assertEquals($expectedStrings, $actualStrings); } public function dedupeClosureExamples() { // Each example string here is named for its body, eg the body of $a calls "a()". $a = "(function (angular, $, _) {\na();\n})(angular, CRM.$, CRM._);"; $b = "(function(angular,$,_){\nb();\n})(angular,CRM.$,CRM._);"; $c = "(function( angular, $,_) {\nc();\n})(angular,CRM.$, CRM._);"; $d = "(function (angular, $, _, whiz) {\nd();\n})(angular, CRM.$, CRM._, CRM.whizbang);"; $m = "alert('i is the trickster (function( angular, $,_) {\nm();\n})(angular,CRM.$, CRM._);)'"; // Note: $d has a fundamentally different closure. // Each example string here is a deduped combination of others, // eg "$ab" is the deduping of $a+$b. $ab = "(function (angular, $, _) {\na();\n\nb();\n})(angular,CRM.$,CRM._);"; $abc = "(function (angular, $, _) {\na();\n\nb();\n\nc();\n})(angular,CRM.$, CRM._);"; $cb = "(function( angular, $,_) {\nc();\n\nb();\n})(angular,CRM.$,CRM._);"; $cases = array(); $cases[] = array(array($a), "$a"); $cases[] = array(array($b), "$b"); $cases[] = array(array($c), "$c"); $cases[] = array(array($d), "$d"); $cases[] = array(array($m), "$m"); $cases[] = array(array($a, $b), "$ab"); $cases[] = array(array($a, $m, $b), "$a$m$b"); $cases[] = array(array($a, $d), "$a$d"); $cases[] = array(array($a, $d, $b), "$a$d$b"); $cases[] = array(array($a, $b, $c), "$abc"); $cases[] = array(array($a, $b, $d, $c, $b), "$ab$d$cb"); return $cases; } /** * @param array $scripts * @param string $expectedOutput * @dataProvider dedupeClosureExamples */ public function testDedupeClosure($scripts, $expectedOutput) { $actualOutput = CRM_Utils_JS::dedupeClosures( $scripts, array('angular', '$', '_'), array('angular', 'CRM.$', 'CRM._') ); $this->assertEquals($expectedOutput, implode("", $actualOutput)); } public function stripCommentsExamples() { $cases = array(); $cases[] = array( "a();\n//# sourceMappingURL=../foo/bar/baz.js\nb();", "a();\n\nb();", ); $cases[] = array( "// foo\na();", "\na();", ); $cases[] = array( "b();\n // foo", "b();\n", ); $cases[] = array( "/// foo\na();\n\t \t//bar\nb();\n// whiz", "\na();\n\nb();\n", ); $cases[] = array( "alert('//# sourceMappingURL=../foo/bar/baz.js');\n//zoop\na();", "alert('//# sourceMappingURL=../foo/bar/baz.js');\n\na();", ); return $cases; } /** * @param string $input * @param string $expectedOutput * @dataProvider stripCommentsExamples */ public function testStripComments($input, $expectedOutput) { $this->assertEquals($expectedOutput, CRM_Utils_JS::stripComments($input)); } public static function decodeExamples() { return [ ['{a: \'Apple\', \'b\': "Banana", c: [1, 2, 3]}', ['a' => 'Apple', 'b' => 'Banana', 'c' => [1, 2, 3]]], ['true', TRUE], ['false', FALSE], ['null', NULL], ['0.5', 0.5], ["{}", []], ["[]", []], ['{a: ["foo", "bar"], b: {a: ["foo", "bar"], b: {a: ["foo", "bar"], b: {}}}}', ['a' => ['foo', 'bar'], 'b' => ['a' => ['foo', 'bar'], 'b' => ['a' => ['foo', 'bar'], 'b' => []]]]], ]; } /** * @param string $input * @param string $expectedOutput * @dataProvider decodeExamples */ public function testDecode($input, $expectedOutput) { $this->assertEquals($expectedOutput, CRM_Utils_JS::decode($input)); } }