apply($reset); $reset = FALSE; return $return; } /** * Test we can set a contact ID. */ public function testSetContactID() { // Do things proper. $propertyBag = new PropertyBag(); $propertyBag->setContactID(123); $this->assertEquals(123, $propertyBag->getContactID()); // Same but this time set contact ID with string. // (php should throw its own warnings about this because of the signature) $propertyBag = new PropertyBag(); $propertyBag->setContactID('123'); $this->assertInternalType('int', $propertyBag->getContactID()); $this->assertEquals(123, $propertyBag->getContactID()); // Test we can have different labels $propertyBag = new PropertyBag(); $propertyBag->setContactID(123); $propertyBag->setContactID(456, 'new'); $this->assertEquals(123, $propertyBag->getContactID()); $this->assertEquals(456, $propertyBag->getContactID('new')); } /** * Test we cannot set an invalid contact ID. * * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException */ public function testSetContactIDFailsIfInvalid() { $propertyBag = new PropertyBag(); $propertyBag->setContactID(0); } /** * Test we can set a contact ID the wrong way */ public function testSetContactIDLegacyWay() { $propertyBag = new PropertyBag(); // To prevent E_USER_DEPRECATED errors during phpunit tests we take a copy // of the existing error_reporting. $oldLevel = error_reporting(); $ignoreUserDeprecatedErrors = $oldLevel & ~E_USER_DEPRECATED; foreach (['contactID', 'contact_id'] as $prop) { // Set by array access should cause deprecated error. try { $propertyBag[$prop] = 123; $this->fail("Using array access to set a property '$prop' should trigger deprecated notice."); } catch (DeprecatedError $e) { } // But it should still work. error_reporting($ignoreUserDeprecatedErrors); $propertyBag[$prop] = 123; error_reporting($oldLevel); $this->assertEquals(123, $propertyBag->getContactID()); // Getting by array access should also cause deprecation error. try { $_ = $propertyBag[$prop]; $this->fail("Using array access to get a property '$prop' should trigger deprecated notice."); } catch (DeprecatedError $e) { } // But again, it should work. error_reporting($ignoreUserDeprecatedErrors); $this->assertEquals(123, $propertyBag[$prop], "Getting '$prop' by array access should work"); error_reporting($oldLevel); } } /** * Test that emails set by the legacy method of 'email-5' can be retrieved with getEmail. */ public function testSetBillingEmailLegacy() { $localPropertyBag = PropertyBag::cast(['email-' . \CRM_Core_BAO_LocationType::getBilling() => '']); $this->assertEquals('', $localPropertyBag->getEmail()); } /** * Test that null is valid for recurring contribution ID. * * See */ public function testRecurProcessorIDNull() { $bag = new PropertyBag(); $bag->setRecurProcessorID(NULL); $value = $bag->getRecurProcessorID(); $this->assertNull($value); } /** */ public function testMergeInputs() { $propertyBag = PropertyBag::cast([ 'contactID' => 123, 'contributionRecurID' => 456, ]); $this->assertEquals(123, $propertyBag->getContactID()); $this->assertEquals(456, $propertyBag->getContributionRecurID()); } /** * Test we can set and access custom props. */ public function testSetCustomProp() { $oldLevel = error_reporting(); $ignoreUserDeprecatedErrors = $oldLevel & ~E_USER_DEPRECATED; // The proper way. $propertyBag = new PropertyBag(); $propertyBag->setCustomProperty('customThingForMyProcessor', 'fidget'); $this->assertEquals('fidget', $propertyBag->getCustomProperty('customThingForMyProcessor')); $this->assertEquals('', $propertyBag->lastWarning); // Test we can do this with array, although we should get a warning. $propertyBag = new PropertyBag(); // Set by array access should cause deprecated error. try { $propertyBag['customThingForMyProcessor'] = 'fidget'; $this->fail("Using array access to set an implicitly custom property should trigger deprecated notice."); } catch (DeprecatedError $e) { } // But it should still work. error_reporting($ignoreUserDeprecatedErrors); $propertyBag['customThingForMyProcessor'] = 