$value) { if ($passed_id == $value) { if ($key == $count) { break; } $result = $uidset[$key + 1]; break; } } return $result; } /** * Given an IMAP message id number, this will look it up in the cached * and sorted msgs array and return the index of the previous message * * @param int $passed_id The current message UID * @return the index of the next valid message from the array */ function findPreviousMessage($uidset, $passed_id) { if (!is_array($uidset)) { //obsolete check sqgetGlobalVar('server_sort_array',$server_sort_array,SQ_SESSION); $uidset = $server_sort_array; } $result = -1; foreach($uidset as $key=>$value) { if ($passed_id == $value) { if ($key != 0) { $result = $uidset[$key - 1]; } break; } } return $result; } /** * Displays a link to a page where the message is displayed more * "printer friendly". * @param string $mailbox Name of current mailbox * @param int $passed_id */ function printer_friendly_link($mailbox, $passed_id, $passed_ent_id) { global $javascript_on, $color; $params = '?passed_ent_id=' . urlencode($passed_ent_id) . '&mailbox=' . urlencode($mailbox) . '&passed_id=' . urlencode($passed_id); $print_text = _("View Printable Version"); $result = ''; /* Output the link. */ if ($javascript_on) { $result = '\n" . "$print_text\n"; } else { $result = '$print_text\n"; } return $result; } function ServerMDNSupport($aFlags) { /* escaping $ doesn't work -> \x36 */ return (array_search('$mdnsent',$aFlags,true) !== false || array_search('\\*',$aFlags,true) !== false) ? true : false; //$ret = preg_match('/(\x36MDNSent|\\\\\*)/i', $read); //return $ret; } function SendMDN ( $mailbox, $passed_id, $sender, $message, $imapConnection) { global $username, $attachment_dir, $version, $attachments, $squirrelmail_language, $default_charset, $languages, $useSendmail, $domain, $sent_folder, $popuser, $data_dir, $username; sqgetGlobalVar('SERVER_NAME', $SERVER_NAME, SQ_SERVER); $header = $message->rfc822_header; $hashed_attachment_dir = getHashedDir($username, $attachment_dir); $rfc822_header = new Rfc822Header(); $content_type = new ContentType('multipart/report'); $content_type->properties['report-type']='disposition-notification'; set_my_charset(); if ($default_charset) { $content_type->properties['charset']=$default_charset; } $rfc822_header->content_type = $content_type; $rfc822_header->to[] = $header->dnt; $rfc822_header->subject = _("Read:") . ' ' . encodeHeader($header->subject); // Patch #793504 Return Receipt Failing with <@> from Tim Craig (burny_md) // This merely comes from compose.php and only happens when there is no // email_addr specified in user's identity (which is the startup config) if (ereg("^([^@%/]+)[@%/](.+)$", $username, $usernamedata)) { $popuser = $usernamedata[1]; $domain = $usernamedata[2]; unset($usernamedata); } else { $popuser = $username; } $reply_to = ''; $ident = get_identities(); if(!isset($identity)) $identity = 0; $full_name = $ident[$identity]['full_name']; $from_mail = $ident[$identity]['email_address']; $from_addr = '"'.$full_name.'" <'.$from_mail.'>'; $reply_to = $ident[$identity]['reply_to']; if (!$from_mail) { $from_mail = "$popuser@$domain"; $from_addr = $from_mail; } $rfc822_header->from = $rfc822_header->parseAddress($from_addr,true); if ($reply_to) { $rfc822_header->reply_to = $rfc822_header->parseAddress($reply_to,true); } // part 1 (RFC2298) $senton = getLongDateString( $header->date ); $to_array = $header->to; $to = ''; foreach ($to_array as $line) { $to .= ' '.