loggedInAs = NULL; require_once 'CiviSeleniumSettings.php'; $this->settings = new CiviSeleniumSettings(); if (property_exists($this->settings, 'serverStartupTimeOut') && $this->settings->serverStartupTimeOut) { global $CiviSeleniumTestCase_polled; if (!$CiviSeleniumTestCase_polled) { $CiviSeleniumTestCase_polled = TRUE; CRM_Utils_Network::waitForServiceStartup( $this->drivers[0]->getHost(), $this->drivers[0]->getPort(), $this->settings->serverStartupTimeOut ); } } // autoload require_once 'CRM/Core/ClassLoader.php'; CRM_Core_ClassLoader::singleton()->register(); // also initialize a connection to the db // FIXME: not necessary for most tests, consider moving into functions that need this $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); } protected function setUp() { $this->setBrowser($this->settings->browser); // Make sure that below strings have path separator at the end $this->setBrowserUrl($this->settings->sandboxURL); $this->sboxPath = $this->settings->sandboxPATH; if (property_exists($this->settings, 'rcHost') && $this->settings->rcHost) { $this->setHost($this->settings->rcHost); } if (property_exists($this->settings, 'rcPort') && $this->settings->rcPort) { $this->setPort($this->settings->rcPort); } } protected function prepareTestSession() { $result = parent::prepareTestSession(); // Set any cookies required by local installation // Note: considered doing this in setUp(), but the Selenium session wasn't yet initialized. if (property_exists($this->settings, 'cookies')) { // We don't really care about this page, but it seems we need // to open a page before setting a cookie. $this->open($this->sboxPath); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); $this->setCookies($this->settings->cookies); } return $result; } /** * @param array $cookies each item is an array with keys: * - name: string * - value: string; note that RFC's don't define particular encoding scheme, so * you must pick one yourself and pre-encode; does not allow values with * commas, semicolons, or whitespace * - path: string; default: '/' * - max_age: int; default: 1 week (7*24*60*60) */ protected function setCookies($cookies) { foreach ($cookies as $cookie) { if (!isset($cookie['path'])) { $cookie['path'] = '/'; } if (!isset($cookie['max_age'])) { $cookie['max_age'] = 7*24*60*60; } $this->deleteCookie($cookie['name'], $cookie['path']); $optionExprs = array(); foreach ($cookie as $key => $value) { if ($key != 'name' && $key != 'value') { $optionExprs[] = "$key=$value"; } } $this->createCookie("{$cookie['name']}={$cookie['value']}", implode(', ', $optionExprs)); } } protected function tearDown() { } /** * Authenticate as drupal user * @param $user: (str) the key 'user' or 'admin', or a literal username * @param $pass: (str) if $user is a literal username and not 'user' or 'admin', supply the password */ function webtestLogin($user = 'user', $pass = NULL) { // If already logged in as correct user, do nothing if ($this->loggedInAs === $user) { return; } // If we are logged in as a different user, log out first if ($this->loggedInAs) { $this->webtestLogout(); } $this->open("{$this->sboxPath}user"); // Lookup username & password if not supplied $username = $user; if ($pass === NULL) { $pass = $user == 'admin' ? $this->settings->adminPassword : $this->settings->password; $username = $user == 'admin' ? $this->settings->adminUsername : $this->settings->username; } // Make sure login form is available $this->waitForElementPresent('edit-submit'); $this->type('edit-name', $username); $this->type('edit-pass', $pass); $this->click('edit-submit'); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); $this->loggedInAs = $user; } function webtestLogout() { if ($this->loggedInAs) { $this->open($this->sboxPath . "user/logout"); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); } $this->loggedInAs = NULL; } /** * Open an internal path beginning with 'civicrm/' * * @param $url (str) omit the 'civicrm/' it will be added for you * @param $args (str|array) optional url arguments * @param $waitFor - page element to wait for - using this is recommended to ensure the document is fully loaded * * Although it doesn't seem to do much now, using this function is recommended for * opening all civi pages, and using the $args param is also strongly encouraged * This will make it much easier to run webtests in other CMSs in the future */ function openCiviPage($url, $args = NULL, $waitFor = 'civicrm-footer') { // Construct full url with args // This could be extended in future to work with other CMS style urls if ($args) { if (is_array($args)) { $sep = '?'; foreach ($args as $key => $val) { $url .= $sep . $key . '=' . $val; $sep = '&'; } } else { $url .= "?$args"; } } $this->open("{$this->sboxPath}civicrm/$url"); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); $this->checkForErrorsOnPage(); if ($waitFor) { $this->waitForElementPresent($waitFor); } } /** * Click on a link or button * Wait for the page to load * Wait for an element to be present */ function clickLink($element, $waitFor = 'civicrm-footer', $waitForPageLoad = TRUE) { $this->click($element); // conditional wait for page load e.g for ajax form save if ($waitForPageLoad) { $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); $this->checkForErrorsOnPage(); } if ($waitFor) { $this->waitForElementPresent($waitFor); } } /** * Click a link or button and wait for an ajax dialog to load * @param string $element * @param string $waitFor */ function clickPopupLink($element, $waitFor=NULL) { $this->clickAjaxLink($element, 'css=.ui-dialog'); if ($waitFor) { $this->waitForElementPresent($waitFor); } } /** * Click a link or button and wait for ajax content to load or refresh * @param string $element * @param string $waitFor */ function clickAjaxLink($element, $waitFor=NULL) { $this->click($element); if ($waitFor) { $this->waitForElementPresent($waitFor); } $this->waitForAjaxContent(); } /** * Force a link to open full-page, even if it would normally open in a popup * @note: works with links only, not buttons * @param string $element * @param string $waitFor */ function clickLinkSuppressPopup($element, $waitFor = 'civicrm-footer') { $link = $this->getAttribute($element . '@href'); $this->open($link); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); if ($waitFor) { $this->waitForElementPresent($waitFor); } } /** * Wait for all ajax snippets to finish loading */ function waitForAjaxContent() { $this->waitForElementNotPresent('css=.blockOverlay'); // Some ajax calls happen in pairs (e.g. submit a popup form then refresh the underlying content) // So we'll wait a sec and recheck to see if any more stuff is loading sleep(1); if ($this->isElementPresent('css=.blockOverlay')) { $this->waitForAjaxContent(); } } /** * Call the API on the local server * (kind of defeats the point of a webtest - see CRM-11889) */ function webtest_civicrm_api($entity, $action, $params) { if (!isset($params['version'])) { $params['version'] = 3; } $result = civicrm_api($entity, $action, $params); $this->assertTrue(!civicrm_error($result), 'Civicrm api error.'); return $result; } /** * Call the API on the remote server * Experimental - currently only works if permissions on remote site allow anon user to access ajax api * @see CRM-11889 */ function rest_civicrm_api($entity, $action, $params = array()) { $params += array( 'version' => 3, ); $url = "{$this->settings->sandboxURL}/{$this->sboxPath}civicrm/ajax/rest?entity=$entity&action=$action&json=" . json_encode($params); $request = array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', // Naughty sidestep of civi's security checks 'header' => "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest", ), ); $ctx = stream_context_create($request); $result = file_get_contents($url, FALSE, $ctx); return json_decode($result, TRUE); } /** * @param $option_group_name * * @return array|int */ function webtestGetFirstValueForOptionGroup($option_group_name) { $result = $this->webtest_civicrm_api("OptionValue", "getvalue", array( 'option_group_name' => $option_group_name, 'option.limit' => 1, 'return' => 'value' )); return $result; } /** * @return mixed */ function webtestGetValidCountryID() { static $_country_id; if (is_null($_country_id)) { $config_backend = $this->webtestGetConfig('countryLimit'); $_country_id = current($config_backend); } return $_country_id; } /** * @param $entity * * @return mixed|null */ function webtestGetValidEntityID($entity) { // michaelmcandrew: would like to use getvalue but there is a bug // for e.g. group where option.limit not working at the moment CRM-9110 $result = $this->webtest_civicrm_api($entity, "get", array('option.limit' => 1, 'return' => 'id')); if (!empty($result['values'])) { return current(array_keys($result['values'])); } return NULL; } /** * @param $field * * @return