'fidget'; error_reporting($oldLevel); $this->assertEquals('fidget', $propertyBag->getCustomProperty('customThingForMyProcessor')); // Getting by array access should also cause deprecation error. try { $_ = $propertyBag['customThingForMyProcessor']; $this->fail("Using array access to get an implicitly custom property should trigger deprecated notice."); } catch (DeprecatedError $e) { } // But again, it should work. error_reporting($ignoreUserDeprecatedErrors); $this->assertEquals('fidget', $propertyBag['customThingForMyProcessor']); error_reporting($oldLevel); } /** * Test we can't set a custom prop that we know about. * * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException * @expectedExceptionMessage Attempted to set 'contactID' via setCustomProperty - must use using its setter. */ public function testSetCustomPropFails() { $propertyBag = new PropertyBag(); $propertyBag->setCustomProperty('contactID', 123); } /** * Test we get NULL for custom prop that was not set. * * This is only for backward compatibility/ease of transition. One day it would be nice to throw an exception instead. * * @expectedException \BadMethodCallException * @expectedExceptionMessage Property 'aCustomProp' has not been set. */ public function testGetCustomPropFails() { $propertyBag = new PropertyBag(); // Tricky test. We need to ignore deprecation errors, we're testing deprecated behaviour, // but we need to listen out for a different exception. $oldLevel = error_reporting(); $ignoreUserDeprecatedErrors = $oldLevel & ~E_USER_DEPRECATED; error_reporting($ignoreUserDeprecatedErrors); // Do the do. try { $v = $propertyBag['aCustomProp']; error_reporting($oldLevel); $this->fail("Expected BadMethodCallException from accessing an unset custom prop."); } catch (\BadMethodCallException $e) { // reset error level. error_reporting($oldLevel); // rethrow for phpunit to catch. throw $e; } } /** * * @dataProvider otherParamsDataProvider */ public function testOtherParams($prop, $legacy_names, $valid_values, $invalid_values) { $setter = 'set' . ucfirst($prop); $getter = 'get' . ucfirst($prop); // Using the setter and getter, check we can pass stuff in and get expected out. foreach ($valid_values as $_) { list($given, $expect) = $_; $propertyBag = new PropertyBag(); try { $propertyBag->$setter($given); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->fail("Expected to be able to set '$prop' to '$given' but got " . get_class($e) . ": " . $e->getMessage()); } try { $this->assertEquals($expect, $propertyBag->$getter()); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->fail("Expected to be able to call $getter, having called $setter with '$given' but got " . get_class($e) . ": " . $e->getMessage()); } } // Using the setter and getter, check we get an error for invalid data. foreach ($invalid_values as $given) { try { $propertyBag = new PropertyBag(); $propertyBag->$setter($given); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { // counts this assertion. $this->assertTrue(TRUE); continue; } $this->fail("Expected an error trying to set $prop to " . json_encode($given) . " but did not get one."); } $oldLevel = error_reporting(); $ignoreUserDeprecatedErrors = $oldLevel & ~E_USER_DEPRECATED; // Check array access for the proper property name and any aliases. // This is going to throw a bunch of deprecated errors, but we know this // (and have tested it elsewhere) so we turn those off. error_reporting($ignoreUserDeprecatedErrors); foreach (array_merge([$prop], $legacy_names) as $name) { foreach ($valid_values as $_) { list($given, $expect) = $_; $propertyBag = new PropertyBag(); $propertyBag[$name] = $given; $this->assertEquals($expect, $propertyBag->$getter(), "Failed to set $prop via array access on $name"); // Nb. I don't feel the need to repeat all the checks above for every alias. // We only really need to test that the array access works for each alias. break; } } error_reporting($oldLevel); } /** * Test the require method works. */ public