import os import os.path import sys import signal import argparse import time import threading import requests import webbrowser import traceback import pkg_resources from import TwitterStream, Timeout, HeartbeatTimeout, Hangup from twitter.api import * from twitter.oauth import OAuth, read_token_file from twitter.oauth_dance import oauth_dance from twitter.util import printNicely from .draw import * from .colors import * from .config import * from .consumer import * from .interactive import * from .c_image import * from .py3patch import * from .emoji import * # Global values g = {} # Lock for streams StreamLock = threading.Lock() def parse_arguments(): """ Parse the arguments """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__ or "") parser.add_argument( '-to', '--timeout', help='Timeout for the stream (seconds).') parser.add_argument( '-tt', '--track-keywords', help='Search the stream for specific text.') parser.add_argument( '-fil', '--filter', help='Filter specific screen_name.') parser.add_argument( '-ig', '--ignore', help='Ignore specific screen_name.') parser.add_argument( '-iot', '--image-on-term', action='store_true', help='Display all image on terminal.') return parser.parse_args() def authen(): """ Authenticate with Twitter OAuth """ # When using rainbow stream you must authorize. twitter_credential = os.environ.get( 'HOME', os.environ.get( 'USERPROFILE', '')) + os.sep + '.rainbow_oauth' if not os.path.exists(twitter_credential): oauth_dance("Rainbow Stream", CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, twitter_credential) oauth_token, oauth_token_secret = read_token_file(twitter_credential) return OAuth( oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET) def build_mute_dict(dict_data=False): """ Build muting list """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) # Init cursor next_cursor = -1 screen_name_list = [] name_list = [] # Cursor loop while next_cursor != 0: list = t.mutes.users.list( screen_name=g['original_name'], cursor=next_cursor, skip_status=True, include_entities=False, ) screen_name_list += ['@' + u['screen_name'] for u in list['users']] name_list += [u['name'] for u in list['users']] next_cursor = list['next_cursor'] # Return dict or list if dict_data: return dict(zip(screen_name_list, name_list)) else: return screen_name_list def debug_option(): """ Save traceback when run in debug mode """ if g['debug']: g['traceback'].append(traceback.format_exc()) def upgrade_center(): """ Check latest and notify to upgrade """ try: current = pkg_resources.get_distribution("rainbowstream").version url = '' readme = requests.get(url).text latest = readme.split("version = \'")[1].split("\'")[0] if current != latest: notice = light_magenta('RainbowStream latest version is ') notice += light_green(latest) notice += light_magenta(' while your current version is ') notice += light_yellow(current) + '\n' notice += light_magenta('You should upgrade with ') notice += light_green('pip install -U rainbowstream') printNicely(notice) except: pass def init(args): """ Init function """ # Handle Ctrl C ctrl_c_handler = lambda signum, frame: quit() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, ctrl_c_handler) # Upgrade notify upgrade_center() # Get name t = Twitter(auth=authen()) credential = t.account.verify_credentials() screen_name = '@' + credential['screen_name'] name = credential['name'] if not get_config('PREFIX'): set_config('PREFIX', screen_name) c['PREFIX'] = emojize(c['PREFIX']) g['PREFIX'] = u2str(c['PREFIX']) c['original_name'] = g['original_name'] = screen_name[1:] g['full_name'] = name g['decorated_name'] = lambda x: color_func( c['DECORATED_NAME'])('[' + x + ']: ', rl=True) # Theme init files = os.listdir(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/colorset') themes = [f.split('.')[0] for f in files if f.split('.')[-1] == 'json'] g['themes'] = themes g['pause'] = False g['message_threads'] = {} # Startup cmd g['cmd'] = '' # Debug option default = True g['debug'] = True g['traceback'] = [] # Events c['events'] = [] # Semaphore init c['lock'] = False # Init tweet dict and message dict c['tweet_dict'] = [] c['message_dict'] = [] # Image on term c['IMAGE_ON_TERM'] = args.image_on_term set_config('IMAGE_ON_TERM', str(c['IMAGE_ON_TERM'])) # Check type of ONLY_LIST and IGNORE_LIST if not isinstance(c['ONLY_LIST'], list): printNicely(red('ONLY_LIST is not a valid list value.')) c['ONLY_LIST'] = [] if not isinstance(c['IGNORE_LIST'], list): printNicely(red('IGNORE_LIST is not a valid list value.')) c['IGNORE_LIST'] = [] # Mute dict c['IGNORE_LIST'] += build_mute_dict() def trend(): """ Trend """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) # Get country and town try: country = g['stuff'].split()[0] except: country = '' try: town = g['stuff'].split()[1] except: town = '' avail = t.trends.available() # World wide if not country: trends =[0]['trends'] print_trends(trends) else: for location in avail: # Search for country and Town if town: if location['countryCode'] == country \ and location['placeType']['name'] == 'Town' \ and location['name'] == town: trends =['woeid'])[0]['trends'] print_trends(trends) # Search for country only else: if location['countryCode'] == country \ and location['placeType']['name'] == 'Country': trends =['woeid'])[0]['trends'] print_trends(trends) def home(): """ Home """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) num = c['HOME_TWEET_NUM'] if g['stuff'].isdigit(): num = int(g['stuff']) for tweet in reversed(t.statuses.home_timeline(count=num)): draw(t=tweet) printNicely('') def notification(): """ Show notifications """ if c['events']: for e in c['events']: print_event(e) printNicely('') else: printNicely(magenta('Nothing at this time.')) def mentions(): """ Mentions timeline """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) num = c['HOME_TWEET_NUM'] if g['stuff'].isdigit(): num = int(g['stuff']) for tweet in reversed(t.statuses.mentions_timeline(count=num)): draw(t=tweet) printNicely('') def whois(): """ Show profile of a specific user """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) screen_name = g['stuff'].split()[0] if screen_name.startswith('@'): try: user = screen_name=screen_name[1:], include_entities=False) show_profile(user) except: debug_option() printNicely(red('No user.')) else: printNicely(red('A name should begin with a \'@\'')) def view(): """ Friend view """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) user = g['stuff'].split()[0] if user[0] == '@': try: num = int(g['stuff'].split()[1]) except: num = c['HOME_TWEET_NUM'] for tweet in reversed( t.statuses.user_timeline(count=num, screen_name=user[1:])): draw(t=tweet) printNicely('') else: printNicely(red('A name should begin with a \'@\'')) def search(): """ Search """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) # Setup query query = g['stuff'].strip() type = c['SEARCH_TYPE'] if type not in ['mixed', 'recent', 'popular']: type = 'mixed' max_record = c['SEARCH_MAX_RECORD'] count = min(max_record, 100) # Perform search rel = q=query, type=type, count=count )['statuses'] # Return results if rel: printNicely('Newest tweets:') for i in reversed(xrange(count)): draw(t=rel[i], keyword=query) printNicely('') else: printNicely(magenta('I\'m afraid there is no result')) def tweet(): """ Tweet """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) t.statuses.update(status=g['stuff']) def retweet(): """ ReTweet """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) try: id = int(g['stuff'].split()[0]) except: printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.')) return tid = c['tweet_dict'][id] t.statuses.retweet(id=tid, include_entities=False, trim_user=True) def quote(): """ Quote a tweet """ # Get tweet t = Twitter(auth=authen()) try: id = int(g['stuff'].split()[0]) except: printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.')) return tid = c['tweet_dict'][id] tweet = # Get formater formater = format_quote(tweet) if not formater: return # Get comment prefix = light_magenta('Compose your ', rl=True) + \ light_green('#comment: ', rl=True) comment = raw_input(prefix) if comment: quote = comment.join(formater.split('#comment')) t.statuses.update(status=quote) else: printNicely(light_magenta('No text added.')) def allretweet(): """ List all retweet """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) # Get rainbow id try: id = int(g['stuff'].split()[0]) except: printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.')) return tid = c['tweet_dict'][id] # Get display num if exist try: num = int(g['stuff'].split()[1]) except: num = c['RETWEETS_SHOW_NUM'] # Get result and display rt_ary = t.statuses.retweets(id=tid, count=num) if not rt_ary: printNicely(magenta('This tweet has no retweet.')) return for tweet in reversed(rt_ary): draw(t=tweet) printNicely('') def conversation(): """ Conversation view """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) try: id = int(g['stuff'].split()[0]) except: printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.')) return tid = c['tweet_dict'][id] tweet = limit = c['CONVERSATION_MAX'] thread_ref = [] thread_ref.append(tweet) prev_tid = tweet['in_reply_to_status_id'] while prev_tid and limit: limit -= 1 tweet = prev_tid = tweet['in_reply_to_status_id'] thread_ref.append(tweet) for tweet in reversed(thread_ref): draw(t=tweet) printNicely('') def reply(): """ Reply """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) try: id = int(g['stuff'].split()[0]) except: printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.')) return tid = c['tweet_dict'][id] user =['user']['screen_name'] status = ' '.join(g['stuff'].split()[1:]) status = '@' + user + ' ' + str2u(status) t.statuses.update(status=status, in_reply_to_status_id=tid) def favorite(): """ Favorite """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) try: id = int(g['stuff'].split()[0]) except: printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.')) return tid = c['tweet_dict'][id] t.favorites.create(_id=tid, include_entities=False) printNicely(green('Favorited.')) draw( printNicely('') def unfavorite(): """ Unfavorite """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) try: id = int(g['stuff'].split()[0]) except: printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.')) return tid = c['tweet_dict'][id] t.favorites.destroy(_id=tid) printNicely(green('Okay it\'s unfavorited.')) draw( printNicely('') def share(): """ Copy url of a tweet to clipboard """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) try: id = int(g['stuff'].split()[0]) tid = c['tweet_dict'][id] except: printNicely(red('Tweet id is not valid.')) return tweet = url = '' + \ tweet['user']['screen_name'] + '/status/' + str(tid) import platform if platform.system().lower() == 'darwin': os.system("echo '%s' | pbcopy" % url) printNicely(green('Copied tweet\'s url to clipboard.')) else: printNicely('Direct link: ' + yellow(url)) def delete(): """ Delete """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) try: id = int(g['stuff'].split()[0]) except: printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.')) return tid = c['tweet_dict'][id] t.statuses.destroy(id=tid) printNicely(green('Okay it\'s gone.')) def show(): """ Show image """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) try: target = g['stuff'].split()[0] if target != 'image': return id = int(g['stuff'].split()[1]) tid = c['tweet_dict'][id] tweet = media = tweet['entities']['media'] for m in media: res = requests.get(m['media_url']) img = except: debug_option() printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t show this image.')) def urlopen(): """ Open url """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) try: if not g['stuff'].isdigit(): return tid = c['tweet_dict'][int(g['stuff'])] tweet = link_prefix = ('http://', 'https://') link_ary = [u for u in tweet['text'].split() if u.startswith(link_prefix)] if not link_ary: printNicely(light_magenta('No url here @.