' . $txt . ''; } function asearch_get_error_display($color, $txt) { return '' . '' . $txt . ''; /*return '' . $txt . '';*/ } function asearch_serialize($input_array) { /*return $input_array[0];*/ return serialize($input_array); } function asearch_unserialize($input_string) { /*return array($input_string);*/ return unserialize($input_string); } function asearch_getPref($data_dir, $username, $key, $index, $default = '') { return getPref($data_dir, $username, $key . $index, $default); } function asearch_setPref($data_dir, $username, $key, $index, $value) { return setPref($data_dir, $username, $key . $index, $value); } function asearch_removePref($data_dir, $username, $key, $index) { return removePref($data_dir, $username, $key . $index); } /* sanity checks, done before running the imap command and before push_recent */ function asearch_check_query($where_array, $what_array, $exclude_array) { global $imap_asearch_opcodes; if (empty($where_array)) return _("Please enter something to search for"); if (count($exclude_array) == count($where_array)) return _("There must be at least one criteria to search for"); for ($crit_num = 0; $crit_num < count($where_array); $crit_num++) { $where = $where_array[$crit_num]; $what = $what_array[$crit_num]; if (!(($what == '') ^ ($imap_asearch_opcodes[$where] != ''))) return _("Error in criteria argument"); } return ''; } /* read the recent searches */ function asearch_read_recent($data_dir, $username) { global $recent_prefkeys; $recent_array = array(); $recent_max = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'search_memory', 0); for ($recent_num = 0; $recent_num < $recent_max; $recent_num++) { foreach ($recent_prefkeys as $prefkey) { $pref = asearch_getPref($data_dir, $username, $prefkey, $recent_num); /* if (!empty($pref))*/ $recent_array[$prefkey][$recent_num] = $pref; } if (empty($recent_array[$recent_prefkeys[0]][$recent_num])) { foreach ($recent_prefkeys as $key) { array_pop($recent_array[$key]); } break; } } return $recent_array; } /* get the saved searches */ function asearch_read_saved($data_dir, $username) { global $saved_prefkeys; $saved_array = array(); $saved_key = $saved_prefkeys[0]; for ($saved_count = 0; ; $saved_count++) { $pref = asearch_getPref($data_dir, $username, $saved_key, $saved_count); if (empty($pref)) break; } for ($saved_num = 0; $saved_num < $saved_count; $saved_num++) { foreach ($saved_prefkeys as $key) { $saved_array[$key][$saved_num] = asearch_getPref($data_dir, $username, $key, $saved_num); } } return $saved_array; } /* save a recent search */ function asearch_save_recent($data_dir, $username, $recent_index) { global $recent_prefkeys, $saved_prefkeys; $saved_array = asearch_read_saved($data_dir, $username); $saved_index = count($saved_array[$saved_prefkeys[0]]); $recent_array = asearch_read_recent($data_dir, $username); $n = 0; foreach ($recent_prefkeys as $key) { $recent_slice = array_slice($recent_array[$key], $recent_index, 1); if (!empty($recent_slice[0])) asearch_setPref($data_dir, $username, $saved_prefkeys[$n], $saved_index, $recent_slice[0]); else asearch_removePref($data_dir, $username, $saved_prefkeys[$n], $saved_index); $n++; } } function asearch_write_recent($data_dir, $username, $recent_array) { global $recent_prefkeys; $recent_max = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'search_memory', 0); $recent_count = min($recent_max, count($recent_array[$recent_prefkeys[0]])); for ($recent_num=0; $recent_num < $recent_count; $recent_num++) { foreach ($recent_prefkeys as $key) { asearch_setPref($data_dir, $username, $key, $recent_num, $recent_array[$key][$recent_num]); } } for (; $recent_num < $recent_max; $recent_num++) { foreach ($recent_prefkeys as $key) { asearch_removePref($data_dir, $username, $key, $recent_num); } } } /* forget a recent search */ function asearch_forget_recent($data_dir, $username, $forget_index) { global $recent_prefkeys; $recent_array = asearch_read_recent($data_dir, $username); foreach ($recent_prefkeys as $key) { array_splice($recent_array[$key], $forget_index, 1); } asearch_write_recent($data_dir, $username, $recent_array); } function asearch_recent_exists($recent_array, $mailbox_array, $biop_array, $unop_array, $where_array, $what_array, $exclude_array) { global $recent_prefkeys; $mailbox_string = asearch_serialize($mailbox_array); $biop_string = asearch_serialize($biop_array); $unop_string = asearch_serialize($unop_array); $where_string = asearch_serialize($where_array); $what_string = asearch_serialize($what_array); $exclude_string = asearch_serialize($exclude_array); $recent_count = count($recent_array[$recent_prefkeys[0]]); for ($recent_num=0; $recent_num<$recent_count; $recent_num++) { if (isset($recent_array[$recent_prefkeys[0]][$recent_num])) { if ( $mailbox_string == $recent_array['asearch_recent_mailbox'][$recent_num] && $biop_string == $recent_array['asearch_recent_biop'][$recent_num] && $unop_string == $recent_array['asearch_recent_unop'][$recent_num] && $where_string == $recent_array['asearch_recent_where'][$recent_num] && $what_string == $recent_array['asearch_recent_what'][$recent_num] && $exclude_string == $recent_array['asearch_recent_exclude'][$recent_num] ) return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /* push a recent search */ function asearch_push_recent($data_dir, $username, $mailbox_array, $biop_array, $unop_array, $where_array, $what_array, $exclude_array) { global $recent_prefkeys; $recent_max = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'search_memory', 0); if ($recent_max > 0) { $recent_array = asearch_read_recent($data_dir, $username); if (!asearch_recent_exists($recent_array, $mailbox_array, $biop_array, $unop_array, $where_array, $what_array, $exclude_array)) { $input = array($where_array, $mailbox_array, $what_array, $biop_array, $unop_array, $exclude_array); $i = 0; foreach ($recent_prefkeys as $key) { array_unshift($recent_array[$key], asearch_serialize($input[$i])); $i++; } asearch_write_recent($data_dir, $username, $recent_array); } } } /* edit a recent search */ function asearch_edit_recent($data_dir, $username, $index) { global $mailbox_array, $biop_array, $unop_array, $where_array, $what_array, $exclude_array; $mailbox_array = asearch_unserialize(asearch_getPref($data_dir, $username, 'asearch_recent_mailbox', $index)); $biop_array = asearch_unserialize(asearch_getPref($data_dir, $username, 'asearch_recent_biop', $index)); $unop_array = asearch_unserialize(asearch_getPref($data_dir, $username, 'asearch_recent_unop', $index)); $where_array = asearch_unserialize(asearch_getPref($data_dir, $username, 'asearch_recent_where', $index)); $what_array = asearch_unserialize(asearch_getPref($data_dir, $username, 'asearch_recent_what', $index)); $exclude_array = asearch_unserialize(asearch_getPref($data_dir, $username, 'asearch_recent_exclude', $index)); } /* edit the last recent search if the prefs permit it */ function asearch_edit_last($data_dir, $username) { if (getPref($data_dir, $username, 'search_memory', 0) > 0) asearch_edit_recent($data_dir, $username, 0); } /* edit a saved search */ function asearch_edit_saved($data_dir, $username, $index) { global $mailbox_array, $biop_array, $unop_array, $where_array, $what_array, $exclude_array; $mailbox_array = asearch_unserialize(asearch_getPref($data_dir, $username, 'asearch_saved_mailbox', $index)); $biop_array = asearch_unserialize(asearch_getPref($data_dir, $username, 'asearch_saved_biop', $index)); $unop_array = asearch_unserialize(asearch_getPref($data_dir, $username, 'asearch_saved_unop', $index)); $where_array = asearch_unserialize(asearch_getPref($data_dir, $username, 'asearch_saved_where', $index)); $what_array = asearch_unserialize(asearch_getPref($data_dir, $username, 'asearch_saved_what', $index)); $exclude_array = asearch_unserialize(asearch_getPref($data_dir, $username, 'asearch_saved_exclude', $index)); } function asearch_write_saved($data_dir, $username, $saved_array) { global $saved_prefkeys; $saved_count = count($saved_array[$saved_prefkeys[0]]); for ($saved_num=0; $saved_num < $saved_count; $saved_num++) { foreach ($saved_prefkeys as $key) { asearch_setPref($data_dir, $username, $key, $saved_num, $saved_array[$key][$saved_num]); } } foreach ($saved_prefkeys as $key) { asearch_removePref($data_dir, $username, $key, $saved_count); } } /* delete a saved search */ function asearch_delete_saved($data_dir, $username, $saved_index) { global $saved_prefkeys; $saved_array = asearch_read_saved($data_dir, $username); $asearch_keys = $saved_prefkeys; foreach ($asearch_keys as $key) { array_splice($saved_array[$key], $saved_index, 1); } asearch_write_saved($data_dir, $username, $saved_array); } /* translate the input date to imap date to local date display, so the user can know if the date is wrong or illegal */ function asearch_get_date_display($what) { $what_parts = sqimap_asearch_parse_date($what); if (count($what_parts) == 4) { if (checkdate($what_parts[2], $what_parts[1], $what_parts[3])) { $what_display = date_intl(_("M j, Y"),mktime(0,0,0,$what_parts[2],$what_parts[1],$what_parts[3])); /*$what_display = $what_parts[1] . ' ' . getMonthName($what_parts[2]) . ' ' . $what_parts[3];*/ } else $what_display = _("(Illegal date)"); } else $what_display = _("(Wrong date)"); return $what_display; } /* translate the query to rough natural display */ function asearch_get_query_display($color, $mailbox_array, $biop_array, $unop_array, $where_array, $what_array, $exclude_array) { global $imap_asearch_biops_in, $imap_asearch_biops, $imap_asearch_unops, $imap_asearch_options; global $imap_asearch_opcodes; $last_mailbox = $mailbox_array[0]; if (empty($last_mailbox)) $last_mailbox = 'INBOX'; $query_display = ''; for ($crit_num=0; $crit_num < count($where_array); $crit_num++) { if ((!isset($exclude_array[$crit_num])) || (!$exclude_array[$crit_num])) { $cur_mailbox = $mailbox_array[$crit_num]; if (empty($cur_mailbox)) $cur_mailbox = 'INBOX'; $biop = asearch_nz($biop_array[$crit_num]); if (($query_display == '') || ($cur_mailbox != $last_mailbox)) { $mailbox_display = ' ' . asearch_get_mailbox_display($cur_mailbox) . ''; if ($query_display == '') $biop_display = _("In"); else $biop_display = $imap_asearch_biops_in[$biop]; $last_mailbox = $cur_mailbox; } else { $mailbox_display = ''; $biop_display = $imap_asearch_biops[$biop]; } $biop_display = ' ' . $biop_display . ''; $unop = $unop_array[$crit_num]; $unop_display = $imap_asearch_unops[$unop]; $where = $where_array[$crit_num]; $where_display = $imap_asearch_options[$where]; if ($unop_display != '') $where_display = ' ' . $unop_display . ' ' . $where_display . ''; else $where_display = ' ' . $where_display . ''; $what_type = $imap_asearch_opcodes[$where]; $what = $what_array[$crit_num]; if ($what_type) { /* Check opcode parameter */ if ($what == '') $what_display = ' ' . asearch_get_error_display($color, _("(Missing argument)")); else { if ($what_type == 'adate') $what_display = asearch_get_date_display($what); else $what_display = htmlspecialchars($what); $what_display = ' ' . $what_display . ''; } } else { if ($what) $what_display = ' ' . asearch_get_error_display($color, _("(Spurious argument)")); else $what_display = ''; } $query_display .