function testRequire() { $propertyBag = new PropertyBag(); $propertyBag->setContactID(123); $propertyBag->setDescription('foo'); // This one should not error. $propertyBag->require(['contactID', 'description']); try { $propertyBag->require(['contactID', 'description', 'contributionID', 'somethingthatdoesntexist']); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { $this->assertEquals('Required properties missing: contributionID, somethingthatdoesntexist', $e->getMessage()); } } /** * Test retrieves using CRM_Utils_Array::value still work. */ public function testUtilsArray() { $propertyBag = new PropertyBag(); $propertyBag->setContactID(123); // This will throw deprecation notices but we don't care. $oldLevel = error_reporting(); $ignoreUserDeprecatedErrors = $oldLevel & ~E_USER_DEPRECATED; error_reporting($ignoreUserDeprecatedErrors); $this->assertEquals(123, \CRM_Utils_Array::value('contact_id', $propertyBag)); // Test that using utils array value to get a nonexistent property returns the default. $this->assertEquals(456, \CRM_Utils_Array::value('ISawAManWhoWasntThere', $propertyBag, 456)); error_reporting($oldLevel); } /** */ public function testEmpty() { $propertyBag = new PropertyBag(); $propertyBag->setContactID(123); $propertyBag->setRecurProcessorID(''); $propertyBag->setBillingPostalCode(NULL); $propertyBag->setFeeAmount(0); $propertyBag->setCustomProperty('custom_issue', 'black lives matter'); $propertyBag->setCustomProperty('custom_null', NULL); $propertyBag->setCustomProperty('custom_false', FALSE); $propertyBag->setCustomProperty('custom_zls', ''); $propertyBag->setCustomProperty('custom_0', 0); // To prevent E_USER_DEPRECATED errors during phpunit tests we take a copy // of the existing error_reporting. $oldLevel = error_reporting(); $ignoreUserDeprecatedErrors = $oldLevel & ~E_USER_DEPRECATED; error_reporting($ignoreUserDeprecatedErrors); // Tests on known properties. $v = empty($propertyBag->getContactID()); $this->assertFalse($v, "empty on a set, known property should return False"); $v = empty($propertyBag['contactID']); $this->assertFalse($v, "empty on a set, known property accessed by ArrayAccess with correct name should return False"); $v = empty($propertyBag['contact_id']); $this->assertFalse($v, "empty on a set, known property accessed by ArrayAccess with legacy name should return False"); $v = empty($propertyBag['recurProcessorID']); $this->assertTrue($v, "empty on an unset, known property accessed by ArrayAccess should return True"); $v = empty($propertyBag->getRecurProcessorID()); $this->assertTrue($v, "empty on a set, but '' value should return True"); $v = empty($propertyBag->getFeeAmount()); $this->assertTrue($v, "empty on a set, but 0 value should return True"); $v = empty($propertyBag->getBillingPostalCode()); $this->assertTrue($v, "empty on a set, but NULL value should return True"); // Test custom properties. $v = empty($propertyBag->getCustomProperty('custom_issue')); $this->assertFalse($v, "empty on a set custom property with non-empty value should return False"); foreach (['null', 'false', 'zls', '0'] as $_) { $v = empty($propertyBag["custom_$_"]); $this->assertTrue($v, "empty on a set custom property with $_ value should return TRUE"); } $v = empty($propertyBag['nonexistent_custom_field']); $this->assertTrue($v, "empty on a non-existent custom property should return True"); $v = empty($propertyBag['custom_issue']); $this->assertFalse($v, "empty on a set custom property accessed by ArrayAccess should return False"); error_reporting($oldLevel); } /** * * Data provider for testOtherParams * */ public function otherParamsDataProvider() { $valid_bools = [['0' , FALSE], ['', FALSE], [0, FALSE], [FALSE, FALSE], [TRUE, TRUE], [1, TRUE], ['1', TRUE]]; $valid_strings = [['foo' , 'foo'], ['', '']]; $valid_strings_inc_null = [['foo' , 'foo'], ['', ''], [NULL, '']]; $valid_ints = [[123, 123], ['123', 123]]; $invalid_ints = [-1, 0, NULL, '']; return [ ['billingStreetAddress', [], $valid_strings_inc_null, []], ['billingSupplementalAddress1', [], $valid_strings_inc_null, []], ['billingSupplementalAddress2', [], $valid_strings_inc_null, []], ['billingSupplementalAddress3', [], $valid_strings_inc_null, []], ['billingCity', [], $valid_strings_inc_null, []], ['billingPostalCode', [], $valid_strings_inc_null, []], ['billingCounty', [], $valid_strings_inc_null, []], ['billingCountry', [], [['GB', 'GB'], ['NZ', 'NZ']], ['XX', '', NULL, 0]], ['contributionID', ['contribution_id'], $valid_ints, $invalid_ints], ['contributionRecurID', ['contribution_recur_id'], $valid_ints, $invalid_ints], ['description', [], [['foo' , 'foo'], ['', '']], []], ['feeAmount', ['fee_amount'], [[1.23, 1.23], ['4.56', 4.56]], [NULL]], ['firstName', [], $valid_strings_inc_null, []], ['invoiceID', ['invoice_id'], $valid_strings, []], ['isBackOffice', ['is_back_office'], $valid_bools, [NULL]], ['isRecur', ['is_recur'], $valid_bools, [NULL]], ['lastName', [], $valid_strings_inc_null, []], ['paymentToken', [], $valid_strings, []], ['recurFrequencyInterval', ['frequency_interval'], $valid_ints, $invalid_ints], ['recurFrequencyUnit', [], [['month', 'month'], ['day', 'day'], ['year', 'year']], ['', NULL, 0]], ['recurProcessorID', [], [['foo', 'foo']], [str_repeat('x', 256)]], ['transactionID', ['transaction_id'], $valid_strings, []], ['trxnResultCode', [], $valid_strings, []], ]; } /** * Test generic getter, setter methods. * */ public function testGetterAndSetter() { $propertyBag = new PropertyBag(); $propertyBag->setter('contactID', 123); $this->assertEquals(123, $propertyBag->getContactID(), "Failed testing that a valid property was set correctly"); $result = $propertyBag->getter('contactID'); $this->assertEquals(123, $result, "Failed testing the getter on a set property"); $result = $propertyBag->getter('contactID', TRUE, 456); $this->assertEquals(123, $result, "Failed testing the getter on a set property when providing a default"); $result = $propertyBag->getter('contributionRecurID', TRUE, 456); $this->assertEquals(456, $result, "Failed testing the getter on an unset property when providing a default"); try { $result = $propertyBag->getter('contributionRecurID', FALSE); $this->fail("getter called with unset property should throw exception but none was thrown"); } catch (\BadMethodCallException $e) { } $result = $propertyBag->getter('contribution_recur_id', TRUE, NULL); $this->assertNull($result, "Failed testing the getter on an invalid property when providing a default"); try { $result = $propertyBag->getter('contribution_recur_id'); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { $this->assertEquals("Attempted to get 'contribution_recur_id' via getCustomProperty - must use using its getter.", $e->getMessage()); } // Nb. up to 5.26, the custom property getter did not throw an exception if the property is unset, it just returned NULL. // Now, we return NULL for array access (legacy) but for modern access // (getter, getPropX(), getCustomProperty()) then we throw an exception if // it is not set. try { $result = $propertyBag->getter('something_custom'); $this->fail("Expected a BadMethodCallException when getting 'something_custom' which has not been set."); } catch (\BadMethodCallException $e) { } try { $propertyBag->setter('some_custom_thing', 'foo'); $this->fail("Expected to get an exception when trying to use setter for a non-standard property."); } catch (\BadMethodCallException $e) { $this->assertEquals("Cannot use generic setter with non-standard properties; you must use setCustomProperty for custom properties.", $e->getMessage()); } // Test labels. $propertyBag->setter('contactID', '100', 'original'); $this->assertEquals(123, $propertyBag->getContactID(), "Looks like the setter did not respect the label."); $this->assertEquals(100, $propertyBag->getContactID('original'), "Failed to retrieve the labelled property"); $this->assertEquals(100, $propertyBag->getter('contactID', FALSE, NULL, 'original'), "Failed using the getter to retrieve the labelled property"); } }