@!')) return for link in link_ary: except: debug_option() printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t open url in this tweet.')) def inbox(): """ Inbox threads """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) num = c['MESSAGES_DISPLAY'] if g['stuff'].isdigit(): num = g['stuff'] # Get inbox messages cur_page = 1 inbox = [] while num > 20: inbox = inbox + t.direct_messages( count=20, page=cur_page, include_entities=False, skip_status=False ) num -= 20 cur_page += 1 inbox = inbox + t.direct_messages( count=num, page=cur_page, include_entities=False, skip_status=False ) # Get sent messages num = c['MESSAGES_DISPLAY'] if g['stuff'].isdigit(): num = g['stuff'] cur_page = 1 sent = [] while num > 20: sent = sent + t.direct_messages.sent( count=20, page=cur_page, include_entities=False, skip_status=False ) num -= 20 cur_page += 1 sent = sent + t.direct_messages.sent( count=num, page=cur_page, include_entities=False, skip_status=False ) d = {} uniq_inbox = list(set( [(m['sender_screen_name'], m['sender']['name']) for m in inbox] )) uniq_sent = list(set( [(m['recipient_screen_name'], m['recipient']['name']) for m in sent] )) for partner in uniq_inbox: inbox_ary = [m for m in inbox if m['sender_screen_name'] == partner[0]] sent_ary = [ m for m in sent if m['recipient_screen_name'] == partner[0]] d[partner] = inbox_ary + sent_ary for partner in uniq_sent: if partner not in d: d[partner] = [ m for m in sent if m['recipient_screen_name'] == partner[0]] g['message_threads'] = print_threads(d) def thread(): """ View a thread of message """ try: thread_id = int(g['stuff']) print_thread( g['message_threads'][thread_id], g['original_name'], g['full_name']) except Exception: debug_option() printNicely(red('No such thread.')) def message(): """ Send a direct message """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) try: user = g['stuff'].split()[0] if user[0].startswith('@'): content = ' '.join(g['stuff'].split()[1:]) screen_name=user[1:], text=content ) printNicely(green('Message sent.')) else: printNicely(red('A name should begin with a \'@\'')) except: debug_option() printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.')) def trash(): """ Remove message """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) try: id = int(g['stuff'].split()[0]) except: printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.')) mid = c['message_dict'][id] t.direct_messages.destroy(id=mid) printNicely(green('Message deleted.')) def ls(): """ List friends for followers """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) # Get name try: name = g['stuff'].split()[1] if name.startswith('@'): name = name[1:] else: printNicely(red('A name should begin with a \'@\'')) raise Exception('Invalid name') except: name = g['original_name'] # Get list followers or friends try: target = g['stuff'].split()[0] except: printNicely(red('Omg some syntax is wrong.')) # Init cursor d = {'fl': 'followers', 'fr': 'friends'} next_cursor = -1 rel = {} # Cursor loop while next_cursor != 0: list = getattr(t, d[target]).list( screen_name=name, cursor=next_cursor, skip_status=True, include_entities=False, ) for u in list['users']: rel[u['name']] = '@' + u['screen_name'] next_cursor = list['next_cursor'] # Print out result printNicely('All: ' + str(len(rel)) + ' ' + d[target] + '.') for name in rel: user = ' ' + cycle_color(name) user += color_func(c['TWEET']['nick'])(' ' + rel[name] + ' ') printNicely(user) def follow(): """ Follow a user """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) screen_name = g['stuff'].split()[0] if screen_name.startswith('@'): t.friendships.create(screen_name=screen_name[1:], follow=True) printNicely(green('You are following ' + screen_name + ' now!')) else: printNicely(red('A name should begin with a \'@\'')) def unfollow(): """ Unfollow a user """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) screen_name = g['stuff'].split()[0] if screen_name.startswith('@'): t.friendships.destroy( screen_name=screen_name[1:], include_entities=False) printNicely(green('Unfollow ' + screen_name + ' success!')) else: printNicely(red('A name should begin with a \'@\'')) def mute(): """ Mute a user """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) try: screen_name = g['stuff'].split()[0] except: printNicely(red('A name should be specified. ')) return if screen_name.startswith('@'): try: rel = t.mutes.users.create(screen_name=screen_name[1:]) if isinstance(rel, dict): printNicely(green(screen_name + ' is muted.')) c['IGNORE_LIST'] += [unc(screen_name)] c['IGNORE_LIST'] = list(set(c['IGNORE_LIST'])) else: printNicely(red(rel)) except: debug_option() printNicely(red('Something is wrong, can not mute now :(')) else: printNicely(red('A name should begin with a \'@\'')) def unmute(): """ Unmute a user """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) try: screen_name = g['stuff'].split()[0] except: printNicely(red('A name should be specified. ')) return if screen_name.startswith('@'): try: rel = t.mutes.users.destroy(screen_name=screen_name[1:]) if isinstance(rel, dict): printNicely(green(screen_name + ' is unmuted.')) c['IGNORE_LIST'].remove(screen_name) else: printNicely(red(rel)) except: printNicely(red('Maybe you are not muting this person ?')) else: printNicely(red('A name should begin with a \'@\'')) def muting(): """ List muting user """ # Get dict of muting users md = build_mute_dict(dict_data=True) printNicely('All: ' + str(len(md)) + ' people.') for name in md: user = ' ' + cycle_color(md[name]) user += color_func(c['TWEET']['nick'])(' ' + name + ' ') printNicely(user) # Update from Twitter c['IGNORE_LIST'] = [n for n in md] def block(): """ Block a user """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) screen_name = g['stuff'].split()[0] if screen_name.startswith('@'): t.blocks.create( screen_name=screen_name[1:], include_entities=False, skip_status=True) printNicely(green('You blocked ' + screen_name + '.')) else: printNicely(red('A name should begin with a \'@\'')) def unblock(): """ Unblock a user """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) screen_name = g['stuff'].split()[0] if screen_name.startswith('@'): t.blocks.destroy( screen_name=screen_name[1:], include_entities=False, skip_status=True) printNicely(green('Unblock ' + screen_name + ' success!')) else: printNicely(red('A name should begin with a \'@\'')) def report(): """ Report a user as a spam account """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) screen_name = g['stuff'].split()[0] if screen_name.startswith('@'): t.users.report_spam( screen_name=screen_name[1:]) printNicely(green('You reported ' + screen_name + '.')) else: printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.')) def get_slug(): """ Get slug """ # Get list name list_name = raw_input( light_magenta('Give me the list\'s name ("@owner/list_name"): ', rl=True)) # Get list name and owner try: owner, slug = list_name.split('/') if slug.startswith('@'): slug = slug[1:] return owner, slug except: printNicely( light_magenta('List name should follow "@owner/list_name" format.')) raise Exception('Wrong list name') def show_lists(t): """ List list """ rel = t.lists.list(screen_name=g['original_name']) if rel: print_list(rel) else: printNicely(light_magenta('You belong to no lists :)')) def list_home(t): """ List home """ owner, slug = get_slug() res = t.lists.statuses( slug=slug, owner_screen_name=owner, count=c['LIST_MAX'], include_entities=False) for tweet in reversed(res): draw(t=tweet) printNicely('') def list_members(t): """ List members """ owner, slug = get_slug() # Get members rel = {} next_cursor = -1 while next_cursor != 0: m = t.lists.members( slug=slug, owner_screen_name=owner, cursor=next_cursor, include_entities=False) for u in m['users']: rel[u['name']] = '@' + u['screen_name'] next_cursor = m['next_cursor'] printNicely('All: ' + str(len(rel)) + ' members.') for name in rel: user = ' ' + cycle_color(name) user += color_func(c['TWEET']['nick'])(' ' + rel[name] + ' ') printNicely(user) def list_subscribers(t): """ List subscribers """ owner, slug = get_slug() # Get subscribers rel = {} next_cursor = -1 while next_cursor != 0: m = t.lists.subscribers( slug=slug, owner_screen_name=owner, cursor=next_cursor, include_entities=False) for u in m['users']: rel[u['name']] = '@' + u['screen_name'] next_cursor = m['next_cursor'] printNicely('All: ' + str(len(rel)) + ' subscribers.') for name in rel: user = ' ' + cycle_color(name) user += color_func(c['TWEET']['nick'])(' ' + rel[name] + ' ') printNicely(user) def list_add(t): """ Add specific user to a list """ owner, slug = get_slug() # Add user_name = raw_input( light_magenta( 'Give me name of the newbie: ', rl=True)) if user_name.startswith('@'): user_name = user_name[1:] try: t.lists.members.create( slug=slug, owner_screen_name=owner, screen_name=user_name) printNicely(green('Added.')) except: debug_option() printNicely(light_magenta('I\'m sorry we can not add him/her.')) def list_remove(t): """ Remove specific user from a list """ owner, slug = get_slug() # Remove user_name = raw_input( light_magenta( 'Give me name of the unlucky one: ', rl=True)) if user_name.startswith('@'): user_name = user_name[1:] try: t.lists.members.destroy( slug=slug, owner_screen_name=owner, screen_name=user_name) printNicely(green('Gone.')) except: debug_option() printNicely(light_magenta('I\'m sorry we can not remove him/her.')) def list_subscribe(t): """ Subscribe to a list """ owner, slug = get_slug() # Subscribe try: t.lists.subscribers.create( slug=slug, owner_screen_name=owner) printNicely(green('Done.')) except: debug_option() printNicely( light_magenta('I\'m sorry you can not subscribe to this list.')) def list_unsubscribe(t): """ Unsubscribe a list """ owner, slug = get_slug() # Subscribe try: t.lists.subscribers.destroy( slug=slug, owner_screen_name=owner) printNicely(green('Done.')) except: debug_option() printNicely( light_magenta('I\'m sorry you can not unsubscribe to this list.')) def list_own(t): """ List own """ rel = [] next_cursor = -1 while next_cursor != 0: res = t.lists.ownerships( screen_name=g['original_name'], cursor=next_cursor) rel += res['lists'] next_cursor = res['next_cursor'] if rel: print_list(rel) else: printNicely(light_magenta('You own no lists :)')) def list_new(t): """ Create a new list """ name = raw_input(light_magenta('New list\'s name: ', rl=True)) mode = raw_input( light_magenta( 'New list\'s mode (public/private): ', rl=True)) description = raw_input( light_magenta( 'New list\'s description: ', rl=True)) try: t.lists.create( name=name, mode=mode, description=description) printNicely(green(name + ' list is created.')) except: debug_option() printNicely(red('Oops something is wrong with Twitter :(')) def list_update(t): """ Update a list """ slug = raw_input( light_magenta( 'Your list that you want to update: ', rl=True)) name = raw_input( light_magenta( 'Update name (leave blank to unchange): ', rl=True)) mode = raw_input(light_magenta('Update mode (public/private): ', rl=True)) description = raw_input(light_magenta('Update description: ', rl=True)) try: if name: t.lists.update( slug='-'.join(slug.split()), owner_screen_name=g['original_name'], name=name, mode=mode, description=description) else: t.lists.update( slug=slug, owner_screen_name=g['original_name'], mode=mode, description=description) printNicely(green(slug + ' list is updated.')) except: debug_option() printNicely(red('Oops something is wrong with Twitter :(')) def list_delete(t): """ Delete a list """ slug = raw_input( light_magenta( 'Your list that you want to delete: ', rl=True)) try: t.lists.destroy( slug='-'.join(slug.split()), owner_screen_name=g['original_name']) printNicely(green(slug + ' list is deleted.')) except: debug_option() printNicely(red('Oops something is wrong with Twitter :(')) def twitterlist(): """ Twitter's list """ t = Twitter(auth=authen()) # List all lists or base on action try: g['list_action'] = g['stuff'].split()[0] except: show_lists(t) return # Sub-function action_ary = { 'home': list_home, 'all_mem': list_members, 'all_sub': list_subscribers, 'add': list_add, 'rm': list_remove, 'sub': list_subscribe, 'unsub': list_unsubscribe, 'own': list_own, 'new': list_new, 'update': list_update, 'del': list_delete, } try: return action_ary[g['list_action']](t) except: printNicely(red('Please try again.')) def switch(): """ Switch stream """ try: target = g['stuff'].split()[0] # Filter and ignore args = parse_arguments() try: if g['stuff'].split()[-1] == '-f': guide = 'To ignore an option, just hit Enter key.' printNicely(light_magenta(guide)) only = raw_input('Only nicks [Ex: @xxx,@yy]: ') ignore = raw_input('Ignore nicks [Ex: @xxx,@yy]: ') args.filter = filter(None, only.split(',')) args.ignore = filter(None, ignore.split(',')) except: printNicely(red('Sorry, wrong format.')) return # Public stream if target == 'public': keyword = g['stuff'].split()[1] if keyword[0] == '#': keyword = keyword[1:] # Kill old thread g['stream_stop'] = True args.track_keywords = keyword # Start new thread th = threading.Thread( target=stream, args=( c['PUBLIC_DOMAIN'], args)) th.daemon = True th.start() # Personal stream elif target == 'mine': # Kill old thread g['stream_stop'] = True # Start new thread th = threading.Thread( target=stream, args=( c['USER_DOMAIN'], args, g['original_name'])) th.daemon = True th.start() # Stream base on list elif target == 'list': owner, slug = get_slug() # Force python 2 not redraw readline buffer g['cmd'] = '/'.join([owner, slug]) printNicely(light_yellow('getting list members ...')) # Get members t = Twitter(auth=authen()) members = [] next_cursor = -1 while next_cursor != 0: m = t.lists.members( slug=slug, owner_screen_name=owner, cursor=next_cursor, include_entities=False) for u in m['users']: members.append('@' + u['screen_name']) next_cursor = m['next_cursor'] printNicely(light_yellow('... done.')) # Build thread filter array args.filter = members # Kill old thread g['stream_stop'] = True # Start new thread th = threading.Thread( target=stream, args=( c['USER_DOMAIN'], args, slug)) th.daemon = True th.start() printNicely('') if args.filter: printNicely(cyan('Include: ' + str(len(args.filter)) + ' people.')) if args.ignore: printNicely(red('Ignore: ' + str(len(args.ignore)) + ' people.')) printNicely('') except: debug_option() printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.')) def cal(): """ Unix's command `cal` """ # Format rel = os.popen('cal').read().split('\n') month = rel.pop(0) date = rel.pop(0) show_calendar(month, date, rel) def theme(): """ List and change theme """ if not g['stuff']: # List themes for theme in g['themes']: line = light_magenta(theme) if c['THEME'] == theme: line = ' ' * 2 + light_yellow('* ') + line else: line = ' ' * 4 + line printNicely(line) else: # Change theme try: # Load new theme c['THEME'] = reload_theme(g['stuff'], c['THEME']) # Redefine decorated_name g['decorated_name'] = lambda x: color_func( c['DECORATED_NAME'])( '[' + x + ']: ') printNicely(green('Theme changed.')) except: printNicely(red('No such theme exists.')) def config(): """ Browse and change config """ all_config = get_all_config() g['stuff'] = g['stuff'].strip() # List all config if not g['stuff']: for k in all_config: line = ' ' * 2 + \ green(k) + ': ' + light_yellow(str(all_config[k])) printNicely(line) guide = 'Detailed explanation can be found at ' + \ color_func(c['TWEET']['link'])( '') printNicely(guide) # Print specific config elif len(g['stuff'].split()) == 1: if g['stuff'] in all_config: k = g['stuff'] line = ' ' * 2 + \ green(k) + ': ' + light_yellow(str(all_config[k])) printNicely(line) else: printNicely(red('No such config key.')) # Print specific config's default value elif len(g['stuff'].split()) == 2 and g['stuff'].split()[-1] == 'default': key = g['stuff'].split()[0] try: value = get_default_config(key) line = ' ' * 2 + green(key) + ': ' + light_magenta(value) printNicely(line) except: debug_option() printNicely(red('Just can not get the default.')) # Delete specific config key in config file elif len(g['stuff'].split()) == 2 and g['stuff'].split()[-1] == 'drop': key = g['stuff'].split()[0] try: delete_config(key) printNicely(green('Config key is dropped.')) except: debug_option() printNicely(red('Just can not drop the key.')) # Set specific config elif len(g['stuff'].split()) == 3 and g['stuff'].split()[1] == '=': key = g['stuff'].split()[0] value = g['stuff'].split()[-1] if key == 'THEME' and not validate_theme(value): printNicely(red('Invalid theme\'s value.')) return try: set_config(key, value) # Keys that needs to be apply immediately if key == 'THEME': c['THEME'] = reload_theme(value, c['THEME']) g['decorated_name'] = lambda x: color_func( c['DECORATED_NAME'])('[' + x + ']: ') elif key == 'PREFIX': g['PREFIX'] = u2str(emojize(c['PREFIX'])) reload_config() printNicely(green('Updated successfully.')) except: debug_option() printNicely(red('Just can not set the key.')) else: printNicely(light_magenta('Sorry I can\'s understand.')) def help_discover(): """ Discover the world """ s = ' ' * 2 # Discover the world usage = '\n' usage += s + grey(u'\u266A' + ' Discover the world \n') usage += s * 2 + light_green('trend') + ' will show global trending topics. ' + \ 'You can try ' + light_green('trend US') + ' or ' + \ light_green('trend JP Tokyo') + '.