## Configuration file for `diaspy` test suite (./tests.py) Developer/tester has to create their own `testconf.py` file because it is appended to `.gitignore` to avoid accidental posting of personal data (passsword for D*). #### You have to set the variables yourself! #### Their values have to be valid! Template file: __pod__ = 'https://pod.example.com' __username__ = 'user' __passwd__ = 'strong_password' diaspora_id = 'user@pod.example.com' guid = '12345678abcdefgh' # your name as others see it diaspora_name = 'Marek Marecki' # both names are created test_aspect_name = 'diaspy-test' # but this one will be deletd `by name` test_aspect_name_fake = 'diaspy-test-fake' # needed here for tests to work test_aspect_id = -1