"; } else { echo "\n"; } // Just make a blank page and exit if(($show == "blank") || (empty($query) && empty($show))) { printf("


\n\n", _("Search results will display here")); exit; } // Create search form if($show == "form") { printf("
\n", $PHP_SELF . "?PHPSESSID=$PHPSESSID"); printf(""); printf("
\n"); printf(" %s:\n\n", _("Search for")); printf(" \n", htmlspecialchars($query)); printf("\n"); printf(" ", _("Search")); printf("\n"); printf("\n", _("Close window")); printf("
\n"); } // Include JavaScript code if this is search results if(!empty($query)) { ?> s_search($query); if(!is_array($res)) { printf("


\n\n", _("Your search failed with the following error(s)"), $abook->error); exit; } if(sizeof($res) == 0) { printf("


\n\n", _("No persons matching your search was found")); exit; } // List search results $line = 0; print ""; printf("\n", _("Name"), _("E-mail"), _("Info"), _("Source")); while(list($key, $row) = each($res)) { printf("\n", ($line % 2) ? " bgcolor=\"$color[0]\"" : "", $row["email"], $row["email"], $row["name"], $row["email"], $row["label"], $row["source"]); $line++; } print "
 ". " %s %s". " %s". " %s
". "To | ". "Cc". " %s  %s ". " %s  %s
"; } ?>