= ' ' . $biop_display . $mailbox_display . $where_display . $what_display; } } return $query_display; } /* Handle the alternate row colors */ function asearch_get_row_color($color, $row_num) { /*$color_string = ($row_num%2 ? $color[0] : $color[4]);*/ $color_string = $color[4]; if ($GLOBALS['alt_index_colors']) { if (($row_num % 2) == 0) { if (!isset($color[12])) $color[12] = '#EAEAEA'; $color_string = $color[12]; } } return $color_string; } /* Print a whole query array, recent or saved */ function asearch_print_query_array($query_array, $query_keys, $action_array, $title) { global $color; echo "
\n"; echo html_tag( 'table', '', 'center', $color[9], 'width="95%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0"' ); echo html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', asearch_get_title_display($color, $title), 'center', $color[5], 'colspan=5')); $main_key = $query_keys[0]; $query_count = count($query_array[$main_key]); for ($query_num=0, $row_num=0; $query_num<$query_count; $query_num++) { if (!empty($query_array[$main_key][$query_num])) { echo html_tag('tr', '', '', asearch_get_row_color($color, $row_num)); unset($search_array); foreach ($query_keys as $query_key) { $search_array[] = asearch_unserialize($query_array[$query_key][$query_num]); } $mailbox_array = $search_array[1]; $biop_array = $search_array[3]; $unop_array = $search_array[4]; $where_array = $search_array[0]; $what_array = $search_array[2]; $exclude_array = $search_array[5]; $query_display = asearch_get_query_display($color, $mailbox_array, $biop_array, $unop_array, $where_array, $what_array, $exclude_array); echo html_tag( 'td', $query_num+1, 'right'); echo html_tag( 'td', $query_display, 'center', '', 'width="80%"'); foreach ($action_array as $action => $action_display) { echo html_tag('td', '' . $action_display . '', 'center'); } echo '' . "\n"; $row_num++; } } echo '' . "\n"; } /* print the saved array */ function asearch_print_saved($data_dir, $username) { global $saved_prefkeys; $saved_array = asearch_read_saved($data_dir, $username); if (isset($saved_array[$saved_prefkeys[0]])) { $saved_count = count($saved_array[$saved_prefkeys[0]]); if ($saved_count > 0) { $saved_actions = array('edit_saved' => _("edit"), 'search_saved' => _("search"), 'delete_saved' => _("delete")); asearch_print_query_array($saved_array, $saved_prefkeys, $saved_actions, _("Saved Searches")); } } } /* print the recent array */ function asearch_print_recent($data_dir, $username) { global $recent_prefkeys; $recent_array = asearch_read_recent($data_dir, $username); if (isset($recent_array[$recent_prefkeys[0]])) { $recent_count = count($recent_array[$recent_prefkeys[0]]); $recent_max = min($recent_count, getPref($data_dir, $username, 'search_memory', 0)); if ($recent_max > 0) { $recent_actions = array('save_recent' => _("save"), 'search_recent' => _("search"), 'forget_recent' => _("forget")); asearch_print_query_array($recent_array, $recent_prefkeys, $recent_actions, _("Recent Searches")); } } } /* build an ' . "\n"; } /* build a ' . "\n"; foreach($opt_array as $val => $display) $output .= asearch_opt($val, $cur_val, $display); $output .