## this is the incoming mail receiver container template ## ## After making changes to this file, you MUST rebuild ## /var/discourse/launcher rebuild mail-receiver ## ## BE *VERY* CAREFUL WHEN EDITING! ## YAML FILES ARE SUPER SUPER SENSITIVE TO MISTAKES IN WHITESPACE OR ALIGNMENT! ## visit http://www.yamllint.com/ to validate this file as needed base_image: discourse/mail-receiver:release update_pups: false expose: - "25:25" # SMTP env: LANG: en_US.UTF-8 ## Where e-mail to your forum should be sent. In general, it's perfectly fine ## to use the same domain as the forum itself here. MAIL_DOMAIN: discourse.example.com # uncomment these (and the volume below!) to support TLS # POSTCONF_smtpd_tls_key_file: /letsencrypt/discourse.example.com/prop.ltcmp.net.key # POSTCONF_smtpd_tls_cert_file: /letsencrypt/discourse.example.com/fullchain.cer # POSTCONF_smtpd_tls_security_level: may ## The URL of the mail processing endpoint of your Discourse forum. ## This is simply your forum's base URL, with `/admin/email/handle_mail` ## appended. Be careful if you're running a subfolder setup -- in that case, ## the URL needs to have the subfolder included! DISCOURSE_MAIL_ENDPOINT: 'http://discourse.example.com/admin/email/handle_mail' ## The master API key of your Discourse forum. You can get this from ## the "API" tab of your admin panel. DISCOURSE_API_KEY: abcdefghijklmnop ## The username to use for processing incoming e-mail. Unless you have ## renamed the `system` user, you should leave this as-is. DISCOURSE_API_USERNAME: system volumes: - volume: host: /var/discourse/shared/mail-receiver/postfix-spool guest: /var/spool/postfix # uncomment to support TLS # - volume: # host: /var/discourse/shared/standalone/letsencrypt # guest: /letsencrypt