setup = $setup; $this->blocks = array(); } /** * @param string $method * Ex: 'GET' or 'POST'. * @param array $fields * List of any HTTP GET/POST fields. * @return array * The HTTP headers and response text. * [0 => array $headers, 1 => string $body]. */ public function run($method, $fields = array()) { $this->setup->getDispatcher()->dispatch('', new UIBootEvent($this, $method, $fields)); if (!$this->setup->checkAuthorized()->isAuthorized()) { return $this->createError("Not authorized to perform installation"); } $this->boot($method, $fields); $action = $this->parseAction($fields, 'Start'); $func = 'run' . $action; if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/', $action) || !is_callable([$this, $func])) { return $this->createError("Invalid action"); } return call_user_func([$this, $func], $method, $fields); } /** * Run the main installer page. * * @param string $method * Ex: 'GET' or 'POST'. * @param array $fields * List of any HTTP GET/POST fields. * @return array * The HTTP headers and response text. * [0 => array $headers, 1 => string $body]. */ public function runStart($method, $fields) { $checkInstalled = $this->setup->checkInstalled(); if ($checkInstalled->isDatabaseInstalled() || $checkInstalled->isSettingInstalled()) { return $this->createError("CiviCRM is already installed"); } /** * @var \Civi\Setup\Model $model */ $model = $this->setup->getModel(); $tplFile = $this->getResourcePath('template.php'); $tplVars = [ 'ctrl' => $this, 'civicrm_version' => \CRM_Utils_System::version(), 'installURLPath' => $this->urls['res'], 'short_lang_code' => \CRM_Core_I18n_PseudoConstant::shortForLong($GLOBALS['tsLocale']), 'text_direction' => (\CRM_Core_I18n::isLanguageRTL($GLOBALS['tsLocale']) ? 'rtl' : 'ltr'), 'model' => $model, 'reqs' => $this->setup->checkRequirements(), ]; // $body = "
" . htmlentities(print_r(['method' => $method, 'urls' => $this->urls, 'data' => $fields], 1)) . "
"; $body = $this->render($tplFile, $tplVars); return array(array(), $body); } /** * Perform the installation action. * * @param string $method * Ex: 'GET' or 'POST'. * @param array $fields * List of any HTTP GET/POST fields. * @return array * The HTTP headers and response text. * [0 => array $headers, 1 => string $body]. */ public function runInstall($method, $fields) { $checkInstalled = $this->setup->checkInstalled(); if ($checkInstalled->isDatabaseInstalled() || $checkInstalled->isSettingInstalled()) { return $this->createError("CiviCRM is already installed"); } $reqs = $this->setup->checkRequirements(); if (count($reqs->getErrors())) { return $this->runStart($method, $fields); } $this->setup->installFiles(); $this->setup->installDatabase(); $m = $this->setup->getModel(); $tplFile = $this->getResourcePath('finished.' . $m->cms . '.php'); if (file_exists($tplFile)) { $tplVars = array(); return array(array(), $this->render($tplFile, $tplVars)); } else { return $this->createError("Installation succeeded. However, the final page ($tplFile) was not available."); } } /** * Partially bootstrap Civi services (such as localization). */ protected function boot($method, $fields) { $model = $this->setup->getModel(); define('CIVICRM_UF', $model->cms); // Set the Locale (required by CRM_Core_Config) global $tsLocale; $tsLocale = 'en_US'; // CRM-16801 This validates that lang is valid by looking in $langs. // NB: the variable is initial a $_REQUEST for the initial page reload, // then becomes a $_POST when the installation form is submitted. $langs = $model->getField('lang', 'options'); if (array_key_exists('lang', $fields)) { $model->lang = $fields['lang']; } if ($model->lang and isset($langs[$model->lang])) { $tsLocale = $model->lang; } \CRM_Core_Config::singleton(FALSE); $GLOBALS['civicrm_default_error_scope'] = NULL; // The translation files are in the parent directory (l10n) \CRM_Core_I18n::singleton(); $this->setup->getDispatcher()->dispatch('civi.setupui.boot', new UIBootEvent($this, $method, $fields)); } public function createError($message, $title = 'Error') { return [ [], $this->render($this->getResourcePath('error.html'), [ 'errorTitle' => htmlentities($title), 'errorMsg' => htmlentities($message), 'installURLPath' => $this->urls['res'], ]), ]; } /** * Render a *.php template file. * * @param string $_tpl_file * The path to the file. * @param array $_tpl_params * Any variables that should be exported to the scope of the template. * @return string */ public function render($_tpl_file, $_tpl_params = array()) { extract($_tpl_params); ob_start(); require $_tpl_file; return ob_get_clean(); } public function getResourcePath($parts) { $parts = (array) $parts; array_unshift($parts, 'res'); array_unshift($parts, $this->setup->getModel()->setupPath); return implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $parts); } public function getUrl($name) { return $this->urls[$name] ?? NULL; } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function setUrls($urls) { foreach ($urls as $k => $v) { $this->urls[$k] = $v; } return $this; } /** * Given an HTML submission, determine the name. * * @param array $fields * HTTP inputs -- e.g. with a form element like this: * `` * @param string $default * The action-name to return if no other action is identified. * @return string * The name of the action. * Ex: 'Foo'. */ protected function parseAction($fields, $default) { if (empty($fields[self::PREFIX]['action'])) { return $default; } else { if (is_array($fields[self::PREFIX]['action'])) { foreach ($fields[self::PREFIX]['action'] as $name => $label) { return $name; } } elseif (is_string($fields[self::PREFIX]['action'])) { return $fields[self::PREFIX]['action']; } } return NULL; } public function renderBlocks($_tpl_params) { $buf = ''; // Cleanup - Ensure 'name' is present. foreach (array_keys($this->blocks) as $name) { $this->blocks[$name]['name'] = $name; } // Sort by weight+name. uasort($this->blocks, function($a, $b) { if ($a['weight'] != $b['weight']) { return $a['weight'] - $b['weight']; } return strcmp($a['name'], $b['name']); }); foreach ($this->blocks as $name => $block) { if (!$block['is_active']) { continue; } $buf .= sprintf("
", $name, $block['class'], $this->render( $block['file'], $_tpl_params + array('_tpl_block' => $block) ) ); } return $buf; } /** * @return \Civi\Setup */ public function getSetup() { return $this->setup; } }