= '' . "\n"; return $output; } /* print one form row */ function asearch_print_form_row($imapConnection, $boxes, $mailbox, $biop, $unop, $where, $what, $exclude, $row_num) { global $imap_asearch_biops_in, $imap_asearch_unops, $imap_asearch_options; global $color; echo html_tag( 'tr', '', '', $color[4]); echo html_tag( 'td', '', 'center' ); /* Binary operator */ if ($row_num) echo asearch_opt_array('biop[' . $row_num . ']', $imap_asearch_biops_in, $biop); else echo /*'' .*/ '' . _("In") . ''; echo "\n"; echo html_tag( 'td', '', 'center' ); /* Mailbox list */ echo '' . "\n"; /* Unary operator and Search location */ if (empty($where)) $where = 'FROM'; echo html_tag( 'td', asearch_opt_array('unop[' . $row_num . ']', $imap_asearch_unops, $unop) . asearch_opt_array('where[' . $row_num . ']', $imap_asearch_options, $where), 'center'); /* Text input */ /* This is the original stuff. Except it doesn't work (eg commas are lost), why so much trouble? $what_disp = str_replace(',', ' ', $what); $what_disp = str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $what_disp); $what_disp = str_replace('\\"', '"', $what_disp); $what_disp = str_replace('"', '"', $what_disp);*/ $what_disp = htmlspecialchars($what, ENT_QUOTES); echo html_tag( 'td', '', 'center' ) . "\n"; /* Exclude criteria */ echo html_tag( 'td', _("Exclude Criteria:") . '', 'center', '') . "\n"; echo "\n"; } /* print the search form */ function asearch_print_form($imapConnection, $boxes, $mailbox_array, $biop_array, $unop_array, $where_array, $what_array, $exclude_array, $add_criteria) { global $search_button_html, $add_criteria_button_html, $del_excluded_button_html, $del_all_button_html; global $color; /* Search Form */ echo "
\n"; echo '
' . "\n"; echo html_tag( 'table', '', 'center', $color[9], 'width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0"' ); echo html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', asearch_get_title_display($color, _("Search Criteria")), 'center', $color[5], 'colspan=5')); $row_count = count($where_array) + $add_criteria; $mailbox = ''; for ($row_num = 0; $row_num < $row_count; $row_num++) { /* Keep the last non-empty mailbox as default choice */ if (strip_tags(asearch_nz($mailbox_array[$row_num])) != '') $mailbox = strip_tags($mailbox_array[$row_num]); if ($mailbox == '') $mailbox = $boxes[0]['unformatted']; $biop = strip_tags(asearch_nz($biop_array[$row_num])); $unop = strip_tags(asearch_nz($unop_array[$row_num])); $where = strip_tags(asearch_nz($where_array[$row_num])); $what = asearch_nz($what_array[$row_num]); $exclude = strip_tags(asearch_nz($exclude_array[$row_num])); asearch_print_form_row($imapConnection, $boxes, $mailbox, $biop, $unop, $where, $what, $exclude, $row_num); } echo '' . "\n"; /* Submit buttons */ echo html_tag('table', '', 'center', $color[9], 'width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="0"' ); echo html_tag('tr', html_tag('td', getButton('SUBMIT', 'submit', $search_button_html), 'center') . "\n" . html_tag('td', getButton('SUBMIT', 'submit', $add_criteria_button_html), 'center') . "\n" . html_tag('td', getButton('SUBMIT', 'submit', $del_all_button_html), 'center') . "\n" . html_tag('td', getButton('SUBMIT', 'submit', $del_excluded_button_html), 'center') . "\n" ); echo '' . "\n"; echo '
' . "\n"; } /* print the $msgs messages from $mailbox mailbox */ /* this is almost the original code */ function asearch_print_mailbox_msgs($msgs, $mailbox, $cnt, $imapConnection, $where, $what, $usecache = false, $newsort = false) { global $sort, $color; if ($cnt > 0) { $msort = calc_msort($msgs, $sort); $showbox = asearch_get_mailbox_display($mailbox); echo html_tag( 'div', '' . _("Folder:") . ' '. $showbox.'','center') . "\n"; $msg_cnt_str = get_msgcnt_str(1, $cnt, $cnt); $toggle_all = get_selectall_link(1, $sort); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; mail_message_listing_beginning($imapConnection, $mailbox, $sort, $msg_cnt_str, $toggle_all, 1); echo '
'; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo '
'; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo '
'; printHeader($mailbox, 6, $color, false); displayMessageArray($imapConnection, $cnt, 1, $msort, $mailbox, $sort, $color, $cnt, $where, $what); echo '
'; echo '
'; mail_message_listing_end($cnt, '', $msg_cnt_str, $color); echo '
'; } } /* ------------------------ main ------------------------ */ global $allow_thread_sort; /* get globals we may need */ sqgetGlobalVar('username', $username, SQ_SESSION); sqgetGlobalVar('key', $key, SQ_COOKIE); sqgetGlobalVar('delimiter', $delimiter, SQ_SESSION); /* we really need this? */ /*sqgetGlobalVar('onetimepad', $onetimepad, SQ_SESSION);*/ /* do we really need this? */ $recent_prefkeys = array('asearch_recent_where', 'asearch_recent_mailbox', 'asearch_recent_what', 'asearch_recent_biop', 'asearch_recent_unop', 'asearch_recent_exclude'); $saved_prefkeys = array('asearch_saved_where', 'asearch_saved_mailbox', 'asearch_saved_what', 'asearch_saved_biop', 'asearch_saved_unop', 'asearch_saved_exclude'); /*$asearch_keys = array('where', 'mailbox', 'what', 'biop', 'unop', 'exclude');*/ $search_button_html = _("Search"); $search_button_text = asearch_unhtmlentities($search_button_html); $add_criteria_button_html = _("Add New Criteria"); $add_criteria_button_text = asearch_unhtmlentities($add_criteria_button_html); $del_excluded_button_html = _("Remove Excluded Criteria"); $del_excluded_button_text = asearch_unhtmlentities($del_excluded_button_html); $del_all_button_html = _("Remove All Criteria"); $del_all_button_text = asearch_unhtmlentities($del_all_button_html); $imap_asearch_options = array( /* , */ /*'ALL' is binary operator */ 'ANSWERED' => _("Answered"), 'BCC' => _("Bcc"), 'BEFORE' => _("Before"), 'BODY' => _("Message Body"), 'CC' => _("CC"), 'DELETED' => _("Deleted"), 'DRAFT' => _("Draft"), 'FLAGGED' => _("Flagged"), 'FROM' => _("Sent By"), 'HEADER' => _("Header Field"), 'KEYWORD' => _("Keyword"), 'LARGER' => _("Larger Than"), 'NEW' => _("New"), /*'NOT' is unary operator */ 'OLD' => _("Old"), 'ON' => _("On"), /*'OR' is binary operator */ 'RECENT' => _("Recent"), 'SEEN' => _("Seen"), 'SENTBEFORE' => _("Sent Before"), 'SENTON' => _("Sent On"), 'SENTSINCE' => _("Sent Since"), 'SINCE' => _("Since"), 'SMALLER' => _("Smaller Than"), 'SUBJECT' => _("Subject Contains"), 'TEXT' => _("Header and Body"), 'TO' => _("Sent To"), /*'UID' => 'anum',*/ /*'UNANSWERED' => '', 'UNDELETED' => '', 'UNDRAFT' => '', 'UNFLAGGED' => '', 'UNKEYWORD' => _("Unkeyword"), 'UNSEEN' => _("Unseen"),*/ ); uasort($imap_asearch_options, 'asearch_unhtml_strcoll'); $imap_asearch_unops = array( '' => '', 'NOT' => _("Not") ); $imap_asearch_biops_in = array( 'ALL' => _("And In"), 'OR' => _("Or In") ); $imap_asearch_biops = array( 'ALL' => _("And"), 'OR' => _("Or") ); /* unset : Enter key, or called from outside (eg read_body) $search_button_text : Search button 'Search_no_update' : Search but don't update recent 'Search_last' : Same as no_update but reload and search last 'Search_silent' : Same as no_update but only display results $add_criteria_button_text : Add New Criteria button $del_excluded_button_text : Remove Excluded Criteria button $del_all_button_text : Remove All Criteria button 'save_recent' 