-- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ -- | CiviCRM version 3.2 | -- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ -- | Copyright CiviCRM LLC (c) 2004-2010 | -- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ -- | This file is a part of CiviCRM. | -- | | -- | CiviCRM is free software; you can copy, modify, and distribute it | -- | under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License | -- | Version 3, 19 November 2007 and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception. | -- | | -- | CiviCRM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but | -- | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | -- | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. | -- | See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. | -- | | -- | You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public | -- | License and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception along | -- | with this program; if not, contact CiviCRM LLC | -- | at info[AT]civicrm[DOT]org. If you have questions about the | -- | GNU Affero General Public License or the licensing of CiviCRM, | -- | see the CiviCRM license FAQ at http://civicrm.org/licensing | -- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * civicrm_membership_type -- * -- * Sites can configure multiple types of memberships. They encode the owner organization, fee, and the rules needed to set start and end (expire) dates when a member signs up for that type. -- * -- *******************************************************/ CREATE TABLE civicrm_membership_type ( id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Membership Id', domain_id int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Which Domain owns this contact', name varchar(128) COMMENT 'Name of Membership Type', description varchar(255) COMMENT 'Description of Membership Type', member_of_contact_id int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Owner organization for this membership type. FK to Contact ID', contribution_type_id int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'If membership is paid by a contribution - what contribution type should be used. FK to Contribution Type ID', minimum_fee decimal(20,2) DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Minimum fee for this membership (0 for free/complimentary memberships).', duration_unit enum('day', 'month', 'year', 'lifetime') COMMENT 'Unit in which membership period is expressed.', duration_interval int COMMENT 'Number of duration units in membership period (e.g. 1 year, 12 months).', period_type enum('rolling', 'fixed') COMMENT 'Rolling membership period starts on signup date. Fixed membership periods start on fixed_period_start_day.', fixed_period_start_day int DEFAULT 0101 COMMENT 'For fixed period memberships, month and day (mmdd) on which subscription/membership will start. Period start is back-dated unless after rollover day.', fixed_period_rollover_day int DEFAULT 1231 COMMENT 'For fixed period memberships, signups after this day (mmdd) rollover to next period.', relationship_type_id int unsigned COMMENT 'FK to Relationship Type ID', visibility varchar(64) , weight int , is_active tinyint DEFAULT 1 COMMENT 'Is this membership_type enabled' , PRIMARY KEY ( id ) , INDEX FKEY_domain_id ( domain_id ) , FOREIGN KEY (domain_id) REFERENCES civicrm_domain(id) , INDEX FKEY_member_of_contact_id ( member_of_contact_id ) , FOREIGN KEY (member_of_contact_id) REFERENCES civicrm_contact(id) , INDEX FKEY_contribution_type_id ( contribution_type_id ) , FOREIGN KEY (contribution_type_id) REFERENCES civicrm_contribution_type(id) , INDEX FKEY_relationship_type_id ( relationship_type_id ) , FOREIGN KEY (relationship_type_id) REFERENCES civicrm_relationship_type(id) ) TYPE=InnoDB ; -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * civicrm_membership_status -- * -- * Membership Status stores admin configurable rules for assigning status to memberships. -- * -- *******************************************************/ CREATE TABLE civicrm_membership_status ( id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Membership Id', domain_id int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Which Domain owns this contact', name varchar(128) COMMENT 'Name for Membership Status', start_event enum('start_date', 'end_date', 'join_date') COMMENT 'Event when this status starts.', start_event_adjust_unit enum('day', 'month', 'year') COMMENT 'Unit used for adjusting from start_event.', start_event_adjust_interval int COMMENT 'Status range begins this many units from start_event.', end_event enum('start_date', 'end_date', 'join_date') COMMENT 'Event