{* +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright CiviCRM LLC. All rights reserved. | | | | This work is published under the GNU AGPLv3 license with some | | permitted exceptions and without any warranty. For full license | | and copyright information, see https://civicrm.org/licensing | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ *} {crmRegion name="billing-block"}
{if $paymentFields|@count}
{$paymentTypeLabel} {crmRegion name="billing-block-pre"} {/crmRegion}
{foreach from=$paymentFields item=paymentField} {assign var='name' value=$form.$paymentField.name}
{$form.$paymentField.label} {if $requiredPaymentFields.$name}*{/if}
{$form.$paymentField.html} {if $paymentFieldsMetadata.$name.description}
{elseif $paymentField == 'cvv2'}{* @todo move to form assignment*} {/if} {if $paymentField == 'credit_card_type'}
{/if} {if $billingDetailsFields|@count && $paymentProcessor.payment_processor_type neq 'PayPal_Express'} {if $profileAddressFields && !$ccid} {/if}
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
{foreach from=$billingDetailsFields item=billingField} {assign var='name' value=$form.$billingField.name}
{$form.$billingField.label} {if $requiredPaymentFields.$name}*{/if}
{if $form.$billingField.type == 'text'}
{if $profileAddressFields} {/literal} {/if} {if $suppressSubmitButton} {literal} {/literal} {/if} {/crmRegion} {crmRegion name="billing-block-post"} {* Payment processors sometimes need to append something to the end of the billing block. We create a region for clarity - the plan is to move to assigning this through the payment processor to this region *} {/crmRegion}