{* +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright CiviCRM LLC. All rights reserved. | | | | This work is published under the GNU AGPLv3 license with some | | permitted exceptions and without any warranty. For full license | | and copyright information, see https://civicrm.org/licensing | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ *}
{ts}In addition to the settings on this screen, there are a number of settings you can add to your sites's settings file (civicrm.settings.php) to provide additional debugging information.{/ts} {docURL page="Debugging for developers" resource="wiki"}
{include file="CRM/common/formButtons.tpl" location="top"}
{if $form.userFrameworkLogging} {/if}
{$form.userFrameworkLogging.label} {$form.userFrameworkLogging.html}
{ts}Set this value to Yes if you want CiviCRM error/debugging messages to appear in the Drupal error logs{/ts} {help id='userFrameworkLogging'}
{$form.debug_enabled.label} {$form.debug_enabled.html}
{ts}This feature should NOT be enabled for production sites.
Set this value to Yes if you want to use one of CiviCRM's debugging tools.{/ts} {help id='debug'}
{$form.backtrace.label} {$form.backtrace.html}
{ts}This feature should NOT be enabled for production sites.
Set this value to Yes if you want to display a backtrace listing when a fatal error is encountered.{/ts}
{$form.environment.label} {$form.environment.html}
{ts}Set this value to Staging/Development to prevent cron jobs & mailings from being executed.{/ts}
{$form.fatalErrorHandler.label} {$form.fatalErrorHandler.html}
{ts}Enter the path and class for a custom PHP error-handling function if you want to override built-in CiviCRM error handling for your site.{/ts}
{$form.assetCache.label} {$form.assetCache.html}
{ts}Store computed JS/CSS content in cache files? (Note: In "Auto" mode, the "Debug" setting will determine whether to activate the cache.){/ts}
{include file="CRM/common/formButtons.tpl" location="bottom"}