after which this status ends.', end_event_adjust_unit enum('day', 'month', 'year') COMMENT 'Unit used for adjusting from the ending event.', end_event_adjust_interval int COMMENT 'Status range ends this many units from end_event.', is_current_member tinyint COMMENT 'Does this status aggregate to current members (e.g. New, Renewed, Grace might all be TRUE... while Unrenewed, Lapsed, Inactive would be FALSE).', is_admin tinyint COMMENT 'Is this status for admin/manual assignment only.', weight int , is_default tinyint COMMENT 'Assign this status to a membership record if no other status match is found.', is_active tinyint DEFAULT 1 COMMENT 'Is this membership_status enabled.' , PRIMARY KEY ( id ) , INDEX FKEY_domain_id ( domain_id ) , FOREIGN KEY (domain_id) REFERENCES civicrm_domain(id) ) TYPE=InnoDB ; -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * civicrm_membership -- * -- * Contact Membership records. -- * -- *******************************************************/ CREATE TABLE civicrm_membership ( id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Membership Id', contact_id int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'FK to Contact ID', membership_type_id int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'FK to Membership Type', join_date date COMMENT 'Beginning of initial membership period (member since...).', start_date date COMMENT 'Beginning of current uninterrupted membership period.', end_date date COMMENT 'Current membership period expire date.', source varchar(128) , status_id int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'FK to Membership Status', is_override tinyint COMMENT 'Admin users may set a manual status which overrides the calculated status. When this flag is true, automated status update scripts should NOT modify status for the record.' , PRIMARY KEY ( id ) , INDEX FKEY_contact_id ( contact_id ) , FOREIGN KEY (contact_id) REFERENCES civicrm_contact(id) , INDEX FKEY_membership_type_id ( membership_type_id ) , FOREIGN KEY (membership_type_id) REFERENCES civicrm_membership_type(id) , INDEX FKEY_status_id ( status_id ) , FOREIGN KEY (status_id) REFERENCES civicrm_membership_status(id) ) TYPE=InnoDB ; -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * civicrm_membership_block -- * -- * A Membership Block stores admin configurable status options and rules -- * -- *******************************************************/ CREATE TABLE civicrm_membership_block ( id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Membership Id', entity_table varchar(64) COMMENT 'Name for Membership Status', entity_id int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'FK to civicrm_contribution_page.id', membership_types varchar(255) COMMENT 'Membership types to be exposed by this block', membership_type_default int unsigned COMMENT 'Optional foreign key to membership_type', display_min_fee tinyint DEFAULT 1 COMMENT 'Display minimum membership fee', is_separate_payment tinyint DEFAULT 1 COMMENT 'Should membership transactions be processed separately', new_title varchar(255) COMMENT 'Title to display at top of block', new_text text COMMENT 'Text to display below title', renewal_title varchar(255) COMMENT 'Title for renewal', renewal_text text COMMENT 'Text to display for member renewal', is_required tinyint DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Is membership sign up optional', is_active tinyint DEFAULT 1 COMMENT 'Is this membership_block enabled' , PRIMARY KEY ( id ) , INDEX FKEY_entity_id ( entity_id ) , FOREIGN KEY (entity_id) REFERENCES civicrm_contribution_page(id) , INDEX FKEY_membership_type_default ( membership_type_default ) , FOREIGN KEY (membership_type_default) REFERENCES civicrm_membership_type(id) ) TYPE=InnoDB ; -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * civicrm_membership_log -- * -- * Logs actions which affect a Membership record (signup, status override, renewal, etc.) -- * -- *******************************************************/ CREATE TABLE civicrm_membership_log ( id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , membership_id int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'FK to Membership table', status_id int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'New status assigned to membership by this action. FK to Membership Status', start_date date COMMENT 'New membership period start date', end_date date COMMENT 'New membership period expiration date.', modified_id int unsigned COMMENT 'FK to Contact ID of person under whose credentials this data modification was made.', modified_date date COMMENT 'Date this membership modification action was logged.' , PRIMARY KEY ( id ) , INDEX FKEY_membership_id ( membership_id ) , FOREIGN KEY (membership_id) REFERENCES civicrm_membership(id) , INDEX FKEY_status_id ( status_id ) , FOREIGN KEY (status_id) REFERENCES civicrm_membership_status(id) , INDEX FKEY_modified_id ( modified_id ) , FOREIGN KEY (modified_id) REFERENCES civicrm_contact(id) ) TYPE=InnoDB ; -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * civicrm_membership_payment -- * -- * Membership Payment -- * -- *******************************************************/ CREATE TABLE civicrm_membership_payment ( id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , membership_id int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'FK to Membership table', payment_entity_table varchar(128) COMMENT 'Table being referenced for payment entity.', payment_entity_id int unsigned COMMENT 'FK to table with payment record (expected usage is civicrm_contribution).' , PRIMARY KEY ( id ) , INDEX index_payment_entity( payment_entity_table , payment_entity_id ) , INDEX FKEY_membership_id ( membership_id ) , FOREIGN KEY (membership_id) REFERENCES civicrm_membership(id) ) TYPE=InnoDB ; -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * civicrm_option_group -- * -- *******************************************************/ CREATE TABLE civicrm_option_group ( id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Option Group ID', domain_id int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Which domain owns this group of options.', name varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Option group name. Used as selection key by class properties which lookup options in civicrm_option_value.', description varchar(255) COMMENT 'Option group description.', is_reserved tinyint COMMENT 'Is this a predefined system option group (i.e. it can not be deleted)?', is_active tinyint COMMENT 'Is this option group active?' , PRIMARY KEY ( id ) , UNIQUE INDEX option_group_name_domain_id( name , domain_id ) , INDEX FKEY_domain_id ( domain_id ) , FOREIGN KEY (domain_id) REFERENCES civicrm_domain(id) ) TYPE=InnoDB ; -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * civicrm_option_value -- * -- *******************************************************/ CREATE TABLE civicrm_option_value ( id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Option ID', option_group_id int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Group which this option belongs to.', label varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Option string as displayed to users - e.g. the label in an HTML OPTION tag.', value int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'The actual value stored (as a foreign key) in the data record. Functions which need lookup option_value.title should use civicrm_option_value.option_group_id plus civicrm_option_value.value as the key.', name varchar(64) COMMENT 'May be used to store an option string that is different from the display title. One use case is when a non-translated value needs to be set / sent to another application (e.g. for Credit Card type).', grouping varchar(64) COMMENT 'Use to sort and/or set display properties for sub-set(s) of options within an option group. EXAMPLE: Use for college_interest field, to differentiate partners from non-partners.', filter int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Bitwise logic can be used to create subsets of options within an option_group for different uses.', is_default tinyint DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Is this the default option for the group?', weight int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Controls display sort order.', description varchar(255) COMMENT 'Optional description.', is_optgroup tinyint DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Is this row simply a display header? Expected usage is to render these as OPTGROUP tags within a SELECT field list of options?', is_reserved tinyint DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Is this a predefined system object?', is_active tinyint DEFAULT 1 COMMENT 'Is this option active?' , PRIMARY KEY ( id ) , INDEX index_option_group_id_value( value , option_group_id ) , INDEX FKEY_option_group_id ( option_group_id ) , FOREIGN KEY (option_group_id) REFERENCES civicrm_option_group(id) ) TYPE=InnoDB ; -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * civicrm_project -- * -- * Instantiate projects, programs, campaigns, etc. -- * -- *******************************************************/ CREATE TABLE civicrm_project ( id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Project ID', domain_id int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Which Domain owns this