mixed */ function webtestGetConfig($field) { static $_config_backend; if (is_null($_config_backend)) { $result = $this->webtest_civicrm_api("Domain", "getvalue", array( 'current_domain' => 1, 'option.limit' => 1, 'return' => 'config_backend' )); $_config_backend = unserialize($result); } return $_config_backend[$field]; } /** * Ensures the required CiviCRM components are enabled */ function enableComponents($components) { $this->openCiviPage("admin/setting/component", "reset=1", "_qf_Component_next-bottom"); $enabledComponents = $this->getSelectOptions("enableComponents-t"); $added = FALSE; foreach ((array) $components as $comp) { if (!in_array($comp, $enabledComponents)) { $this->addSelection("enableComponents-f", "label=$comp"); $this->click("//option[@value='$comp']"); $this->click("add"); $added = TRUE; } } if ($added) { $this->clickLink("_qf_Component_next-bottom"); $this->checkCRMAlert("Saved"); } } /** * Add a contact with the given first and last names and either a given email * (when specified), a random email (when true) or no email (when unspecified or null). * * @param string $fname contact’s first name * @param string $lname contact’s last name * @param mixed $email contact’s email (when string) or random email (when true) or no email (when null) * * @param null $contactSubtype * * @return mixed either a string with the (either generated or provided) email or null (if no email) */ function webtestAddContact($fname = 'Anthony', $lname = 'Anderson', $email = NULL, $contactSubtype = NULL) { $args = 'reset=1&ct=Individual'; if ($contactSubtype) { $args .= "&cst={$contactSubtype}"; } $this->openCiviPage('contact/add', $args, '_qf_Contact_upload_view-bottom'); $this->type('first_name', $fname); $this->type('last_name', $lname); if ($email === TRUE) { $email = substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7) . '@example.org'; } if ($email) { $this->type('email_1_email', $email); } $this->clickLink('_qf_Contact_upload_view-bottom'); return $email; } /** * @param string $householdName * @param null $email * * @return null|string */ function webtestAddHousehold($householdName = "Smith's Home", $email = NULL) { $this->openCiviPage("contact/add", "reset=1&ct=Household"); $this->click('household_name'); $this->type('household_name', $householdName); if ($email === TRUE) { $email = substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7) . '@example.org'; } if ($email) { $this->type('email_1_email', $email); } $this->clickLink('_qf_Contact_upload_view'); return $email; } /** * @param string $organizationName * @param null $email * @param null $contactSubtype * * @return null|string */ function webtestAddOrganization($organizationName = "Organization XYZ", $email = NULL, $contactSubtype = NULL) { $args = 'reset=1&ct=Organization'; if ($contactSubtype) { $args .= "&cst={$contactSubtype}"; } $this->openCiviPage('contact/add', $args, '_qf_Contact_upload_view-bottom'); $this->click('organization_name'); $this->type('organization_name', $organizationName); if ($email === TRUE) { $email = substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7) . '@example.org'; } if ($email) { $this->type('email_1_email', $email); } $this->clickLink('_qf_Contact_upload_view'); return $email; } /** */ function webtestFillAutocomplete($sortName, $fieldName = 'contact_id') { $this->select2($fieldName,$sortName); //$this->assertContains($sortName, $this->getValue($fieldName), "autocomplete expected $sortName but didn’t find it in " . $this->getValue($fieldName)); } /** */ function webtestOrganisationAutocomplete($sortName) { $this->clickAt("//*[@id='contact_id']/../div/a"); $this->waitForElementPresent("//*[@id='select2-drop']/div/input"); $this->keyDown("//*[@id='select2-drop']/div/input", " "); $this->type("//*[@id='select2-drop']/div/input", $sortName); $this->typeKeys("//*[@id='select2-drop']/div/input", $sortName); $this->waitForElementPresent("//*[@class='select2-result-label']"); $this->clickAt("//*[@class='select2-results']/li[1]"); //$this->assertContains($sortName, $this->getValue('contact_1'), "autocomplete expected $sortName but didn’t find it in " . $this->getValue('contact_1')); } /* * 1. By default, when no strtotime arg is specified, sets date to "now + 1 month" * 2. Does not set time. For setting both date and time use webtestFillDateTime() method. * 3. Examples of $strToTime arguments - * webtestFillDate('start_date',"now") * webtestFillDate('start_date',"10 September 2000") * webtestFillDate('start_date',"+1 day") * webtestFillDate('start_date',"+1 week") * webtestFillDate('start_date',"+1 week 2 days 4 hours 2 seconds") * webtestFillDate('start_date',"next Thursday") * webtestFillDate('start_date',"last Monday") */ /** * @param $dateElement * @param null $strToTimeArgs */ function webtestFillDate($dateElement, $strToTimeArgs = NULL) { $timeStamp = strtotime($strToTimeArgs ? $strToTimeArgs : '+1 month'); $year = date('Y', $timeStamp); // -1 ensures month number is inline with calender widget's month $mon = date('n', $timeStamp) - 1; $day = date('j', $timeStamp); $this->click("{$dateElement}_display"); $this->waitForElementPresent("css=div#ui-datepicker-div.ui-datepicker div.ui-datepicker-header div.ui-datepicker-title select.ui-datepicker-month"); $this->select("css=div#ui-datepicker-div.ui-datepicker div.ui-datepicker-header div.ui-datepicker-title select.ui-datepicker-month", "value=$mon"); $this->select("css=div#ui-datepicker-div div.ui-datepicker-header div.ui-datepicker-title select.ui-datepicker-year", "value=$year"); $this->click("link=$day"); } // 1. set both date and time. /** * @param $dateElement * @param null $strToTimeArgs */ function webtestFillDateTime($dateElement, $strToTimeArgs = NULL) { $this->webtestFillDate($dateElement, $strToTimeArgs); $timeStamp = strtotime($strToTimeArgs ? $strToTimeArgs : '+1 month'); $hour = date('h', $timeStamp); $min = date('i', $timeStamp); $meri = date('A', $timeStamp); $this->type("{$dateElement}_time", "{$hour}:{$min}{$meri}"); } /** * Verify that given label/value pairs are in *sibling* td cells somewhere on the page. * * @param array $expected Array of key/value pairs (like Status/Registered) to be checked * @param string $xpathPrefix Pass in an xpath locator to "get to" the desired table or tables. Will be prefixed to xpath * table path. Include leading forward slashes (e.g. "//div[@id='activity-content']"). * @param string $tableId Pass in the id attribute of a table to be verified if you want to only check a specific table * on the web page. */ function webtestVerifyTabularData($expected, $xpathPrefix = NULL, $tableId = NULL) { $tableLocator = ""; if ($tableId) { $tableLocator = "[@id='$tableId']"; } foreach ($expected as $label => $value) { if ($xpathPrefix) { $this->waitForElementPresent("xpath=//table{$tableLocator}/tbody/tr/td{$xpathPrefix}[text()='{$label}']/../following-sibling::td"); $this->verifyText("xpath=//table{$tableLocator}/tbody/tr/td{$xpathPrefix}[text()='{$label}']/../following-sibling::td", preg_quote($value), 'In line ' . __LINE__); } else { $this->waitForElementPresent("xpath=//table{$tableLocator}/tbody/tr/td[text()='{$label}']/following-sibling::td"); $this->verifyText("xpath=//table{$tableLocator}/tbody/tr/td[text()='{$label}']/following-sibling::td", preg_quote($value), 'In line ' . __LINE__); } } } /** * Types text into a ckEditor rich text field in a form * * @param string $fieldName form field name (as assigned by PHP buildForm class) * @param string $text text to type into the field * @param string $editor which text editor (valid values are 'CKEditor', 'TinyMCE') * * @return void */ function fillRichTextField($fieldName, $text = 'Typing this text into editor.', $editor = 'CKEditor', $compressed = FALSE) { // make sure cursor focuses on the field $this->fireEvent($fieldName, 'focus'); if ($editor == 'CKEditor') { if ($compressed) { $this->click("{$fieldName}-plain"); } $this->waitForElementPresent("xpath=//div[@id='cke_{$fieldName}']//iframe"); $this->runScript("CKEDITOR.instances['{$fieldName}'].setData('


');"); } elseif ($editor == 'TinyMCE') { $this->waitForElementPresent("xpath=//iframe[@id='{$fieldName}_ifr']"); $this->runScript("tinyMCE.activeEditor.setContent('


