webtestLogin('admin'); // Enable CiviCampaign module if necessary $this->enableComponents(array('CiviCampaign')); // add the required Drupal permission $permissions = array('edit-2-administer-civicampaign'); $this->changePermissions($permissions); // Log in as normal user $this->webtestLogin(); // Create new group $title = substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7); $groupName = $this->WebtestAddGroup(); // Adding contact // We're using Quick Add block on the main page for this. $firstName1 = substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7); $this->webtestAddContact($firstName1, "Smith", "$firstName1.smith@example.org"); // add contact to group // visit group tab $this->click("css=li#tab_group a"); $this->waitForElementPresent("group_id"); // add to group $this->select("group_id", "label=$groupName"); $this->click("_qf_GroupContact_next"); $this->waitForElementPresent('link=Remove'); $firstName2 = substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7); $this->webtestAddContact($firstName2, "John", "$firstName2.john@example.org"); // add contact to group // visit group tab $this->click("css=li#tab_group a"); $this->waitForElementPresent("group_id"); // add to group $this->select("group_id", "label=$groupName"); $this->click("_qf_GroupContact_next"); $this->waitForElementPresent('link=Remove'); $this->openCiviPage('campaign/add', 'reset=1', '_qf_Campaign_upload-bottom'); $campaignTitle = "Campaign " . $title; $this->type("title", $campaignTitle); // select the campaign type $this->select("campaign_type_id", "value=2"); // fill in the description $this->type("description", "This is a test campaign"); // include groups for the campaign $this->multiselect2("includeGroups", array("$groupName", "Advisory Board")); // fill the end date for campaign $this->webtestFillDate("end_date", "+1 year"); // select campaign status $this->select("status_id", "value=2"); // click save $this->click("_qf_Campaign_upload-bottom"); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); $this->waitForText('crm-notification-container', "Campaign $title"); $this->waitForElementPresent("xpath=//div[@id='campaignList']/div[@class='dataTables_wrapper no-footer']/table/tbody//tr/td[3][text()='{$campaignTitle}']/../td[1]"); $id = (int) $this->getText("xpath=//div[@id='campaignList']/div[@class='dataTables_wrapper no-footer']/table/tbody//tr/td[3][text()='{$campaignTitle}']/../td[1]"); $this->activityAddTest($campaignTitle, $id); } /** * @param $campaignTitle * @param int $id */ function activityAddTest($campaignTitle, $id) { // Adding Adding contact with randomized first name for test testContactContextActivityAdd // We're using Quick Add block on the main page for this. $firstName1 = substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7); $this->webtestAddContact($firstName1, "Summerson", $firstName1 . "@summerson.name"); $firstName2 = substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7); $this->webtestAddContact($firstName2, "Anderson", $firstName2 . "@anderson.name"); $this->click("css=li#tab_activity a"); // waiting for the activity dropdown to show up $this->waitForElementPresent("other_activity"); // Select the activity type from the activity dropdown $this->select("other_activity", "label=Meeting"); // waitForPageToLoad is not always reliable. Below, we're waiting for the submit // button at the end of this page to show up, to make sure it's fully loaded. $this->waitForElementPresent("_qf_Activity_upload"); // ...and verifying if the page contains properly formatted display name for chosen contact. $this->waitForElementPresent("//*[@id='s2id_target_contact_id']"); $this->assertElementContainsText('//*[@id="s2id_target_contact_id"]/ul/li[1]/div', 'Anderson, ' . $firstName2, 'Contact not found in line ' . __LINE__); // Now we're filling the "Assigned To" field. // Typing contact's name into the field (using typeKeys(), not type()!)... $this->select2("assignee_contact_id", $firstName1, TRUE); // ...and verifying if the page contains properly formatted display name for chosen contact. $this->waitForElementPresent("//*[@id='s2id_assignee_contact_id']"); $this->assertElementContainsText('//*[@id="s2id_assignee_contact_id"]/ul/li[1]/div', 'Summerson, ' . $firstName1, 'Contact not found in line ' . __LINE__); // Since we're here, let's check if screen help is being displayed properly //$this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent("A copy of this activity will be emailed to each Assignee")); // Putting the contents into subject field - assigning the text to variable, it'll come in handy later $subject = "This is subject of test activity being added through activity tab of contact summary screen."; // For simple input fields we can use field id as selector $this->type("subject", $subject); // select campaign $this->waitForElementPresent("campaign_id"); $this->click("campaign_id"); $this->select("campaign_id", "value=$id"); $this->type("location", "Some location needs to be put in this field."); // Choosing the Date. // Please note that we don't want to put in fixed date, since // we want this test to work in the future and not fail because // of date being set in the past. Therefore, using helper webtestFillDateTime function. $this->webtestFillDateTime('activity_date_time', '+1 month 11:10PM'); // Setting duration. $this->type("duration", "30"); // Putting in details. $this->type("details", "Really brief details information."); // Making sure that status is set to Scheduled (using value, not label). $this->select("status_id", "value=1"); // Setting priority. $this->select("priority_id", "value=1"); // Adding attachment // TODO TBD // Scheduling follow-up. $this->click("css=.crm-activity-form-block-schedule_followup div.crm-accordion-header"); $this->select("followup_activity_type_id", "value=1"); $this->webtestFillDateTime('followup_date', '+1 month 11:10PM'); $this->type("followup_activity_subject", "This is subject of schedule follow-up activity"); // Clicking save. $this->clickLink("_qf_Activity_upload",'link=View',FALSE); // Is status message correct? $this->waitForText('crm-notification-container', $subject); $this->waitForElementPresent("xpath=//table[@class='contact-activity-selector-activity dataTable no-footer']/tbody/tr[1]/td[8]/span/a[text()='View']"); // click through to the Activity view screen $this->click("xpath=//table[@class='contact-activity-selector-activity dataTable no-footer']/tbody//tr[2]/td[8]/span/a[text()='View']"); $this->waitForElementPresent('_qf_Activity_cancel-bottom'); $this->waitForElementPresent("xpath=//div[@class='ui-dialog-buttonset']/button[3]"); // verify Activity created $this->verifyText("xpath=//form[@id='Activity']/div[2]/table/tbody/tr[5]/td[2]/span", $campaignTitle); } }