$line->getAddress(); } $now = getLongDateString( time() ); set_my_charset(); $body = _("Your message") . "\r\n\r\n" . "\t" . _("To:") . ' ' . decodeHeader($to,false,false) . "\r\n" . "\t" . _("Subject:") . ' ' . decodeHeader($header->subject,false,false) . "\r\n" . "\t" . _("Sent:") . ' ' . $senton . "\r\n" . "\r\n" . sprintf( _("Was displayed on %s"), $now ); $special_encoding = ''; if (isset($languages[$squirrelmail_language]['XTRA_CODE']) && function_exists($languages[$squirrelmail_language]['XTRA_CODE'])) { $body = $languages[$squirrelmail_language]['XTRA_CODE']('encode', $body); if (strtolower($default_charset) == 'iso-2022-jp') { if (mb_detect_encoding($body) == 'ASCII') { $special_encoding = '8bit'; } else { $body = mb_convert_encoding($body, 'JIS'); $special_encoding = '7bit'; } } } $part1 = new Message(); $part1->setBody($body); $mime_header = new MessageHeader; $mime_header->type0 = 'text'; $mime_header->type1 = 'plain'; if ($special_encoding) { $mime_header->encoding = $special_encoding; } else { $mime_header->encoding = 'us-ascii'; } if ($default_charset) { $mime_header->parameters['charset'] = $default_charset; } $part1->mime_header = $mime_header; // part2 (RFC2298) $original_recipient = $to; $original_message_id = $header->message_id; $report = "Reporting-UA : $SERVER_NAME ; SquirrelMail (version $version) \r\n"; if ($original_recipient != '') { $report .= "Original-Recipient : $original_recipient\r\n"; } $final_recipient = $sender; $report .= "Final-Recipient: rfc822; $final_recipient\r\n" . "Original-Message-ID : $original_message_id\r\n" . "Disposition: manual-action/MDN-sent-manually; displayed\r\n"; $part2 = new Message(); $part2->setBody($report); $mime_header = new MessageHeader; $mime_header->type0 = 'message'; $mime_header->type1 = 'disposition-notification'; $mime_header->encoding = 'us-ascii'; $part2->mime_header = $mime_header; $composeMessage = new Message(); $composeMessage->rfc822_header = $rfc822_header; $composeMessage->addEntity($part1); $composeMessage->addEntity($part2); if ($useSendmail) { require_once(SM_PATH . 'class/deliver/Deliver_SendMail.class.php'); global $sendmail_path; $deliver = new Deliver_SendMail(); $stream = $deliver->initStream($composeMessage,$sendmail_path); } else { require_once(SM_PATH . 'class/deliver/Deliver_SMTP.class.php'); $deliver = new Deliver_SMTP(); global $smtpServerAddress, $smtpPort, $smtp_auth_mech, $pop_before_smtp; $authPop = (isset($pop_before_smtp) && $pop_before_smtp) ? true : false; get_smtp_user($user, $pass); $stream = $deliver->initStream($composeMessage,$domain,0, $smtpServerAddress, $smtpPort, $user, $pass, $authPop); } $success = false; if ($stream) { $length = $deliver->mail($composeMessage, $stream); $success = $deliver->finalizeStream($stream); } if (!$success) { $msg = $deliver->dlv_msg . '
' . _("Server replied: ") . $deliver->dlv_ret_nr . ' '. $deliver->dlv_server_msg; require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/display_messages.php'); plain_error_message($msg, $color); } else { unset ($deliver); if (sqimap_mailbox_exists ($imapConnection, $sent_folder)) { sqimap_append ($imapConnection, $sent_folder, $length); require_once(SM_PATH . 'class/deliver/Deliver_IMAP.class.php'); $imap_deliver = new Deliver_IMAP(); $imap_deliver->mail($composeMessage, $imapConnection); sqimap_append_done ($imapConnection); unset ($imap_deliver); } } return $success; } function ToggleMDNflag ($set ,$imapConnection, $mailbox, $passed_id) { $sg = $set?'+':'-'; $cmd = 'STORE ' . $passed_id . ' ' . $sg . 'FLAGS ($MDNSent)'; $read = sqimap_run_command ($imapConnection, $cmd, true, $response, $readmessage, TRUE); } function ClearAttachments() { global $username, $attachments, $attachment_dir; $hashed_attachment_dir = getHashedDir($username, $attachment_dir); $rem_attachments = array(); if (isset($attachments)) { foreach ($attachments as $info) { if ($info['session'] == -1) { $attached_file = "$hashed_attachment_dir/$info[localfilename]"; if (file_exists($attached_file)) { unlink($attached_file); } } else { $rem_attachments[] = $info; } } } $attachments = $rem_attachments; } function formatRecipientString($recipients, $item ) { global $show_more_cc, $show_more, $show_more_bcc, $PHP_SELF; $string = ''; if ((is_array($recipients)) && (isset($recipients[0]))) { $show = false; if ($item == 'to') { if ($show_more) { $show = true; $url = set_url_var($PHP_SELF, 'show_more',0); } else { $url = set_url_var($PHP_SELF, 'show_more',1); } } else if ($item == 'cc') { if ($show_more_cc) { $show = true; $url = set_url_var($PHP_SELF, 'show_more_cc',0); } else { $url = set_url_var($PHP_SELF, 'show_more_cc',1); } } else if ($item == 'bcc') { if ($show_more_bcc) { $show = true; $url = set_url_var($PHP_SELF, 'show_more_bcc',0); } else { $url = set_url_var($PHP_SELF, 'show_more_bcc',1); } } $cnt = count($recipients); foreach($recipients as $r) { $add = decodeHeader($r->getAddress(true)); if ($string) { $string .= '
' . $add; } else { $string = $add; if ($cnt > 1) { $string .= ' ('._("less").')'; } else { $string .= '">'._("more").')'; break; } } } } } return $string; } function formatEnvheader($aMailbox, $passed_id, $passed_ent_id, $message, $color, $FirstTimeSee) { global $msn_user_support, $default_use_mdn, $default_use_priority, $show_xmailer_default, $mdn_user_support, $PHP_SELF, $javascript_on, $squirrelmail_language; $mailbox = $aMailbox['NAME'] ; $header = $message->rfc822_header; $env = array(); $env[_("Subject")] = str_replace(" "," ",decodeHeader($header->subject)); $from_name = $header->getAddr_s('from'); if (!$from_name) $from_name = $header->getAddr_s('sender'); if (!$from_name) $env[_("From")] = _("Unknown sender"); else $env[_("From")] = decodeHeader($from_name); $env[_("Date")] = getLongDateString($header->date); $env[_("To")] = formatRecipientString($header->to, "to"); $env[_("Cc")] = formatRecipientString($header->cc, "cc"); $env[_("Bcc")] = formatRecipientString($header->bcc, "bcc"); if ($default_use_priority) { $env[_("Priority")] = htmlspecialchars(getPriorityStr($header->priority)); } if ($show_xmailer_default) { $env[_("Mailer")] = decodeHeader($header->xmailer); } if ($default_use_mdn) { if ($mdn_user_support) { if ($header->dnt) { if ($message->is_mdnsent) { $env[_("Read receipt")] = _("sent"); } else { $env[_("Read receipt")] = _("requested"); if (!(handleAsSent($mailbox) || $message->is_deleted || $passed_ent_id)) { $mdn_url = $PHP_SELF . '&sendreceipt=1'; if ($FirstTimeSee && $javascript_on) { $script = ''. "\n"; echo $script; } $env[_("Read receipt")] .= ' [' . _("Send read receipt now") . ']'; } } } } } $s = ''; foreach ($env as $key => $val) { if ($val) { $s .= ''; $s .= html_tag('TD', '' . $key . ':  ', 'RIGHT', '', 'VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="20%"') . "\n"; $s .= html_tag('TD', $val, 'left', '', 'VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="80%"') . "\n"; $s .= ''; } } echo '
'."\n"; echo '
'."\n"; echo $s; do_hook('read_body_header'); formatToolbar($mailbox, $passed_id, $passed_ent_id, $message, $color); echo '
'; echo ''."\n"; echo ''; } /** * Format message toolbar * * @param string $mailbox Name of current mailbox * @param int $passed_id UID of current message * @param int $passed_ent_id Id of entity within message * @param object $message Current message object * @param object $mbx_response */ function formatMenubar($aMailbox, $passed_id, $passed_ent_id, $message, $mbx_response, $nav_on_top = TRUE) { global $base_uri, $draft_folder, $where, $what, $color, $sort, $startMessage, $PHP_SELF, $save_as_draft, $enable_forward_as_attachment, $imapConnection, $lastTargetMailbox, $data_dir, $username, $delete_prev_next_display, $compose_new_win, $javascript_on; //FIXME cleanup argument list, use $aMailbox where possible $mailbox = $aMailbox['NAME']; $topbar_delimiter = ' | '; $double_delimiter = '    '; $urlMailbox = urlencode($mailbox); $msgs_url = $base_uri . 