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('home') + ' will show your timeline. ' + \ light_green('home 7') + ' will show 7 tweets.\n' usage += s * 2 + \ light_green('notification') + ' will show your recent notification.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('mentions') + ' will show mentions timeline. ' + \ light_green('mentions 7') + ' will show 7 mention tweets.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('whois @mdo') + ' will show profile of ' + \ magenta('@mdo') + '.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('view @mdo') + \ ' will show ' + magenta('@mdo') + '\'s home.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('s AKB48') + ' will search for "' + \ light_yellow('AKB48') + '" and return 5 newest tweet. ' + \ 'Search can be performed with or without hashtag.\n' printNicely(usage) def help_tweets(): """ Tweets """ s = ' ' * 2 # Tweet usage = '\n' usage += s + grey(u'\u266A' + ' Tweets \n') usage += s * 2 + light_green('t oops ') + \ 'will tweet "' + light_yellow('oops') + '" immediately.\n' usage += s * 2 + \ light_green('rt 12 ') + ' will retweet to tweet with ' + \ light_yellow('[id=12]') + '.\n' usage += s * 2 + \ light_green('quote 12 ') + ' will quote the tweet with ' + \ light_yellow('[id=12]') + '. If no extra text is added, ' + \ 'the quote will be canceled.\n' usage += s * 2 + \ light_green('allrt 12 20 ') + ' will list 20 newest retweet of the tweet with ' + \ light_yellow('[id=12]') + '.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('conversation 12') + ' will show the chain of ' + \ 'replies prior to the tweet with ' + light_yellow('[id=12]') + '.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('rep 12 oops') + ' will reply "' + \ light_yellow('oops') + '" to tweet with ' + \ light_yellow('[id=12]') + '.\n' usage += s * 2 + \ light_green('fav 12 ') + ' will favorite the tweet with ' + \ light_yellow('[id=12]') + '.\n' usage += s * 2 + \ light_green('ufav 12 ') + ' will unfavorite tweet with ' + \ light_yellow('[id=12]') + '.\n' usage += s * 2 + \ light_green('share 12 ') + ' will get the direct link of the tweet with ' + \ light_yellow('[id=12]') + '.\n' usage += s * 2 + \ light_green('del 12 ') + ' will delete tweet with ' + \ light_yellow('[id=12]') + '.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('show image 12') + ' will show image in tweet with ' + \ light_yellow('[id=12]') + ' in your OS\'s image viewer.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('open 12') + ' will open url in tweet with ' + \ light_yellow('[id=12]') + ' in your OS\'s default browser.\n' printNicely(usage) def help_messages(): """ Messages """ s = ' ' * 2 # Direct message usage = '\n' usage += s + grey(u'\u266A' + ' Direct messages \n') usage += s * 2 + light_green('inbox') + ' will show inbox messages. ' + \ light_green('inbox 7') + ' will show newest 7 messages.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('thread 2') + ' will show full thread with ' + \ light_yellow('[thread_id=2]') + '.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('mes @dtvd88 hi') + ' will send a "hi" messege to ' + \ magenta('@dtvd88') + '.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('trash 5') + ' will remove message with ' + \ light_yellow('[message_id=5]') + '.\n' printNicely(usage) def help_friends_and_followers(): """ Friends and Followers """ s = ' ' * 2 # Follower and following usage = '\n' usage += s + grey(u'\u266A' + ' Friends and followers \n') usage += s * 2 + \ light_green('ls fl') + \ ' will list all followers (people who are following you).\n' usage += s * 2 + \ light_green('ls fr') + \ ' will list all friends (people who you are following).\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('fl @dtvd88') + ' will follow ' + \ magenta('@dtvd88') + '.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('ufl @dtvd88') + ' will unfollow ' + \ magenta('@dtvd88') + '.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('mute @dtvd88') + ' will mute ' + \ magenta('@dtvd88') + '.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('unmute @dtvd88') + ' will unmute ' + \ magenta('@dtvd88') + '.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('muting') + ' will list muting users.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('block @dtvd88') + ' will block ' + \ magenta('@dtvd88') + '.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('unblock @dtvd88') + ' will unblock ' + \ magenta('@dtvd88') + '.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('report @dtvd88') + ' will report ' + \ magenta('@dtvd88') + ' as a spam account.\n' printNicely(usage) def help_list(): """ Lists """ s = ' ' * 2 # Twitter list usage = '\n' usage += s + grey(u'\u266A' + ' Twitter list\n') usage += s * 2 + light_green('list') + \ ' will show all lists you are belong to.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('list home') + \ ' will show timeline of list. You will be asked for list\'s name.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('list all_mem') + \ ' will show list\'s all members.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('list all_sub') + \ ' will show list\'s all subscribers.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('list add') + \ ' will add specific person to a list owned by you.' + \ ' You will be asked for list\'s name and person\'s name.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('list rm') + \ ' will remove specific person from a list owned by you.' + \ ' You will be asked for list\'s name and person\'s name.