"; echo "\n"; displayPageHeader($color, "None"); $imapConnection = loginToImapServer($username, $key, $imapServerAddress, 0); getFolderList($imapConnection, $boxes); $dm = findMailboxDelimeter($imapConnection); /** lets see if we CAN move folders to the trash.. otherwise, just delete them **/ for ($i = 0; $i < count($boxes[$i]["UNFORMATTED"]); $i++) { if ($boxes[$i]["UNFORMATTED"] == $trash_folder) $tmp_trash_folder = $boxes[$i]["RAW"]; } $tmpflags = getMailboxFlags($imapConnection, $tmp_trash_folder); $can_move_to_trash = true; for ($i = 0; $i < count($tmpflags); $i++) { if (strtolower($tmpflags[$i]) == "noinferiors") $can_move_to_trash = false; } /** Lets start removing the folders and messages **/ if (($move_to_trash == true) && ($can_move_to_trash == true)) { /** if they wish to move messages to the trash **/ /** Creates the subfolders under $trash_folder **/ for ($i = 0; $i < count($boxes); $i++) { if (($boxes[$i]["UNFORMATTED"] == $mailbox) || (substr($boxes[$i]["UNFORMATTED"], 0, strlen($mailbox . $dm)) == $mailbox . $dm)) { $folderWithoutINBOX = getFolderNameMinusINBOX($boxes[$i]["UNFORMATTED"], $dm); $flags = getMailboxFlags($imapConnection, $boxes[$i]["RAW"]); for ($b = 0; $b < count($flags); $b++) { $type = $flags[$b]; } createFolder($imapConnection, "$trash_folder" . $dm . "$folderWithoutINBOX", $type); } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($boxes); $i++) { if (($boxes[$i]["UNFORMATTED"] == $mailbox) || (substr($boxes[$i]["UNFORMATTED"], 0, strlen($mailbox . $dm)) == $mailbox . $dm)) { selectMailbox($imapConnection, $boxes[$i]["UNFORMATTED"], $numMessages); $folder = getFolderNameMinusINBOX($boxes[$i]["UNFORMATTED"]); if ($numMessages > 0) $success = copyMessages($imapConnection, 1, $numMessages, "$trash_folder" . $dm . "$folder"); else $success = true; if ($success == true) removeFolder($imapConnection, $boxes[$i]["UNFORMATTED"]); } } } else { /** if they do NOT wish to move messages to the trash (or cannot)**/ fputs($imapConnection, "1 LIST \"$mailbox\" *\n"); $data = imapReadData($imapConnection , "1", false, $response, $message); while (substr($data[0], strpos($data[0], " ")+1, 4) == "LIST") { for ($i = 0; $i < count($boxes); $i++) { if (($boxes[$i]["UNFORMATTED"] == $mailbox) || (substr($boxes[$i]["UNFORMATTED"], 0, strlen($mailbox . $dm)) == $mailbox . $dm)) { removeFolder($imapConnection, $boxes[$i]["UNFORMATTED"]); } } fputs($imapConnection, "1 LIST \"$mailbox\" *\n"); $data = imapReadData($imapConnection , "1", false, $response, $message); } } /** Log out this session **/ fputs($imapConnection, "1 logout"); echo ""; echo "

"; echo _("Folder Deleted!"); echo "

"; echo _("The folder has been successfully deleted."); echo "
"; echo _("Click here"); echo " "; echo _("to continue."); echo "
"; echo ""; ?>