$tit\n"; } if (! isset($action)) { $action = ''; } if (! isset($message_highlight_list)) { $message_highlight_list = array(); } if (isset($theid) && ($action == 'delete') || ($action == 'up') || ($action == 'down')) { // security check sm_validate_security_token($submitted_token, 3600, TRUE); $new_rules = array(); switch($action) { case('delete'): foreach($message_highlight_list as $rid => $rule) { if($rid != $theid) { $new_rules[] = $rule; } } break; case('down'): $theid++; case('up'): foreach($message_highlight_list as $rid => $rule) { if($rid == $theid) { $temp_rule = $new_rules[$rid-1]; $new_rules[$rid-1] = $rule; $new_rules[$rid] = $temp_rule; } else { $new_rules[$rid] = $rule; } } break; default: $new_rules = $message_highlight_list; break; } $message_highlight_list = $new_rules; setPref($data_dir, $username, 'hililist', serialize($message_highlight_list)); header( 'Location: ' .get_location(). '/options_highlight.php' ); exit; } else if ($action == 'save') { // security check sm_validate_security_token($submitted_token, 3600, TRUE); if ($color_type == 1) $newcolor = $newcolor_choose; elseif ($color_type == 2) $newcolor = $newcolor_input; else $newcolor = $color_type; $newcolor = str_replace('#', '', $newcolor); $newcolor = str_replace('"', '', $newcolor); $newcolor = str_replace('\'', '', $newcolor); $value = str_replace(',', ' ', $value); if(isset($theid)) { $message_highlight_list[$theid] = array( 'name' => $identname, 'color' => $newcolor, 'value' => $value, 'match_type' => $match_type ); } else { $message_highlight_list[] = array( 'name' => $identname, 'color' => $newcolor, 'value' => $value, 'match_type' => $match_type ); } setPref($data_dir, $username, 'hililist', serialize($message_highlight_list)); } displayPageHeader($color); /** * Display the current rule list */ $rules = array(); foreach($message_highlight_list as $index=>$rule) { $a = array(); $a['Name'] = sm_encode_html_special_chars($rule['name']); $a['Color'] = $rule['color']; $a['MatchField'] = ''; $a['MatchValue'] = sm_encode_html_special_chars($rule['value']); switch ($rule['match_type']) { case 'from' : $a['MatchField'] = _("From"); break; case 'to' : $a['MatchField'] = _("To"); break; case 'cc' : $a['MatchField'] = _("Cc"); break; case 'to_cc' : $a['MatchField'] = _("To or Cc"); break; case 'subject' : $a['MatchField'] = _("subject"); break; } $rules[$index] = $a; } $oTemplate->assign('current_rules', $rules); $token = sm_generate_security_token(); $oTemplate->assign('add_rule', 'options_highlight.php?action=add'); $oTemplate->assign('edit_rule', 'options_highlight.php?action=edit&theid='); $oTemplate->assign('delete_rule', 'options_highlight.php?action=delete&smtoken=' . $token . '&theid='); $oTemplate->assign('move_up', 'options_highlight.php?action=up&smtoken=' . $token . '&theid='); $oTemplate->assign('move_down', 'options_highlight.php?action=down&smtoken=' . $token . '&theid='); $oTemplate->display('options_highlight_list.tpl'); /** * Optionally, display the add/edit dialog */ if ($action == 'edit' || $action == 'add') { $color_list[0] = '4444aa'; $color_list[1] = '44aa44'; $color_list[2] = 'aaaa44'; $color_list[3] = '44aaaa'; $color_list[4] = 'aa44aa'; $color_list[5] = 'aaaaff'; $color_list[6] = 'aaffaa'; $color_list[7] = 'ffffaa'; $color_list[8] = 'aaffff'; $color_list[9] = 'ffaaff'; $color_list[10] = 'aaaaaa'; $color_list[11] = 'bfbfbf'; $color_list[12] = 'dfdfdf'; $color_list[13] = 'ffffff'; # helpful color chart from http://www.visibone.com/colorlab/big.html $new_color_list["0,0"] = 'cccccc'; $new_color_list["0,1"] = '999999'; $new_color_list["0,2"] = '666666'; $new_color_list["0,3"] = '333333'; $new_color_list["0,4"] = '000000'; # red $new_color_list["1,0"] = 'ff0000'; $new_color_list["1,1"] = 'cc0000'; $new_color_list["1,2"] = '990000'; $new_color_list["1,3"] = '660000'; $new_color_list["1,4"] = '330000'; $new_color_list["2,0"] = 'ffcccc'; $new_color_list["2,1"] = 'cc9999'; $new_color_list["2,2"] = '996666'; $new_color_list["2,3"] = '663333'; $new_color_list["2,4"] = '330000'; $new_color_list["3,0"] = 'ffcccc'; $new_color_list["3,1"] = 'ff9999'; $new_color_list["3,2"] = 'ff6666'; $new_color_list["3,3"] = 'ff3333'; $new_color_list["3,4"] = 'ff0000'; # green $new_color_list["4,0"] = '00ff00'; $new_color_list["4,1"] = '00cc00'; $new_color_list["4,2"] = '009900'; $new_color_list["4,3"] = '006600'; $new_color_list["4,4"] = '003300'; $new_color_list["5,0"] = 