useTransaction(TRUE); parent::setUp(); } /** * Initial test of submit function. * * @throws \Exception */ public function testSubmit() { $event = $this->eventCreate(); $mut = new CiviMailUtils($this, TRUE); CRM_Event_Form_Registration_Confirm::testSubmit([ 'id' => $event['id'], 'contributeMode' => 'direct', 'registerByID' => $this->createLoggedInUser(), 'params' => [ [ 'qfKey' => 'e6eb2903eae63d4c5c6cc70bfdda8741_2801', 'entryURL' => 'http://dmaster.local/civicrm/event/register?reset=1&id=3', 'first_name' => 'k', 'last_name' => 'p', 'email-Primary' => '', 'hidden_processor' => '1', 'credit_card_number' => '4111111111111111', 'cvv2' => '123', 'credit_card_exp_date' => [ 'M' => '1', 'Y' => '2019', ], 'credit_card_type' => 'Visa', 'billing_first_name' => 'p', 'billing_middle_name' => '', 'billing_last_name' => 'p', 'billing_street_address-5' => 'p', 'billing_city-5' => 'p', 'billing_state_province_id-5' => '1061', 'billing_postal_code-5' => '7', 'billing_country_id-5' => '1228', 'scriptFee' => '', 'scriptArray' => '', 'priceSetId' => '6', 'price_7' => [ 13 => 1, ], 'payment_processor_id' => '1', 'bypass_payment' => '', 'MAX_FILE_SIZE' => '33554432', 'is_primary' => 1, 'is_pay_later' => 0, 'campaign_id' => NULL, 'defaultRole' => 1, 'participant_role_id' => '1', 'currencyID' => 'USD', 'amount_level' => 'Tiny-tots (ages 5-8) - 1', 'amount' => '800.00', 'tax_amount' => NULL, 'year' => '2019', 'month' => '1', 'ip_address' => '', 'invoiceID' => '57adc34957a29171948e8643ce906332', 'button' => '_qf_Register_upload', 'billing_state_province-5' => 'AP', 'billing_country-5' => 'US', ], ], ]); $participant = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Participant', []); $mut->checkMailLog([ 'Dear Logged In, Thank you for your registration. This is a confirmation that your registration has been received and your status has been updated to Registered.', ]); $mut->stop(); $mut->clearMessages(); $tplVars = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton()->get_template_vars(); $this->assertEquals($participant['id'], $tplVars['participantID']); } /** * Initial test of submit function for paid event. * * @param string $thousandSeparator * * @dataProvider getThousandSeparators * * @throws \Exception */ public function testPaidSubmit($thousandSeparator) { $this->setCurrencySeparators($thousandSeparator); $mut = new CiviMailUtils($this); $paymentProcessorID = $this->processorCreate(); /* @var \CRM_Core_Payment_Dummy $processor */ $processor = Civi\Payment\System::singleton()->getById($paymentProcessorID); $processor->setDoDirectPaymentResult(['fee_amount' => 1.67]); $params = ['is_monetary' => 1, 'financial_type_id' => 1]; $event = $this->eventCreate($params); $individualID = $this->individualCreate(); CRM_Event_Form_Registration_Confirm::testSubmit([ 'id' => $event['id'], 'contributeMode' => 'direct', 'registerByID' => $individualID, 'paymentProcessorObj' => CRM_Financial_BAO_PaymentProcessor::getPayment($paymentProcessorID), 'totalAmount' => $this->formatMoneyInput(8000.67), 'params' => [ [ 'qfKey' => 'e6eb2903eae63d4c5c6cc70bfdda8741_2801', 'entryURL' => 'http://dmaster.local/civicrm/event/register?reset=1&id=3', 'first_name' => 'k', 'last_name' => 'p', 'email-Primary' => '', 'hidden_processor' => '1', 'credit_card_number' => '4111111111111111', 'cvv2' => '123', 'credit_card_exp_date' => [ 'M' => '1', 'Y' => '2019', ], 'credit_card_type' => 'Visa', 'billing_first_name' => 'p', 'billing_middle_name' => '', 'billing_last_name' => 'p', 'billing_street_address-5' => 'p', 'billing_city-5' => 'p', 'billing_state_province_id-5' => '1061', 'billing_postal_code-5' => '7', 'billing_country_id-5' => '1228', 'priceSetId' => '6', 'price_7' => [ 13 => 