{* +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CiviCRM version 4.7 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright CiviCRM LLC (c) 2004-2015 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This file is a part of CiviCRM. | | | | CiviCRM is free software; you can copy, modify, and distribute it | | under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License | | Version 3, 19 November 2007 and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception. | | | | CiviCRM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but | | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. | | See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. | | | | You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public | | License and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception along | | with this program; if not, contact CiviCRM LLC | | at info[AT]civicrm[DOT]org. If you have questions about the | | GNU Affero General Public License or the licensing of CiviCRM, | | see the CiviCRM license FAQ at http://civicrm.org/licensing | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ *} {* CiviEvent DashBoard (launch page) *} {capture assign=newEventURL}{crmURL p="civicrm/event/add" q="action=add&reset=1"}{/capture} {capture assign=configPagesURL}{crmURL p="civicrm/event/manage" q="reset=1"}{/capture} {capture assign=icalFile}{crmURL p='civicrm/event/ical' q="reset=1" fe=1 a=1}{/capture} {capture assign=icalFeed}{crmURL p='civicrm/event/ical' q="reset=1&list=1" fe=1 a=1}{/capture} {capture assign=rssFeed}{crmURL p='civicrm/event/ical' q="reset=1&list=1&rss=1" fe=1 a=1}{/capture} {capture assign=htmlFeed}{crmURL p='civicrm/event/ical' q="reset=1&list=1&html=1" fe=1 a=1}{/capture} {if $eventSummary.total_events}
{ts}Manage Events{/ts}
{ts}New Event{/ts}

{ts}Event Summary{/ts} {help id="id-event-intro"}      {ts}HTML listing of current and future public events.{/ts}  {ts}Get RSS 2.0 feed for current and future public events.{/ts}  {ts}Download iCalendar file for current and future public events.{/ts}  {ts}Get iCalendar feed for current and future public events.{/ts}

{include file="CRM/common/jsortable.tpl"} {if $actionColumn}{/if} {foreach from=$eventSummary.events item=values key=id} {if $actionColumn} {/if} {/foreach}
{ts}Event{/ts} {ts}ID{/ts} {ts}Type{/ts} {ts}Public{/ts} {ts}Date(s){/ts} {ts}Participants{/ts}
{$values.eventTitle} {if $values.is_repeating_event}
{if $values.is_repeating_event eq $id} {ts}Repeating Event{/ts} - ({ts}Parent{/ts}) {else} {ts}Repeating Event{/ts} - ({ts}Child{/ts}) {/if} {/if}
{$id} {$values.eventType} {$values.isPublic} {$values.startDate} {if $values.endDate}to{/if} {$values.endDate} {if $values.participants and $values.participants_url} {ts}Counted{/ts}: {$values.participants} {else} {ts}Counted{/ts}: {$values.participants} {/if} {if $values.notCountedParticipants and $values.notCountedParticipants_url} {ts}Not Counted{/ts}: {$values.notCountedParticipants}
{else} {ts}Not Counted{/ts}: {$values.notCountedParticipants}
{/if} {if $values.notCountedDueToStatus and $values.notCountedDueToStatus_url} {ts}Not Counted Due To Status{/ts}: {$values.notCountedDueToStatus}
{else} {ts}Not Counted Due To Status{/ts}: {$values.notCountedDueToStatus}
{/if} {if $values.notCountedDueToRole and $values.notCountedDueToRole_url} {ts}Not Counted Due To Role{/ts}: {$values.notCountedDueToRole}
{else} {ts}Not Counted Due To Role{/ts}: {$values.notCountedDueToRole}
{/if} {foreach from=$values.statuses item=class} {if $class} {foreach from=$class item=status} {$status.label}: {$status.count} {/foreach}
{/if} {/foreach} {if $values.maxParticipants}{ts 1=$values.maxParticipants}(max %1){/ts}{/if}
{if $values.isMap} » {ts}Map{/ts}  |  {/if} {if $values.configure}
    {foreach from=$eventSummary.tab key=k item=v} {assign var="fld" value=$v.field} {if NOT $values.$fld}{assign var="status" value="disabled"}{else}{assign var="status" value="enabled"}{/if} {* Schedule Reminders requires a different query string. *} {if $v.url EQ 'civicrm/event/manage/reminder'}
  • {$v.title}
  • {else}
  • {$v.title}
  • {/if} {/foreach}
{if $eventSummary.total_events GT 10}
» {ts}Browse more events{/ts}...
{/if} {else}
{ts}There are no active Events to display.{/ts} {ts 1=$newEventURL}You can Create a New Event now.{/ts}
{/if} {if $pager->_totalItems}

{ts}Recent Registrations{/ts}

{include file="CRM/Event/Form/Selector.tpl" context="event_dashboard"}