$v) { $key = strtolower($k); $value = urlencode($v); if ($key == 'cc') { $rcptaddress .= '&send_to_cc=' . $value; } else if ($key == 'bcc') { $rcptaddress .= '&send_to_bcc=' . $value; } else if ($key == 'subject') { $rcptaddress .= '&subject=' . $value; } else if ($key == 'body') { $rcptaddress .= '&body=' . $value; } } /* Double-encode in this fashion to get past redirect.php properly. */ $rcptaddress = urlencode($rcptaddress); } require_once('../functions/strings.php'); require_once('../config/config.php'); require_once('../functions/i18n.php'); require_once('../functions/plugin.php'); require_once('../functions/constants.php'); require_once('../functions/page_header.php'); require_once('../functions/html.php'); /* * $squirrelmail_language is set by a cookie when the user selects * language and logs out */ set_up_language($squirrelmail_language, TRUE); /** * Find out the base URI to set cookies. */ if (!function_exists('sqm_baseuri')){ require_once('../functions/display_messages.php'); } $base_uri = sqm_baseuri(); @session_destroy(); /* * In case the last session was not terminated properly, make sure * we get a new one. */ $cookie_params = session_get_cookie_params(); setcookie(session_name(), '', 0, $cookie_params['path'], $cookie_params['domain']); setcookie('username', '', 0, $base_uri); setcookie('key', '', 0, $base_uri); header('Pragma: no-cache'); do_hook('login_cookie'); /* Output the javascript onload function. */ $header = "\n"; $custom_css = 'none'; displayHtmlHeader( "$org_name - " . _("Login"), $header, FALSE ); /* Set the title of this page. */ echo ''; $username_form_name = 'login_username'; $password_form_name = 'secretkey'; do_hook('login_top'); $loginname_value = (isset($loginname) ? htmlspecialchars($loginname) : ''); /* Display width and height like good little people */ $width_and_height = ''; if (isset($org_logo_width) && is_numeric($org_logo_width) && $org_logo_width>0) { $width_and_height = " width=\"$org_logo_width\""; } if (isset($org_logo_height) && is_numeric($org_logo_height) && $org_logo_height>0) { $width_and_height .= " height=\"$org_logo_height\""; } $rcptaddress_input = ''; if ($rcptaddress != '') { $rcptaddress_input = ''; } echo "\n" . '
' . "\n" . html_tag( 'table', html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', '
'. '' . sprintf(_(
' . "\n". ( $hide_sm_attributions ? '' : '' . sprintf (_("SquirrelMail version %s"), $version) . '
' ."\n". ' ' . _("By the SquirrelMail Development Team") . '
' . "\n" ) . html_tag( 'table', html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', '' . sprintf (_("%s Login"), $org_name) . "\n", 'center', '#DCDCDC' ) ) . html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', "\n" . html_tag( 'table', html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', _("Name:") , 'right', '', 'width="30%"' ) . html_tag( 'td', '' , 'left', '', 'width="*"' ) ) . "\n" . html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', _("Password:") , 'right', '', 'width="30%"' ) . html_tag( 'td', '' . "\n" . '' . "\n" . '' . "\n" . $rcptaddress_input . "\n" , 'left', '', 'width="*"' ) ) , 'center', '#ffffff', 'border="0" cols="2" width="100%"' ) , 'left', '#FFFFFF' ) ) . html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', '
', 'left' ) ), '', '#ffffff', 'border="0" cols="1" width="350"' ), 'center' ) ) , '', '#ffffff', 'border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"' ) . '' . "\n"; do_hook('login_form'); do_hook('login_bottom'); echo "\n". "\n"; ?>