');"); } else { $this->fail("Unknown editor value: $editor, failing (in CiviSeleniumTestCase::fillRichTextField ..."); } $this->selectFrame('relative=top'); } /** * Types option label and name into a table of multiple choice options * (for price set fields of type select, radio, or checkbox) * TODO: extend for custom field multiple choice table input * * @param array $options form field name (as assigned by PHP buildForm class) * @param array $validateStrings appends label and name strings to this array so they can be validated later * * @return void */ function addMultipleChoiceOptions($options, &$validateStrings) { foreach ($options as $oIndex => $oValue) { $validateStrings[] = $oValue['label']; $validateStrings[] = $oValue['amount']; if (!empty($oValue['membership_type_id'])) { $this->select("membership_type_id_{$oIndex}", "value={$oValue['membership_type_id']}"); } if (!empty($oValue['financial_type_id'])) { $this->select("option_financial_type_id_{$oIndex}", "label={$oValue['financial_type_id']}"); } $this->type("option_label_{$oIndex}", $oValue['label']); $this->type("option_amount_{$oIndex}", $oValue['amount']); $this->click('link=another choice'); } } /** * Use a contact EntityRef field to add a new contact * @param string $field selector * @param string $contactType * @return array of contact attributes (id, names, email) */ function createDialogContact($field = 'contact_id', $contactType = 'Individual') { $selectId = 's2id_' . $this->getAttribute($field . '@id'); $this->clickAt("xpath=//div[@id='$selectId']/a"); $this->clickAjaxLink("xpath=//li[@class='select2-no-results']//a[contains(text(), 'New $contactType')]", '_qf_Edit_next'); $name = substr(sha1(rand()), 0, rand(6, 8)); $params = array(); if ($contactType == 'Individual') { $params['first_name'] = "$name $contactType"; $params['last_name'] = substr(sha1(rand()), 0, rand(5, 9)); } else { $params[strtolower($contactType) . '_name'] = "$name $contactType"; } foreach($params as $param => $val) { $this->type($param, $val); } $this->type('email-Primary', $params['email'] = "{$name}@example.com"); $this->clickAjaxLink('_qf_Edit_next'); $this->waitForText("xpath=//div[@id='$selectId']","$name"); $params['sort_name'] = $contactType == 'Individual' ? $params['last_name'] . ', ' . $params['first_name'] : "$name $contactType"; $params['display_name'] = $contactType == 'Individual' ? $params['first_name'] . ' ' . $params['last_name'] : $params['sort_name']; $params['id'] = $this->getValue($field); return $params; } /** * @deprecated in favor of createDialogContact */ function webtestNewDialogContact($fname = 'Anthony', $lname = 'Anderson', $email = 'anthony@anderson.biz', $type = 4, $selectId = 's2id_contact_id', $row = 1, $prefix = '') { // 4 - Individual profile // 5 - Organization profile // 6 - Household profile $profile = array('4' => 'New Individual', '5' => 'New Organization', '6' => 'New Household'); $this->clickAt("xpath=//div[@id='$selectId']/a"); $this->clickPopupLink("xpath=//li[@class='select2-no-results']//a[contains(text(),' $profile[$type]')]", '_qf_Edit_next'); switch ($type) { case 4: $this->type('first_name', $fname); $this->type('last_name', $lname); break; case 5: $this->type('organization_name', $fname); break; case 6: $this->type('household_name', $fname); break; } $this->type('email-Primary', $email); $this->clickAjaxLink('_qf_Edit_next'); // Is new contact created? if ($lname) { $this->waitForText("xpath=//div[@id='$selectId']","$lname, $fname"); } else { $this->waitForText("xpath=//div[@id='$selectId']","$fname"); } } /** * Generic function to check that strings are present in the page * * @strings array array of strings or a single string * * @param $strings * @return void */ function assertStringsPresent($strings) { foreach ((array) $strings as $string) { $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent($string), "Could not find $string on page"); } } /** * Generic function to parse a URL string into it's elements.extract a variable value from a string (url) * * @url string url to parse or retrieve current url if null * * @param null $url * @return array returns an associative array containing any of the various components * of the URL that are present. Querystring elements are returned in sub-array (elements.queryString) * http://php.net/manual/en/function.parse-url.php */ function parseURL($url = NULL) { if (!$url) { $url = $this->getLocation(); } $elements = parse_url($url); if (!empty($elements['query'])) { $elements['queryString'] = array(); parse_str($elements['query'], $elements['queryString']); } return $elements; } /** * Returns a single argument from the url query */ function urlArg($arg, $url = NULL) { $elements = $this->parseURL($url); return isset($elements['queryString'][$arg]) ? $elements['queryString'][$arg] : NULL; } /** * Define a payment processor for use by a webtest. Default is to create Dummy processor * which is useful for testing online public forms (online contribution pages and event registration) * * @param string $processorName Name assigned to new processor * @param string $processorType Name for processor type (e.g. PayPal, Dummy, etc.) * @param array $processorSettings Array of fieldname => value for required settings for the processor * * @param string $financialAccount * @throws PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError * @return int */ function webtestAddPaymentProcessor($processorName = 'Test Processor', $processorType = 'Dummy', $processorSettings = NULL, $financialAccount = 'Deposit Bank Account') { if (!$processorName) { $this->fail("webTestAddPaymentProcessor requires $processorName."); } // Ensure we are logged in as admin before we proceed $this->webtestLogin('admin'); if ($processorName === 'Test Processor') { // Use the default test processor, no need to create a new one $this->openCiviPage('admin/paymentProcessor', 'action=update&id=1&reset=1', '_qf_PaymentProcessor_cancel-bottom'); $this->check('is_default'); $this->select('financial_account_id', "label={$financialAccount}"); $this->clickLink('_qf_PaymentProcessor_next-bottom'); return 1; } if ($processorType == 'Dummy') { $processorSettings = array( 'user_name' => 'dummy', 'url_site' => 'http://dummy.com', 'test_user_name' => 'dummytest', 'test_url_site' => 'http://dummytest.com', ); } elseif ($processorType == 'AuthNet') { // FIXME: we 'll need to make a new separate account for testing $processorSettings = array( 'test_user_name' => '5ULu56ex', 'test_password' => '7ARxW575w736eF5p', ); } elseif ($processorType == 'Google_Checkout') { // FIXME: we 'll need to make a new separate account for testing $processorSettings = array( 'test_user_name' => '559999327053114', 'test_password' => 'R2zv2g60-A7GXKJYl0nR0g', ); } elseif ($processorType == 'PayPal') { $processorSettings = array( 'test_user_name' => '559999327053114', 'test_password' => 'R2zv2g60-A7GXKJYl0nR0g', 'test_signature' => 'R2zv2g60-A7GXKJYl0nR0g', ); } elseif ($processorType == 'PayPal_Standard') { $processorSettings = array( 'test_user_name' => 'V18ki@9r5Bf.org', ); } elseif (empty($processorSettings)) { $this->fail("webTestAddPaymentProcessor requires $processorSettings array if processorType is not Dummy."); } $pid = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue("CRM_Financial_DAO_PaymentProcessorType", $processorType, "id", "name"); if (empty($pid)) { $this->fail("$processorType processortype not found."); } $this->openCiviPage('admin/paymentProcessor', 'action=add&reset=1&pp=' . $pid, 'name'); $this->type('name', $processorName); $this->select('financial_account_id', "label={$financialAccount}"); foreach ($processorSettings AS $f => $v) { $this->type($f, $v); } // Save $this->clickLink('_qf_PaymentProcessor_next-bottom'); $this->waitForTextPresent($processorName); // Get payment processor id $paymentProcessorLink = $this->getAttribute("xpath=//table[@class='selector row-highlight']//tbody//tr/td[text()='{$processorName}']/../td[7]/span/a[1]@href"); return $this->urlArg('id', $paymentProcessorLink); } function webtestAddCreditCardDetails() { $this->waitForElementPresent('credit_card_type'); $this->select('credit_card_type', 'label=Visa'); $this->type('credit_card_number', '4807731747657838'); $this->type('cvv2', '123'); $this->select('credit_card_exp_date[M]', 'label=Feb'); $this->select('credit_card_exp_date[Y]', 'label=2019'); } /** * @param null $firstName * @param null $middleName * @param null $lastName * * @return array */ function webtestAddBillingDetails($firstName = NULL, $middleName = NULL, $lastName = NULL) { if (!$firstName) { $firstName = 'John'; } if (!$middleName) { $middleName = 'Apple'; } if (!$lastName) { $lastName = 'Smith_' . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7); } $this->type('billing_first_name', $firstName); $this->type('billing_middle_name', $middleName); $this->type('billing_last_name', $lastName); $this->type('billing_street_address-5', '234 Lincoln Ave'); $this->type('billing_city-5', 'San Bernadino'); $this->select2('billing_country_id-5', 'United States'); $this->select2('billing_state_province_id-5', 'California'); $this->type('billing_postal_code-5', '93245'); return array($firstName, $middleName, $lastName); } /** * @param $fieldLocator * @param null $filePath * * @return null|string */ function webtestAttachFile($fieldLocator, $filePath = NULL) { if (!$filePath) { $filePath = '/tmp/testfile_' . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7) . '.txt'; $fp = @fopen($filePath, 'w'); fputs($fp, 'Test file created by selenium test.'); @fclose($fp); } $this->assertTrue(file_exists($filePath), 'Not able to locate file: ' . $filePath); $this->attachFile($fieldLocator, "file://{$filePath}"); return $filePath; } /** * @param $headers * @param $rows * @param null $filePath * * @return null|string */ function webtestCreateCSV($headers, $rows, $filePath = NULL) { if (!$filePath) { $filePath = '/tmp/testcsv_' . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7) . '.csv'; } $data = '"' . implode('", "', $headers) . '"' . "\r\n"; foreach ($rows as $row) { $temp = array(); foreach ($headers as $field => $header) { $temp[$field] = isset($row[$field]) ? '"' . $row[$field] . '"' : '""'; } $data .= implode(', ', $temp) . "\r\n"; } $fp = @fopen($filePath, 'w'); @fwrite($fp, $data); @fclose($fp); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($filePath), 'Not able to locate file: ' . $filePath); return $filePath; } /** * Create new relationship type w/ user specified params or default. * * @param $params array of required params. * * @return an array of saved params values. */ function webtestAddRelationshipType($params = array()) { $this->openCiviPage("admin/reltype", "reset=1&action=add"); //build the params if not passed. if (!is_array($params) || empty($params)) { $params = array( 'label_a_b' => 'Test Relationship Type A - B -' . rand(), 'label_b_a' => 'Test Relationship Type B - A -' . rand(), 'contact_types_a' => 'Individual', 'contact_types_b' => 'Individual', 'description' => 'Test Relationship Type Description', ); } //make sure we have minimum required params. if (!isset($params['label_a_b']) || empty($params['label_a_b'])) { $params['label_a_b'] = 'Test Relationship Type A - B -' . rand(); } //start the form fill. $this->type('label_a_b', $params['label_a_b']); $this->type('label_b_a', $params['label_b_a']); $this->select('contact_types_a', "value={$params['contact_type_a']}"); $this->select('contact_types_b', "value={$params['contact_type_b']}"); $this->type('description', $params['description']); //save the data. $this->click('_qf_RelationshipType_next-bottom'); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); //does data saved. $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent('The Relationship Type has been saved.'), "Status message didn't show up after saving!" ); $this->openCiviPage("admin/reltype", "reset=1"); //validate data on selector. $data = $params; if (isset($data['description'])) { unset($data['description']); } $this->assertStringsPresent($data); return $params; } /** * Create new online contribution page w/ user specified params or defaults. * FIXME: this function take an absurd number of params - very unwieldy :( * * @param null $hash * @param null $rand * @param null $pageTitle * @param array $processor * @param bool $amountSection * @param bool $payLater * @param bool $onBehalf * @param bool $pledges * @param bool $recurring * @param bool $membershipTypes * @param null $memPriceSetId * @param bool $friend * @param int $profilePreId * @param int $profilePostId * @param bool $premiums * @param bool $widget * @param bool $pcp * @param bool $isAddPaymentProcessor * @param bool $isPcpApprovalNeeded * @param bool $isSeparatePayment * @param bool $honoreeSection * @param bool $allowOtherAmount * @param bool $isConfirmEnabled * @param string $financialType * @param bool $fixedAmount * @param bool $membershipsRequired * @internal param \can $User define pageTitle, hash and rand values for later data verification * * @return null $pageId of newly created online contribution page. */ function webtestAddContributionPage($hash = NULL, $rand = NULL, $pageTitle = NULL, $processor = array('Test Processor' => 'Dummy'), $amountSection = TRUE, $payLater = TRUE, $onBehalf = TRUE, $pledges = TRUE, $recurring = FALSE, $membershipTypes = TRUE, $memPriceSetId = NULL, $friend = TRUE, $profilePreId = 1, $profilePostId = 7, $premiums = TRUE, $widget = TRUE, $pcp = TRUE, $isAddPaymentProcessor = TRUE, $isPcpApprovalNeeded = FALSE, $isSeparatePayment = FALSE, $honoreeSection = TRUE, $allowOtherAmount = TRUE, $isConfirmEnabled = TRUE, $financialType = 'Donation', $fixedAmount = TRUE, $membershipsRequired = TRUE ) { if (!$hash) { $hash = substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7); } if (!$pageTitle) { $pageTitle = 'Donate Online ' . $hash; } if (!$rand) { $rand = 2 * rand(2, 50); } // Create a new payment processor if requested if ($isAddPaymentProcessor) { while (list($processorName, $processorType) = each($processor)) { $this->webtestAddPaymentProcessor($processorName, $processorType); } } // go to the New Contribution Page page $this->openCiviPage('admin/contribute', 'action=add&reset=1'); // fill in step 1 (Title and Settings) $this->type('title', $pageTitle); //to select financial type $this->select('financial_type_id', "label={$financialType}"); if ($onBehalf) { $this->click('is_organization'); $this->select("xpath=//*[@class='crm-contribution-onbehalf_profile_id']//span[@class='crm-profile-selector-select']//select", 'label=On Behalf Of Organization'); $this->type('for_organization', "On behalf $hash"); if ($onBehalf == 'required') { $this->click('CIVICRM_QFID_2_4'); } elseif ($onBehalf == 'optional') { $this->click('CIVICRM_QFID_1_2'); } } $this->fillRichTextField('intro_text', 'This is introductory message for ' . $pageTitle, 'CKEditor'); $this->fillRichTextField('footer_text', 'This is footer message for ' . $pageTitle, 'CKEditor'); $this->type('goal_amount', 10 * $rand); // FIXME: handle Start/End Date/Time if ($honoreeSection) { $this->click('honor_block_is_active'); $this->type('honor_block_title', "Honoree Section Title $hash"); $this->type('honor_block_text', "Honoree Introductory Message $hash"); $this->click("//*[@id='s2id_soft_credit_types']/ul"); $this->waitForElementPresent("//*[@id='select2-drop']/ul"); $this->waitForElementPresent("//*[@class='select2-result-label']"); $this->clickAt("//*[@class='select2-results']/li[1]"); } // is confirm enabled? it starts out enabled, so uncheck it if false if (!$isConfirmEnabled) { $this->click("id=is_confirm_enabled"); } // Submit form $this->clickLink('_qf_Settings_next', "_qf_Amount_next-bottom"); // Get contribution page id $pageId = $this->urlArg('id'); // fill in step 2 (Processor, Pay Later, Amounts) if (!empty($processor)) { reset($processor); while (list($processorName) = each($processor)) { // select newly created processor $xpath = "xpath=//label[text() = '{$processorName}']/preceding-sibling::input[1]"; $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent($processorName)); $this->check($xpath); } } if ($amountSection && !$memPriceSetId) { if ($payLater) { $this->click('is_pay_later'); $this->type('pay_later_text', "Pay later label $hash"); $this->fillRichTextField('pay_later_receipt', "Pay later instructions $hash"); } if ($pledges) { $this->click('is_pledge_active'); $this->click('pledge_frequency_unit[week]'); $this->click('is_pledge_interval'); $this->type('initial_reminder_day', 3); $this->type('max_reminders', 2); $this->type('additional_reminder_day', 1); } elseif ($recurring) { $this->click('is_recur'); $this->click("is_recur_interval"); $this->click("is_recur_installments"); } if ($allowOtherAmount) { $this->click('is_allow_other_amount'); // there shouldn't be minimums and maximums on test contribution forms unless you specify it //$this->type('min_amount', $rand / 2); //$this->type('max_amount', $rand * 10); } if ($fixedAmount || !