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('list sub') + \ ' will subscribe you to a specific list.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('list unsub') + \ ' will unsubscribe you from a specific list.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('list own') + \ ' will show all list owned by you.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('list new') + \ ' will create a new list.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('list update') + \ ' will update a list owned by you.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('list del') + \ ' will delete a list owned by you.\n' printNicely(usage) def help_stream(): """ Stream switch """ s = ' ' * 2 # Switch usage = '\n' usage += s + grey(u'\u266A' + ' Switching streams \n') usage += s * 2 + light_green('switch public #AKB') + \ ' will switch to public stream and follow "' + \ light_yellow('AKB') + '" keyword.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('switch mine') + \ ' will switch to your personal stream.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('switch mine -f ') + \ ' will prompt to enter the filter.\n' usage += s * 3 + light_yellow('Only nicks') + \ ' filter will decide nicks will be INCLUDE ONLY.\n' usage += s * 3 + light_yellow('Ignore nicks') + \ ' filter will decide nicks will be EXCLUDE.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('switch list') + \ ' will switch to a Twitter list\'s stream. You will be asked for list name\n' printNicely(usage) def help(): """ Help """ s = ' ' * 2 h, w = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split() # Start usage = '\n' usage += s + 'Hi boss! I\'m ready to serve you right now!\n' usage += s + '-' * (int(w) - 4) + '\n' usage += s + 'You are ' + \ light_yellow('already') + ' on your personal stream.\n' usage += s + 'Any update from Twitter will show up ' + \ light_yellow('immediately') + '.\n' usage += s + 'In addition, following commands are available right now:\n' # Twitter help section usage += '\n' usage += s + grey(u'\u266A' + ' Twitter help\n') usage += s * 2 + light_green('h discover') + \ ' will show help for discover commands.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('h tweets') + \ ' will show help for tweets commands.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('h messages') + \ ' will show help for messages commands.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('h friends_and_followers') + \ ' will show help for friends and followers commands.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('h list') + \ ' will show help for list commands.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('h stream') + \ ' will show help for stream commands.\n' # Smart shell usage += '\n' usage += s + grey(u'\u266A' + ' Smart shell\n') usage += s * 2 + light_green('111111 * 9 / 7') + ' or any math expression ' + \ 'will be evaluate by Python interpreter.\n' usage += s * 2 + 'Even ' + light_green('cal') + ' will show the calendar' + \ ' for current month.\n' # Config usage += '\n' usage += s + grey(u'\u266A' + ' Config \n') usage += s * 2 + light_green('theme') + ' will list available theme. ' + \ light_green('theme monokai') + ' will apply ' + light_yellow('monokai') + \ ' theme immediately.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('config') + ' will list all config.\n' usage += s * 3 + \ light_green('config ASCII_ART') + ' will output current value of ' +\ light_yellow('ASCII_ART') + ' config key.\n' usage += s * 3 + \ light_green('config TREND_MAX default') + ' will output default value of ' + \ light_yellow('TREND_MAX') + ' config key.\n' usage += s * 3 + \ light_green('config CUSTOM_CONFIG drop') + ' will drop ' + \ light_yellow('CUSTOM_CONFIG') + ' config key.\n' usage += s * 3 + \ light_green('config IMAGE_ON_TERM = true') + ' will set value of ' + \ light_yellow('IMAGE_ON_TERM') + ' config key to ' + \ light_yellow('True') + '.\n' # Screening usage += '\n' usage += s + grey(u'\u266A' + ' Screening \n') usage += s * 2 + light_green('h') + ' will show this help again.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('p') + ' will pause the stream.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('r') + ' will unpause the stream.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('c') + ' will clear the screen.\n' usage += s * 2 + light_green('q') + ' will quit.\n' # End usage += '\n' usage += s + '-' * (int(w) - 4) + '\n' usage += s + 'Have fun and hang tight! \n' # Show help d = { 'discover': help_discover, 'tweets': help_tweets, 'messages': help_messages, 'friends_and_followers': help_friends_and_followers, 'list': help_list, 'stream': help_stream, } if g['stuff']: d.get( g['stuff'].strip(), lambda: printNicely(red('No such command.')) )() else: printNicely(usage) def pause(): """ Pause stream display """ g['pause'] = True printNicely(green('Stream is paused')) def replay(): """ Replay stream """ g['pause'] = False printNicely(green('Stream is running back now')) def clear(): """ Clear screen """ os.system('clear') def quit(): """ Exit all """ try: save_history() printNicely(green('See you next time :)')) except: pass sys.exit() def reset(): """ Reset prefix of line """ if g['reset']: if c.get('USER_JSON_ERROR'): printNicely(red('Your ~/.rainbow_config.json is messed up:')) printNicely(red('>>> ' + c['USER_JSON_ERROR'])) printNicely('') printNicely(magenta('Need tips ? Type "h" and hit Enter key!')) g['reset'] = False try: printNicely(str(eval(g['cmd']))) except Exception: pass # Command set cmdset = [ 'switch', 'trend', 'home', 'notification', 'view', 'mentions', 't', 'rt', 'quote', 'allrt', 'conversation', 'fav', 'rep', 'del', 'ufav', 'share', 's', 'mes', 'show', 'open', 'ls', 'inbox', 'thread', 'trash', 