{* +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright CiviCRM LLC. All rights reserved. | | | | This work is published under the GNU AGPLv3 license with some | | permitted exceptions and without any warranty. For full license | | and copyright information, see https://civicrm.org/licensing | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ *} {* template for a single address block*}
{if $permission EQ 'edit'}
{if $add}{ts}Edit address{/ts}{else}{ts}Add address{/ts}{/if}
{/if} {if !$add}
{ts 1=$add.location_type}%1 Address{/ts} {if $privacy.do_not_mail}{/if} {if $config->mapProvider AND !empty($add.geo_code_1) AND is_numeric($add.geo_code_1) AND !empty($add.geo_code_2) AND is_numeric($add.geo_code_2) }
{ts}Map{/ts} {/if}
{if !empty($sharedAddresses.$locationIndex.shared_address_display.name)} {ts 1=$sharedAddresses.$locationIndex.shared_address_display.name}Address belongs to %1{/ts}
{/if} {$add.display|nl2br}
{foreach from=$add.custom item=customGroup key=cgId} {* start of outer foreach *} {assign var="isAddressCustomPresent" value=1} {foreach from=$customGroup item=customValue key=cvId}
{foreach from=$customValue.fields item=customField key=cfId}
{/foreach} {/foreach} {* end of outer custom group foreach *} {/if}