'', NULL => NULL, 'civicrm' => 'civicrm', 'civicrm/dashboard' => 'civicrm/dashboard', 'civicrm/contribute/transact' => 'civicrm/contribute/transact', 'civicrm/attempt' => 'civicrm/_hack_attempt_/hack_', 'civicrm dashboard & force = 1,;' => 'civicrm_dashboard___force___1__', ); foreach ($testSet as $in => $expected) { $out = CRM_Utils_String::stripPathChars($in); $this->assertEquals($out, $expected, "Output does not match"); } } public function testExtractName() { $cases = array( array( 'full_name' => 'Alan', 'first_name' => 'Alan', ), array( 'full_name' => 'Alan Arkin', 'first_name' => 'Alan', 'last_name' => 'Arkin', ), array( 'full_name' => '"Alan Arkin"', 'first_name' => 'Alan', 'last_name' => 'Arkin', ), array( 'full_name' => 'Alan A Arkin', 'first_name' => 'Alan', 'middle_name' => 'A', 'last_name' => 'Arkin', ), array( 'full_name' => 'Adams, Amy', 'first_name' => 'Amy', 'last_name' => 'Adams', ), array( 'full_name' => 'Adams, Amy A', 'first_name' => 'Amy', 'middle_name' => 'A', 'last_name' => 'Adams', ), array( 'full_name' => '"Adams, Amy A"', 'first_name' => 'Amy', 'middle_name' => 'A', 'last_name' => 'Adams', ), ); foreach ($cases as $case) { $actual = array(); CRM_Utils_String::extractName($case['full_name'], $actual); $this->assertEquals($actual['first_name'], $case['first_name']); $this->assertEquals(CRM_Utils_Array::value('last_name', $actual), CRM_Utils_Array::value('last_name', $case)); $this->assertEquals(CRM_Utils_Array::value('middle_name', $actual), CRM_Utils_Array::value('middle_name', $case)); } } public function testEllipsify() { $maxLen = 5; $cases = array( '1' => '1', '12345' => '12345', '123456' => '12...', ); foreach ($cases as $input => $expected) { $this->assertEquals($expected, CRM_Utils_String::ellipsify($input, $maxLen)); } // test utf-8 string, CRM-18997 $input = 'Registro de eventos on-line: Taller: "Onboarding - Cómo integrar exitosamente a los nuevos talentos dentro de su organización - Formación práctica."'; $maxLen = 128; $this->assertEquals(TRUE, mb_check_encoding(CRM_Utils_String::ellipsify($input, $maxLen), 'UTF-8')); } public function testRandom() { for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { $actual = CRM_Utils_String::createRandom(4, 'abc'); $this->assertEquals(4, strlen($actual)); $this->assertRegExp('/^[abc]+$/', $actual); $actual = CRM_Utils_String::createRandom(6, '12345678'); $this->assertEquals(6, strlen($actual)); $this->assertRegExp('/^[12345678]+$/', $actual); } } /** * @return array */ public function parsePrefixData() { $cases = array(); $cases[] = array('administer CiviCRM', NULL, array(NULL, 'administer CiviCRM')); $cases[] = array('administer CiviCRM', 'com_civicrm', array('com_civicrm', 'administer CiviCRM')); $cases[] = array('Drupal:access user profiles', NULL, array('Drupal', 'access user profiles')); $cases[] = array('Joomla:component:perm', NULL, array('Joomla', 'component:perm')); return $cases; } /** * @dataProvider parsePrefixData * @param $input * @param $defaultPrefix * @param $expected */ public function testParsePrefix($input, $defaultPrefix, $expected) { $actual = CRM_Utils_String::parsePrefix(':', $input, $defaultPrefix); $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual); } /** * @return array */ public function booleanDataProvider() { $cases = array(); // array(0 => $input, 1 => $expectedOutput) $cases[] = array(TRUE, TRUE); $cases[] = array(FALSE, FALSE); $cases[] = array(1, TRUE); $cases[] = array(0, FALSE); $cases[] = array('1', TRUE); $cases[] = array('0', FALSE); $cases[] = array(TRUE, TRUE); $cases[] = array(FALSE, FALSE); $cases[] = array('Y', TRUE); $cases[] = array('N', FALSE); $cases[] = array('y', TRUE); $cases[] = array('n', FALSE); $cases[] = array('Yes', TRUE); $cases[] = array('No', FALSE); $cases[] = array('True', TRUE); $cases[] = array('False', FALSE); $cases[] = array('yEs', TRUE); $cases[] = array('nO', FALSE); $cases[] = array('tRuE', TRUE); $cases[] = array('FaLsE', FALSE); return $cases; } /** * @param $input * @param bool $expected * * @dataProvider booleanDataProvider */ public function testStrToBool($input, $expected) { $actual = CRM_Utils_String::strtobool($input); $this->assertTrue($expected === $actual); } public function startEndCases() { $cases = array(); $cases[] = array('startsWith', 'foo', '', TRUE); $cases[] = array('startsWith', 'foo', 'f', TRUE); $cases[] = array('startsWith', 'foo', 'fo', TRUE); $cases[] = array('startsWith', 'foo', 'foo', TRUE); $cases[] = array('startsWith', 'foo', 'fooo', FALSE); $cases[] = array('startsWith', 'foo', 'o', FALSE); $cases[] = array('endsWith', 'foo', 'f', FALSE); $cases[] = array('endsWith', 'foo', '', TRUE); $cases[] = array('endsWith', 'foo', 'o', TRUE); $cases[] = array('endsWith', 'foo', 'oo', TRUE); $cases[] = array('endsWith', 'foo', 'foo', TRUE); $cases[] = array('endsWith', 'foo', 'fooo', FALSE); $cases[] = array('endsWith', 'foo*', '*', TRUE); return $cases; } /** * @param string $func * One of: 'startsWith' or 'endsWith'. * @param $string * @param $fragment * @param $expectedResult * @dataProvider startEndCases */ public function testStartEndWith($func, $string, $fragment, $expectedResult) { $actualResult = \CRM_Utils_String::$func($string, $fragment); $this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $actualResult, "Checking $func($string,$fragment)"); } public function wildcardCases() { $cases = array(); $cases[] = array('*', array('foo.bar.1', 'foo.bar.2', 'foo.whiz', 'bang.bang')); $cases[] = array('foo.