record.', title varchar(64) COMMENT 'Project name.', description text COMMENT 'Optional verbose description of the project. May be used for display - HTML allowed.', logo varchar(255) COMMENT 'Full or relative URL to optional uploaded logo image for project.', owner_entity_table varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Name of table where project owner being referenced is stored (e.g. civicrm_contact or civicrm_group).', owner_entity_id int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Foreign key to project owner (contact, group, etc.).', start_date datetime COMMENT 'Project start date.', end_date datetime COMMENT 'Project end date.', is_active tinyint COMMENT 'Is this record active? For Projects: can tasks be created for it, does it appear on project listings, etc.', status_id int unsigned COMMENT 'Configurable status value (e.g. Planned, Active, Closed...). FK to civicrm_option_value.' , PRIMARY KEY ( id ) , UNIQUE INDEX UI_project_owner( id , owner_entity_table , owner_entity_id ) , INDEX FKEY_domain_id ( domain_id ) , FOREIGN KEY (domain_id) REFERENCES civicrm_domain(id) , INDEX FKEY_status_id ( status_id ) , FOREIGN KEY (status_id) REFERENCES civicrm_option_value(value) ) TYPE=InnoDB ; -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * civicrm_task -- * -- * To-do items. Can be assigned to self or other entities. -- * -- *******************************************************/ CREATE TABLE civicrm_task ( id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Task ID', domain_id int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Which Domain owns this record.', title varchar(64) COMMENT 'Task name.', description varchar(255) COMMENT 'Optional verbose description of the Task. May be used for display - HTML allowed.', task_type_id int unsigned COMMENT 'Configurable task type values (e.g. App Submit, App Review...). FK to civicrm_option_value.', owner_entity_table varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Name of table where Task owner being referenced is stored (e.g. civicrm_contact or civicrm_group).', owner_entity_id int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Foreign key to Task owner (contact, group, etc.).', parent_entity_table varchar(64) COMMENT 'Name of table where optional Task parent is stored (e.g. civicrm_project, or civicrm_task for sub-tasks).', parent_entity_id int unsigned COMMENT 'Optional foreign key to Task Parent (project, another task, etc.).', due_date datetime COMMENT 'Task due date.', priority_id int unsigned COMMENT 'Configurable priority value (e.g. Critical, High, Medium...). FK to civicrm_option_value.', task_class varchar(255) COMMENT 'Optional key to a process class related to this task (e.g. CRM_Quest_PreApp).', is_active tinyint COMMENT 'Is this record active? For tasks: can it be assigned, does it appear on open task listings, etc.' , PRIMARY KEY ( id ) , UNIQUE INDEX UI_task_parent( id , parent_entity_table , parent_entity_id ) , UNIQUE INDEX UI_task_owner( id , owner_entity_table , owner_entity_id ) , INDEX FKEY_domain_id ( domain_id ) , FOREIGN KEY (domain_id) REFERENCES civicrm_domain(id) , INDEX FKEY_task_type_id ( task_type_id ) , FOREIGN KEY (task_type_id) REFERENCES civicrm_option_value(value) , INDEX FKEY_priority_id ( priority_id ) , FOREIGN KEY (priority_id) REFERENCES civicrm_option_value(id) ) TYPE=InnoDB ; -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * civicrm_task_status -- * -- * Tracks the responsible entity, optional target entity and status of a task. Tasks can have multiple task_status entries if assigned to multiple responsible entities and-or there are multiple targets. -- * -- *******************************************************/ CREATE TABLE civicrm_task_status ( id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Task ID', task_id int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Status is for which task.', responsible_entity_table varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Entity responsible for this task_status instance (table where entity is stored e.g. civicrm_contact or civicrm_group).', responsible_entity_id int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Foreign key to responsible entity (contact, group, etc.).', target_entity_table varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Optional target entity for this task_status instance, i.e. review this membership application-prospect member contact record is target (table where entity is stored e.g. civicrm_contact or civicrm_group).', target_entity_id int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Foreign key to target entity (contact, group, etc.).', status_detail