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Associate members get gratis admission to LibrePlanet, the FSF's annual conference.

Use your FSF account to join a local free software group at LibrePlanet.


Your Jabber/XMPP account is: {$user->name}


Use your FSF username as the jabber username, and as the domain if your XMPP client supports server discovery via a DNS SRV record lookup. Most XMPP clients support this. If your client does not, you can use as the server name. Make sure to enable encryption: we support TLS on port 5222 only. Your password is the same as your FSF member password. (Please report any problems you might encounter to

Email Forwarding

You may maintain up to five email aliases. Each localpart name exists in the domain name and can forward to one email address. The localpart you request might not be available.

For example, a localpart of "yyz" with a forward to value of "" would cause mail sent to "" to be forwarded to "".

Please note that it may take up to a half hour for new forwards to take effect.

{foreach from=$emailAliases item=alias} {/foreach}
Local Part Forward
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