3) AND strtolower(substr($file,strlen($file)-3,3))=='css') { $files[$file]="$cssroot/$file"; } } } closedir($dh); } if (count($files)>0) { // sort($files); return $files; } return false; } /** * Function to create stylesheet links that will work for multiple browsers * **/ function css_link($url, $name = null, $alt = true, $mtype = 'screen', $xhtml_end='/') { global $http_site_root; if ( empty($url) ) return ''; // set to lower case to avoid errors $browser_user_agent = strtolower( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ); if (stristr($browser_user_agent, "msie 4")) { $browser = 'msie4'; $dom_browser = false; $is_IE = true; } elseif (stristr($browser_user_agent, "msie")) { $browser = 'msie'; $dom_browser = true; $is_IE = true; } if ((strpos($url, '-ie')!== false) and !$is_IE) { //not IE, so don't render this sheet return; } if ( strpos($url, 'print') !== false ) $mtype = 'print'; $href = 'href="'.$url.'" '; $media = 'media="'.$mtype.'" '; if ( empty($name) ) { $title = ''; $rel = 'rel="stylesheet" '; } else { $title = empty($name) ? '' : 'title="'.$name.'" '; $rel = 'rel="'.( $alt ? 'alternate ' : '' ).'stylesheet" '; } return ' \n"; } /** * $Log$ * Revision 1.2 2006/07/15 12:01:19 tokul * removing trailing ?> from function scripts * * Revision 1.1 2006/07/10 15:48:50 vanmer * - added new utils_css file to contain CSS-related functions for use in templates * - altered stylelink template to use new util_css.php file for all function definitions * **/