'search_recent' 'forget_recent' 'edit_saved' 'search_saved' 'delete_saved' */ if (isset($_GET['submit'])) $submit = strip_tags($_GET['submit']); /* Used by search */ if (isset($_GET['mailbox'])) { $mailbox_array = $_GET['mailbox']; if (!is_array($mailbox_array)) $mailbox_array = array($mailbox_array); } else $mailbox_array = array(); if (isset($_GET['biop'])) { $biop_array = $_GET['biop']; if (!is_array($biop_array)) $biop_array = array($biop_array); } else $biop_array = array(); if (isset($_GET['unop'])) { $unop_array = $_GET['unop']; if (!is_array($unop_array)) $unop_array = array($unop_array); } else $unop_array = array(); if (isset($_GET['where'])) { $where_array = $_GET['where']; if (!is_array($where_array)) $where_array = array($where_array); } else $where_array = array(); if (isset($_GET['what'])) { $what_array = $_GET['what']; if (!is_array($what_array)) $what_array = array($what_array); } else $what_array = array(); if (isset($_GET['exclude'])) $exclude_array = $_GET['exclude']; else $exclude_array = array(); /* Used by recent and saved stuff */ if (isset($_GET['rownum'])) { $submit_rownum = strip_tags($_GET['rownum']); } /* end of get globals */ $search_silent = FALSE; /* Default is normal behaviour */ /* See how the page was called and fire off correct function */ if ((!isset($submit) || empty($submit)) && !empty($where_array)) { /* This happens when the Enter key is used or called from outside */ $submit = $search_button_text; if (count($where_array) != count($unop_array)) /* Hack needed to handle coming back from read_body et als */ asearch_edit_last($data_dir, $username); } if (!isset($submit)) { $submit = ''; } else { switch ($submit) { case $search_button_text: if (asearch_check_query($where_array, $what_array, $exclude_array) == '') asearch_push_recent($data_dir, $username, $mailbox_array, $biop_array, $unop_array, $where_array, $what_array, $exclude_array); break; case 'Search_silent': $search_silent = TRUE; /*nobreak;*/ case 'Search_no_update': $submit = $search_button_text; break; case $del_excluded_button_text: $delarray = array_keys($exclude_array); while (!empty($delarray)) { $delrow = array_pop($delarray); array_splice($mailbox_array, $delrow, 1); array_splice($biop_array, $delrow, 1); array_splice($unop_array, $delrow, 1); array_splice($where_array, $delrow, 1); array_splice($what_array, $delrow, 1); /* array_splice($exclude_array, $delrow, 1);*/ /* There is still some php magic that eludes me */ } $exclude_array = array(); break; case $del_all_button_text: $mailbox_array = array(); $biop_array = array(); $unop_array = array(); $where_array = array(); $what_array = array(); $exclude_array = array(); break; case 'save_recent': asearch_save_recent($data_dir, $username, $submit_rownum); break; case 'search_recent': $submit = $search_button_text; /*nobreak;*/ case 'edit_recent': /* no link to do this, yet */ asearch_edit_recent($data_dir, $username, $submit_rownum); break; case 'forget_recent': asearch_forget_recent($data_dir, $username, $submit_rownum); break; case 'search_saved': $submit = $search_button_text; /*nobreak;*/ case 'edit_saved': asearch_edit_saved($data_dir, $username, $submit_rownum); break; case 'delete_saved': asearch_delete_saved($data_dir, $username, $submit_rownum); break; } } /* open IMAP connection */ $imapConnection = sqimap_login($username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 0); /* get mailbox names once here */ $boxes = sqimap_mailbox_list($imapConnection); if (isset($mailbox_array[0])) { $mailbox = strip_tags($mailbox_array[0]); } if (empty($mailbox)) $mailbox = $boxes[0]['unformatted']; if (isset($composenew) && $composenew) { $comp_uri = "../src/compose.php?mailbox=" . urlencode($mailbox) . "&session=$composesession&attachedmessages=true&"; displayPageHeader($color, $mailbox, "comp_in_new('$comp_uri');", false); } else displayPageHeader($color, $mailbox); do_hook('search_before_form'); if (!