add('text', 'household_name', ts('Household Name'), TRUE ); $stateProvince = array('' => ts('- any state/province -')) + CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::stateProvince(); $form->addElement('select', 'state_province_id', ts('State/Province'), $stateProvince); // Optionally define default search values $form->setDefaults(array( 'household_name' => '', 'state_province_id' => NULL, )); /** * if you are using the standard template, this array tells the template what elements * are part of the search criteria */ $form->assign('elements', array('household_name', 'state_province_id')); } /** * Get a list of summary data points * * @return mixed; NULL or array with keys: * - summary: string * - total: numeric */ function summary() { return NULL; // return array( // 'summary' => 'This is a summary', // 'total' => 50.0, // ); } /** * Get a list of displayable columns * * @return array, keys are printable column headers and values are SQL column names */ function &columns() { // return by reference $columns = array( ts('Contact ID') => 'contact_id', ts('Contact Type') => 'contact_type', ts('Name') => 'sort_name', ts('State') => 'state_province', ); return $columns; } /** * Construct a full SQL query which returns one page worth of results * * @param int $offset * @param int $rowcount * @param null $sort * @param bool $includeContactIDs * * @return string, sql */ function all($offset = 0, $rowcount = 0, $sort = NULL, $includeContactIDs = FALSE) { // delegate to $this->sql(), $this->select(), $this->from(), $this->where(), etc. return $this->sql($this->select(), $offset, $rowcount, $sort, $includeContactIDs, NULL); } /** * Construct a SQL SELECT clause * * @return string, sql fragment with SELECT arguments */ function select() { return " as contact_id , contact_a.contact_type as contact_type, contact_a.sort_name as sort_name, as state_province "; } /** * Construct a SQL FROM clause * * @return string, sql fragment with FROM and JOIN clauses */ function from() { return " FROM civicrm_contact contact_a LEFT JOIN civicrm_address address ON ( address.contact_id = AND address.is_primary = 1 ) LEFT JOIN civicrm_email ON ( civicrm_email.contact_id = AND civicrm_email.is_primary = 1 ) LEFT JOIN civicrm_state_province state_province ON = address.state_province_id "; } /** * Construct a SQL WHERE clause * * @param bool $includeContactIDs * * @return string, sql fragment with conditional expressions */ function where($includeContactIDs = FALSE) { $params = array(); $where = "contact_a.contact_type = 'Household'"; $count = 1; $clause = array(); $name = CRM_Utils_Array::value('household_name', $this->_formValues ); if ($name != NULL) { if (strpos($name, '%') === FALSE) { $name = "%{$name}%"; } $params[$count] = array($name, 'String'); $clause[] = "contact_a.household_name LIKE %{$count}"; $count++; } $state = CRM_Utils_Array::value('state_province_id', $this->_formValues ); if (!$state && $this->_stateID ) { $state = $this->_stateID; } if ($state) { $params[$count] = array($state, 'Integer'); $clause[] = " = %{$count}"; } if (!empty($clause)) { $where .= ' AND ' . implode(' AND ', $clause); } return $this->whereClause($where, $params); } /** * Determine the Smarty template for the search screen * * @return string, template path (findable through Smarty template path) */ function templateFile() { return 'CRM/Contact/Form/Search/Custom.tpl'; } /** * Modify the content of each row * * @param array $row modifiable SQL result row * @return void */ function alterRow(&$row) { $row['sort_name'] .= ' ( altered )'; } }