*', array('foo.bar.1', 'foo.bar.2', 'foo.whiz')); $cases[] = array('foo.bar.*', array('foo.bar.1', 'foo.bar.2')); $cases[] = array(array('foo.bar.*', 'foo.bar.2'), array('foo.bar.1', 'foo.bar.2')); $cases[] = array(array('foo.bar.2', 'foo.w*'), array('foo.bar.2', 'foo.whiz')); return $cases; } /** * @param $patterns * @param $expectedResults * @dataProvider wildcardCases */ public function testFilterByWildCards($patterns, $expectedResults) { $data = array('foo.bar.1', 'foo.bar.2', 'foo.whiz', 'bang.bang'); $actualResults = CRM_Utils_String::filterByWildcards($patterns, $data); $this->assertEquals($expectedResults, $actualResults); $patterns = (array) $patterns; $patterns[] = 'noise'; $actualResults = CRM_Utils_String::filterByWildcards($patterns, $data, FALSE); $this->assertEquals($expectedResults, $actualResults); $actualResults = CRM_Utils_String::filterByWildcards($patterns, $data, TRUE); $this->assertEquals(array_merge($expectedResults, array('noise')), $actualResults); } /** * CRM-20821 * CRM-14283 * * @param string $imageURL * @param book $forceHttps * @param string $expected * * @dataProvider simplifyURLProvider */ public function testSimplifyURL($imageURL, $forceHttps, $expected) { $this->assertEquals( $expected, CRM_Utils_String::simplifyURL($imageURL, $forceHttps) ); } /** * Used for testNormalizeImageURL above * * @return array */ public function simplifyURLProvider() { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $urlParts = CRM_Utils_String::simpleParseUrl($config->userFrameworkBaseURL); $localDomain = $urlParts['host+port']; if (empty($localDomain)) { throw new \Exception("Failed to determine local base URL"); } $externalDomain = 'example.org'; // Ensure that $externalDomain really is different from $localDomain if ($externalDomain == $localDomain) { $externalDomain = 'example.net'; } return array( 'prototypical example' => array( "https://$localDomain/sites/default/files/coffee-mug.jpg", FALSE, '/sites/default/files/coffee-mug.jpg', ), 'external domain with https' => array( "https://$externalDomain/sites/default/files/coffee-mug.jpg", FALSE, "https://$externalDomain/sites/default/files/coffee-mug.jpg", ), 'external domain with http forced to https' => array( "http://$externalDomain/sites/default/files/coffee-mug.jpg", TRUE, "https://$externalDomain/sites/default/files/coffee-mug.jpg", ), 'external domain with http not forced' => array( "http://$externalDomain/sites/default/files/coffee-mug.jpg", FALSE, "http://$externalDomain/sites/default/files/coffee-mug.jpg", ), 'local URL' => array( "/sites/default/files/coffee-mug.jpg", FALSE, "/sites/default/files/coffee-mug.jpg", ), 'local URL without a forward slash' => array( "sites/default/files/coffee-mug.jpg", FALSE, "/sites/default/files/coffee-mug.jpg", ), 'empty input' => array( '', FALSE, '', ), ); } /** * @param string $url * @param array $expected * * @dataProvider parseURLProvider */ public function testSimpleParseUrl($url, $expected) { $this->assertEquals( $expected, CRM_Utils_String::simpleParseUrl($url) ); } /** * Used for testSimpleParseUrl above * * @return array */ public function parseURLProvider() { return array( "prototypical example" => array( "https://example.com:8000/foo/bar/?id=1#fragment", array( 'host+port' => "example.com:8000", 'path+query' => "/foo/bar/?id=1", ), ), "default port example" => array( "https://example.com/foo/bar/?id=1#fragment", array( 'host+port' => "example.com", 'path+query' => "/foo/bar/?id=1", ), ), "empty" => array( "", array( 'host+port' => "", 'path+query' => "", ), ), "path only" => array( "/foo/bar/image.png", array( 'host+port' => "", 'path+query' => "/foo/bar/image.png", ), ), ); } public function purifyHTMLProvider() { $tests = []; $tests[] = ['HOVER', 'HOVER']; $tests[] = ['hello', 'hello']; return $tests; } /** * Test ouput of purifyHTML * @param string $testString * @param string $expectedString * @dataProvider purifyHTMLProvider */ public function testPurifyHTML($testString, $expectedString) { $this->assertEquals($expectedString, CRM_Utils_String::purifyHTML($testString)); } }