'ccffcc'; $new_color_list["5,1"] = '99cc99'; $new_color_list["5,2"] = '669966'; $new_color_list["5,3"] = '336633'; $new_color_list["5,4"] = '003300'; $new_color_list["6,0"] = 'ccffcc'; $new_color_list["6,1"] = '99ff99'; $new_color_list["6,2"] = '66ff66'; $new_color_list["6,3"] = '33ff33'; $new_color_list["6,4"] = '00ff00'; # blue $new_color_list["7,0"] = '0000ff'; $new_color_list["7,1"] = '0000cc'; $new_color_list["7,2"] = '000099'; $new_color_list["7,3"] = '000066'; $new_color_list["7,4"] = '000033'; $new_color_list["8,0"] = 'ccccff'; $new_color_list["8,1"] = '9999cc'; $new_color_list["8,2"] = '666699'; $new_color_list["8,3"] = '333366'; $new_color_list["8,4"] = '000033'; $new_color_list["9,0"] = 'ccccff'; $new_color_list["9,1"] = '9999ff'; $new_color_list["9,2"] = '6666ff'; $new_color_list["9,3"] = '3333ff'; $new_color_list["9,4"] = '0000ff'; # yellow $new_color_list["10,0"] = 'ffff00'; $new_color_list["10,1"] = 'cccc00'; $new_color_list["10,2"] = '999900'; $new_color_list["10,3"] = '666600'; $new_color_list["10,4"] = '333300'; $new_color_list["11,0"] = 'ffffcc'; $new_color_list["11,1"] = 'cccc99'; $new_color_list["11,2"] = '999966'; $new_color_list["11,3"] = '666633'; $new_color_list["11,4"] = '333300'; $new_color_list["12,0"] = 'ffffcc'; $new_color_list["12,1"] = 'ffff99'; $new_color_list["12,2"] = 'ffff66'; $new_color_list["12,3"] = 'ffff33'; $new_color_list["12,4"] = 'ffff00'; # cyan $new_color_list["13,0"] = '00ffff'; $new_color_list["13,1"] = '00cccc'; $new_color_list["13,2"] = '009999'; $new_color_list["13,3"] = '006666'; $new_color_list["13,4"] = '003333'; $new_color_list["14,0"] = 'ccffff'; $new_color_list["14,1"] = '99cccc'; $new_color_list["14,2"] = '669999'; $new_color_list["14,3"] = '336666'; $new_color_list["14,4"] = '003333'; $new_color_list["15,0"] = 'ccffff'; $new_color_list["15,1"] = '99ffff'; $new_color_list["15,2"] = '66ffff'; $new_color_list["15,3"] = '33ffff'; $new_color_list["15,4"] = '00ffff'; # magenta $new_color_list["16,0"] = 'ff00ff'; $new_color_list["16,1"] = 'cc00cc'; $new_color_list["16,2"] = '990099'; $new_color_list["16,3"] = '660066'; $new_color_list["16,4"] = '330033'; $new_color_list["17,0"] = 'ffccff'; $new_color_list["17,1"] = 'cc99cc'; $new_color_list["17,2"] = '996699'; $new_color_list["17,3"] = '663366'; $new_color_list["17,4"] = '330033'; $new_color_list["18,0"] = 'ffccff'; $new_color_list["18,1"] = 'ff99ff'; $new_color_list["18,2"] = 'ff66ff'; $new_color_list["18,3"] = 'ff33ff'; $new_color_list["18,4"] = 'ff00ff'; $selected_input = FALSE; $selected_choose = FALSE; $selected_predefined = FALSE; $name = $action=='edit' && isset($theid) && isset($message_highlight_list[$theid]['name']) ? $message_highlight_list[$theid]['name'] : ''; $field = $action=='edit' && isset($theid) && isset($message_highlight_list[$theid]['match_type']) ? $message_highlight_list[$theid]['match_type'] : ''; $value = $action=='edit' && isset($theid) && isset($message_highlight_list[$theid]['value']) ? $message_highlight_list[$theid]['value'] : ''; $color = $action=='edit' && isset($theid) && isset($message_highlight_list[$theid]['color']) ? $message_highlight_list[$theid]['color'] : ''; if ($action == 'edit' && isset($theid) && isset($message_highlight_list[$theid]['color'])) { for ($i=0; $i < 14; $i++) { if ($color_list[$i] == $message_highlight_list[$theid]['color']) { $selected_choose = TRUE; continue; } } } $pre_defined_color = 0; for($x = 0; $x < 5; $x++) { for($y = 0; $y < 19; $y++) { $gridindex = "$y,$x"; $gridcolor = $new_color_list[$gridindex]; if ($gridcolor == $color) { $pre_defined_color = 1; break; } } } if (isset($theid) && !isset($message_highlight_list[$theid]['color'])) $selected_choose = TRUE; else if ($pre_defined_color) $selected_predefined = TRUE; else if ($selected_choose == '') $selected_input = TRUE; $oTemplate->assign('rule_name', $name); $oTemplate->assign('rule_value', $value); $oTemplate->assign('rule_field', $field); $oTemplate->assign('rule_color', $color); $oTemplate->assign('color_radio', ($selected_choose ? 1 : ($selected_input ? 2 : 0))); $oTemplate->assign('color_input', ($selected_input ? $color : '')); echo addForm('options_highlight.php', 'post', 'f', '', '', array(), TRUE). addHidden('action', 'save'); if($action == 'edit') { echo addHidden('theid', (isset($theid)?$theid:'')); } $oTemplate->display('options_highlight_addedit.tpl'); echo "\n"; } do_hook('options_highlight_bottom', $null); $oTemplate->display('footer.tpl');