{* +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright CiviCRM LLC. All rights reserved. | | | | This work is published under the GNU AGPLv3 license with some | | permitted exceptions and without any warranty. For full license | | and copyright information, see https://civicrm.org/licensing | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ *} {capture assign="adminPriceSets"}{crmURL p='civicrm/admin/price' q="reset=1"}{/capture} {crmRegion name="contribute-form-contributionpage-amount-main"}
{ts}Use this form to configure Contribution Amount options. You can give contributors the ability to enter their own contribution amounts and/or provide a fixed list of amounts. For fixed amounts, you can enter a label for each 'level' of contribution (e.g. Friend, Sustainer, etc.). If you allow people to enter their own dollar amounts, you can also set minimum and maximum values. Depending on your choice of Payment Processor, you may be able to offer a recurring contribution option.{/ts} {docURL page="user/contributions/payment-processors"}
{include file="CRM/common/formButtons.tpl" location="top"}
{if !$paymentProcessor} {capture assign=ppUrl}{crmURL p='civicrm/admin/paymentProcessor' q="reset=1"}{/capture}
{ts 1=$ppUrl}No Payment Processor has been configured / enabled for your site. Unless you are only using CiviContribute to solicit non-monetary / in-kind contributions, you will need to configure a Payment Processor. Then return to this screen and assign the processor to this Contribution Page.{/ts} {docURL page="user/contributions/payment-processors"}

{ts}NOTE: Alternatively, you can enable the Pay Later option below without setting up a payment processor. All users will then be asked to submit payment offline (e.g. mail in a check, call in a credit card, etc.).{/ts}

