_apiversion = 3; parent::setUp(); } function tearDown() { $tablesToTruncate = array( 'civicrm_custom_group', 'civicrm_custom_field', ); $this->quickCleanup($tablesToTruncate, TRUE); } /** * Generate a list of basic XML test cases. Each test case creates a * custom-group and custom-field then compares the output to a pre-defined * XML file. Then, for each test-case, we reverse the process -- we * load the XML into a clean DB and see if it creates matching custom-group * and custom-field. */ function basicXmlTestCases() { // a small library which we use to describe test cases $fixtures = array(); $fixtures['textField'] = array( 'name' => 'test_textfield', 'label' => 'Name1', 'html_type' => 'Text', 'data_type' => 'String', 'default_value' => 'abc', 'weight' => 4, 'is_required' => 1, 'is_searchable' => 0, 'is_active' => 1, ); $fixtures['selectField'] = array( // custom_group_id 'label' => 'Our select field', 'html_type' => 'Select', 'data_type' => 'String', 'weight' => 4, 'is_required' => 1, 'is_searchable' => 0, 'is_active' => 1, // 'option_group_name' => 'our_select_field_20130818044104', 'option_values' => array( array( 'weight' => 1, 'label' => 'Label1', 'value' => 1, 'is_active' => 1, ), array( 'weight' => 2, 'label' => 'Label2', 'value' => 2, 'is_active' => 1, ), ), ); // the actual test cases $cases = array(); $cases[] = array( // CustomGroup params array( 'extends' => 'Contact', 'title' => 'example', ), // CustomField params $fixtures['textField'], // expectedXmlFilePath __DIR__ . '/fixtures/Contact-text.xml', ); /* $cases[] = array( // CustomGroup params array( 'extends' => 'Contact', 'title' => 'example', ), // CustomField params $fixtures['selectField'], // expectedXmlFilePath __DIR__ . '/fixtures/Contact-select.xml', ); */ $cases[] = array( // CustomGroup params array( 'extends' => 'Individual', 'title' => 'example', ), // CustomField params $fixtures['textField'], // expectedXmlFilePath __DIR__ . '/fixtures/Individual-text.xml', ); $cases[] = array( // CustomGroup params array( 'extends' => 'Individual', 'extends_entity_column_value' => array('Student'), 'title' => 'example', ), // CustomField params $fixtures['textField'], // expectedXmlFilePath __DIR__ . '/fixtures/IndividualStudent-text.xml', ); $cases[] = array( // CustomGroup params array( 'extends' => 'Activity', 'title' => 'example', ), // CustomField params $fixtures['textField'], // expectedXmlFilePath __DIR__ . '/fixtures/Activity-text.xml', ); $cases[] = array( // CustomGroup params array( 'extends' => 'Activity', 'extends_entity_column_value' => array(array_search('Meeting', CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::activityType())), 'title' => 'example', ), // CustomField params $fixtures['textField'], // expectedXmlFilePath __DIR__ . '/fixtures/ActivityMeeting-text.xml', ); return $cases; } /** * Execute a basic XML test case. Each test case creates a custom-group and * custom-field then compares the output to a pre-defined XML file. * * @param $customGroupParams * @param $fieldParams * @param $expectedXmlFilePath * @dataProvider basicXmlTestCases */ function testBasicXMLExports($customGroupParams, $fieldParams, $expectedXmlFilePath) { $this->assertDBQuery(0, 'SELECT count(*) FROM civicrm_custom_group WHERE title = %1', array( 1 => array($customGroupParams['title'], 'String') )); $customGroup = $this->customGroupCreate($customGroupParams); $fieldParams['custom_group_id'] = $customGroup['id']; $customField = $this->callAPISuccess('custom_field', 'create', $fieldParams); $exporter = new CRM_Utils_Migrate_Export(); $exporter->buildCustomGroups(array($customGroup['id'])); // print $exporter->toXML(); $this->assertEquals(file_get_contents($expectedXmlFilePath), $exporter->toXML()); $this->callAPISuccess('custom_field', 'delete', array('id' => $customField['id'])); $this->callAPISuccess('custom_group', 'delete', array('id' => $customGroup['id'])); } /** * @param $customGroupParams * @param $fieldParams * @param $expectedXmlFilePath * @dataProvider basicXmlTestCases */ function testBasicXMLImports($expectCustomGroup, $expectCustomField, $inputXmlFilePath) { $this->assertDBQuery(0, 'SELECT count(*) FROM civicrm_custom_group WHERE title = %1', array( 1 => array($expectCustomGroup['title'], 'String') )); $importer = new CRM_Utils_Migrate_Import(); $importer->run($inputXmlFilePath); $customGroups = $this->callAPISuccess('custom_group', 'get', array('title' => $expectCustomGroup['title'])); $this->assertEquals(1, $customGroups['count']); $customGroup = array_shift($customGroups['values']); foreach ($expectCustomGroup as $expectKey => $expectValue) { $this->assertEquals($expectValue, $customGroup[$expectKey]); } $customFields = $this->callAPISuccess('custom_field', 'get', array('label' => $expectCustomField['label'])); $this->assertEquals(1, $customFields['count']); $customField = array_shift($customFields['values']); foreach ($expectCustomField as $expectKey => $expectValue) { $this->assertEquals($expectValue, $customField[$expectKey]); } } }