createLoggedInUser(); $this->_individualId = $this->individualCreate(); $this->_params = [ 'total_amount' => 100, 'currency' => 'USD', 'contact_id' => $this->_individualId, 'financial_type_id' => 1, ]; $this->_processorParams = [ 'domain_id' => 1, 'name' => 'Dummy', 'payment_processor_type_id' => 10, 'financial_account_id' => 12, 'is_active' => 1, 'user_name' => '', 'url_site' => '', 'url_recur' => '', 'billing_mode' => 1, ]; $instruments = $this->callAPISuccess('contribution', 'getoptions', ['field' => 'payment_instrument_id']); $this->paymentInstruments = $instruments['values']; $this->paymentProcessor = $this->dummyProcessorCreate(); $processor = $this->paymentProcessor->getPaymentProcessor(); $this->paymentProcessorID = $processor['id']; } /** * Clean up after each test. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function tearDown(): void { $this->quickCleanUpFinancialEntities(); $this->quickCleanup(['civicrm_mailing_spool']); parent::tearDown(); } /** * Test the submit function that completes the partially paid Contribution using Credit Card. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public function testAddPaymentUsingCreditCardForPartiallyPaidContribution() { $mut = new CiviMailUtils($this, TRUE); $this->createPartiallyPaidOrder(); // pay additional amount by using Credit Card $this->submitPayment(70, 'live', TRUE); $this->checkResults([30, 70], 2); $mut->assertSubjects(['Payment Receipt - Mr. Anthony Anderson II']); $mut->checkMailLog([ 'From:', 'Dear Anthony,', 'Payment Details', 'Total Fee: $ 100.00', 'This Payment Amount: $ 70.00', 'Balance Owed: $ 0.00 ', 'Billing Name and Address', 'Vancouver, AE 1321312', 'Visa', '***********1111', 'Expires: May 2025', ]); $mut->stop(); $mut->clearMessages(); } /** * Test the submit function that completes the partially paid Contribution. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public function testAddPaymentForPartiallyPaidContribution() { $this->createPartiallyPaidOrder(); // pay additional amount $this->submitPayment(70); $this->checkResults([30, 70], 2); } /** * Test the submit function that completes the partially paid Contribution with multiple payments. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public function testMultiplePaymentForPartiallyPaidContribution() { $this->createPartiallyPaidOrder(); // pay additional amount $this->submitPayment(50); $contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', ['id' => $this->_contributionId]); $this->assertEquals('Partially paid', $contribution['contribution_status']); // pay additional amount $this->submitPayment(20); $this->checkResults([30, 50, 20], 3); $activities = $this->callAPISuccess('Activity', 'get', [ 'source_record_id' => $this->_contributionId, 'activity_type_id' => 'Payment', 'options' => ['sort' => 'id'], 'sequential' => 1, 'return' => ['target_contact_id', 'assignee_contact_id', 'subject'], ])['values']; $this->assertCount(3, $activities); $this->assertEquals('$ 50.00 - Offline Payment for Contribution', $activities[1]['subject']); $this->assertEquals('$ 20.00 - Offline Payment for Contribution', $activities[2]['subject']); $this->assertEquals(CRM_Core_Session::singleton()->getLoggedInContactID(), $activities[0]['source_contact_id']); $this->assertEquals([$this->_individualId], $activities[0]['target_contact_id']); $this->assertEquals([], $activities[0]['assignee_contact_id']); } /** * Test the submit function that completes the partially paid Contribution with multiple payments. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public function testMultiplePaymentForPartiallyPaidContributionWithOneCreditCardPayment() { $mut = new CiviMailUtils($this, TRUE); $this->createPartiallyPaidOrder(); // In general when there is tpl leakage we try to fix. At the moment, however, // the tpl leakage on credit card related things is kind of 'by-design' - or // at least we haven't found a way to replace the way in with Payment.send_confirmation // picks them up from the form process so we will just clear templates here to stop leakage // from previous tests causing a fail. // The reason this is hard to fix is that we save a billing address per contribution not // per payment so it's a problem with the data model CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton()->clearTemplateVars(); // pay additional amount $this->submitPayment(50, NULL, TRUE); $contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', ['id' => $this->_contributionId]); $this->assertEquals('Partially paid', $contribution['contribution_status']); // pay additional amount by using credit card $this->submitPayment(20, 'live'); $this->checkResults([30, 50, 20], 3); $mut->assertSubjects(['Payment Receipt - Mr. Anthony Anderson II']); $mut->checkMailLog([ 'Dear Anthony,', 'Below you will find a receipt for this payment.', 'Total Fee: $ 100.00', 'This Payment Amount: $ 50.00', 'Balance Owed: $ 20.00 ', 'Paid By: Check', 'Check Number: check-12345', ], [ 'Billing Name and Address', 'Visa', ]); $mut->stop(); $mut->clearMessages(); } /** * Test the submit function that completes the pending pay later Contribution using Credit Card. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public function testAddPaymentUsingCreditCardForPendingPayLaterContribution() { $mut = new CiviMailUtils($this, TRUE); $this->createPendingOrder(); // pay additional amount by using Credit Card $this->submitPayment(100, 'live', TRUE); $this->checkResults([100], 1); $mut->checkMailLog([ 'Below you will find a receipt for this payment.', 'Total Fee: $ 100.00', 'This Payment Amount: $ 100.00', 'Balance Owed: $ 0.00 ', 'Paid By: Credit Card', '***********1111', 'Billing Name and Address', 'Vancouver, AE 1321312', 'Expires: May 2025', ]); $mut->stop(); $mut->clearMessages(); } /** * Test the submit function that completes the pending pay later Contribution. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public function testAddPaymentForPendingPayLaterContribution(): void { $this->createPendingOrder(); // pay additional amount $this->submitPayment(70); $contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', ['id' => $this->_contributionId]); $this->assertEquals('Partially paid', $contribution['contribution_status']); $this->assertEquals('2019-04-01 00:00:00', $contribution['receive_date']); $payment = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Payment', ['contribution_id' => $contribution['id']]); $this->assertEquals('2017-04-11 13:05:11', $payment['trxn_date']); // pay additional amount $this->submitPayment(30); $this->checkResults([30, 70], 2); } /** * Test the Membership status after completing the pending pay later Contribution. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public function testMembershipStatusAfterCompletingPayLaterContribution(): void { $this->createContributionAndMembershipOrder(); $this->submitPayment(300); $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', ['id' => $this->ids['Contribution'][0]]); $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Membership', ['id' => $this->ids['Membership']['order'], 'status_id' => 'New']); } /** * @param $contributionId * * @return array|int * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ private function createPendingMembershipAndRecordContribution($contributionId) { $this->_individualId = $this->individualCreate(); $membershipTypeAnnualFixed = $this->callAPISuccess('membership_type', 'create', [ 'domain_id' => 1, 'name' => 'AnnualFixed', 'member_of_contact_id' => 1, 'duration_unit' => 'year', 'duration_interval' => 1, 'period_type' => 'fixed', 'fixed_period_start_day' => '101', 'fixed_period_rollover_day' => '1231', 'relationship_type_id' => 20, 'financial_type_id' => 2, ]); $membershipStatuses = CRM_Member_PseudoConstant::membershipStatus(); $pendingStatusId = array_search('Pending', $membershipStatuses, TRUE); $membership = $this->callAPISuccess('Membership', 'create', [ 'contact_id' => $this->_individualId, 'membership_type_id' => $membershipTypeAnnualFixed['id'], ]); // Updating Membership status to Pending $membership = $this->callAPISuccess('Membership', 'create', [ 'id' => $membership['id'], 'status_id' => $pendingStatusId, ]); $this->callAPISuccess('MembershipPayment', 'create', [ 'membership_id' => $membership['id'], 'contribution_id' => $contributionId, ]); return $membership; } /** * Test the submit function that completes the pending pay later Contribution with multiple payments. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public function testMultiplePaymentForPendingPayLaterContribution() { $this->createPendingOrder(); // pay additional amount $this->submitPayment(40); $contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', ['id' => $this->_contributionId]); $this->assertEquals('Partially paid', $contribution['contribution_status']); $this->submitPayment(20); $contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', ['id' => $this->_contributionId]); $this->assertEquals('Partially paid', $contribution['contribution_status']); $this->submitPayment(30); $contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', ['id' => $this->_contributionId]); $this->assertEquals('Partially paid', $contribution['contribution_status']); $this->submitPayment(10); $this->checkResults([40, 20, 30, 10], 4); } /** * Test the submit function that completes the pending pay later Contribution with multiple payments. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception */ public function testMultiplePaymentForPendingPayLaterContributionWithOneCreditCardPayment() { $this->createPendingOrder(); // pay additional amount $this->submitPayment(50); $contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', ['id' => $this->_contributionId]); $this->assertEquals('Partially paid', $contribution['contribution_status']); $this->submitPayment(20, 'live'); $contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', ['id' => $this->_contributionId]); $this->assertEquals('Partially paid', $contribution['contribution_status']); $this->submitPayment(20); $contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', ['id' => $this->_contributionId]); $this->assertEquals('Partially paid', $contribution['contribution_status']); $this->submitPayment(10, 'live'); $this->checkResults([50, 20, 20, 10], 4); } /** * Function to submit payments for contribution. * * @param float $amount * Payment Amount * @param string $mode * Mode of Payment * @param bool $isEmailReceipt * * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function submitPayment($amount, $mode = NULL, $isEmailReceipt = FALSE) { $form = new CRM_Contribute_Form_AdditionalPayment(); $submitParams = [ 'contribution_id' => $this->ids['Contribution'][0] ?? $this->_contributionId, 'contact_id' => $this->ids['Contact']['order'] ?? $this->_individualId, 'total_amount' => $amount, 'currency' => 'USD', 'financial_type_id' => 1, 'trxn_date' => '2017-04-11 13:05:11', 'payment_processor_id' => 0, 'is_email_receipt' => $isEmailReceipt, 'from_email_address' => '', ]; if ($mode) { $submitParams += [ 'payment_instrument_id' => array_search('Credit Card', $this->paymentInstruments, TRUE), 'payment_processor_id' => $this->paymentProcessorID, 'credit_card_exp_date' => ['M' => 5, 'Y' => 2025], 'credit_card_number' => '411111111111111', 'cvv2' => 234, 'credit_card_type' => 'Visa', 'billing_city-5' => 'Vancouver', 'billing_state_province_id-5' => 1059, 'billing_postal_code-5' => 1321312, 'billing_country_id-5' => 1228, ]; } else { $submitParams += [ 'payment_instrument_id' => array_search('Check', $this->paymentInstruments, TRUE), 'check_number' => 'check-12345', ]; } $form->cid = $this->_individualId; $form->testSubmit($submitParams, $mode); } /** * Function to check result. * * @param array $amounts * Array of payment amount for contribution * @param int $count * Number payment for contribution * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public function checkResults($amounts, $count) { $contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', ['id' => $this->_contributionId]); $this->assertNotEmpty($contribution); $this->assertEquals('Completed', $contribution['contribution_status']); $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('EntityFinancialTrxn', [ 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_contribution', 'entity_id' => $this->_contributionId, 'financial_trxn_id.is_payment' => 1, 'financial_trxn_id.total_amount' => ['IN' => $amounts], ], $count); } /** * Create a pending order. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ protected function createPendingOrder() { $orderParams = array_merge($this->_params, [ 'contribution_status_id' => 'Pending', 'is_pay_later' => 1, 'receive_date' => '2019-04-01', ]); $contribution = $this->callAPISuccess('Order', 'create', $orderParams); $contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', ['id' => $contribution['id']]); $this->assertEquals('Pending', CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getName('CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution', 'contribution_status_id', $contribution['contribution_status_id'])); $this->_contributionId = $contribution['id']; } /** * Create a partially paid order. * * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ protected function createPartiallyPaidOrder() { $orderParams = array_merge($this->_params, [ 'total_amount' => 100.00, 'contribution_status_id' => 'Pending', 'api.Payment.create' => ['total_amount' => 30], ]); $contribution = $this->callAPISuccess('Order', 'create', $orderParams); $contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', ['id' => $contribution['id']]); $this->assertEquals('Partially paid', CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getName('CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution', 'contribution_status_id', $contribution['contribution_status_id'])); $this->_contributionId = $contribution['id']; } }