""" Colorful user's timeline stream """ from __future__ import print_function from multiprocessing import Process from dateutil import parser import os import os.path import sys import signal import argparse import time import datetime from twitter.stream import TwitterStream, Timeout, HeartbeatTimeout, Hangup from twitter.api import * from twitter.oauth import OAuth, read_token_file from twitter.oauth_dance import oauth_dance from twitter.util import printNicely from .colors import * from .config import * from .interactive import * from .db import * g = {} db = RainbowDB() cmdset = [ 'home', 'view', 't', 'rt', 'rep', 'del', 's', 'fr', 'fl', 'h', 'c', 'q' ] def draw(t, keyword=None): """ Draw the rainbow """ # Retrieve tweet tid = t['id'] text = t['text'] screen_name = t['user']['screen_name'] name = t['user']['name'] created_at = t['created_at'] date = parser.parse(created_at) date = date - datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.timezone) clock = date.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S') res = db.tweet_query(tid) if not res: db.store(tid) res = db.tweet_query(tid) rid = res[0].rainbow_id # Format info user = cycle_color(name) + grey(' ' + '@' + screen_name + ' ') meta = grey('[' + clock + '] [id=' + str(rid) + ']') tweet = text.split() # Highlight RT tweet = map(lambda x: grey(x) if x == 'RT' else x, tweet) # Highlight screen_name tweet = map(lambda x: cycle_color(x) if x[0] == '@' else x, tweet) # Highlight link tweet = map(lambda x: cyan(x) if x[0:7] == 'http://' else x, tweet) # Highlight search keyword if keyword: tweet = map( lambda x: on_yellow(x) if ''.join(c for c in x if c.isalnum()).lower() == keyword.lower() else x, tweet ) tweet = ' '.join(tweet) # Draw rainbow line1 = u"{u:>{uw}}:".format( u=user, uw=len(user) + 2, ) line2 = u"{c:>{cw}}".format( c=meta, cw=len(meta) + 2, ) line3 = ' ' + tweet printNicely('') printNicely(line1) printNicely(line2) printNicely(line3) def parse_arguments(): """ Parse the arguments """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__ or "") parser.add_argument( '-to', '--timeout', help='Timeout for the stream (seconds).') parser.add_argument( '-ht', '--heartbeat-timeout', help='Set heartbeat timeout.', default=90) parser.add_argument( '-nb', '--no-block', action='store_true', help='Set stream to non-blocking.') parser.add_argument( '-tt', '--track-keywords', help='Search the stream for specific text.') return parser.parse_args() def authen(): """ Authenticate with Twitter OAuth """ # When using rainbow stream you must authorize. twitter_credential = os.environ.get( 'HOME', os.environ.get( 'USERPROFILE', '')) + os.sep + '.rainbow_oauth' if not os.path.exists(twitter_credential): oauth_dance("Rainbow Stream", CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, twitter_credential) oauth_token, oauth_token_secret = read_token_file(twitter_credential) return OAuth( oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET) def get_decorated_name(): """ Beginning of every line """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) name = '@' + t.account.verify_credentials()['screen_name'] g['decorated_name'] = grey('[') + grey(name) + grey(']: ') def home(): """ Home """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) num = HOME_TWEET_NUM if g['stuff'].isdigit(): num = g['stuff'] for tweet in reversed(t.statuses.home_timeline(count=num)): draw(t=tweet) printNicely('') def view(): """ Friend view """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) user = g['stuff'].split()[0] if user[0] == '@': try: num = int(g['stuff'].split()[1]) except: num = HOME_TWEET_NUM for tweet in reversed(t.statuses.user_timeline(count=num, screen_name=user[1:])): draw(t=tweet) printNicely('') else: print(red('A name should begin with a \'@\'')) def tweet(): """ Tweet """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) t.statuses.update(status=g['stuff']) g['prefix'] = False def retweet(): """ ReTweet """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) try: id = int(g['stuff'].split()[0]) tid = db.rainbow_query(id)[0].tweet_id t.statuses.retweet(id=tid, include_entities=False, trim_user=True) except: print(red('Sorry I can\'t