a = CRM_Utils_Cache::create([ 'name' => 'CRM_Core_BAO_CacheTest', 'type' => ['*memory*', 'SqlGroup', 'ArrayCache'], ]) ); } public function testMultiVersionDecode() { $encoders = ['serialize', ['CRM_Core_BAO_Cache', 'encode']]; $values = [NULL, 0, 1, TRUE, FALSE, [], ['abcd'], 'ab;cd', new stdClass()]; foreach ($encoders as $encoder) { foreach ($values as $value) { $encoded = $encoder($value); $decoded = CRM_Core_BAO_Cache::decode($encoded); $this->assertEquals($value, $decoded, "Failure encoding/decoding value " . var_export($value, 1) . ' with ' . var_export($encoder, 1)); } } } public function exampleValues() { $binary = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) { $binary .= chr($i); } $ex = []; $ex[] = [array('abc' => 'def')]; $ex[] = [0]; $ex[] = ['hello world']; $ex[] = ['Scarabée']; $ex[] = ['Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn']; $ex[] = ['これは日本語のテキストです。読めますか']; $ex[] = ['देखें हिन्दी कैसी नजर आती है। अरे वाह ये तो नजर आती है।']; $ex[] = [$binary]; return $ex; } /** * @param $originalValue * @dataProvider exampleValues */ public function testSetGetItem($originalValue) { $this->createSimpleCache(); $this->a->set('testSetGetItem', $originalValue); $return_1 = $this->a->get('testSetGetItem'); $this->assertEquals($originalValue, $return_1); // Wipe out any in-memory copies of the cache. Check to see if the SQL // read is correct. CRM_Core_BAO_Cache::$_cache = NULL; CRM_Utils_Cache::$_singleton = NULL; $this->a->values = []; $return_2 = $this->a->get('testSetGetItem'); $this->assertEquals($originalValue, $return_2); } public function getCleanKeyExamples() { $es = []; // allowed chars $es[] = ['hello_world and/other.planets', 'hello_world-20and-2fother.planets']; // escaped chars $es[] = ['hello/world+-#@{}', 'hello-2fworld-2b-2d-23-40-7b-7d']; // short with emoji $es[] = ["LF-\nTAB-\tCR-\remojiskull💀", 'LF-2d-aTAB-2d-9CR-2d-demojiskull-f0-9f-92-80']; // long with emoji $es[] = ["LF-\nTAB-\tCR-\remojibomb💣emojiskull💀", '-5d9324e052f6e10240dce5029c5e8525']; // spaces are escaped $es[] = ['123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123', '123456789-20123456789-20123456789-20123456789-20123456789-20123']; // long but allowed $es[] = ['123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123', '123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123']; // too long, md5 fallback $es[] = ['123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_1234', '-e02b981aff954fdcc9a81c25f5ec9681']; // too long, md5 fallback $es[] = ['123456789-/23456789-+23456789--23456789_123456789_123456789', '-43b6dec1026187ae6f6a8fe4d56ab22e']; return $es; } /** * @param $inputKey * @param $expectKey * @dataProvider getCleanKeyExamples */ public function testCleanKeys($inputKey, $expectKey) { $actualKey = CRM_Utils_Cache::cleanKey($inputKey); $this->assertEquals($expectKey, $actualKey); } }