# This template installs MariaDB and all dependencies needed for importing from phpBB3. params: home: /var/www/discourse hooks: after_web_config: - exec: cd: /etc/service cmd: - rm -R unicorn - rm -R nginx - rm -R cron - exec: cd: /etc/runit/3.d cmd: - rm 01-nginx - rm 02-unicorn - file: path: /etc/apt/preferences.d/mariadb contents: | Package: * Pin: release o=MariaDB Pin-Priority: 1000 - file: path: /etc/mysql/conf.d/import.cnf contents: | [mysqld] # disable InnoDB since it is extremly slow in Docker container default-storage-engine=MyISAM default-tmp-storage-engine=MyISAM innodb=OFF sql_mode=NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER datadir=/shared/import/mysql/data skip-host-cache skip-name-resolve - exec: cmd: - mkdir -p /shared/import/mysql/data - apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 0xF1656F24C74CD1D8 - add-apt-repository 'deb [arch=amd64,i386] http://nyc2.mirrors.digitalocean.com/mariadb/repo/10.1/ubuntu xenial main' - apt-get update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y nano libmariadbclient-dev mariadb-server - sed -Ei 's/^log/#&/' /etc/mysql/my.cnf - file: path: /etc/service/mysql/run chmod: "+x" contents: | #!/bin/bash # Make sure the datadir exists, is accessible and contains all system tables mkdir -p /shared/import/mysql/data chown mysql -R /shared/import/mysql/data /usr/bin/mysql_install_db --user=mysql # Shamelessly copied from http://smarden.org/runit1/runscripts.html#mysql exec 2>&1 exec /usr/sbin/mysqld -u mysql - file: path: /etc/runit/3.d/99-mysql chmod: "+x" contents: | #!/bin/bash sv stop mysql - file: path: /usr/local/bin/import_phpbb3.sh chmod: "+x" contents: | #!/bin/bash set -e chown discourse /shared/import/settings.yml chown discourse -R /shared/import/data if [ -f "/shared/import/data/phpbb_mysql.sql" ]; then if [ -f "/shared/import/mysql/imported" ] && ! sha256sum --check /shared/import/mysql/imported &>/dev/null ; then echo "Checksum of database dump changed..." rm /shared/import/mysql/imported fi if [ ! -f "/shared/import/mysql/imported" ]; then echo "Loading database dump into MySQL..." mysql -uroot -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS phpbb" mysql -uroot -e "CREATE DATABASE phpbb" mysql -uroot --default-character-set=utf8 --database=phpbb < /shared/import/data/phpbb_mysql.sql sha256sum /shared/import/data/phpbb_mysql.sql > /shared/import/mysql/imported fi else sv stop mysql fi cd $home echo "The phpBB3 import is starting..." echo su discourse -c 'bundle exec ruby script/import_scripts/phpbb3.rb /shared/import/settings.yml' - exec: cd: $home cmd: - mkdir -p /shared/import/data - chown discourse -R /shared/import - cp -n script/import_scripts/phpbb3/settings.yml /shared/import/settings.yml after_bundle_exec: - exec: cd: $home cmd: - echo "gem 'mysql2'" >> Gemfile - echo "gem 'ruby-bbcode-to-md', :github => 'nlalonde/ruby-bbcode-to-md'" >> Gemfile - su discourse -c 'bundle install --no-deployment --without test --without development --path vendor/bundle'