'src/'; // BEGIN NAV ROW - PREV/NEXT, DEL PREV/NEXT, LINKS TO INDEX, etc. $nav_row = ''; // Create Prev & Next links // Handle nested entities first (i.e. Mime Attach parts) if (isset($passed_ent_id) && $passed_ent_id) { // code for navigating through attached message/rfc822 messages $url = set_url_var($PHP_SELF, 'passed_ent_id',0); $entities = array(); $entity_count = array(); $c = 0; foreach($message->parent->entities as $ent) { if ($ent->type0 == 'message' && $ent->type1 == 'rfc822') { $c++; $entity_count[$c] = $ent->entity_id; $entities[$ent->entity_id] = $c; } } $prev_link = _("Previous"); if($entities[$passed_ent_id] > 1) { $prev_ent_id = $entity_count[$entities[$passed_ent_id] - 1]; $prev_link = '' . $prev_link . ''; } $next_link = _("Next"); if($entities[$passed_ent_id] < $c) { $next_ent_id = $entity_count[$entities[$passed_ent_id] + 1]; $next_link = '' . $next_link . ''; } $par_ent_id = $message->parent->entity_id; $up_link = ''; if ($par_ent_id) { $par_ent_id = substr($par_ent_id,0,-2); if ( $par_ent_id != 0 ) { $up_link = $topbar_delimiter; $url = set_url_var($PHP_SELF, 'passed_ent_id',$par_ent_id); $up_link .= ''._("Up").''; } } $nav_row .= $prev_link . $up_link . $topbar_delimiter . $next_link; $nav_row .= $double_delimiter . '['._("View Message").']'; // Prev/Next links for regular messages } else if ( !(isset($where) && isset($what)) ) { $prev = findPreviousMessage($aMailbox['UIDSET'], $passed_id); $next = findNextMessage($aMailbox['UIDSET'],$passed_id); $prev_link = _("Previous"); if ($prev >= 0) { $uri = $base_uri . 'src/read_body.php?passed_id='.$prev. '&mailbox='.$urlMailbox.'&sort='.$sort. '&startMessage='.$startMessage.'&show_more=0'; $prev_link = ''.$prev_link.''; } $next_link = _("Next"); if ($next >= 0) { $uri = $base_uri . 'src/read_body.php?passed_id='.$next. '&mailbox='.$urlMailbox.'&sort='.$sort. '&startMessage='.$startMessage.'&show_more=0'; $next_link = ''.$next_link.''; } // Only bother with Delete & Prev and Delete & Next IF // top display is enabled. if ( $delete_prev_next_display == 1 && array_search('\\deleted', $mbx_response['PERMANENTFLAGS'],true) !== false) { $del_prev_link = _("Delete & Prev"); if ($prev >= 0) { $uri = $base_uri . 'src/read_body.php?passed_id='.$prev. '&mailbox='.$urlMailbox.'&sort='.$sort. '&startMessage='.$startMessage.'&show_more=0'. '&delete_id='.$passed_id; $del_prev_link = ''.$del_prev_link.''; } $del_next_link = _("Delete & Next"); if ($next >= 0) { $uri = $base_uri . 'src/read_body.php?passed_id='.$next. '&mailbox='.$urlMailbox.'&sort='.$sort. '&startMessage='.$startMessage.'&show_more=0'. '&delete_id='.$passed_id; $del_next_link = ''.$del_next_link.''; } } $nav_row .= '['.$prev_link.$topbar_delimiter.$next_link.']'; if ( isset($del_prev_link) && isset($del_next_link) ) $nav_row .= $double_delimiter.'['.$del_prev_link.$topbar_delimiter.$del_next_link.']'; } // Start with Search Results or Message List link. if (isset($where) && isset($what)) { $msgs_url .= 'search.php?where=' . urlencode($where) . '&what=' . urlencode($what) . '&mailbox=' . $urlMailbox; $msgs_str = _("Search Results"); } else { $msgs_url .= 'right_main.php?sort=' . $sort . '&startMessage=' . $startMessage . '&mailbox=' . $urlMailbox; $msgs_str = _("Message List"); } $nav_row .= $double_delimiter . '[' . $msgs_str . ']'; $nav_row .= ''; // BEGIN MENU ROW - DELETE/REPLY/FORWARD/MOVE/etc. $menu_row = ''; $comp_uri = $base_uri.'src/compose.php' . '?passed_id=' . $passed_id . '&mailbox=' . $urlMailbox . '&startMessage=' . $startMessage . (isset($passed_ent_id) ? '&passed_ent_id='.$passed_ent_id : ''); // Start form for reply/reply all/forward.. $target = ''; $on_click=''; $method='method="post" '; if ($compose_new_win == '1') { if ( $javascript_on ) { $on_click=' onclick="comp_in_new_form(\''.$comp_uri.'\', this, this.form)"'; $comp_uri = 'javascript:void(0)'; $method='method="get" '; } else { $target = 'target="_blank"'; } } $menu_row .= "\n".'