$allowOtherAmount) { $this->type('label_1', "Label $hash"); $this->type('value_1', "$rand"); } $this->click('CIVICRM_QFID_1_4'); } else { $this->click('amount_block_is_active'); } $this->click('_qf_Amount_next'); $this->waitForElementPresent('_qf_Amount_next-bottom'); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); $text = "'Amount' information has been saved."; $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent($text), 'Missing text: ' . $text); if ($memPriceSetId || (($membershipTypes === TRUE) || (is_array($membershipTypes) && !empty($membershipTypes)))) { // go to step 3 (memberships) $this->click('link=Memberships'); $this->waitForElementPresent('_qf_MembershipBlock_next-bottom'); // fill in step 3 (Memberships) $this->click('member_is_active'); $this->waitForElementPresent('displayFee'); $this->type('new_title', "Title - New Membership $hash"); $this->type('renewal_title', "Title - Renewals $hash"); if ($memPriceSetId) { $this->click('member_price_set_id'); $this->select('member_price_set_id', "value={$memPriceSetId}"); } else { if ($membershipTypes === TRUE) { $membershipTypes = array(array('id' => 2)); } // FIXME: handle Introductory Message - New Memberships/Renewals foreach ($membershipTypes as $mType) { $this->click("membership_type_{$mType['id']}"); if (array_key_exists('default', $mType)) { // FIXME: } if (array_key_exists('auto_renew', $mType)) { $this->select("auto_renew_{$mType['id']}", "label=Give option"); } } if ($membershipsRequired) { $this->click('is_required'); } $this->waitForElementPresent('CIVICRM_QFID_2_4'); $this->click('CIVICRM_QFID_2_4'); if ($isSeparatePayment) { $this->click('is_separate_payment'); } } $this->clickLink('_qf_MembershipBlock_next', '_qf_MembershipBlock_next-bottom'); $text = "'MembershipBlock' information has been saved."; $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent($text), 'Missing text: ' . $text); } // go to step 4 (thank-you and receipting) $this->click('link=Receipt'); $this->waitForElementPresent('_qf_ThankYou_next-bottom'); // fill in step 4 $this->type('thankyou_title', "Thank-you Page Title $hash"); // FIXME: handle Thank-you Message/Page Footer $this->type('receipt_from_name', "Receipt From Name $hash"); $this->type('receipt_from_email', "$hash@example.org"); $this->type('receipt_text', "Receipt Message $hash"); $this->type('cc_receipt', "$hash@example.net"); $this->type('bcc_receipt', "$hash@example.com"); $this->click('_qf_ThankYou_next'); $this->waitForElementPresent('_qf_ThankYou_next-bottom'); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); $text = "'ThankYou' information has been saved."; $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent($text), 'Missing text: ' . $text); if ($friend) { // fill in step 5 (Tell a Friend) $this->click('link=Tell a Friend'); $this->waitForElementPresent('_qf_Contribute_next-bottom'); $this->click('tf_is_active'); $this->type('tf_title', "TaF Title $hash"); $this->type('intro', "TaF Introduction $hash"); $this->type('suggested_message', "TaF Suggested Message $hash"); $this->type('general_link', "TaF Info Page Link $hash"); $this->type('tf_thankyou_title', "TaF Thank-you Title $hash"); $this->type('tf_thankyou_text', "TaF Thank-you Message $hash"); //$this->click('_qf_Contribute_next'); $this->click('_qf_Contribute_next-bottom'); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); $text = "'Friend' information has been saved."; $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent($text), 'Missing text: ' . $text); } if ($profilePreId || $profilePostId) { // fill in step 6 (Include Profiles) $this->click('css=li#tab_custom a'); $this->waitForElementPresent('_qf_Custom_next-bottom'); if ($profilePreId) { $this->select('css=tr.crm-contribution-contributionpage-custom-form-block-custom_pre_id span.crm-profile-selector-select select', "value={$profilePreId}"); } if ($profilePostId) { $this->select('css=tr.crm-contribution-contributionpage-custom-form-block-custom_post_id span.crm-profile-selector-select select', "value={$profilePostId}"); } $this->click('_qf_Custom_next-bottom'); //$this->waitForElementPresent('_qf_Custom_next-bottom'); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); $text = "'Custom' information has been saved."; $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent($text), 'Missing text: ' . $text); } if ($premiums) { // fill in step 7 (Premiums) $this->click('link=Premiums'); $this->waitForElementPresent('_qf_Premium_next-bottom'); $this->click('premiums_active'); $this->type('premiums_intro_title', "Prem Title $hash"); $this->type('premiums_intro_text', "Prem Introductory Message $hash"); $this->type('premiums_contact_email', "$hash@example.info"); $this->type('premiums_contact_phone', rand(100000000, 999999999)); $this->click('premiums_display_min_contribution'); $this->type('premiums_nothankyou_label', 'No thank-you'); $this->click('_qf_Premium_next'); $this->waitForElementPresent('_qf_Premium_next-bottom'); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); $text = "'Premium' information has been saved."; $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent($text), 'Missing text: ' . $text); } if ($widget) { // fill in step 8 (Widget Settings) $this->click('link=Widgets'); $this->waitForElementPresent('_qf_Widget_next-bottom'); $this->click('is_active'); $this->type('url_logo', "URL to Logo Image $hash"); $this->type('button_title', "Button Title $hash"); // Type About text in ckEditor (fieldname, text to type, editor) $this->fillRichTextField('about', 'This is for ' . $pageTitle, 'CKEditor'); $this->click('_qf_Widget_next'); $this->waitForElementPresent('_qf_Widget_next-bottom'); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); $text = "'Widget' information has been saved."; $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent($text), 'Missing text: ' . $text); } if ($pcp) { // fill in step 9 (Enable Personal Campaign Pages) $this->click('link=Personal Campaigns'); $this->waitForElementPresent('_qf_Contribute_next-bottom'); $this->click('pcp_active'); if (!$isPcpApprovalNeeded) { $this->click('is_approval_needed'); } $this->type('notify_email', "$hash@example.name"); $this->select('supporter_profile_id', 'value=2'); $this->type('tellfriend_limit', 7); $this->type('link_text', "'Create Personal Campaign Page' link text $hash"); $this->click('_qf_Contribute_next-bottom'); //$this->waitForElementPresent('_qf_PCP_next-bottom'); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); $text = "'Pcp' information has been saved."; $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent($text), 'Missing text: ' . $text); } return $pageId; } /** * Function to update default strict rule. * * @params string $contactType Contact type * @param string $contactType * @param array $fields Fields to be set for strict rule * @param Integer $threshold Rule's threshold value */ function webtestStrictDedupeRuleDefault($contactType = 'Individual', $fields = array(), $threshold = 10) { // set default strict rule. $strictRuleId = 4; if ($contactType == 'Organization') { $strictRuleId = 5; } elseif ($contactType == 'Household') { $strictRuleId = 6; } // Default dedupe fields for each Contact type. if (empty($fields)) { $fields = array('civicrm_email.email' => 10); if ($contactType == 'Organization') { $fields = array( 'civicrm_contact.organization_name' => 10, 'civicrm_email.email' => 10, ); } elseif ($contactType == 'Household') { $fields = array( 'civicrm_contact.household_name' => 10, 'civicrm_email.email' => 10, ); } } $this->openCiviPage('contact/deduperules', "action=update&id=$strictRuleId", '_qf_DedupeRules_next-bottom'); $count = 0; foreach ($fields as $field => $weight) { $this->select("where_{$count}", "value={$field}"); $this->type("length_{$count}", ''); $this->type("weight_{$count}", $weight); $count++; } if ($count > 4) { $this->type('threshold', $threshold); // click save $this->click('_qf_DedupeRules_next-bottom'); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); return; } for ($i = $count; $i <= 4; $i++) { $this->select("where_{$i}", 'label=- none -'); $this->type("length_{$i}", ''); $this->type("weight_{$i}", ''); } $this->type('threshold', $threshold); // click save $this->click('_qf_DedupeRules_next-bottom'); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); } /** * @param string $period_type * @param int $duration_interval * @param string $duration_unit * @param string $auto_renew * * @return array */ function webtestAddMembershipType($period_type = 'rolling', $duration_interval = 1, $duration_unit = 'year', $auto_renew = 'no') { $membershipTitle = substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7); $membershipOrg = $membershipTitle . ' memorg'; $this->webtestAddOrganization($membershipOrg, TRUE); $title = 'Membership Type ' . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7); $memTypeParams = array( 'membership_type' => $title, 'member_of_contact' => $membershipOrg, 'financial_type' => 2, 'period_type' => $period_type, ); $this->openCiviPage("admin/member/membershipType/add", "action=add&reset=1", '_qf_MembershipType_cancel-bottom'); $this->type('name', $memTypeParams['membership_type']); // if auto_renew optional or required - a valid payment processor must be created first (e.g Auth.net) // select the radio first since the element id changes after membership org search results are loaded switch ($auto_renew) { case 'optional': $this->click("xpath=//div[@id='membership_type_form']//table/tbody/tr[6]/td/label[contains(text(), 'Auto-renew Option')]/../../td[2]/label[contains(text(), 'Give option, but not required')]"); break; case 'required': $this->click("xpath=//div[@id='membership_type_form']//table/tbody/tr[6]/td/label[contains(text(), 'Auto-renew Option')]/../../td[2]/label[contains(text(), 'Auto-renew required')]"); break; default: //check if for the element presence (the Auto renew options can be absent when proper payment processor not configured) if ($this->isElementPresent("xpath=//div[@id='membership_type_form']//table/tbody/tr[6]/td/label[contains(text(), 'Auto-renew Option')]/../../td[2]/label[contains(text(), 'No auto-renew option')]")) { $this->click("xpath=//div[@id='membership_type_form']//table/tbody/tr[6]/td/label[contains(text(), 'Auto-renew Option')]/../../td[2]/label[contains(text(), 'No auto-renew option')]"); } break; } $this->select2('member_of_contact_id',$membershipTitle); $this->type('minimum_fee', '100'); $this->select('financial_type_id', "value={$memTypeParams['financial_type']}"); $this->type('duration_interval', $duration_interval); $this->select('duration_unit', "label={$duration_unit}"); $this->select('period_type', "value={$period_type}"); $this->click('_qf_MembershipType_upload-bottom'); $this->waitForElementPresent('link=Add Membership Type'); $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent("The membership type '$title' has been saved.")); return $memTypeParams; } /** * @param null $groupName * @param null $parentGroupName * * @return null|string */ function WebtestAddGroup($groupName = NULL, $parentGroupName = NULL) { $this->openCiviPage('group/add', 'reset=1', '_qf_Edit_upload-bottom'); // fill group name if (!