1, ], 'payment_processor_id' => $paymentProcessorID, 'bypass_payment' => '', 'is_primary' => 1, 'is_pay_later' => 0, 'campaign_id' => NULL, 'defaultRole' => 1, 'participant_role_id' => '1', 'currencyID' => 'USD', 'amount_level' => 'Tiny-tots (ages 5-8) - 1', 'amount' => $this->formatMoneyInput(8000.67), 'tax_amount' => NULL, 'year' => '2019', 'month' => '1', 'ip_address' => '', 'invoiceID' => '57adc34957a29171948e8643ce906332', 'button' => '_qf_Register_upload', 'billing_state_province-5' => 'AP', 'billing_country-5' => 'US', ], ], ]); $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Participant', [], 1); $contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', []); $this->assertEquals(8000.67, $contribution['total_amount']); $this->assertEquals(1.67, $contribution['fee_amount']); $this->assertEquals(7999, $contribution['net_amount']); $lastFinancialTrxnId = CRM_Core_BAO_FinancialTrxn::getFinancialTrxnId($contribution['id'], 'DESC'); $financialTrxn = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle( 'FinancialTrxn', [ 'id' => $lastFinancialTrxnId['financialTrxnId'], 'return' => ['payment_processor_id', 'card_type_id.label', 'pan_truncation'], ] ); $this->assertEquals(CRM_Utils_Array::value('payment_processor_id', $financialTrxn), $paymentProcessorID); $this->assertEquals(CRM_Utils_Array::value('card_type_id.label', $financialTrxn), 'Visa'); $this->assertEquals(CRM_Utils_Array::value('pan_truncation', $financialTrxn), 1111); // This looks like it's missing an item for the main contribution - but just locking in current behaviour. $financialItems = $this->callAPISuccess('FinancialItem', 'get', [ 'return' => ['description', 'financial_account_id', 'amount', 'contact_id', 'currency', 'status_id', 'entity_table', 'entity_id'], 'sequential' => 1, ])['values']; $entityFinancialTrxns = $this->callAPISuccess('EntityFinancialTrxn', 'get', ['sequential' => 1])['values']; $this->assertAPIArrayComparison([ 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_contribution', 'entity_id' => $contribution['id'], 'financial_trxn_id' => $financialTrxn['id'], 'amount' => '8000.67', ], $entityFinancialTrxns[0], ['id']); $this->assertAPIArrayComparison([ 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_contribution', 'entity_id' => $contribution['id'], 'financial_trxn_id' => $financialTrxn['id'] + 1, 'amount' => '1.67', ], $entityFinancialTrxns[1], ['id']); $this->assertAPIArrayComparison([ 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_financial_item', 'entity_id' => $financialItems[0]['id'], 'financial_trxn_id' => $financialTrxn['id'] + 1, 'amount' => '1.67', ], $entityFinancialTrxns[2], ['id', 'entity_id']); $mut->checkMailLog([ 'Event Information and Location', 'Registration Confirmation - Annual CiviCRM meet', 'Expires: January 2019', 'Visa', '************1111', 'This is a confirmation that your registration has been received and your status has been updated to Registered', ]); $mut->clearMessages(); } /** * Test for Tax amount for multiple participant. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \Exception */ public function testTaxMultipleParticipant() { $mut = new CiviMailUtils($this); $params = ['is_monetary' => 1, 'financial_type_id' => 1]; $event = $this->eventCreate($params); $this->swapMessageTemplateForTestTemplate('event_online_receipt', 'text'); CRM_Event_Form_Registration_Confirm::testSubmit([ 'id' => $event['id'], 'contributeMode' => 'direct', 'registerByID' => $this->createLoggedInUser(), 'totalAmount' => 440, 'event' => reset($event['values']), 'params' => [ [ 'qfKey' => 'e6eb2903eae63d4c5c6cc70bfdda8741_2801', 'entryURL' => "http://dmaster.local/civicrm/event/register?reset=1&id={$event['id']}", 