'."\n"; // If Draft folder - create Resume link if (($mailbox == $draft_folder) && ($save_as_draft)) { $new_button = 'smaction_draft'; $comp_alt_string = _("Resume Draft"); } else if (handleAsSent($mailbox)) { // If in Sent folder, edit as new $new_button = 'smaction_edit_new'; $comp_alt_string = _("Edit Message as New"); } // Show Alt URI for Draft/Sent if (isset($comp_alt_string)) $menu_row .= getButton('SUBMIT', $new_button, $comp_alt_string, $on_click) . "\n"; $menu_row .= getButton('SUBMIT', 'smaction_reply', _("Reply"), $on_click) . "\n"; $menu_row .= getButton('SUBMIT', 'smaction_reply_all', _("Reply All"), $on_click) ."\n"; $menu_row .= getButton('SUBMIT', 'smaction_forward', _("Forward"), $on_click); if ($enable_forward_as_attachment) $menu_row .= '' . _("As Attachment") .'  '."\n"; $menu_row .= '
 '; if (array_search('\\deleted', $mbx_response['PERMANENTFLAGS'],true) !== false) { // Form for deletion $delete_url = $base_uri . 'src/delete_message.php?mailbox=' . $urlMailbox; $menu_row .= '
'; if (!(isset($passed_ent_id) && $passed_ent_id)) { $menu_row .= addHidden('message', $passed_id); if ($where && $what) { $menu_row .= addHidden('where', $where); $menu_row .= addHidden('what', $what); } else { $menu_row .= addHidden('sort', $sort); $menu_row .= addHidden('startMessage', $startMessage); } $menu_row .= getButton('SUBMIT', 'delete', _("Delete")); $menu_row .= '' . _("Bypass Trash"); } else $menu_row .= getButton('SUBMIT', 'delete', _("Delete"), '', FALSE) . "\n"; // delete button is disabled $menu_row .= '
'; } // Add top move link $menu_row .= '
'; if ( !(isset($passed_ent_id) && $passed_ent_id) && array_search('\\deleted', $mbx_response['PERMANENTFLAGS'],true) !== false) { $current_box = 'mailbox='.$mailbox.'&sort='.$sort.'&startMessage='.$startMessage; // Set subsequent location based on whether or not there is a 'next' message. if ( isset($next) && $next >= 0 ) { $location = $base_uri . 'src/read_body.php?passed_id='.$next.'&'; } elseif (isset($prev) && $prev >= 0) { $location = $base_uri . 'src/read_body.php?passed_id='.$prev.'&'; } else { $location = $base_uri . 'src/right_main.php?'; } $menu_row .= '
'. ''. addHidden('show_more', '0' ). addHidden('dmn', '1'). addHidden('location', $location.$current_box). addHidden('msg[0]', $passed_id) . _("Move to:") . ' '; $menu_row .= getButton('SUBMIT', 'moveButton',_("Move")) . "\n" . ''; } $menu_row .= ''; // echo rows, with hooks $ret = do_hook_function('read_body_menu_top', array($nav_row, $menu_row)); if (is_array($ret)) { if (isset($ret[0]) && !empty($ret[0])) { $nav_row = $ret[0]; } if (isset($ret[1]) && !empty($ret[1])) { $menu_row = $ret[1]; } } echo ''; echo $nav_on_top ? $nav_row . $menu_row : $menu_row . $nav_row; echo '
'."\n"; do_hook('read_body_menu_bottom'); } function formatToolbar($mailbox, $passed_id, $passed_ent_id, $message, $color) { global $base_uri, $where, $what; $urlMailbox = urlencode($mailbox); $urlPassed_id = urlencode($passed_id); $urlPassed_ent_id = urlencode($passed_ent_id); $query_string = 'mailbox=' . $urlMailbox . '&passed_id=' . $urlPassed_id . '&passed_ent_id=' . $urlPassed_ent_id; if (!empty($where)) { $query_string .= '&where=' . urlencode($where); } if (!empty($what)) { $query_string .= '&what=' . urlencode($what); } $url = $base_uri.'src/view_header.php?'.$query_string; $s = "\n" . html_tag( 'td', '', 'right', '', 'VALIGN="MIDDLE" WIDTH="20%"' ) . '' . _("Options") . ":  \n" . html_tag( 'td', '', 'left', '', 'VALIGN="MIDDLE" WIDTH="80%"' ) . '' . ''._("View Full Header").''; /* Output the printer friendly link if we are in subtle mode. */ $s .