'whois', 'fl', 'ufl', 'mute', 'unmute', 'muting', 'block', 'unblock', 'report', 'list', 'cal', 'config', 'theme', 'h', 'p', 'r', 'c', 'q' ] # Handle function set funcset = [ switch, trend, home, notification, view, mentions, tweet, retweet, quote, allretweet, conversation, favorite, reply, delete, unfavorite, share, search, message, show, urlopen, ls, inbox, thread, trash, whois, follow, unfollow, mute, unmute, muting, block, unblock, report, twitterlist, cal, config, theme, help, pause, replay, clear, quit ] def process(cmd): """ Process switch """ return dict(zip(cmdset, funcset)).get(cmd, reset) def listen(): """ Listen to user's input """ d = dict(zip( cmdset, [ ['public', 'mine', 'list'], # switch [], # trend [], # home [], # notification ['@'], # view [], # mentions [], # tweet [], # retweet [], # quote [], # allretweet [], # conversation [], # favorite [], # reply [], # delete [], # unfavorite [], # url ['#'], # search ['@'], # message ['image'], # show image [''], # open url ['fl', 'fr'], # list [], # inbox [i for i in g['message_threads']], # sent [], # trash ['@'], # whois ['@'], # follow ['@'], # unfollow ['@'], # mute ['@'], # unmute ['@'], # muting ['@'], # block ['@'], # unblock ['@'], # report [ 'home', 'all_mem', 'all_sub', 'add', 'rm', 'sub', 'unsub', 'own', 'new', 'update', 'del' ], # list [], # cal [key for key in dict(get_all_config())], # config g['themes'], # theme [ 'discover', 'tweets', 'messages', 'friends_and_followers', 'list', 'stream' ], # help [], # pause [], # reconnect [], # clear [], # quit ] )) init_interactive_shell(d) read_history() reset() while True: try: # raw_input if g['prefix']: # Only use PREFIX as a string with raw_input line = raw_input(g['decorated_name'](g['PREFIX'])) else: line = raw_input() # Save cmd to compare with readline buffer g['cmd'] = line.strip() # Get short cmd to pass to handle function try: cmd = line.split()[0] except: cmd = '' # Lock the semaphore c['lock'] = True # Save cmd to global variable and call process g['stuff'] = ' '.join(line.split()[1:]) # Process the command process(cmd)() # Not re-display if cmd in ['switch', 't', 'rt', 'rep']: g['prefix'] = False else: g['prefix'] = True # Release the semaphore lock c['lock'] = False except EOFError: printNicely('') except Exception: debug_option() printNicely(red('OMG something is wrong with Twitter right now.')) def reconn_notice(): """ Notice when Hangup or Timeout """ guide = light_magenta("You can use ") + \ light_green("switch") + \ light_magenta(" command to return to your stream.\n") guide += light_magenta("Type ") + \ light_green("h stream") + \ light_magenta(" for more details.") printNicely(guide) sys.stdout.write(g['decorated_name'](c['PREFIX'])) sys.stdout.flush() def stream(domain, args, name='Rainbow Stream'): """ Track the stream """ # The Logo art_dict = { c['USER_DOMAIN']: name, c['PUBLIC_DOMAIN']: args.track_keywords, c['SITE_DOMAIN']: name, } if c['ASCII_ART']: ascii_art(art_dict[domain]) # These arguments are optional: stream_args = dict( timeout=0.5, # To check g['stream_stop'] after each 0.5 s block=True, heartbeat_timeout=c['HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT'] * 60) # Track keyword query_args = dict() if args.track_keywords: query_args['track'] = args.track_keywords # Get stream stream = TwitterStream( auth=authen(), domain=domain, **stream_args) try: if domain == c['USER_DOMAIN']: tweet_iter = stream.user(**query_args) elif domain == c['SITE_DOMAIN']: tweet_iter =**query_args) else: if args.track_keywords: tweet_iter = stream.statuses.filter(**query_args) else: tweet_iter = stream.statuses.sample() # Block new stream until other one exits StreamLock.acquire() g['stream_stop'] = False for tweet in tweet_iter: if tweet is None: printNicely("-- None --") elif tweet is Timeout: # Because the stream check for each 0.3s # so we shouldn't output anything here if(g['stream_stop']): StreamLock.release() break elif tweet is HeartbeatTimeout: printNicely("-- Heartbeat Timeout --") reconn_notice() StreamLock.release() break elif tweet is Hangup: printNicely("-- Hangup --") reconn_notice() StreamLock.release() break elif tweet.get('text'): # Check the semaphore pause and lock (stream process only) if g['pause']: continue while c['lock']: time.sleep(0.5) # Draw the tweet draw( t=tweet, keyword=args.track_keywords, humanize=False, fil=args.filter, ig=args.ignore, ) # Current readline buffer current_buffer = readline.get_line_buffer().strip() # There is an unexpected behaviour in MacOSX readline + Python 2: # after completely delete a word after typing it, # somehow readline buffer still contains # the 1st character of that word if current_buffer and g['cmd'] != current_buffer: sys.stdout.write( g['decorated_name'](c['PREFIX']) + str2u(current_buffer)) sys.stdout.flush() elif not c['HIDE_PROMPT']: sys.stdout.write(g['decorated_name'](c['PREFIX'])) sys.stdout.flush() elif tweet.get('direct_message'): # Check the semaphore pause and lock (stream process only) if g['pause']: continue while c['lock']: time.sleep(0.5) print_message(tweet['direct_message']) elif tweet.get('event'): c['events'].append(tweet) print_event(tweet) except TwitterHTTPError: printNicely('') printNicely( magenta("We have maximum connection problem with twitter'stream API right now :(")) def fly(): """ Main function """ # Initial args = parse_arguments() try: init(args) except TwitterHTTPError: printNicely('') printNicely( magenta("We have connection problem with twitter'stream API right now :(")) printNicely(magenta("Let's try again later.")) save_history() sys.exit() # Spawn stream thread th = threading.Thread( target=stream, args=( c['USER_DOMAIN'], args, g['original_name'])) th.daemon = True th.start() # Start listen process time.sleep(0.5) g['reset'] = True g['prefix'] = True listen()