{* +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright CiviCRM LLC. All rights reserved. | | | | This work is published under the GNU AGPLv3 license with some | | permitted exceptions and without any warranty. For full license | | and copyright information, see https://civicrm.org/licensing | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ *}
{if $groupCount eq 0}
 {ts}This contact does not currently belong to any groups.{/ts}
{else} {include file="CRM/common/jsortable.tpl"} {/if} {* Include 'add to new group' form if session has edit contact permissions *} {if $permission EQ 'edit'} {include file="CRM/Contact/Form/GroupContact.tpl"} {/if} {if $groupIn }

{ts}Regular Groups{/ts}

{ts 1=$displayName}%1 has joined or been added to these group(s).{/ts}
{strip} {foreach from=$groupIn item=row} {/foreach}
{ts}Group{/ts} {ts}Status{/ts} {ts}Date Added{/ts}
{$row.title} {ts 1=$row.in_method}Added (by %1){/ts} {$row.in_date|crmDate} {if $permission EQ 'edit'} {ts}Remove{/ts} {ts}Delete{/ts} {/if}
{/strip} {/if} {if $contactSmartGroupSettings neq 3}
{ts}Smart Groups{/ts}
{/if} {if $groupPending}


{ts}Joining these group(s) is pending confirmation by this contact.{/ts}
{strip} {foreach from=$groupPending item=row} {/foreach}
{ts}Group{/ts} {ts}Status{/ts} {ts}Date Pending{/ts}
{$row.title} {ts 1=$row.pending_method}Pending (by %1){/ts} {$row.pending_date|crmDate} {if $permission EQ 'edit'} {ts}Remove{/ts} {ts}Delete{/ts} {/if}
{/strip} {/if} {if $groupOut}

{ts}Past Groups{/ts}

{ts 1=$displayName}%1 is no longer part of these group(s).{/ts}
{strip} {foreach from=$groupOut item=row} {/foreach}
{ts}Group{/ts} {ts}Status{/ts} {ts}Date Added{/ts} {ts}Date Removed{/ts}
{$row.title} {ts 1=$row.out_method}Removed (by %1){/ts} {$row.date_added|crmDate} {$row.out_date|crmDate} {if $permission EQ 'edit'} {ts}Rejoin Group{/ts} {ts}Delete{/ts}{/if}
{/strip} {/if}