retweet for you.')) g['prefix'] = False def reply(): """ Reply """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) try: id = int(g['stuff'].split()[0]) tid = db.rainbow_query(id)[0].tweet_id user = t.statuses.show(id=tid)['user']['screen_name'] status = ' '.join(g['stuff'].split()[1:]) status = '@' + user + ' ' + status.decode('utf-8') t.statuses.update(status=status, in_reply_to_status_id=tid) except: print(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.')) g['prefix'] = False def delete(): """ Delete """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) try: id = int(g['stuff'].split()[0]) tid = db.rainbow_query(id)[0].tweet_id t.statuses.destroy(id=tid) print(green('Okay it\'s gone.')) except: print(red('Sorry I can\'t delete this tweet for you.')) def search(): """ Search """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) try: if g['stuff'][0] == '#': rel = t.search.tweets(q=g['stuff'])['statuses'] print('Newest', SEARCH_MAX_RECORD, 'tweet:') for i in xrange(5): draw(t=rel[i], keyword=g['stuff'].strip()[1:]) printNicely('') else: print(red('A keyword should be a hashtag (like \'#AKB48\')')) except: print(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.')) def friend(): """ List of friend (following) """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) g['friends'] = t.friends.ids()['ids'] for i in g['friends']: screen_name = t.users.lookup(user_id=i)[0]['screen_name'] user = cycle_color('@' + screen_name) print(user, end=' ') print('\n') def follower(): """ List of follower """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) g['followers'] = t.followers.ids()['ids'] for i in g['followers']: screen_name = t.users.lookup(user_id=i)[0]['screen_name'] user = cycle_color('@' + screen_name) print(user, end=' ') print('\n') def help(): """ Help """ usage = ''' Hi boss! I'm ready to serve you right now! ------------------------------------------------------------- "home" will show your timeline. "home 7" will show 7 tweet. "view @bob" will show your friend @bob's home. "t oops" will tweet "oops" immediately. "rt 12345" will retweet to tweet with id "12345". "rep 12345 oops" will reply "oops" to tweet with id "12345". "del 12345" will delete tweet with id "12345". "s #AKB48" will search for "AKB48" and return 5 newest tweet. "fr" will list out your following people. "fl" will list out your followers. "h" will show this help again. "c" will clear the terminal. "q" will exit. ------------------------------------------------------------- Have fun and hang tight! ''' printNicely(usage) def clear(): """ Clear screen """ os.system('clear') def quit(): """ Exit all """ os.system('rm -rf rainbow.db') os.kill(g['stream_pid'], signal.SIGKILL) sys.exit() def reset(): """ Reset prefix of line """ g['prefix'] = True def process(cmd): """ Process switch """ return dict(zip( cmdset, [ home, view, tweet, retweet, reply, delete, search, friend, follower, help, clear, quit ] )).get(cmd, reset) def listen(): init_interactive_shell(cmdset) first = True while True: if g['prefix'] and not first: line = raw_input(g['decorated_name']) else: line = raw_input() try: cmd = line.split()[0] except: cmd = '' # Save cmd to global variable and call process g['stuff'] = ' '.join(line.split()[1:]) process(cmd)() first = False def stream(): """ Track the stream """ args = parse_arguments() # The Logo ascii_art() # These arguments are optional: stream_args = dict( timeout=args.timeout, block=not args.no_block, heartbeat_timeout=args.heartbeat_timeout) # Track keyword query_args = dict() if args.track_keywords: query_args['track'] = args.track_keywords # Get stream stream = TwitterStream( auth=authen(), domain=DOMAIN, **stream_args) tweet_iter = stream.user(**query_args) # Iterate over the sample stream. for tweet in tweet_iter: if tweet is None: printNicely("-- None --") elif tweet is Timeout: printNicely("-- Timeout --") elif tweet is HeartbeatTimeout: printNicely("-- Heartbeat Timeout --") elif tweet is Hangup: printNicely("-- Hangup --") elif tweet.get('text'): draw(t=tweet) def fly(): """ Main function """ get_decorated_name() g['prefix'] = True p = Process(target=stream) p.start() g['stream_pid'] = p.pid listen()