$groupName) { $groupName = 'group_' . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7); } $this->type('title', $groupName); // fill description $this->type('description', 'Adding new group.'); // check Access Control $this->click('group_type[1]'); // check Mailing List $this->click('group_type[2]'); // select Visibility as Public Pages $this->select('visibility', 'value=Public Pages'); // select parent group if ($parentGroupName) { $this->select('parents', "*$parentGroupName"); } // Clicking save. $this->clickLink('_qf_Edit_upload-bottom'); // Is status message correct? $this->waitForText('crm-notification-container', "$groupName"); return $groupName; } /** * @param string $activityType * * @return null */ function WebtestAddActivity($activityType = "Meeting") { // Adding Adding contact with randomized first name for test testContactContextActivityAdd // We're using Quick Add block on the main page for this. $firstName1 = substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7); $this->webtestAddContact($firstName1, "Summerson", $firstName1 . "@summerson.name"); $firstName2 = substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7); $this->webtestAddContact($firstName2, "Anderson", $firstName2 . "@anderson.name"); $this->click("css=li#tab_activity a"); // waiting for the activity dropdown to show up $this->waitForElementPresent("other_activity"); // Select the activity type from the activity dropdown $this->select("other_activity", "label=Meeting"); $this->waitForElementPresent("_qf_Activity_upload-bottom"); $this->waitForElementPresent("s2id_target_contact_id"); $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent("Anderson, " . $firstName2), "Contact not found in line " . __LINE__); // Typing contact's name into the field (using typeKeys(), not type()!)... $this->select2("assignee_contact_id", $firstName1, TRUE); // ...and verifying if the page contains properly formatted display name for chosen contact. $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent("Summerson, " . $firstName1), "Contact not found in line " . __LINE__); // Putting the contents into subject field - assigning the text to variable, it'll come in handy later $subject = "This is subject of test activity being added through activity tab of contact summary screen."; // For simple input fields we can use field id as selector $this->type("subject", $subject); $this->type("location", "Some location needs to be put in this field."); $this->webtestFillDateTime('activity_date_time', '+1 month 11:10PM'); // Setting duration. $this->type("duration", "30"); // Putting in details. $this->type("details", "Really brief details information."); // Making sure that status is set to Scheduled (using value, not label). $this->select("status_id", "value=1"); // Setting priority. $this->select("priority_id", "value=1"); // Scheduling follow-up. $this->click("css=.crm-activity-form-block-schedule_followup div.crm-accordion-header"); $this->select("followup_activity_type_id", "value=1"); $this->webtestFillDateTime('followup_date', '+2 month 11:10PM'); $this->type("followup_activity_subject", "This is subject of schedule follow-up activity"); // Clicking save. $this->click("_qf_Activity_upload-bottom"); $this->waitForElementPresent("xpath=//div[@id='crm-notification-container']"); // Is status message correct? $this->waitForText('crm-notification-container', "Activity '$subject' has been saved."); $this->waitForElementPresent("xpath=//div[@class='dataTables_wrapper no-footer']//table/tbody/tr[2]/td[8]/span/a[text()='View']"); // click through to the Activity view screen $this->clickLinkSuppressPopup("xpath=//div[@class='dataTables_wrapper no-footer']//table/tbody/tr[2]/td[8]/span/a[text()='View']", '_qf_Activity_cancel-bottom'); // parse URL to grab the activity id // pass id back to any other tests that call this class return $this->urlArg('id'); } /** * @return bool */ static function checkDoLocalDBTest() { if (defined('CIVICRM_WEBTEST_LOCAL_DB') && CIVICRM_WEBTEST_LOCAL_DB ) { require_once 'tests/phpunit/CiviTest/CiviDBAssert.php'; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Generic function to compare expected values after an api call to retrieved * DB values. * * @daoName string DAO Name of object we're evaluating. * @id int Id of object * @match array Associative array of field name => expected value. Empty if asserting * that a DELETE occurred * @delete boolean True if we're checking that a DELETE action occurred. */ function assertDBState($daoName, $id, $match, $delete = FALSE) { if (!self::checkDoLocalDBTest()) { return; } return CiviDBAssert::assertDBState($this, $daoName, $id, $match, $delete); } // Request a record from the DB by seachColumn+searchValue. Success if a record is found. /** * @param $daoName * @param $searchValue * @param $returnColumn * @param $searchColumn * @param $message * * @return null|string */ function assertDBNotNull($daoName, $searchValue, $returnColumn, $searchColumn, $message) { if (!self::checkDoLocalDBTest()) { return; } return CiviDBAssert::assertDBNotNull($this, $daoName, $searchValue, $returnColumn, $searchColumn, $message); } // Request a record from the DB by seachColumn+searchValue. Success if returnColumn value is NULL. /** * @param $daoName * @param $searchValue * @param $returnColumn * @param $searchColumn * @param $message */ function assertDBNull($daoName, $searchValue, $returnColumn, $searchColumn, $message) { if (!self::checkDoLocalDBTest()) { return; } return CiviDBAssert::assertDBNull($this, $daoName, $searchValue, $returnColumn, $searchColumn, $message); } // Request a record from the DB by id. Success if row not found. /** * @param $daoName * @param $id * @param $message */ function assertDBRowNotExist($daoName, $id, $message) { if (!self::checkDoLocalDBTest()) { return; } return CiviDBAssert::assertDBRowNotExist($this, $daoName, $id, $message); } // Compare a single column value in a retrieved DB record to an expected value /** * @param $daoName * @param $searchValue * @param $returnColumn * @param $searchColumn * @param $expectedValue * @param string $message */ function assertDBCompareValue($daoName, $searchValue, $returnColumn, $searchColumn, $expectedValue, $message ) { if (!self::checkDoLocalDBTest()) { return; } return CiviDBAssert::assertDBCompareValue($daoName, $searchValue, $returnColumn, $searchColumn, $expectedValue, $message ); } // Compare all values in a single retrieved DB record to an array of expected values /** * @param $daoName * @param $searchParams * @param $expectedValues */ function assertDBCompareValues($daoName, $searchParams, $expectedValues) { if (!self::checkDoLocalDBTest()) { return; } return CiviDBAssert::assertDBCompareValues($this, $daoName, $searchParams, $expectedValues); } /** * @param $expectedValues * @param $actualValues */ function assertAttributesEquals(&$expectedValues, &$actualValues) { if (!self::checkDoLocalDBTest()) { return; } return CiviDBAssert::assertAttributesEquals($expectedValues, $actualValues); } /** * @param $expected * @param $actual * @param string $message */ function assertType($expected, $actual, $message = '') { return $this->assertInternalType($expected, $actual, $message); } /** * Add new Financial Account */ function _testAddFinancialAccount($financialAccountTitle, $financialAccountDescription = FALSE, $accountingCode = FALSE, $firstName = FALSE, $financialAccountType = FALSE, $taxDeductible = FALSE, $isActive = FALSE, $isTax = FALSE, $taxRate = FALSE, $isDefault = FALSE ) { $this->openCiviPage("admin/financial/financialAccount", "reset=1"); $this->click("link=Add Financial Account"); $this->waitForElementPresent('_qf_FinancialAccount_cancel-botttom'); // Financial Account Name $this->type('name', $financialAccountTitle); // Financial Description if ($financialAccountDescription) { $this->type('description', $financialAccountDescription); } //Accounting Code if ($accountingCode) { $this->type('accounting_code', $accountingCode); } // Autofill Organization if ($firstName) { $this->webtestOrganisationAutocomplete($firstName); } // Financial Account Type if ($financialAccountType) { $this->select('financial_account_type_id', "label={$financialAccountType}"); } // Is Tax Deductible if ($taxDeductible) { $this->check('is_deductible'); } else { $this->uncheck('is_deductible'); } // Is Active if (!