'first_name' => 'Participant1', 'last_name' => 'LastName', 'email-Primary' => '', 'additional_participants' => 2, 'payment_processor_id' => 0, 'bypass_payment' => '', 'is_primary' => 1, 'is_pay_later' => 1, 'campaign_id' => NULL, 'defaultRole' => 1, 'participant_role_id' => '1', 'currencyID' => 'USD', 'amount_level' => 'Tiny-tots (ages 5-8) - 1', 'amount' => '100.00', 'tax_amount' => 10, 'ip_address' => '', 'invoiceID' => '57adc34957a29171948e8643ce906332', 'trxn_id' => '123456789', 'button' => '_qf_Register_upload', ], [ 'qfKey' => 'e6eb2903eae63d4c5c6cc70bfdda8741_2801', 'entryURL' => "http://dmaster.local/civicrm/event/register?reset=1&id={$event['id']}", 'first_name' => 'Participant2', 'last_name' => 'LastName', 'email-Primary' => '', 'scriptFee' => '', 'scriptArray' => '', 'campaign_id' => NULL, 'is_pay_later' => 1, 'participant_role_id' => '1', 'currencyID' => 'USD', 'amount_level' => 'Tiny-tots (ages 9-18) - 1', 'amount' => '200.00', 'tax_amount' => 20, ], [ 'qfKey' => 'e6eb2903eae63d4c5c6cc70bfdda8741_2801', 'entryURL' => "http://dmaster.local/civicrm/event/register?reset=1&id={$event['id']}", 'first_name' => 'Participant3', 'last_name' => 'LastName', 'email-Primary' => '', 'scriptFee' => '', 'scriptArray' => '', 'campaign_id' => NULL, 'is_pay_later' => 1, 'participant_role_id' => '1', 'currencyID' => 'USD', 'amount_level' => 'Tiny-tots (ages 5-8) - 1', 'amount' => '100.00', 'tax_amount' => 10, ], ], ]); $participants = $this->callAPISuccess('Participant', 'get', [])['values']; $this->assertCount(3, $participants); $contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle( 'Contribution', [ 'return' => ['tax_amount', 'total_amount'], ] ); $this->assertEquals($contribution['tax_amount'], 40, 'Invalid Tax amount.'); $this->assertEquals($contribution['total_amount'], 440, 'Invalid Tax amount.'); $mailSent = $mut->getAllMessages(); $this->assertCount(3, $mailSent, 'Three mails should have been sent to the 3 participants.'); $this->assertContains('contactID:::' . $contribution['contact_id'], $mailSent[0]); $this->assertContains('contactID:::' . ($contribution['contact_id'] + 1), $mailSent[1]); $this->callAPISuccess('Payment', 'create', ['total_amount' => 100, 'payment_type_id' => 'Cash', 'contribution_id' => $contribution['id']]); $mailSent = $mut->getAllMessages(); $this->assertCount(6, $mailSent); $this->assertContains('participant_status:::Registered', $mailSent[3]); $this->assertContains('Dear Participant2', $mailSent[3]); $this->assertContains('contactID:::' . ($contribution['contact_id'] + 1), $mailSent[3]); $this->assertContains('contactID:::' . ($contribution['contact_id'] + 2), $mailSent[4]); $this->assertContains('contactID:::' . $contribution['contact_id'], $mailSent[5]); $this->revertTemplateToReservedTemplate('event_online_receipt', 'text'); } /** * Test online registration for event with no price options selected as per CRM-19964. */ public function testOnlineRegNoPrice() { $this->processorCreate(['is_default' => TRUE, 'user_name' => 'Test', 'is_test' => FALSE]); $paymentProcessorID = $this->processorCreate(['is_default' => TRUE, 'user_name' => 'Test', 'is_test' => TRUE]); $params = [ 'start_date' => date('YmdHis', strtotime('+ 1 week')), 'end_date' => date('YmdHis', strtotime('+ 1 year')), 'registration_start_date' => date('YmdHis', strtotime('- 1 day')), 'registration_end_date' => date('YmdHis', strtotime('+ 1 year')), 'payment_processor_id' => $paymentProcessorID, 'is_monetary' => TRUE, 'financial_type_id' => 'Event Fee', ]; $event = $this->eventCreate($params); $priceFieldOptions = [ 'option_label' => 'Price Field', 'option_value' => 100, 'is_required' => FALSE, 'html_type' => 