  • themeid - string, sets theme file from themes/*.php *
  • templateid - string, sets template set ID *
  • fontset - string, sets selected set of fonts from $fontsets array. *
  • fontsize - integer, sets selected font size *
  • dir - string, sets text direction variables. Possible values 'rtl' or 'ltr' * * @copyright 2005-2022 The SquirrelMail Project Team * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License * @version $Id$ * @package squirrelmail */ /** This is the style page */ define('PAGE_NAME', 'style'); /** * Include the SquirrelMail initialization file. */ require('../include/init.php'); /* safety check for older config.php */ if (!isset($fontsets) || !is_array($fontsets)) { $fontsets=array(); } /** * The following code should no longer be neccesary, but it will remain for the * time being, just in case. * * TODO: Remove if no longer needed. **/ /* set default colors in case color theme is not full */ $color = array(); $color[0] = '#dcdcdc'; // (light gray) TitleBar $color[1] = '#800000'; // (red) $color[2] = '#cc0000'; // (light red) Warning/Error Messages $color[3] = '#a0b8c8'; // (green-blue) Left Bar Background $color[4] = '#ffffff'; // (white) Normal Background $color[5] = '#ffffcc'; // (light yellow) Table Headers $color[6] = '#000000'; // (black) Text on left bar $color[7] = '#0000cc'; // (blue) Links $color[8] = '#000000'; // (black) Normal text $color[9] = '#ababab'; // (mid-gray) Darker version of #0 $color[10] = '#666666'; // (dark gray) Darker version of #9 $color[11] = '#770000'; // (dark red) Special Folders color $color[12] = '#ededed'; // (light gray) Alternate color for message list $color[13] = '#800000'; // (dark red) Color for quoted text -- > 1 quote $color[14] = '#ff0000'; // (red) Color for quoted text -- >> 2 or more $color[15] = '#002266'; // (dark blue) Unselectable folders $color[16] = '#ff9933'; // (orange) Highlight color /** * set color constants in order to use simple names instead of color array * 0 - SQM_TEXT_DISABLED, SQM_TITLE_BACKGROUND, SQM_BUTTON_BACKGROUND_DISABLED, * SQM_ROW_BACKGROUND_1 * 1 - * 2 - SQM_ERROR_TEXT * 3 - SQM_BACKGROUND_LEFT * 4 - SQM_BACKGROUND * 5 - SQM_ROW_BACKGROUND_HIGHLIGHT, SQM_COLUMN_HEADER_BACKGROUND * 6 - SQM_TEXT_STANDARD_LEFT * 7 - SQM_TITLE_TEXT, SQM_BLOCK_TITLE_TEXT * 8 - SQM_TEXT_STANDARD, SQM_BUTTON_TEXT, SQM_BLOCK_TEXT, SQM_ROW_TEXT_1, * SQM_ROW_TEXT_2, SQM_ROW_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT, SQM_ROW_TEXT_SELECTED, * SQM_COLUMN_HEADER_TEXT * 9 - SQM_BUTTON_BACKGROUND * 10 - SQM_BLOCK_TITLE * 11 - SQM_TEXT_SPECIAL * 12 - SQM_BUTTON_BACKGROUND_TEXT, SQM_BLOCK_BACKGROUND, SQM_ROW_BACKGROUND_2 * 13 - SQM_MESSAGE_QUOTE_1 * 14 - SQM_MESSAGE_QUOTE_2 * 15 - SQM_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT * 16 - SQM_ROW_BACKGROUND_SELECTED */ define('SQM_BACKGROUND',$color[4]); define('SQM_BACKGROUND_LEFT',$color[3]); define('SQM_TEXT_STANDARD',$color[8]); define('SQM_TEXT_STANDARD_LEFT',$color[6]); define('SQM_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT',$color[15]); define('SQM_TEXT_DISABLED',$color[0]); define('SQM_TEXT_SPECIAL',$color[11]); define('SQM_LINK',$color[7]); define('SQM_LINK_LEFT',$color[6]); define('SQM_TITLE_BACKGROUND',$color[0]); define('SQM_TITLE_TEXT',$color[7]); define('SQM_BUTTON_BACKGROUND',$color[9]); define('SQM_BUTTON_TEXT',$color[8]); define('SQM_BUTTON_BACKGROUND_DISABLED',$color[0]); define('SQM_BUTTON_BACKGROUND_TEXT',$color[12]); define('SQM_BLOCK_BACKGROUND',$color[12]); define('SQM_BLOCK_TEXT',$color[8]); define('SQM_BLOCK_TITLE',$color[10]); define('SQM_BLOCK_TITLE_TEXT',$color[7]); define('SQM_ROW_BACKGROUND_1',$color[0]); define('SQM_ROW_BACKGROUND_2',$color[12]); define('SQM_ROW_TEXT_1',$color[8]); define('SQM_ROW_TEXT_2',$color[8]); define('SQM_ROW_BACKGROUND_HIGHLIGHT',$color[5]); define('SQM_ROW_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT',$color[8]); define('SQM_ROW_BACKGROUND_SELECTED',$color[16]); define('SQM_ROW_TEXT_SELECTED',$color[8]); define('SQM_COLUMN_HEADER_BACKGROUND',$color[5]); define('SQM_COLUMN_HEADER_TEXT',$color[8]); define('SQM_MESSAGE_QUOTE_1',$color[13]); define('SQM_MESSAGE_QUOTE_2',$color[14]); define('SQM_ERROR_TEXT',$color[2]); define('SQM_ALIGN_LEFT', $align['left']); define('SQM_ALIGN_RIGHT', $align['right']); // END TODO if (sqgetGlobalVar('fontset',$fontset,SQ_GET) && isset($fontsets[$fontset])) { $fontfamily=$fontsets[$fontset]; } else { $fontfamily=''; } if (! sqgetGlobalVar('fontsize',$fontsize,SQ_GET)) { $fontsize = 0; } else { $fontsize = (int) $fontsize; } $oTemplate->header('Content-Type: text/css'); /** * GOTCHA #1: When sending the headers for caching, we must send Expires, * Last-Modified, Pragma, and Cache-Control headers. If we don't PHP * will makeup values that will break the cacheing. * * GOTCHA #2: If the current template does not contain a template named * stylesheet.tpl, this cacheing will break because filemtime() won't * work. This is a problem e.g. with the default_advanced template * that inherits CSS properties from the default template but * doesn't contain stylesheet.tpl itself. IDEA: So ask the Template class object to return the mtime or better yet, the full file path (at least from SM_PATH) by using $oTemplate->get_template_file_path(stylesheet.tpl) but this is still a problem if the default template also does not have such a file (in which case, we fall back to SM's css/deafult css file (so in that case, go get that file's mtime!) * Possibly naive suggestion - template can define its own default * template name * * GOTCHA #3: If the user changes user prefs for things like font size then * the mtime should be updated to the time of that change, and not * that of the stylesheet.tpl file. IDEA: can this be a value kept * in user prefs (always compare to actual file mtime before sending * to the browser) * * Comment re gotcha #3: If we only define basic font prefs here, we really * only need to refresh the cache if one of the font prefs changes. * Possibly some type of "force nocache flag could be set if a font pref is * changed? * * Response: Perhaps, if that can be implemented great, but I think the * user prefs solution would definitely work: catch the font setting change * in a custom save() routine from user prefs and away we go. * * TODO: Fix this. :) */ if ( $lastmod = @filemtime(SM_PATH . $oTemplate->get_template_file_directory() . 'css/stylesheet.tpl') ) { $gmlastmod = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $lastmod) . ' GMT'; $expires = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', strtotime('+1 week')) . ' GMT'; $oTemplate->header('Last-Modified: ' . $gmlastmod); $oTemplate->header('Expires: '. $expires); $oTemplate->header('Pragma: '); $oTemplate->header('Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate'); } // Steve, why did you remove this? Is it irrelevant now? If so, let's // remove the rest of the references to it here (note that it is being // used above in the filetime() statement) and elsewhere // $oTemplate->display('css/stylesheet.tpl'); // don't show version as a security measure //$oTemplate->header('X-Powered-By: SquirrelMail/' . SM_VERSION, FALSE); $oTemplate->header('X-Powered-By: SquirrelMail', FALSE); /** * Additional styles are now handled by adding stylesheets to * templates/