$search_silent) { echo html_tag( 'table', html_tag( 'tr', "\n" . html_tag( 'td', asearch_get_title_display($color, _("Search")), 'center', $color[0] ) ) , '', '', 'width="100%"') . "\n"; asearch_print_saved($data_dir, $username); asearch_print_recent($data_dir, $username); if (($submit == $add_criteria_button_text) || (empty($where_array))) $new_row = 1; else $new_row = 0; asearch_print_form($imapConnection, $boxes, $mailbox_array, $biop_array, $unop_array, $where_array, $what_array, $exclude_array, $new_row); } /* This deserves a comment, at least. What is it for exactly? */ if (isset($newsort)) { $sort = $newsort; sqsession_register($sort, 'sort'); } /********************************************************************* * Check to see if we can use cache or not. Currently the only time * * when you will not use it is when a link on the left hand frame is * * used. Also check to make sure we actually have the array in the * * registered session data. :) * *********************************************************************/ if (! isset($use_mailbox_cache)) { $use_mailbox_cache = 0; } /* There is a problem with registered vars in 4.1 */ /* if( substr( phpversion(), 0, 3 ) == '4.1' ) { $use_mailbox_cache = FALSE; } */ do_hook('search_after_form'); if ($submit == $search_button_text) { echo html_tag( 'table', '', 'center', $color[9], 'width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="0"' ); echo html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', asearch_get_title_display($color, _("Search Results")), 'center', $color[5])); echo html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', asearch_get_query_display($color, $mailbox_array, $biop_array, $unop_array, $where_array, $what_array, $exclude_array), 'center', $color[4])); echo '
' . "\n"; $query_error = asearch_check_query($where_array, $what_array, $exclude_array); if ($query_error != '') echo '
' . html_tag( 'div', asearch_get_error_display($color, $query_error), 'center' ) . "\n"; else { $old_allow_thread_sort = 0; if ($allow_thread_sort == TRUE) { $old_allow_thread_sort = $allow_thread_sort; $allow_thread_sort = FALSE; } $boxcount = count($boxes); for ($boxnum=0; $boxnum<$boxcount; $boxnum++) { if (!in_array('noselect', $boxes[$boxnum]['flags'])) $mboxes_array[] = $boxes[$boxnum]['unformatted']; } $mboxes_msgs = sqimap_asearch($imapConnection, $mailbox_array, $biop_array, $unop_array, $where_array, $what_array, $exclude_array, $mboxes_array); if (empty($mboxes_msgs)) echo '
' . html_tag( 'div', asearch_get_error_display($color, _("No Messages Found")), 'center' ) . "\n"; else { foreach($mboxes_msgs as $mailbox => $msgs) { sqimap_mailbox_select($imapConnection, $mailbox); $msgs = fillMessageArray($imapConnection, $msgs, count($msgs)); /* For now just keep the first criteria to make the regular search happy if the user tries to come back to search */ /* $where = asearch_serialize($where_array); $what = asearch_serialize($what_array);*/ $where = $where_array[0]; $what = $what_array[0]; asearch_print_mailbox_msgs($msgs, $mailbox, count($msgs), $imapConnection, urlencode($where), urlencode($what), false, false); } } $allow_thread_sort = $old_allow_thread_sort; } } do_hook('search_bottom'); sqimap_logout($imapConnection); echo ''; ?>