text COMMENT 'Encoded array of status details used for programmatic progress reporting and tracking.', status_id int unsigned COMMENT 'Configurable status value (e.g. Not Started, In Progress, Completed, Deferred...). FK to civicrm_option_value.', create_date datetime COMMENT 'Date this record was created (date work on task started).', modified_date datetime COMMENT 'Date-time of last update to this task_status record.' , PRIMARY KEY ( id ) , INDEX index_task_status_responsible( task_id , responsible_entity_table , responsible_entity_id ) , INDEX index_task_status_target( task_id , target_entity_table , target_entity_id ) , INDEX FKEY_task_id ( task_id ) , FOREIGN KEY (task_id) REFERENCES civicrm_task(id) , INDEX FKEY_status_id ( status_id ) , FOREIGN KEY (status_id) REFERENCES civicrm_option_value(value) ) TYPE=InnoDB ; -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * civicrm_log -- * -- * Log can be linked to any object in the application. -- * -- *******************************************************/ CREATE TABLE civicrm_log ( id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Log ID', entity_table varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Name of table where item being referenced is stored.', entity_id int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Foreign key to the referenced item.', data text COMMENT 'Updates does to this object if any.', modified_id int unsigned COMMENT 'FK to Contact ID of person under whose credentials this data modification was made.', modified_date datetime COMMENT 'When was the referenced entity created or modified or deleted.' , PRIMARY KEY ( id ) , INDEX index_entity( entity_table , entity_id ) , INDEX FKEY_modified_id ( modified_id ) , FOREIGN KEY (modified_id) REFERENCES civicrm_contact(id) ) TYPE=InnoDB ; -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * civicrm_file -- * -- * Data store for uploaded (attached) files (pointer to file on disk OR blob). Maybe be joined to entities via custom_value.file_id or entity_file table. -- * -- *******************************************************/ CREATE TABLE civicrm_file ( id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Unique ID', file_type_id int unsigned COMMENT 'Type of file (e.g. Transcript, Income Tax Return, etc). FK to civicrm_option_value.', mime_type varchar(255) COMMENT 'mime type of the document', uri varchar(255) COMMENT 'uri of the file on disk', document mediumblob COMMENT 'contents of the document', description varchar(255) COMMENT 'Additional descriptive text regarding this attachment (optional).', upload_date datetime COMMENT 'Date and time that this attachment was uploaded or written to server.' , PRIMARY KEY ( id ) , INDEX FKEY_file_type_id ( file_type_id ) , FOREIGN KEY (file_type_id) REFERENCES civicrm_option_value(value) ) TYPE=InnoDB ; -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * civicrm_entity_file -- * -- * Attaches (joins) uploaded files (images, documents, etc.) to entities (Contacts, Groups, Actions). -- * -- *******************************************************/ CREATE TABLE civicrm_entity_file ( id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'primary key', entity_table varchar(64) COMMENT 'physical tablename for entity being joined to file, e.g. civicrm_contact', entity_id int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'FK to entity table specified in entity_table column.', file_id int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'FK to civicrm_file' , PRIMARY KEY ( id ) , INDEX index_entity( entity_table , entity_id ) , INDEX index_entity_file_id( entity_table , entity_id , file_id ) , INDEX FKEY_file_id ( file_id ) , FOREIGN KEY (file_id) REFERENCES civicrm_file(id) ) TYPE=InnoDB ; -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * Modify the civicrm_individual Table Structure -- *******************************************************/ ALTER TABLE `civicrm_individual` ADD deceased_date date COMMENT 'Date of deceased'; -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * Modify the civicrm_contact Table Structure -- *******************************************************/ ALTER TABLE `civicrm_contact` DROP INDEX `index_sort_name`; ALTER TABLE `civicrm_contact` DROP `hash`; ALTER TABLE `civicrm_contact` ADD hash varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Key for validating requests related to this contact.'; ALTER TABLE `civicrm_contact` ADD contact_sub_type varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'May be used to over-ride contact view and edit templates.'; ALTER TABLE `civicrm_contact` MODIFY preferred_communication_method varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'What is the preferred mode of communication.'; ALTER TABLE `civicrm_contact` ADD INDEX index_sort_name_domain(sort_name, domain_id, hash); ALTER TABLE `civicrm_contact` ADD INDEX index_hash_domain(hash, domain_id); -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * fix preferred communication data -- *******************************************************/ SELECT @domain_id := id from civicrm_domain; INSERT INTO `civicrm_option_group` (`domain_id`, `name`, `description`, `is_reserved`, `is_active`) VALUES (@domain_id, 'preferred_communication_method', 'Preferred Communication Method' , 0, 1); SELECT @option_group_id_pcm := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'preferred_communication_method'; INSERT INTO `civicrm_option_value` (`option_group_id`, `label`, `value`, `name`, `grouping`, `filter`, `is_default`, `weight`, `description`, `is_optgroup`, `is_reserved`, `is_active`) VALUES (@option_group_id_pcm, 'Phone', 1, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1), (@option_group_id_pcm, 'Email', 2, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1), (@option_group_id_pcm, 'Postal Mail', 3, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1), (@option_group_id_pcm, 'SMS', 4, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1), (@option_group_id_pcm, 'Fax', 5, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 5, NULL, 0, 0, 1); UPDATE civicrm_contact SET preferred_communication_method = REPLACE( preferred_communication_method, 'Phone', 1); UPDATE civicrm_contact SET preferred_communication_method = REPLACE( preferred_communication_method, 'Email', 2); UPDATE civicrm_contact SET preferred_communication_method = REPLACE( preferred_communication_method, 'Postal Mail', 3); UPDATE civicrm_contact SET preferred_communication_method = REPLACE( preferred_communication_method, 'SMS', 4); UPDATE civicrm_contact SET preferred_communication_method = REPLACE( preferred_communication_method, 'Fax', 5); -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * Modify the civicrm_contribution_page Table Structure -- *******************************************************/ ALTER TABLE `civicrm_contribution_page` ADD amount_block_is_active tinyint unsigned DEFAULT 1 COMMENT 'Is this property active?'; ALTER TABLE `civicrm_contribution_page` ADD goal_amount decimal(20,2) COMMENT 'The target goal for this page, allows people to build a goal meter'; ALTER TABLE `civicrm_contribution_page` ADD is_thermometer int(4) unsigned DEFAULT 1 COMMENT 'Should this contribution have the thermometer block enabled?'; ALTER TABLE `civicrm_contribution_page` ADD thermometer_title varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Title for contribution page thermometer block.'; -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * Modify the civicrm_contribution Table Structure -- *******************************************************/ ALTER TABLE `civicrm_contribution` ADD `contribution_page_id` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The Contribution Page which triggered this contribution'; ALTER TABLE `civicrm_contribution` ADD INDEX (`contribution_page_id`); ALTER TABLE `civicrm_contribution` ADD FOREIGN KEY (`contribution_page_id`) REFERENCES `civicrm_contribution_page`(`id`); -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * Modify the civicrm_custom_field Table Structure -- *******************************************************/ ALTER TABLE `civicrm_custom_field` CHANGE `html_type` `html_type` ENUM( 'Text', 'TextArea', 'Select', 'Multi-Select', 'Radio', 'CheckBox', 'Select Date', 'Select State/Province', 'Select Country','File') DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'HTML types plus several built-in extended types.'; ALTER TABLE `civicrm_custom_field` CHANGE `data_type` `data_type` ENUM('String', 'Int', 'Float', 'Money', 'Memo', 'Date', 'Boolean', 'StateProvince', 'Country', 'File') DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Controls location of data storage in extended_data table.'; -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * Modify the civicrm_custom_group Table Structure -- * -- *******************************************************/ ALTER TABLE `civicrm_custom_group` CHANGE `extends` `extends` ENUM( 'Contact', 'Individual', 'Household', 'Organization', 'Location', 'Address', 'Contribution', 'Activity', 'Phonecall', 'Meeting', 'Group','Relationship') DEFAULT 'Contact' COMMENT 'Type of object this group extends (can add other options later e.g. contact_address, etc.).'; -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * Modify the civicrm_custom_value Table Structure -- * -- *******************************************************/ ALTER TABLE `civicrm_custom_value` ADD file_id int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'FK to civicrm_file'; ALTER TABLE `civicrm_custom_value` ADD INDEX (`file_id`); ALTER TABLE `civicrm_custom_value` ADD FOREIGN KEY (`file_id`) REFERENCES `civicrm_file`(`id`); -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * Modify the civicrm_email Table Structure -- * -- *******************************************************/ ALTER TABLE `civicrm_email` ADD INDEX `UI_email` (`email`); -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * Modify the civicrm_mapping Table Structure -- * -- *******************************************************/ ALTER TABLE `civicrm_mapping` CHANGE `mapping_type` `mapping_type` ENUM('Export', 'Import', 'Export Contributions', 'Import Contributions', 'Import Activity History', 'Search Builder') default NULL COMMENT 'Type of Mapping.'; -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * Modify the civicrm_mapping_field Table Structure -- * -- *******************************************************/ ALTER TABLE `civicrm_mapping_field` ADD grouping int(10) unsigned DEFAULT 1 COMMENT 'Used to group mapping_field records into related sets (e.g. for criteria sets in search builder mappings).'; ALTER TABLE `civicrm_mapping_field` ADD operator ENUM('=','!=','>','<','>=','<=','IN','NOT IN','LIKE','NOT LIKE') DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'SQL WHERE operator for search-builder mapping fields (search criteria).'; ALTER TABLE `civicrm_mapping_field` ADD value varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'SQL WHERE value for search-builder mapping fields.'; -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * Modify the civicrm_uf_group Table Structure -- * -- *******************************************************/ ALTER TABLE `civicrm_uf_group` ADD add_to_group_id int unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'foreign key to civicrm_group_id'; ALTER TABLE `civicrm_uf_group` ADD INDEX (`add_to_group_id`); ALTER TABLE `civicrm_uf_group` ADD FOREIGN KEY (`add_to_group_id`) REFERENCES `civicrm_group` (`id`); ALTER TABLE `civicrm_uf_group` ADD add_captcha tinyint DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Should a CAPTCHA widget be included this Profile form.'; ALTER TABLE `civicrm_uf_group` ADD cancel_URL varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Redirect to URL when Cancle button clik .'; ALTER TABLE `civicrm_uf_group` ADD is_map tinyint DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Do we want to map results from this profile.'; ALTER TABLE `civicrm_uf_group` ADD collapse_display int(10) unsigned DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Will this group be in collapsed or expanded mode on initial display ?'; -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * Modify the civicrm_uf_match Table Structure -- * -- *******************************************************/ ALTER TABLE `civicrm_uf_match` ADD INDEX `UI_uf_id` (`uf_id`); -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * Modify the civicrm_note Table Structure -- * -- *******************************************************/ ALTER TABLE `civicrm_note` ADD `subject` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'subject of note description'; -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * Modify the civicrm_relationship Table Structure -- * -- *******************************************************/ ALTER TABLE `civicrm_relationship` ADD `description` varchar(255) COMMENT 'Optional verbose description for the relationship.' ; -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * Modify the civicrm_saved_search Table Structure -- * -- *******************************************************/ ALTER TABLE `civicrm_saved_search` ADD `mapping_id` INT UNSIGNED COMMENT 'Foreign key to civicrm_mapping used for saved search-builder searches.'; ALTER TABLE `civicrm_saved_search` ADD INDEX (`mapping_id`); ALTER TABLE `civicrm_saved_search` ADD FOREIGN KEY (`mapping_id`) REFERENCES `civicrm_mapping` (`id`); ALTER TABLE `civicrm_saved_search` DROP FOREIGN KEY `civicrm_saved_search_ibfk_1`; ALTER TABLE `civicrm_saved_search` DROP `query`, DROP `domain_id`, DROP `is_active`; -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * Modify the civicrm_custom_value Table Structure -- * -- *******************************************************/ UPDATE `civicrm_custom_value`, `civicrm_custom_field` SET `char_data` = CONCAT(char(1),`char_data`,char(1)) WHERE `custom_field_id` = `civicrm_custom_field`.`id` AND `html_type` IN ('multi-Select','CheckBox');