= ' | ' . printer_friendly_link($mailbox, $passed_id, $passed_ent_id); echo $s; do_hook("read_body_header_right"); $s = "\n" . "\n"; echo $s; } /***************************/ /* Main of read_body.php */ /***************************/ /* get the globals we may need */ sqgetGlobalVar('key', $key, SQ_COOKIE); sqgetGlobalVar('username', $username, SQ_SESSION); sqgetGlobalVar('onetimepad',$onetimepad, SQ_SESSION); sqgetGlobalVar('delimiter', $delimiter, SQ_SESSION); sqgetGlobalVar('base_uri', $base_uri, SQ_SESSION); sqgetGlobalVar('msgs', $msgs, SQ_SESSION); sqgetGlobalVar('msort', $msort, SQ_SESSION); sqgetGlobalVar('lastTargetMailbox', $lastTargetMailbox, SQ_SESSION); sqgetGlobalVar('server_sort_array', $server_sort_array, SQ_SESSION); if (!sqgetGlobalVar('messages', $messages, SQ_SESSION) ) { $messages = array(); } /** GET VARS */ sqgetGlobalVar('sendreceipt', $sendreceipt, SQ_GET); sqgetGlobalVar('where', $where, SQ_GET); sqgetGlobalVar('what', $what, SQ_GET); if ( sqgetGlobalVar('show_more', $temp, SQ_GET) ) { $show_more = (int) $temp; } if ( sqgetGlobalVar('show_more_cc', $temp, SQ_GET) ) { $show_more_cc = (int) $temp; } if ( sqgetGlobalVar('show_more_bcc', $temp, SQ_GET) ) { $show_more_bcc = (int) $temp; } if ( sqgetGlobalVar('view_hdr', $temp, SQ_GET) ) { $view_hdr = (int) $temp; } /** GET/POST VARS */ sqgetGlobalVar('passed_ent_id', $passed_ent_id); sqgetGlobalVar('mailbox', $mailbox); if ( sqgetGlobalVar('passed_id', $temp) ) { $passed_id = (int) $temp; } if ( sqgetGlobalVar('sort', $temp) ) { $sort = (int) $temp; } if ( sqgetGlobalVar('startMessage', $temp) ) { $startMessage = (int) $temp; } /* end of get globals */ global $sqimap_capabilities, $lastTargetMailbox; $imapConnection = sqimap_login($username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 0); $mbx_response = sqimap_mailbox_select($imapConnection, $mailbox, false, false, true); global $allow_thread_sort, $auto_expunge; if ($allow_thread_sort && getPref($data_dir, $username, "thread_$mailbox",0)) { $aMailbox['SORT_METHOD'] = 'THREAD'; } else if ($allow_server_sort) { $aMailbox['SORT_METHOD'] = 'SERVER'; } else { $aMailbox['SORT_METHOD'] = 'SQUIRREL'; } sqgetGlobalVar('aLastSelectedMailbox',$aMailbox,SQ_SESSION); $aMailbox['UIDSET'] = $server_sort_array; $aMailbox['SORT'] = $sort; $aMailbox['NAME'] = $mailbox; $aMailbox['EXISTS'] = $mbx_response['EXISTS']; $aMailbox['AUTO_EXPUNGE'] = $auto_expunge; $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'] = $msgs; /** * Process Delete from delete-move-next * but only if delete_id was set */ if ( sqgetGlobalVar('delete_id', $delete_id, SQ_GET) ) { sqimap_messages_delete($imapConnection, $delete_id, $delete_id, $mailbox); sqimap_mailbox_expunge_dmn($imapConnection,$aMailbox,$delete_id); } /** * $message contains all information about the message * including header and body */ $uidvalidity = $mbx_response['UIDVALIDITY']; if (!isset($messages[$uidvalidity])) { $messages[$uidvalidity] = array(); } if (!isset($messages[$uidvalidity][$passed_id]) || $delete_id) { $message = sqimap_get_message($imapConnection, $passed_id, $mailbox); $FirstTimeSee = !$message->is_seen; $message->is_seen = true; $messages[$uidvalidity][$passed_id] = $message; } else { // $message = sqimap_get_message($imapConnection, $passed_id, $mailbox); $message = $messages[$uidvalidity][$passed_id]; $FirstTimeSee = !