{* +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright CiviCRM LLC. All rights reserved. | | | | This work is published under the GNU AGPLv3 license with some | | permitted exceptions and without any warranty. For full license | | and copyright information, see https://civicrm.org/licensing | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ *} {foreach from=$contexts item=context} {if $context EQ "Event"} {if $action eq 8} {ts}If you no longer want to use this price set, click the event title below, and modify the fees for that event.{/ts} {else} {ts}This price set is used by the event(s) listed below. Click the event title to change or remove the price set.{/ts} {/if}

{foreach from=$usedBy.civicrm_event item=event key=id} {/foreach}
{ts}Event{/ts} {ts}Type{/ts} {ts}Public{/ts} {ts}Date(s){/ts}
{$event.title} {$event.eventType} {if $event.isPublic}{ts}Yes{/ts}{else}{ts}No{/ts}{/if} {$event.startDate|crmDate}{if $event.endDate} to {$event.endDate|crmDate}{/if}
{/if} {if $context EQ "Contribution"} {if $action eq 8} {ts}If you no longer want to use this price set, click the contribution page title below, and modify the Amounts or Membership tab configuration.{/ts} {else} {ts}This price set is used by the contribution page(s) listed below. Click the contribution page title to change or remove the price set.{/ts} {/if}

{foreach from=$usedBy.civicrm_contribution_page item=contributionPage key=id} {/foreach}
{ts}Contribution Page{/ts} {ts}Type{/ts} {ts}Date(s){/ts}
{$contributionPage.title} {$contributionPage.type} {$contributionPage.startDate|truncate:10:''|crmDate}{if $contributionPage.endDate} to {$contributionPage.endDate|truncate:10:''|crmDate}{/if}
{/if} {if $context EQ "EventTemplate"} {if $action eq 8} {ts}If you no longer want to use this price set, click the event template title below, and modify the fees for that event.{/ts} {else} {ts}This price set is used by the event template(s) listed below. Click the event template title to change or remove the price set.{/ts} {/if}

{foreach from=$usedBy.civicrm_event_template item=eventTemplate key=id} {/foreach}
{ts}Event Template Name{/ts} {ts}Type{/ts} {ts}Public{/ts}
{$eventTemplate.title} {$eventTemplate.eventType} {if $eventTemplate.isPublic}{ts}Yes{/ts}{else}{ts}No{/ts}{/if}
{/if} {/foreach}