'Text', ]; $this->createPriceSet('event', $event['id'], $priceFieldOptions); $priceField = $this->callAPISuccess('PriceField', 'get', [ 'label' => 'Price Field', ] ); // Create online event registration. CRM_Event_Form_Registration_Confirm::testSubmit([ 'id' => $event['id'], 'contributeMode' => 'direct', 'registerByID' => $this->createLoggedInUser(), 'params' => [ [ 'qfKey' => 'e6eb2903eae63d4c5c6cc70bfdda8741_2801', 'entryURL' => "http://dmaster.local/civicrm/event/register?reset=1&id={$event['id']}", 'first_name' => 'Bruce', 'last_name' => 'Wayne', 'email-Primary' => '', 'price_' . $priceField['id'] => '', 'priceSetId' => $priceField['values'][$priceField['id']]['price_set_id'], 'payment_processor_id' => $paymentProcessorID, 'amount' => 0, 'bypass_payment' => '', 'MAX_FILE_SIZE' => '33554432', 'is_primary' => 1, 'is_pay_later' => 0, 'campaign_id' => NULL, 'defaultRole' => 1, 'participant_role_id' => '1', 'tax_amount' => NULL, 'ip_address' => '', 'invoiceID' => '57adc34957a29171948e8643ce906332', 'button' => '_qf_Register_upload', 'scriptFee' => '', 'scriptArray' => '', ], ], ]); $contribution = $this->callAPISuccess('Contribution', 'get', ['invoice_id' => '57adc34957a29171948e8643ce906332']); $this->assertEquals($contribution['count'], '0', "Contribution should not be created for zero fee event registration when no price field selected."); } /** * Test form profile assignment. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \Exception */ public function testAssignProfiles() { $event = $this->eventCreate(); $this->createJoinedProfile(['entity_table' => 'civicrm_event', 'entity_id' => $event['id']]); /* @var \CRM_Event_Form_Registration_Confirm $form */ $form = $this->getFormObject('CRM_Event_Form_Registration_Confirm'); $form->set('params', [[]]); $form->set('id', $event['id']); $form->set('values', [ 'event' => $event['values'][$event['id']], 'location' => [], 'custom_pre_id' => $this->ids['UFGroup']['our profile'], ]); $form->preProcess(); CRM_Event_Form_Registration_Confirm::assignProfiles($form); $smarty = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton(); $tplVar = $smarty->get_template_vars(); $this->assertEquals([ 'CustomPre' => ['First Name' => NULL], 'CustomPreGroupTitle' => 'Public title', ], $tplVar['primaryParticipantProfile']); } /** * Submit event registration with a note field * * @param array $event * @param int $contact_id * * @throws \Exception */ private function submitWithNote($event, $contact_id) { if (empty($contact_id)) { $contact_id = $this->createLoggedInUser(); } $mut = new CiviMailUtils($this, TRUE); CRM_Event_Form_Registration_Confirm::testSubmit([ 'id' => $event['id'], 'contributeMode' => 'direct', 'registerByID' => $contact_id, 'custom_pre_id' => $event['custom_pre_id'], 'params' => [ [ 'qfKey' => 'e6eb2903eae63d4c5c6cc70bfdda8741_2801', 'entryURL' => 'http://dmaster.local/civicrm/event/register?reset=1&id=3', 'first_name' => 'k', 'last_name' => 'p', 'email-Primary' => '', 'hidden_processor' => '1', 'credit_card_number' => '4111111111111111', 'cvv2' => '123', 'credit_card_exp_date' => [ 'M' => '1', 'Y' => '2019', ], 'credit_card_type' => 'Visa', 'billing_first_name' => 'p', 'billing_middle_name' => '', 'billing_last_name' => 'p', 'billing_street_address-5' => 'p', 'billing_city-5' => 'p', 'billing_state_province_id-5' => '1061', 'billing_postal_code-5' => '7', 'billing_country_id-5' => '1228', 'scriptFee' => '', 'scriptArray' => '', 'priceSetId' => '6', 'price_7' => [ 13 => 1, ], 'payment_processor_id' => '1', 'bypass_payment' => '', 'MAX_FILE_SIZE' => '33554432', 'is_primary' => 1, 'is_pay_later' => 0, 'campaign_id' => NULL, 'defaultRole' => 1, 'participant_role_id' => '1', 'currencyID' => 'USD', 'amount_level' => 'Tiny-tots (ages 