[ '._("None")." ]\n"; } else { $mbx_option_list = '\n"; $show_selected = array('inbox'); } // Call sqimap_mailbox_option_list, using existing connection to IMAP server, // the arrays of folders to include or skip (assembled above), // use 'noinferiors' as a mailbox filter to leave out folders that can not contain other folders. // use the long format to show subfolders in an intelligible way if parent is missing (special folder) $mbx_option_list .= sqimap_mailbox_option_list($imapConnection, $show_selected, $skip_folders, $boxes, 'noinferiors', true); /** count special folders **/ foreach ($boxes as $index => $aBoxData) { if (isSpecialMailbox($aBoxData['unformatted'],false) && ! in_array($aBoxData['unformatted'],$skip_folders)) { $skip_folders[] = $aBoxData['unformatted']; } } /** * Retrieve list of folders when special folders are excluded. Special folders * should be unavailable in rename/delete/unsubscribe. Theoretically user can * modify form and perform these operations with special folders, but if user * manages to delete/rename/unsubscribe special folder by hacking form... * * If script or program depends on special folder, they should not assume that * folder is available. * * $filtered_folders contains empty string or html formated option list. */ $rendel_folder_list = sqimap_mailbox_option_list($imapConnection, 0, $skip_folders, $boxes, NULL, true); $subbox_option_list = ''; if ($show_only_subscribed_folders && !$no_list_for_subscribe) { // FIXME: fix subscription options when top folder is not subscribed and sub folder is subscribed // TODO: use checkboxes instead of select options. /** SUBSCRIBE TO FOLDERS **/ $boxes_all = sqimap_mailbox_list_all ($imapConnection); // here we filter out all boxes we're already subscribed to, // so we keep only the unsubscribed ones. foreach ($boxes_all as $box_a) { $use_folder = true; foreach ( $boxes as $box ) { if ($box_a['unformatted'] == $box['unformatted'] || $box_a['unformatted-dm'] == $folder_prefix ) { $use_folder = false; } } if ($use_folder) { $box_enc = htmlspecialchars($box_a['unformatted-dm']); $box_disp = htmlspecialchars(imap_utf7_decode_local($box_a['unformatted-disp'])); $subbox_option_list .= '\n"; } } } sqimap_logout($imapConnection); $oTemplate->assign('td_str', @$td_str); $oTemplate->assign('color', $color); $oTemplate->assign('mbx_option_list', $mbx_option_list); $oTemplate->assign('show_contain_subfolders_option', $show_contain_subfolders_option); $oTemplate->assign('show_only_subscribed_folders', $show_only_subscribed_folders); $oTemplate->assign('rendel_folder_list', $rendel_folder_list); $oTemplate->assign('subbox_option_list', $subbox_option_list); $oTemplate->assign('no_list_for_subscribe', $no_list_for_subscribe); $oTemplate->display('folder_manip.tpl'); $oTemplate->display('footer.tpl');