{/if} {if $paymentProcessor} {/if} {if $price eq true} {else} {/if}
{$form.is_monetary.label} {$form.is_monetary.html}
{ts}Uncheck this box if you are using this contribution page for free membership signup ONLY, or to solicit in-kind / non-monetary donations such as furniture, equipment.. etc.{/ts}
{$form.currency.label} {$form.currency.html}
{ts}Select the currency to be used for contributions submitted from this contribution page.{/ts}
{$form.payment_processor.label} {$form.payment_processor.html}
{ts}Select the payment processor to be used for contributions submitted from this contribution page (unless you are soliciting non-monetary / in-kind contributions only).{/ts} {docURL page="user/contributions/payment-processors"}
{$form.is_pay_later.label} {$form.is_pay_later.html}
{ts}Check this box if you want to give users the option to submit payment offline (e.g. mail in a check, call in a credit card, etc.).{/ts}
{$form.pay_later_text.label} * {if $action == 2}{include file='CRM/Core/I18n/Dialog.tpl' table='civicrm_contribution_page' field='pay_later_text' id=$contributionPageID}{/if} {$form.pay_later_text.html|crmAddClass:big}
{ts}Text displayed next to the checkbox for the 'pay later' option on the contribution form. You may include HTML formatting tags.{/ts}
{$form.pay_later_receipt.label} * {if $action == 2}{include file='CRM/Core/I18n/Dialog.tpl' table='civicrm_contribution_page' field='pay_later_receipt' id=$contributionPageID}{/if} {$form.pay_later_receipt.html|crmAddClass:big}
{ts}Instructions added to Confirmation and Thank-you pages, as well as the confirmation email, when the user selects the 'pay later' option (e.g. 'Mail your check to ... within 3 business days.').{/ts}
{$form.is_billing_required.label} {$form.is_billing_required.html}
{ts}Check this box to require users who select the pay later option to provide billing name and address.{/ts}
{$form.amount_block_is_active.label} {$form.amount_block_is_active.html}
{ts}Uncheck this box if you are using this contribution page for membership signup and renewal only – and you do NOT want users to select or enter any additional contribution amounts.{/ts}
{ts 1=$adminPriceSets}Select a pre-configured Price Set to offer multiple individually priced options for contributions. Otherwise, select "-none-" and enter one or more fixed contribution options in the table below. Create or edit Price Sets here.{/ts}
{ts 1=$adminPriceSets}No Contribution Price Sets have been configured / enabled for your site. Price sets allow you to configure more complex contribution options (e.g. "Contribute $25 more to receive our monthly magazine."). Click here if you want to configure price sets for your site.{/ts}
{if $recurringPaymentProcessor} {/if}
{$form.is_recur.label} {$form.is_recur.html}
{ts}Check this box if you want to give users the option to make recurring contributions. This feature requires that you use a payment processor which supports recurring billing / subscriptions functionality.{/ts} {docURL page="user/contributions/payment-processors"}
{$form.recur_frequency_unit.label}* {$form.recur_frequency_unit.html}
{ts}Select recurring units supported for recurring payments.{/ts}
{$form.is_recur_interval.label} {$form.is_recur_interval.html}
{ts}Can users also set an interval (e.g. every '3' months)?{/ts}
{$form.is_recur_installments.label} {$form.is_recur_installments.html}
{ts}Give the user a choice of installments (e.g. donate every month for 6 months)? If not, recurring donations will continue indefinitely.{/ts}
{if $futurePaymentProcessor}   {$form.pledge_calendar_date.html}   {$form.pledge_calendar_month.html}
{ts}Recurring payment will be processed this day of the month following submission of this contribution page.{/ts}
{* handle CiviPledge fields *} {if $civiPledge} {/if}
{$form.is_pledge_active.label} {$form.is_pledge_active.html}
{ts}Check this box if you want to give users the option to make a Pledge (a commitment to contribute a fixed amount on a recurring basis).{/ts}
{if $futurePaymentProcessor} {/if}
{$form.pledge_frequency_unit.label} * {$form.pledge_frequency_unit.html}
{ts}Which frequencies can the user pick from (e.g. every 'week', every 'month', every 'year')?{/ts}
{$form.is_pledge_interval.label} {$form.is_pledge_interval.html}
{ts}Can they also set an interval (e.g. every '3' months)?{/ts}
{$form.initial_reminder_day.label} {$form.initial_reminder_day.html} {ts}Days prior to each scheduled payment due date.{/ts}
{$form.max_reminders.label} {$form.max_reminders.html} {ts}Reminders for each scheduled payment.{/ts}
{$form.additional_reminder_day.label} {$form.additional_reminder_day.html} {ts}Days after the last one sent, up to the maximum number of reminders.{/ts}
{$form.adjust_recur_start_date.label} {$form.adjust_recur_start_date.html}
{$form.is_pledge_start_date_visible.html} {$form.is_pledge_start_date_visible.label}
{$form.is_pledge_start_date_editable.html} {$form.is_pledge_start_date_editable.label}
{$form.amount_label.label} * {$form.amount_label.html}
{$form.is_allow_other_amount.label} {$form.is_allow_other_amount.html}
{ts}Check this box if you want to give users the option to enter their own contribution amount. Your page will then include a text field labeled Other Amount.{/ts}
{$form.min_amount.label} {$form.min_amount.html}
{$form.max_amount.label} {$form.max_amount.html}
{ts 1=5|crmMoney}If you have chosen to Allow Other Amounts, you can use the fields above to control minimum and/or maximum acceptable values (e.g. don't allow contribution amounts less than %1).{/ts}
{ts}Fixed Contribution Options{/ts}
{ts}Use the table below to enter up to ten fixed contribution amounts. These will be presented as a list of radio button options. Both the label and dollar amount will be displayed.{/ts}{if $isQuick}{ts} Click here if you want to configure the Fixed Contribution Options below as part of a Price Set, with the added flexibility and complexity that entails.{/ts}{/if}

{section name=loop start=1 loop=11} {assign var=idx value=$smarty.section.loop.index} {/section}
{ts}Contribution Label{/ts}{ts}Amount{/ts}{ts}Default?{/ts}
{include file="CRM/common/formButtons.tpl" location="bottom"}
{literal} {/literal} {if $form.is_recur} {include file="CRM/common/showHideByFieldValue.tpl" trigger_field_id ="is_recur" trigger_value ="true" target_element_id ="recurFields" target_element_type ="table-row" field_type ="radio" invert = "false" } {/if} {if $form.adjust_recur_start_date} {include file="CRM/common/showHideByFieldValue.tpl" trigger_field_id ="adjust_recur_start_date" trigger_value ="true" target_element_id ="recurDefaults" target_element_type ="table-row" field_type ="radio" invert = "false" } {/if} {if $civiPledge} {include file="CRM/common/showHideByFieldValue.tpl" trigger_field_id = "is_pledge_active" trigger_value = "true" target_element_id = "pledgeFields" target_element_type = "table-row" field_type = "radio" invert = "false" } {/if} {if $isQuick} {literal} {/literal} {/if} {/crmRegion} {crmRegion name="contribute-form-contributionpage-amount-post"} {/crmRegion}