$isActive) { $this->check('is_active'); } else { $this->uncheck('is_active'); } // Is Tax if ($isTax) { $this->check('is_tax'); } else { $this->uncheck('is_tax'); } // Tax Rate if ($taxRate) { $this->type('tax_rate', $taxRate); } // Set Default if ($isDefault) { $this->check('is_default'); } else { $this->uncheck('is_default'); } $this->click('_qf_FinancialAccount_next-botttom'); } /** * Edit Financial Account */ function _testEditFinancialAccount($editfinancialAccount, $financialAccountTitle = FALSE, $financialAccountDescription = FALSE, $accountingCode = FALSE, $firstName = FALSE, $financialAccountType = FALSE, $taxDeductible = FALSE, $isActive = TRUE, $isTax = FALSE, $taxRate = FALSE, $isDefault = FALSE ) { if ($firstName) { $this->openCiviPage("admin/financial/financialAccount", "reset=1"); } $this->waitForElementPresent("xpath=//table/tbody//tr/td[1][text()='{$editfinancialAccount}']/../td[9]/span/a[text()='Edit']"); $this->clickLink("xpath=//table/tbody//tr/td[1][text()='{$editfinancialAccount}']/../td[9]/span/a[text()='Edit']", '_qf_FinancialAccount_cancel-botttom', FALSE); // Change Financial Account Name if ($financialAccountTitle) { $this->type('name', $financialAccountTitle); } // Financial Description if ($financialAccountDescription) { $this->type('description', $financialAccountDescription); } //Accounting Code if ($accountingCode) { $this->type('accounting_code', $accountingCode); } // Autofill Edit Organization if ($firstName) { $this->webtestOrganisationAutocomplete($firstName); } // Financial Account Type if ($financialAccountType) { $this->select('financial_account_type_id', "label={$financialAccountType}"); } // Is Tax Deductible if ($taxDeductible) { $this->check('is_deductible'); } else { $this->uncheck('is_deductible'); } // Is Tax if ($isTax) { $this->check('is_tax'); } else { $this->uncheck('is_tax'); } // Tax Rate if ($taxRate) { $this->type('tax_rate', $taxRate); } // Set Default if ($isDefault) { $this->check('is_default'); } else { $this->uncheck('is_default'); } // Is Active if ($isActive) { $this->check('is_active'); } else { $this->uncheck('is_active'); } $this->click('_qf_FinancialAccount_next-botttom'); $this->waitForElementPresent('link=Add Financial Account'); } /** * Delete Financial Account */ function _testDeleteFinancialAccount($financialAccountTitle) { $this->click("xpath=//table/tbody//tr/td[1][text()='{$financialAccountTitle}']/../td[9]/span/a[text()='Delete']"); $this->waitForElementPresent('_qf_FinancialAccount_next-botttom'); $this->click('_qf_FinancialAccount_next-botttom'); $this->waitForElementPresent('link=Add Financial Account'); $this->waitForText('crm-notification-container', "Selected Financial Account has been deleted."); } /** * Verify data after ADD and EDIT */ function _assertFinancialAccount($verifyData) { foreach ($verifyData as $key => $expectedValue) { $actualValue = $this->getValue($key); if ($key == 'parent_financial_account') { $this->assertTrue((bool) preg_match("/^{$expectedValue}/", $actualValue)); } else { $this->assertEquals($expectedValue, $actualValue); } } } /** * @param $verifySelectFieldData */ function _assertSelectVerify($verifySelectFieldData) { foreach ($verifySelectFieldData as $key => $expectedvalue) { $actualvalue = $this->getSelectedLabel($key); $this->assertEquals($expectedvalue, $actualvalue); } } /** * @param $financialType * @param string $option */ function addeditFinancialType($financialType, $option = 'new') { $this->openCiviPage("admin/financial/financialType", "reset=1"); if ($option == 'Delete') { $this->click("xpath=id('ltype')/div/table/tbody/tr/td[1][text()='$financialType[name]']/../td[7]/span[2]"); $this->waitForElementPresent("css=span.btn-slide-active"); $this->click("xpath=id('ltype')/div/table/tbody/tr/td[1][text()='$financialType[name]']/../td[7]/span[2]/ul/li[2]/a"); $this->waitForElementPresent("_qf_FinancialType_next"); $this->click("_qf_FinancialType_next"); $this->waitForElementPresent("newFinancialType"); $this->waitForText('crm-notification-container', 'Selected financial type has been deleted.'); return; } if ($option == 'new') { $this->click("link=Add Financial Type"); } else { $this->click("xpath=id('ltype')/div/table/tbody/tr/td[1][text()='$financialType[oldname]']/../td[7]/span/a[text()='Edit']"); } $this->waitForElementPresent("name"); $this->type('name', $financialType['name']); if ($option == 'new') { $this->type('description', $financialType['name'] . ' description'); } if ($financialType['is_reserved']) { $this->check('is_reserved'); } else { $this->uncheck('is_reserved'); } if ($financialType['is_deductible']) { $this->check('is_deductible'); } else { $this->uncheck('is_deductible'); } $this->click('_qf_FinancialType_next'); if ($option == 'new') { $text = "Your Financial \"{$financialType['name']}\" Type has been created, along with a corresponding income account \"{$financialType['name']}\". That income account, along with standard financial accounts \"Accounts Receivable\", \"Banking Fees\" and \"Premiums\" have been linked to the financial type. You may edit or replace those relationships here."; } else { $text = "The financial type \"{$financialType['name']}\" has been updated."; } $this->checkCRMAlert($text); } /** * Give the specified permissions * Note: this function logs in as 'admin' (logging out if necessary) */ function changePermissions($permission) { $this->webtestLogin('admin'); $this->open("{$this->sboxPath}admin/people/permissions"); $this->waitForElementPresent('edit-submit'); foreach ((array) $permission as $perm) { $this->check($perm); } $this->click('edit-submit'); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent('The changes have been saved.')); } /** * @param $profileTitle * @param $profileFields */ function addProfile($profileTitle, $profileFields) { $this->openCiviPage('admin/uf/group', "reset=1"); $this->clickLink('link=Add Profile', '_qf_Group_cancel-bottom'); $this->type('title', $profileTitle); $this->clickLink('_qf_Group_next-bottom'); $this->waitForText('crm-notification-container', "Your CiviCRM Profile '{$profileTitle}' has been added. You can add fields to this profile now."); foreach ($profileFields as $field) { $this->waitForElementPresent('field_name_0'); $this->click("id=field_name_0"); $this->select("id=field_name_0", "label=" . $field['type']); $this->waitForElementPresent('field_name_1'); $this->click("id=field_name_1"); $this->select("id=field_name_1", "label=" . $field['name']); $this->waitForElementPresent('label'); $this->type("id=label", $field['label']); $this->click("id=_qf_Field_next_new-top"); $this->waitForElementPresent("xpath=//select[@id='field_name_1'][@style='display: none;']"); //$this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent("Your CiviCRM Profile Field '" . $field['name'] . "' has been saved to '" . $profileTitle . "'. You can add another profile field.")); } } /** * @param $name * @param $sku * @param $amount * @param $price * @param $cost * @param $financialType */ function addPremium($name, $sku, $amount, $price, $cost, $financialType) { $this->waitForElementPresent("_qf_ManagePremiums_next-bottom"); $this->type("name", $name); $this->type("sku", $sku); $this->click("CIVICRM_QFID_noImage_16"); $this->type("min_contribution", $amount); $this->type("price", $price); $this->type("cost", $cost); if ($financialType) { $this->select("financial_type_id", "label={$financialType}"); } $this->click("_qf_ManagePremiums_next-bottom"); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); } /** * @param $label * @param $financialAccount */ function addPaymentInstrument($label, $financialAccount) { $this->openCiviPage('admin/options/payment_instrument', 'action=add&reset=1', "_qf_Options_next-bottom"); $this->type("label", $label); $this->select("financial_account_id", "value=$financialAccount"); $this->click("_qf_Options_next-bottom"); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); } /** * Ensure we have a default mailbox set up for CiviMail */ function setupDefaultMailbox() { $this->openCiviPage('admin/mailSettings', 'action=update&id=1&reset=1'); // Check if it hasn't already been set up if (!