{* +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CiviCRM version 4.7 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright CiviCRM LLC (c) 2004-2015 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This file is a part of CiviCRM. | | | | CiviCRM is free software; you can copy, modify, and distribute it | | under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License | | Version 3, 19 November 2007 and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception. | | | | CiviCRM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but | | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. | | See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. | | | | You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public | | License and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception along | | with this program; if not, contact CiviCRM LLC | | at info[AT]civicrm[DOT]org. If you have questions about the | | GNU Affero General Public License or the licensing of CiviCRM, | | see the CiviCRM license FAQ at http://civicrm.org/licensing | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ *} {* this template is used for viewing grants *}
{if call_user_func(array('CRM_Core_Permission','check'), 'edit grants')} {assign var='urlParams' value="reset=1&id=$id&cid=$contactId&action=update&context=$context"} {if ( $context eq 'fulltext' || $context eq 'search' ) && $searchKey} {assign var='urlParams' value="reset=1&id=$id&cid=$contactId&action=update&context=$context&key=$searchKey"} {/if}
{/if} {if call_user_func(array('CRM_Core_Permission','check'), 'delete in CiviGrant')} {assign var='urlParams' value="reset=1&id=$id&cid=$contactId&action=delete&context=$context"} {if ( $context eq 'fulltext' || $context eq 'search' ) && $searchKey} {assign var='urlParams' value="reset=1&id=$id&cid=$contactId&action=delete&context=$context&key=$searchKey"} {/if}
{/if} {include file="CRM/common/formButtons.tpl" location="top"}
{if $attachment} {/if}
{ts}Grant Status{/ts} {$grantStatus}
{ts}Grant Type{/ts} {$grantType}
{ts}Application Received{/ts} {$application_received_date|crmDate}
{ts}Grant Decision{/ts} {$decision_date|crmDate}
{ts}Money Transferred{/ts} {$money_transfer_date|crmDate}
{ts}Grant Report Due{/ts} {$grant_due_date|crmDate}
{ts}Amount Requested{/ts} {$amount_total|crmMoney}
{ts}Amount Requested{/ts}
{ts}(original currency){/ts}
{ts}Amount Granted{/ts} {$amount_granted|crmMoney}
{ts}Grant Report Received?{/ts} {if $grant_report_received}{ts}Yes{/ts} {else}{ts}No{/ts}{/if}
{ts}Rationale{/ts} {$rationale|nl2br}
{ts}Notes{/ts} {$note|nl2br}
{include file="CRM/Custom/Page/CustomDataView.tpl"}
{if call_user_func(array('CRM_Core_Permission','check'), 'edit grants')} {assign var='urlParams' value="reset=1&id=$id&cid=$contactId&action=update&context=$context"} {if ( $context eq 'fulltext' || $context eq 'search' ) && $searchKey} {assign var='urlParams' value="reset=1&id=$id&cid=$contactId&action=update&context=$context&key=$searchKey"} {/if}
{/if} {if call_user_func(array('CRM_Core_Permission','check'), 'delete in CiviGrant')} {assign var='urlParams' value="reset=1&id=$id&cid=$contactId&action=delete&context=$context"} {if ( $context eq 'fulltext' || $context eq 'search' ) && $searchKey} {assign var='urlParams' value="reset=1&id=$id&cid=$contactId&action=delete&context=$context&key=$searchKey"} {/if}
{/if} {include file="CRM/common/formButtons.tpl" location="bottom"}