{* +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright CiviCRM LLC. All rights reserved. | | | | This work is published under the GNU AGPLv3 license with some | | permitted exceptions and without any warranty. For full license | | and copyright information, see https://civicrm.org/licensing | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ *} {* CiviCase - view case screen*}
{* here we are showing related cases w/ jquery dialog *} {if $showRelatedCases} {include file="CRM/Case/Form/ViewRelatedCases.tpl"} {* Main case view *} {else}


{if $multiClient} {/if} {if not $multiClient} {/if}
{ts}Clients:{/ts} {foreach from=$caseRoles.client item=client name=clients} {$client.display_name}{if not $smarty.foreach.clients.last},   {/if} {/foreach}
{if $hasRelatedCases} {/if}
{foreach from=$caseRoles.client item=client} {if $client.phone} {/if} {if $client.birth_date} {/if} {/foreach}
{$client.display_name}{if $client.email}{crmAPI var='email_type_id' entity='OptionValue' action='getsingle' return="value" name="Email" option_group_id="activity_type"}{/if}
{ts}DOB{/ts}: {$client.birth_date|crmDate}
{if $hasRelatedCases} {/if}
{ts}Subject{/ts}: {$caseDetails.case_subject} {ts}Type{/ts}: {$caseDetails.case_type}  {ts}Status{/ts}: {$caseDetails.case_status}  {ts}Open Date{/ts}: {$caseDetails.case_start_date|crmDate}  {ts}ID{/ts}: {$caseID}
{if $hookCaseSummary}
{foreach from=$hookCaseSummary item=val key=div_id}

{$form.add_activity_type_id.html} {if $hasAccessToAllCases}   {$form.timeline_id.html}{*This CaseView_next button is hidden, but gets clicked by the onChange handler for timeline_id in CaseView.js*}{$form._qf_CaseView_next.html}   {$form.report_id.html} {/if}

{if $hasAccessToAllCases} {ts}Print Report{/ts} {/if} {if !empty($exportDoc)} {ts}Export Document{/ts} {/if} {if $mergeCases} {ts}Merge Case{/ts} {*This CaseView_next_merge_case button is hidden, but gets clicked by javascript in CaseView.js when the mergeCasesDialog popup is saved.*}{$form._qf_CaseView_next_merge_case.html} {$form.merge_case_id.html} {/if} {if call_user_func(array('CRM_Core_Permission','giveMeAllACLs'))} {ts}Assign to Another Client{/ts} {/if}

{include file="CRM/Case/Page/CustomDataView.tpl"} {if $hasAccessToAllCases} {/if} {* other relationship section ends *} {include file="CRM/Case/Form/ActivityToCase.tpl"} {* pane to display / edit regular tags or tagsets for cases *} {if $showTags}
{ts}Case Tags{/ts}
{if $tags}

   {foreach from=$tags item='tag'} {$tag.text} {/foreach}

{/if} {foreach from=$tagSetTags item=displayTagset}

  {$displayTagset.name}: {', '|implode:$displayTagset.items}

{/foreach} {if !$tags && !$tagSetTags }
{ts}There are no tags currently assigned to this case.{/ts}

{include file="CRM/common/Tagset.tpl" tagsetType='case'}

{/if} {* end of tag block*} {include file="CRM/Case/Form/ActivityTab.tpl"}
{include file="CRM/common/formButtons.tpl" location="bottom"}
{/if} {* view related cases if end *}
{literal} {/literal}