$this->getSelectedValue('protocol')) { $this->type('name', 'Test Domain'); $this->select('protocol', "IMAP"); $this->type('server', 'localhost'); $this->type('domain', 'example.com'); $this->clickLink('_qf_MailSettings_next-top'); } } /** * Determine the default time-out in milliseconds. * * @return string, timeout expressed in milliseconds */ function getTimeoutMsec() { // note: existing local versions of CiviSeleniumSettings may not declare $timeout, so use @ $timeout = ($this->settings && @$this->settings->timeout) ? ($this->settings->timeout * 1000) : 30000; return (string) $timeout; // don't know why, but all our old code used a string } /** * CRM-12378 * checks custom fields rendering / loading properly on the fly WRT entity passed as parameter * * * @param array $customSets custom sets i.e entity wise sets want to be created and checked e.g $customSets = array(array('entity' => 'Contribution', 'subEntity' => 'Donation', 'triggerElement' => $triggerElement)) array $triggerElement: the element which is responsible for custom group to load which uses the entity info as its selection value * @param array $pageUrl the url which on which the ajax custom group load takes place * @param callable|boolean $beforeTriggering fn to execute before actual element triggering * @return void */ function customFieldSetLoadOnTheFlyCheck($customSets, $pageUrl, $beforeTriggering = NULL) { // FIXME: Testing a theory that these failures have something to do with permissions $this->webtestLogin('admin'); //add the custom set $return = $this->addCustomGroupField($customSets); // FIXME: Hack to ensure caches are properly cleared if (TRUE) { $userName = $this->loggedInAs; $this->webtestLogout(); $this->webtestLogin($userName); } $this->openCiviPage($pageUrl['url'], $pageUrl['args']); // FIXME: Try to find out what the heck is going on with these tests $this->waitForAjaxContent(); $this->checkForErrorsOnPage(); foreach($return as $values) { foreach ($values as $entityType => $customData) { //initiate necessary variables list($entity, $entityData) = explode('_', $entityType); $elementType = CRM_Utils_Array::value('type', $customData['triggerElement'], 'select'); $elementName = CRM_Utils_Array::value('name', $customData['triggerElement']); if (is_callable($beforeTriggering)) { call_user_func($beforeTriggering); } if ($elementType == 'select') { //reset the select box, so triggering of ajax only happens //WRT input of value in this function $this->select($elementName, "index=0"); } if (!empty($entityData)) { if ($elementType == 'select') { $this->select($elementName, "label=regexp:{$entityData}"); } elseif ($elementType == 'checkbox') { $val = explode(',', $entityData); foreach($val as $v) { $checkId = $this->getAttribute("xpath=//label[text()='{$v}']/@for"); $this->check($checkId); } } elseif ($elementType == 'select2') { $this->select2($elementName, $entityData); } } // FIXME: Try to find out what the heck is going on with these tests $this->waitForAjaxContent(); $this->checkForErrorsOnPage(); //checking for proper custom data which is loading through ajax $this->waitForElementPresent("css=.custom-group-{$customData['cgtitle']}"); $this->assertElementPresent("xpath=//div[contains(@class, 'custom-group-{$customData['cgtitle']}')]/div[contains(@class, 'crm-accordion-body')]/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/input", "The on the fly custom group field is not present for entity : {$entity} => {$entityData}"); } } } /** * @param $customSets * * @return array */ function addCustomGroupField($customSets) { $return = array(); foreach ($customSets as $customSet) { $this->openCiviPage("admin/custom/group", "action=add&reset=1"); //fill custom group title $customGroupTitle = "webtest_for_ajax_cd" . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 4); $this->click("title"); $this->type("title", $customGroupTitle); //custom group extends $this->click("extends_0"); $this->select("extends_0", "value={$customSet['entity']}"); if (!empty($customSet['subEntity'])) { $this->addSelection("extends_1", "label={$customSet['subEntity']}"); } // Don't collapse $this->uncheck('collapse_display'); // Save $this->click('_qf_Group_next-bottom'); //Is custom group created? $this->waitForText('crm-notification-container', "Your custom field set '{$customGroupTitle}' has been added."); $gid = $this->urlArg('gid'); $this->waitForTextPresent("{$customGroupTitle} - New Field"); $fieldLabel = "custom_field_for_{$customSet['entity']}_{$customSet['subEntity']}" . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 4); $this->waitForElementPresent('label'); $this->type('label', $fieldLabel); $this->click('_qf_Field_done-bottom'); $this->waitForText('crm-notification-container', $fieldLabel); $this->waitForAjaxContent(); $customGroupTitle = preg_replace('/\s/', '_', trim($customGroupTitle)); $return[] = array( "{$customSet['entity']}_{$customSet['subEntity']}" => array('cgtitle' => $customGroupTitle, 'gid' => $gid, 'triggerElement' => $customSet['triggerElement'])); // Go home for a sec to give time for caches to clear $this->openCiviPage(''); } return $return; } /** * function to type and select first occurance of autocomplete */ function select2($fieldName,$label, $multiple = FALSE, $xpath=FALSE) { // In the case of chainSelect, wait for options to load $this->waitForElementNotPresent('css=select.loading'); if ($multiple) { $this->clickAt("//*[@id='$fieldName']/../div/ul/li"); $this->keyDown("//*[@id='$fieldName']/../div/ul/li//input", " "); $this->type("//*[@id='$fieldName']/../div/ul/li//input", $label); $this->typeKeys("//*[@id='$fieldName']/../div/ul/li//input", $label); $this->waitForElementPresent("//*[@class='select2-result-label']"); $this->clickAt("//*[@class='select2-results']/li[1]/div"); } else { if ($xpath) { $this->clickAt($fieldName); } else { $this->clickAt("//*[@id='$fieldName']/../div/a"); } $this->waitForElementPresent("//*[@id='select2-drop']/div/input"); $this->keyDown("//*[@id='select2-drop']/div/input", " "); $this->type("//*[@id='select2-drop']/div/input", $label); $this->typeKeys("//*[@id='select2-drop']/div/input", $label); $this->waitForElementPresent("//*[@class='select2-result-label']"); $this->clickAt("//*[contains(@class,'select2-result-selectable')]/div[contains(@class, 'select2-result-label')]"); } // Wait a sec for select2 to update the original element sleep(1); } /** * function to select multiple options */ function multiselect2($fieldid, $params) { // In the case of chainSelect, wait for options to load $this->waitForElementNotPresent('css=select.loading'); foreach($params as $value) { $this->clickAt("xpath=//*[@id='$fieldid']/../div/ul//li/input"); $this->waitForElementPresent("xpath=//ul[@class='select2-results']"); $this->clickAt("xpath=//ul[@class='select2-results']//li/div[text()='$value']"); $this->assertElementContainsText("xpath=//*[@id='$fieldid']/preceding-sibling::div[1]/", $value); } // Wait a sec for select2 to update the original element sleep(1); } /** * Check for unobtrusive status message as set by CRM.status */ function checkCRMStatus($text=NULL) { $this->waitForElementPresent("css=.crm-status-box-outer.status-success"); if ($text) { $this->assertElementContainsText("css=.crm-status-box-outer.status-success", $text); } } /** * Check for obtrusive status message as set by CRM.alert */ function checkCRMAlert($text, $type='success') { $this->waitForElementPresent("css=div.ui-notify-message.$type"); $this->waitForText("css=div.ui-notify-message.$type", $text); // We got the message, now let's close it so the webtest doesn't get confused by lots of open alerts $this->click('css=.ui-notify-cross'); } /** * function to enable or disable Pop-ups via Display Preferences */ function enableDisablePopups($enabled = TRUE) { $this->openCiviPage('admin/setting/preferences/display', 'reset=1'); $isChecked = $this->isChecked('ajaxPopupsEnabled'); if (($isChecked && !$enabled) || (!$isChecked && $enabled)) { $this->click('ajaxPopupsEnabled'); } if ($enabled) { $this->assertChecked('ajaxPopupsEnabled'); } else { $this->assertNotChecked('ajaxPopupsEnabled'); } $this->clickLink("_qf_Display_next-bottom"); } /** * Attempt to get information about what went wrong if we encounter an error when loading a page */ function checkForErrorsOnPage() { foreach (array('Access denied', 'Page not found') as $err) { if ($this->isElementPresent("xpath=//h1[text()='$err']")) { $this->fail("\"$err\" encountered at " . $this->getLocation()); } } if ($this->isElementPresent("xpath=//span[text()='Sorry but we are not able to provide this at the moment.']")) { $msg = '"Fatal Error" encountered at ' . $this->getLocation(); if ($this->isElementPresent('css=div.crm-section.crm-error-message')) { $msg .= "\nError Message: " . $this->getText('css=div.crm-section.crm-error-message'); } $this->fail($msg); } } }