoming value=1"), 'Selection of All Cases failed.'); $this->assertElementContainsText('crm-container', "Summary of All Cases"); // Go back to dashboard $this->openCiviPage('case', 'reset=1', 'css=a.button'); // Click on find my cases and check if right radio is checked $this->clickLink("name=find_my_cases", "css=input.crm-form-submit"); $this->assertTrue($this->isChecked("name=case_owner value=2"), 'Find my cases button not properly setting search form value to my cases.'); //Add case to get drilldown cell on Case dashboard $this->openCiviPage('case/add', 'reset=1&action=add&atype=13&context=standalone', '_qf_Case_upload-bottom'); // We're using pop-up New Contact dialog $this->createDialogContact('client_id'); // Fill in other form values. We'll use a case type which is included in CiviCase sample data / xml files. $caseTypeLabel = "Adult Day Care Referral"; // activity types we expect for this case type $activityTypes = array("ADC referral", "Follow up", "Medical evaluation", "Mental health evaluation"); $caseRoles = array("Senior Services Coordinator", "Health Services Coordinator", "Benefits Specialist", "Client"); $caseStatusLabel = "Ongoing"; $subject = "Safe daytime setting - senior female"; $this->select("medium_id", "value=1"); $location = "Main offices"; $this->type("activity_location", $location); $details = "65 year old female needs safe location during the day for herself and her dog. She is in good health but somewhat disoriented."; $this->fireEvent('activity_details', 'focus'); $this->fillRichTextField("activity_details", $details, 'CKEditor'); $this->type("activity_subject", $subject); $this->select("case_type_id", "label={$caseTypeLabel}"); $this->select("status_id", "label={$caseStatusLabel}"); // Choose Case Start Date. // Using helper webtestFillDate function. $this->webtestFillDate('start_date', 'now'); $today = date('F jS, Y', strtotime('now')); $this->type("duration", "20"); $this->clickLink("_qf_Case_upload-bottom", "_qf_CaseView_cancel-bottom"); // Is status message correct? $this->waitForText('crm-notification-container', "Case opened successfully."); // Go back to dashboard $this->openCiviPage('case', 'reset=1'); // Click on a drilldown cell and check if right radio is checked $this->clickLink("css=a.crm-case-summary-drilldown", "css=input.crm-form-submit"); $this->assertTrue($this->isChecked("name=case_owner value=1"), 'Drilldown on dashboard summary cells not properly setting search form value to all cases.'); // Go back to dashboard and reset to my cases $this->openCiviPage('case', 'reset=1', 'css=a.button'); $this->clickLink("name=allupcoming value=0", "css=a.button"); // Click on a drilldown cell and check if right radio is checked $this->clickLink("css=a.crm-case-summary-drilldown", "css=input.crm-form-submit"); $this->assertTrue($this->isChecked("name=case_owner value=2"), 'Drilldown on dashboard summary cells not properly setting search form value to my cases.'); } }