5-8) - 1', 'amount' => '800.00', 'tax_amount' => NULL, 'year' => '2019', 'month' => '1', 'ip_address' => '', 'invoiceID' => '57adc34957a29171948e8643ce906332', 'button' => '_qf_Register_upload', 'billing_state_province-5' => 'AP', 'billing_country-5' => 'US', 'note' => $event['note'], ], ], ]); $participant = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Participant', []); $mut->checkMailLog(['Comment: ' . $event['note'] . chr(0x0A)]); $mut->stop(); $mut->clearMessages(); $tplVars = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton()->get_template_vars(); $this->assertEquals($participant['id'], $tplVars['participantID']); //return ['contact_id' => $contact_id, 'participant_id' => $participant['id']]; return [$contact_id, $participant['id']]; } /** * Create an event with a "pre" profile * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \Exception */ private function creatEventWithProfile($event) { if (empty($event)) { $event = $this->eventCreate(); $this->createJoinedProfile(['entity_table' => 'civicrm_event', 'entity_id' => $event['id']]); $this->uf_field_add($this->ids["UFGroup"]["our profile"], 'note', 'Contact', 'Comment'); } /* @var \CRM_Event_Form_Registration_Confirm $form */ $form = $this->getFormObject('CRM_Event_Form_Registration_Confirm'); $form->set('params', [[]]); $form->set('id', $event['id']); $form->set('values', [ 'event' => $event['values'][$event['id']], 'location' => [], 'custom_pre_id' => $this->ids['UFGroup']['our profile'], ]); $form->preProcess(); CRM_Event_Form_Registration_Confirm::assignProfiles($form); $smarty = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton(); $tplVar = $smarty->get_template_vars(); $this->assertEquals([ 'CustomPre' => ['First Name' => NULL, 'Comment' => NULL], 'CustomPreGroupTitle' => 'Public title', ], $tplVar['primaryParticipantProfile']); return $event; } /** * Add a field to the specified profile * * @param int $uf_group_id * @param string $field_name * @param string $field_type * @param string $field_label * @return array * API result array */ private function uf_field_add($uf_group_id, $field_name, $field_type, $field_label) { $params = [ 'field_name' => $field_name, 'field_type' => $field_type, 'visibility' => 'Public Pages and Listings', 'weight' => 1, 'label' => $field_label, 'is_searchable' => 1, 'is_active' => 1, 'uf_group_id' => $uf_group_id, ]; $result = civicrm_api3('UFField', 'create', $params); return $result; } /** * /dev/event#10 * Test submission with a note in the profile, ensuring the confirmation * email reflects the submitted value */ public function testNoteSubmission() { //create an event with an attached profile containing a note $event = $this->creatEventWithProfile(NULL); $event['custom_pre_id'] = $this->ids["UFGroup"]["our profile"]; $event['note'] = "This is note 1"; list($contact_id, $participant_id) = $this->submitWithNote($event, NULL); civicrm_api3('Participant', 'delete', ['id' => $participant_id]); //now that the contact has one note, register this contact again with a different note //and confirm that the note shown in the email is the current one $event = $this->creatEventWithProfile($event); $event['custom_pre_id'] = $this->ids["UFGroup"]["our profile"]; $event['note'] = "This is note 2"; list($contact_id, $participant_id) = $this->submitWithNote($event, $contact_id); civicrm_api3('Participant', 'delete', ['id' => $participant_id]); //finally, submit a blank note and confirm that the note shown in the email is blank $event = $this->creatEventWithProfile($event); $event['custom_pre_id'] = $this->ids["UFGroup"]["our profile"]; $event['note'] = ""; list($contact_id, $participant_id) = $this->submitWithNote($event, $contact_id); } }