$message->is_seen; } if (isset($passed_ent_id) && $passed_ent_id) { $message = $message->getEntity($passed_ent_id); if ($message->type0 != 'message' && $message->type1 != 'rfc822') { $message = $message->parent; } $read = sqimap_run_command ($imapConnection, "FETCH $passed_id BODY[$passed_ent_id.HEADER]", true, $response, $msg, TRUE); $rfc822_header = new Rfc822Header(); $rfc822_header->parseHeader($read); $message->rfc822_header = $rfc822_header; } else { $passed_ent_id = 0; } $header = $message->header; do_hook('html_top'); /****************************************/ /* Block for handling incoming url vars */ /****************************************/ if (isset($sendreceipt)) { if ( !$message->is_mdnsent ) { $final_recipient = ''; if ((isset($identity)) && ($identity != 0)) //Main identity $final_recipient = trim(getPref($data_dir, $username, 'email_address' . $identity, '' )); if ($final_recipient == '' ) $final_recipient = trim(getPref($data_dir, $username, 'email_address', '' )); $supportMDN = ServerMDNSupport($mbx_response["PERMANENTFLAGS"]); if ( SendMDN( $mailbox, $passed_id, $final_recipient, $message, $imapConnection ) > 0 && $supportMDN ) { ToggleMDNflag( true, $imapConnection, $mailbox, $passed_id); $message->is_mdnsent = true; $messages[$uidvalidity][$passed_id]=$message; } ClearAttachments(); } } /***********************************************/ /* End of block for handling incoming url vars */ /***********************************************/ $msgs[$passed_id]['FLAG_SEEN'] = true; $messagebody = ''; do_hook('read_body_top'); if ($show_html_default == 1) { $ent_ar = $message->findDisplayEntity(array()); } else { $ent_ar = $message->findDisplayEntity(array(), array('text/plain')); } $cnt = count($ent_ar); for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { $messagebody .= formatBody($imapConnection, $message, $color, $wrap_at, $ent_ar[$i], $passed_id, $mailbox); if ($i != $cnt-1) { $messagebody .= '
'; } } displayPageHeader($color, $mailbox); formatMenuBar($aMailbox, $passed_id, $passed_ent_id, $message, $mbx_response); formatEnvheader($aMailbox, $passed_id, $passed_ent_id, $message, $color, $FirstTimeSee); echo ''; echo ' '; echo ''."\n"; $attachmentsdisplay = formatAttachments($message,$ent_ar,$mailbox, $passed_id); if ($attachmentsdisplay) { echo '
'; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo '
'; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo '
'; // echo ' '; echo html_tag( 'table' ,'' , 'left', '', 'cellpadding="1" cellspacing="5" border="0"' ); echo ' ' . html_tag( 'td', '
'. $messagebody."\n", 'left') . ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ''; } echo '
'; echo ' '; echo ' ' . html_tag( 'td', '', 'left', $color[9] ); echo ' ' . _("Attachments") . ':'; echo ' '; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo $attachmentsdisplay; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; /* show attached images inline -- if pref'fed so */ if (($attachment_common_show_images) && is_array($attachment_common_show_images_list)) { foreach ($attachment_common_show_images_list as $img) { $imgurl = SM_PATH . 'src/download.php' . '?' . 'passed_id=' . urlencode($img['passed_id']) . '&mailbox=' . urlencode($mailbox) . '&ent_id=' . urlencode($img['ent_id']) . '&absolute_dl=true'; echo html_tag( 'table', "\n" . html_tag( 'tr', "\n" . html_tag( 'td', '' ."\n", 'left' ) ) , 'center', '', 'cellspacing=0 border="0" cellpadding="2"'); } } formatMenuBar($aMailbox, $passed_id, $passed_ent_id, $message, $mbx_response, FALSE); do_hook('read_body_bottom'); do_hook('html_bottom'); sqimap_logout($imapConnection); /* sessions are written at the end of the script. it's better to register them at the end so we avoid double session_register calls */ sqsession_register($messages,'messages'); ?>