{* +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CiviCRM version 4.7 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright CiviCRM LLC (c) 2004-2017 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This file is a part of CiviCRM. | | | | CiviCRM is free software; you can copy, modify, and distribute it | | under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License | | Version 3, 19 November 2007 and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception. | | | | CiviCRM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but | | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. | | See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. | | | | You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public | | License and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception along | | with this program; if not, contact CiviCRM LLC | | at info[AT]civicrm[DOT]org. If you have questions about the | | GNU Affero General Public License or the licensing of CiviCRM, | | see the CiviCRM license FAQ at http://civicrm.org/licensing | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ *} {* Callback snippet: On-behalf profile *} {if $snippet and !empty($isOnBehalfCallback) and !$ccid}
{include file="CRM/Contribute/Form/Contribution/OnBehalfOf.tpl" context="front-end"}
{else} {literal} {/literal} {if $action & 1024} {include file="CRM/Contribute/Form/Contribution/PreviewHeader.tpl"} {/if} {include file="CRM/common/TrackingFields.tpl"}
{if $contact_id && !$ccid}
{ts 1=$display_name}Welcome %1{/ts}. ({ts 1=$display_name}Not %1, or want to do this for a different person{/ts}?)
{include file="CRM/common/cidzero.tpl"} {if $islifetime or $ispricelifetime }
{ts}You have a current Lifetime Membership which does not need to be renewed.{/ts}
{/if} {if !empty($useForMember) && !$ccid}
{include file="CRM/Contribute/Form/Contribution/MembershipBlock.tpl" context="makeContribution"}
{elseif !empty($ccid)} {if $lineItem && $priceSetID && !$is_quick_config}
{ts}Contribution Information{/ts}
{assign var="totalAmount" value=$pendingAmount} {include file="CRM/Price/Page/LineItem.tpl" context="Contribution"} {else}
{$form.total_amount.label} {$form.total_amount.html|crmMoney}  {if $taxAmount}(includes {$taxTerm} of {$taxAmount|crmMoney}){/if}
{/if} {else}
{include file="CRM/Price/Form/PriceSet.tpl" extends="Contribution"}
{/if} {if !$ccid} {crmRegion name='contribution-main-pledge-block'} {if $pledgeBlock} {if $is_pledge_payment}
{$form.pledge_amount.label} *
{$form.is_pledge.html}  {if $is_pledge_interval} {$form.pledge_frequency_interval.html}  {/if} {$form.pledge_frequency_unit.html} {ts}for{/ts} {$form.pledge_installments.html} {ts}installments.{/ts}
{if $start_date_editable} {if $is_date}
{include file="CRM/common/jcalendar.tpl" elementName=start_date}
{/if} {else}
{/if} {/if} {/crmRegion} {if $form.is_recur}
{$form.is_recur.html} {$form.is_recur.label} {ts}every{/ts} {if $is_recur_interval} {$form.frequency_interval.html} {/if} {if $one_frequency_unit} {$frequency_unit} {else} {$form.frequency_unit.html} {/if} {if $is_recur_installments} {ts}for{/ts} {$form.installments.html} {$form.installments.label} {/if}
{/if} {if $pcpSupporterText}
{/if} {if $showMainEmail} {assign var=n value=email-$bltID}
{include file="CRM/Contribute/Form/Contribution/OnBehalfOf.tpl"}
{* User account registration option. Displays if enabled for one of the profiles on this page. *}
{include file="CRM/common/CMSUser.tpl"}
{include file="CRM/Contribute/Form/Contribution/PremiumBlock.tpl" context="makeContribution"}
{if $honoreeProfileFields|@count}
{crmRegion name="contribution-soft-credit-block"} {$honor_block_title}
{if $form.soft_credit_type_id.html}
{ts}Select an option to reveal honoree information fields.{/ts}
{/if} {/crmRegion}
{include file="CRM/UF/Form/Block.tpl" fields=$honoreeProfileFields mode=8 prefix='honor'}
{include file="CRM/UF/Form/Block.tpl" fields=$customPre}
{if $isHonor}
{$form.pcp_display_in_roll.html}   {$form.pcp_display_in_roll.label}
{ts}Enter the name you want listed with this contribution. You can use a nick name like 'The Jones Family' or 'Sarah and Sam'.{/ts}
{ts}Enter a message to accompany this contribution.{/ts}
{/if} {* end of ccid loop *} {/if} {if $form.payment_processor_id.label} {* PP selection only works with JS enabled, so we hide it initially *} {/if} {if $is_pay_later}
{ts}Payment Options{/ts}
[x] {$pay_later_text}
{include file="CRM/Financial/Form/Payment.tpl" snippet=4}
{include file="CRM/common/paymentBlock.tpl"}
{include file="CRM/UF/Form/Block.tpl" fields=$customPost}
{if $is_monetary and $form.bank_account_number}
{ts}Agreement{/ts} {ts}Your account data will be used to charge your bank account via direct debit. While submitting this form you agree to the charging of your bank account via direct debit.{/ts}
{/if} {if $isCaptcha} {include file='CRM/common/ReCAPTCHA.tpl'} {/if}
{include file="CRM/common/formButtons.tpl" location="bottom"}
{if $footer_text} {/if}
{/if} {* jQuery validate *} {* disabled because more work needs to be done to conditionally require credit card fields *} {*include file="CRM/Form/validate.tpl"*}