addListener('civi.setup.installDatabase', function (\Civi\Setup\Event\InstallDatabaseEvent $e) { if ($e->getModel()->cms !== 'Drupal') { return; } \Civi\Setup::log()->info(sprintf('[%s] Flush CMS metadata', basename(__FILE__))); system_rebuild_module_data(); module_enable(array('civicrm', 'civicrmtheme')); drupal_flush_all_caches(); civicrm_install_set_drupal_perms(); }, \Civi\Setup::PRIORITY_LATE - 50); function civicrm_install_set_drupal_perms() { if (!function_exists('db_select')) { db_query('UPDATE {permission} SET perm = CONCAT( perm, \', access CiviMail subscribe/unsubscribe pages, access all custom data, access uploaded files, make online contributions, profile listings and forms, register for events, view event info, view event participants\') WHERE rid IN (1, 2)'); } else { $perms = array( 'access all custom data', 'access uploaded files', 'make online contributions', 'profile create', 'profile edit', 'profile view', 'register for events', 'view event info', 'view event participants', 'access CiviMail subscribe/unsubscribe pages', ); // Adding a permission that has not yet been assigned to a module by // a hook_permission implementation results in a database error. // CRM-9042 $allPerms = array_keys(module_invoke_all('permission')); foreach (array_diff($perms, $allPerms) as $perm) { watchdog('civicrm', 'Cannot grant the %perm permission because it does not yet exist.', array('%perm' => $perm), WATCHDOG_ERROR ); } $perms = array_intersect($perms, $allPerms); user_role_grant_permissions(DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID, $perms); user_role_grant_permissions(DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID, $perms); } }