{* +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright CiviCRM LLC. All rights reserved. | | | | This work is published under the GNU AGPLv3 license with some | | permitted exceptions and without any warranty. For full license | | and copyright information, see https://civicrm.org/licensing | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ *} {if !$printOnly} {* NO print section starts *} {if $criteriaForm}
{* criteria section starts *}
{*tab navigation bar*} {*criteria*} {include file="CRM/Report/Form/Criteria.tpl"} {*settings*} {if $instanceForm OR $instanceFormError} {include file="CRM/Report/Form/Tabs/Instance.tpl"} {/if}
{* end mainTabContainer *}
{* criteria section ends *} {/if} {literal} {/literal} {/if} {* NO print section ends *}